Strong Counterattack

Chapter 147


Zhang Chang and Yu Huiquan are two pretentious masters who are obsessed with career development.

It’s the annual graduation season again, and Zhang Song is routinely invited to give an alumni speech at University A as an honorary graduate. Yu Qizheng was on a business trip for work and had no choice but to miss this rare opportunity.

With the booming development of the food delivery industry, the business scope of their company soon spread throughout City A. Correspondingly, there is the booming development of their fast food restaurants.

They perfectly interpret the ancient truth that moisturizes things silently. Wherever the company's takeout business is involved, there must be advertisements for their restaurants. Before several large companies could react, they secretly seized this market.

Zhang Chan has enough funds, but the biggest problem is the training of service personnel. So after selecting the staff, branches were opened one after another in City A. In just five years, the city has built more than 30 branches and is considering expanding overseas. This is the result of Yu Hezheng taking into account corporate management issues, making careful choices and waiting to wait and see.

To describe it in four words, it would probably be: rich, well worth it.

Of course, the company's profits are equally astonishing. This is the confidence they dare to expand significantly.

The chapters are recited year after year, and the same topic is discussed every year. She looked at the pairs of innocent eyes and adoring faces below, and like every successful person, she generously swayed poisonous chicken soup.

"When doing catering, the most important thing is conscience, and the most important thing is safety. No matter how many times I say this, the secret of my success is that I see the future, not the immediate benefits."

"In this era of rapid development and the pursuit of speed in everything, it is actually very tempting to abandon shame, make quick money, and ignore consumer rights. The fact is that people who have no sense of shame will not survive. are happier. But as a student of University A, I hope you can focus on a higher place. Demand yourself as a new generation of founders of society, not just a capitalist."

"To be honest, the purpose of starting my business was not just to make money. I invested a huge amount of money in the fast food industry and was prepared to suffer losses in recent years. As a result, the market did not let me down. It repaid me. I feel very honored. It’s a kind of luck, and from another perspective, it’s also a necessity.”

"Money is not the most important thing, the most important thing is happiness."

This group of simple children... applauded warmly and regarded them as their example.

Zhang Chang nodded humbly.

Compared to casually asking for 100 million, regretting that she was someone, etc., she is already very low-key and down-to-earth.

And she was actually right.

"With my meager experience, I would like to give a suggestion to students who want to start a business. The corporate purpose of the service industry can be centered around people's livelihood issues. What is the catering industry most concerned about? It is food safety. This is an undoubted issue. .Okay, in that case, I will do this to the extreme to show you."

The main focus of Zhangsong Restaurant is not price or taste, but safety.

There are no amazing dishes in her fast food restaurant, only a lot of folk snacks, and ordinary noodles and rice. But her kitchen environment is almost completely open to the public, and rules are strictly followed in all aspects.

Zhang Chan: "The end of the industry's development will inevitably not bypass the Internet. You can consider how to connect the Internet with your own business at the lowest cost. The idea I thought of at the time, everyone should know by now, is to improve the kitchen. Public broadcast.”

The store of her fast food restaurant is not large, but it has a large kitchen and many employees. Its main business is takeout.

There are three live broadcast cameras in the kitchen, and each chef takes turns to be responsible for the live broadcast.

You can also say nothing, and you are not required to interact with the audience. You just need to cook as usual. The purpose is to let the audience know that the ingredients used in the stir-fry in the store are fresh and safe. All fish and seafood are from live animals.

After cooking, the takeout order number is directly posted on the bowl, which perfectly eliminates everyone's worries about the quality of the ingredients, and people waiting for the takeout feel more hopeful.

At least three times a day, the entire kitchen should be visible to the audience. So the kitchen must be kept hygienic at all times.

The ingredients are expensive. That’s what the company pays, so the chef is naturally happy. As for cleaning, once you develop a habit, it becomes easy.

That vibe is contagious. Sometimes when they see something dirty, the chefs themselves will curse.

Netizens also joked that one of the requirements for Zhangsong to recruit chefs is that they must have mysophobia. How can this kind of chef alliance not make people feel reassured

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Not to mention, her shop is really the perfect place for a germaphobe chef. After it became popular, it attracted many similar people.

As for live streaming, young chefs are very enthusiastic about it. Because although the live broadcast account belongs to the company, the income from live broadcast rewards belongs to the live broadcast chef personally. The account comes with millions of fans and the income is astonishing. Later, everyone became addicted to live broadcasting and liked to chat with the audience.

Many people involved in the drama said: You have no idea how talented netizens really are. It was such a joy to chat with them!

Netizens will also pay to instigate them to cook dishes that are not on the menu, and then broadcast them live.

Some chefs are actually newbies who fail repeatedly.

Watching chefs make mistakes online has become a routine program in their store's live broadcast room.

All kinds of weird ideas have turned her shop into an alternative internet celebrity restaurant.

Many netizens began to joke, saying that when Zhangsong cultivates a few big Internet celebrities, employees will probably switch jobs to become Internet celebrities.

Zhang Song shook his hand and said to everyone: "The Internet celebrity chef left my company and was just a chef, but when the chef joined my company, he could become an Internet celebrity. This is actually one of the capitals of our company. It perfectly reflects Understand the importance of goodwill.”

There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying this.

The level of chefs in her store is not top-notch at all. If she goes to other stores, her income is estimated to be one-third of what she does here.

Don't talk about leaving, it's okay if you just want to hang on.

Countless people on the Internet cried and asked her to open the store next to their home. There is a restaurant of hers nearby, and it has become a matter of pride.

Zhang Song said with a smile: "I don't know if the road to success can be replicated, but I hope everyone can become a winner in life as soon as possible."

After she finished speaking, due to time issues, she went out through the side door and left first.

There were media outside who heard the news and stopped her immediately.

Her bizarre life experience and outstanding achievements are undoubtedly the biggest highlights. As an upstart in the industry that has attracted much attention in the past two years, people who eat melons are generally curious about her daily life.

But she is too low-key and hardly accepts any media interviews. You can only rely on luck to create topics.

The reporter asked: "Hello, have you had any contact with your parents recently?"

Zhang Song smiled and didn't answer.

"Your sister once promised that she would surpass you, but now due to investment failure, the company has lost more than 300 million, causing dissatisfaction among investors. What do you think?"

Zhang Chan said: "The industry is different, and I don't know their company's operations. But for young people, it is normal to encounter some setbacks when getting started."

"From the current point of view, your younger brother and sister don't seem to be good at company management. They have made a fatal problem this time. Mr. Yu has also been criticized by the board of directors. Is he willing to ask you to help in his company now? ?I heard that Yu's management is more interested in you."

Zhang Chan said: "I also have my own career."

"But in terms of scale, your business is far inferior to Yu's"

Zhang Song smiled and said: "But in terms of age, I am younger than Mr. Yu. The Yu family is the hard work of several generations, and my reconciliation with Yu has just started, and I need everyone's support."

The reporter caught the important point and asked in a flurry of words: "Do you also call Mr. Yu Mr. Yu? Don't you call him daddy? Is it true that there is discord between the two of you?"

Zhang Song pouted: "There is no discord."

Reporter: "Then will you go back to the company to help?"

"My life is pretty good now. I don't have that kind of ambition, and I don't want to ask for trouble." Zhang Song smiled and asked, "I would rather create a myth named after me. Or do you think I'm not good enough?"

The reporter paused, then the previous attack turned into a rainbow fart shot: "I think you are already creating it."

Chapter chant: "Thank you."

The reporter sighed.

Oh, I really can’t be angry with her. A capable person is respected.

The reporter did not forget his duties and continued to ask: "Is the reason why you still have the surname Zhang because you are unwilling to forgive your parents? So are the original rumors true?"

Zhang Song stopped in front of his car and replied: "It's because of habit. There is nothing that can make people change their habits. I choose to follow my desires."

Reporter: "So... what do you think about the recent scandal about your brother?"

Zhang Shun let them go, but they didn't seem to let him go, and always regarded Zhang Shun as their strong enemy.

This is really a ridiculous thing, because it is a completely unilateral declaration of war. The difference in magnitude between the two is so great that even when the children stand on their parents' shoulders and read the chapter, they are still pitifully shorter.

Although Zhang Shu did not publicize the original rumor, insiders who wanted to know could still get the truth from various channels. Subsequently, the media actually deduced an inseparable truth based on those fragments of speculation.

The four of them spent a very difficult time pointing fingers. At the end of adolescence, this environment has a certain impact on their characters.

From then on, all shortcomings were magnified, success and dedication were easily denied, and even academic failure was ridiculed by good students.

How could a winner in life who grew up as the emperor's favored son endure such a blow? They become blind to their own superiority and care more about the success of the chapter.

However, as various gossips spread, the titles above their heads gradually changed from the prince and princess of the Zhao family and the Yu family group to Zhang Song's incompetent younger brother/sister. It can't be shaken off, and it seems to be expanding.

This is simply a devastating blow.

When will this kind of day end? They put the blame on Zhang Chang's head.

Five years later, the older two children finally graduated from college. They began to enter the company and officially take over the business.

Everyone in the company will inevitably compare them with Zhang Chan.

The less convinced they are, the more likely they are to make mistakes, the more they are looked down upon, the more they want to prove themselves. This vicious cycle turns them into self-willed "violators" who do not listen to advice.

Originally, guarding this country would not expose so many problems. But they just couldn't get along with themselves. They tried to innovate or transform, but in the end they shot themselves in the foot and fell into the hole they dug.

Hundreds of millions have been spent on a new project, but no results have been seen, and the host is a young boy. Who dares to believe it

The two families have almost become a "joke" in the industry.

You said that back then, you picked up a daughter who cultivated herself into an elite, and a son who was also a leader in the industry. As a result, the relationship was almost severed due to unfair treatment. The child who has devoted all his efforts to cultivate has turned out to be like this. It is really the most failed investment.

Reporter: "Have you seen the news about your brother beating his employees? He seems to be in a bad situation recently."

This matter was almost unknown to the people in the industry, and Zhang Song was privately happy for a while.

The secretary who had a conflict with him was his college classmate. This time he was completely fooled. The secretary was a drama queen. But who can blame this? It's the wolf he recruited into the den because he didn't know how to recognize people.

Zhang Chan said seriously: "Well, I hope he can figure it out soon."

Reporter: "What do you want to understand?"

"He still has a long life." If he has to deal with himself, there are many more unfortunate things.

The reporter thought she would say some words of encouragement, but instead heard Zhang chant: "Failure is something you cannot get used to."

Zhang Song closed the car door, turned around and left calmly.

Mr. Yu had mixed feelings when he read the magazine reports about Zhang Shu and Yu Qizheng developing new businesses in the surrounding area.

He also knows that from the current point of view, his two children are not able to take over the company's business, and there are simply a lot of problems. I don’t know how long it will take to practice, maybe it will never work.

A few years ago, he suddenly had the idea of inviting Zhang Chan to the company, and this feeling became stronger and stronger as time went by. But compared with Zhang Song's ruthlessness back then, he felt very humiliated.

It is impossible to give in to weakness, and his dignity will never allow it in this life.

He also didn't expect that Zhang Shun would be able to get to where he is today without his own help.

He couldn't read the dense words, so he flipped back and saw the picture on the next page of Zhang Chan and Yu Xi holding hands.

The four words "Good things are coming soon" are also marked clearly below.

Mr. Yu waved his hand as if it was burned, knocking over the furnishings on the table. He was dumbfounded, looking at the figure above, and kept saying "fuck" in his heart.

Was he the last to know? It's just... what a joke!

He immediately took the mobile phone on the table and dialed the number that he had hesitated for a long time but never dialed.

"Chapter recitation!"

His tone was urgent and he couldn't wait to ask his question.

After he finished speaking, his heated mind gradually calmed down, and a trace of confusion flashed across his face.

Zhang Song said calmly: "Yes. If you need it, I welcome you to attend."

"Of course I will go!"

Mr. Yu fell into awkward silence. In the end, I felt that I really had no position, and I still couldn't speak out my objections and questions.

He said in a low voice: "What gifts do you want?"

"If we want to say what we want most in this world..." Zhang Song muttered, "it should be family."

Something that everyone else has that they don’t have.

What you could have given, but did not give.

Something that has nothing to do with any interests.

There was no emotion in Zhang Song's voice: "I was still thinking about notifying you. It really doesn't make sense without elders. And if we are seen by reporters again, both I and you will look bad. Well... If you can come, then Very good."

Mr. Yu was completely stunned, and he raised his hand to cover his forehead.

It was difficult for him to describe how he felt when he heard this sentence. The moment of hesitation completely subverted his previous understanding for a long time.

For a person like Zhang Song, who has a long-term vision, he chose to play a profit-seeking role in front of them, smashed that "family" with his own hands, and kept a decisive distance from the family members who could obviously bring her huge benefits. After all, what was it to them? Punishment, or punishment for yourself

Is it harder for her to let go than for herself after so many years


It's just a wounded man pretending to be cold, and he happened to run into a pair of fools who didn't realize it.

Mr. Yu said with a sore nose: "I'm sorry."

Zhang Song was silent for a long time. The two held up their mobile phones to listen to each other's breathing.


These two words gave Mr. Yu the final blow. Tears suddenly burst into his eyes and he couldn't hold them back.

"No… "

He wiped his face and spoke again, only to find that the phone on the other end had been hung up.

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