Strongest Abandoned Son

Chapter 100: The last message


Ning Qingxue nodded, "Sometimes many ideas pop up inadvertently, just like when I came to Liushen this time. WWw.QUanbEn-xIAoShUo.COm I know it's dangerous here, but I always imagine that I can Nothing would happen if I met Ye Mo. In the past, I would definitely not have done this kind of thing. But now, I can't help it. I don't know if I care about him, but I can't explain the feeling. "

After hearing Ning Qingxue's words, Chi Wanqing said even more strangely: "Qingxue, didn't you fake a marriage with Brother Ye and let Brother Ye act as your protector... and then get divorced?" As Chi Wanqing watched, Come on, it's very strange for Ning Qingxue to come to Liushe to find Ye Mo, and now she wants to go to the desert. Isn't she really using Brother Ye as a shield? Judging from her performance, why does she seem to be in love with Brother Ye

Ning Qingxue shook her head bitterly and remained silent for a while before saying: "I don't know why, I just have a feeling that now I can still get some news about him from others. Once his news is cut off, the world is so big." , maybe I will never see him again. I originally thought that Liu She would be the last news about him, but I didn’t expect that I learned from you that he might go to the desert. If the news is really lost, maybe many years later. , I will regret it”

At this point, Ning Qingxue hesitated for a moment, and then continued quietly: "You don't know me. If it were a few months ago, I would never have come to this place, let alone the desert. Yes. Sometimes, you yourself are changed, maybe even without realizing it, you will find that some people are destined to be unforgettable.

I used to use him as a shield, but when I understood what he was like, he was already gone, leaving me no chance. I'm sorry, Wan Qing, the reason why I said these words to you is because he must treat you differently. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have even told you about the fake marriage. Sometimes I really envy you. He would never say these words to me, but he told you... "

Chi Wanqing looked at Ning Qingxue's expression and suddenly sympathized with her. She should be the same as herself, but a little different. When she discovered how good Brother Ye was, Brother Ye had already left her. But I was different. When I first came into contact with Brother Ye, I discovered the excellence of this man. Last time I heard Brother Ye's tone, it seemed that he had no intention of marrying Qingxue.

No intention of marrying Qingxue? Chi Wanqing blushed, thinking of herself. But she shook her head in a blink of an eye. Her thoughts were the same as Ning Qingxue's. If she hadn't come to Ye Mo herself, he would never have gone to her again. That is to say, Ye Mo's attitude towards her is the same as his attitude towards Ning Qingxue. Neither of them remains in his heart. Does he have a sweetheart

Chi Wanqing suddenly wanted to see what kind of person Ye Mo liked. Considering that she and Ning Qingxue were such outstanding women, he didn't pay attention to them. What kind of person did he like

Chi Wanqing stopped herself from thinking any more, but looked up at Ning Qingxue and said, "Qingxue, it's too dangerous for you to go to the desert alone, and the Taklimakan Desert is simply the "Sea of Death" and is more dangerous than Liu She doesn't know. How many times more. In Liushe, you may still be able to meet Fang Nan, but in the Taklimakan Desert, you will only encounter sandstorms and scorching sun, which is basically a near-death situation. "

Ning Qingxue shook her head, "I know it's dangerous in the Taklimakan Desert, but do you know that not long ago I was seriously injured and on the verge of death? Death has already happened to me once, but I really want to ask him , am I so bad? Is it so difficult to meet me? As long as he tells me not to pester him again, I will leave immediately. He gave me my life, so it’s okay to give it to him... "

Ning Qingxue's tone became more and more sad as she spoke, and she finally felt lost.

Chi Wanqing looked at Ning Qingxue with some sympathy, sighed and said: "Qingxue, you are angry. Do you want to show your anger to Brother Ye? He can't see it at all. Why does Brother Ye want your life? ? My life was saved by him, should I give it to him? Besides, it’s definitely not that Brother Ye doesn’t want to see you, maybe he really has something to do, maybe, maybe he doesn’t even think that you want to see him..."

Ning Qingxue didn't say anything. She had made up her mind. Whether she was angry or betting on her life, she still couldn't calm down without seeing Ye Mo. And she thought her feeling was right. Maybe this was Ye Mo's last news. If she wasn't sure, she might never see him again. ,

Even if Fei was wandering outside the Taklimakan Desert, she would have to wait and see.

Seeing that Ning Qingxue remained silent, Chi Wanqing already knew that Ning Qingxue had really made up her mind.

She suddenly thought of what Ning Qingxue said. Maybe this was the last news for Ye Mo. Once he came out of the Taklimakan Desert, who knew where he would go next? The world is so big, who can find him

Thinking of this, Chi Wanqing suddenly said: "Qingxue, how about I go with you? I have more experience in the desert than you, and I have been in the army for several years. Carla Perotti is also a woman. She can hike across the Taklimakan Desert, and we should be able to, too." But both Chi Wanqing and Ning Qingxue ignored one issue. Kara Perotti was hiking through the desert, and she could find the safest and shortest route. , and she also has a backup support team. But they had to go to a specific place to find Ye Mo.

These are basically two concepts, just like there are tourist attractions in the Lamakan Desert in Tadong. They are specific places and accidents will not happen at all. But the origin of the name "Sea of Death" in the Taklimakan Desert cannot be replaced by those scenic spots.

"Are you going to Taklimakan too?" The moment Ning Qingxue learned that Chi Wanqing was looking for Ye Mo, she knew that Chi Wanqing must be somewhat different about Ye Mo. But I didn't expect that she would also go to the Taklimakan Desert.

Chi Wanqing nodded firmly and said: "But before we go, let's go to Luocang first. I have a company in Luocang. Let's go and prepare. Going to the desert is no different than other places. Tools and medicines are not required at all. Bring everything."

Fang Nan watched the two aunts leave, and then secretly breathed a sigh of relief. When two such women came to Liushe, didn't this frighten him? If something happened, how would he explain it to Brother Ye

However, although Chi Wanqing and Ning Qingxue left, the matter was not over. Because Fang Nan had offended the "Hedgehog", he had to explain to the "Amphibious Gang", otherwise they would be in a bad mood, and Fang Nan would not be able to continue to hang out here. Others don't know how powerful the "Amphibious Gang" is, but he, Fang Nan, knows everything Chu.

"Amphibious Gang," a subordinate force of "Nanqing," a gang of "Land Merchants" that hung out near Gaoping ten years ago, did not even accept an apology or compensation afterward because its members were not like birds. In the end, they were wiped out by "Nanqing" overnight. No one in the border gangs knew about this, so the bosses of these border gangs tried not to offend the people of the "Amphibious Gang".

Now Fang Nan had offended Shi Wei. Although Shi Wei was just a member of the "Amphibious Gang," he was still a member of the "Amphibious Gang." If someone blamed him, he would be prepared to compensate.

And if others don't accept it, he has to be prepared to fight hard. However, Fang Nan knew that the "Amphibious Gang" would definitely not refuse to accept compensation for this matter. It would only make him feel a little distressed at most. He was still confident that he would not really come to destroy the gang.

These transformations were given by Ye Mo. Without Ye Mo, he would never have been able to take Liu She back from the hands of the "Vietnam Gang" and the "Philippine Gang". Moreover, he was also in awe of Ye Mo and felt that Ye Mo was an extraordinary person. So two women came to help him get into all this trouble, and he didn't regret it.

Compared with Fang Nan's troubles and Chi Ning's search for the two women, Ye Mo's current small clinic has gained a little fame, at least in the community near the clinic.

The day after he rescued Cancan, the child's parents came to Ye Mo's shop again to thank him.

And they took out 10,000 yuan because Ye Mo saved their child.

Ye Mo did not accept the money, but instead gave 30,000 yuan to the child's parents. The reason is very simple, he just wants to ask this family to help him apply for various documents.

The child's father is Zhang Bo, who works at the District Taxation Bureau in Luocang. He is a local and works in the tax department to handle these things, so there should be no problem. Moreover, Ye Mo felt that he could do it without showing up. As for medical qualifications and merchant registration, he asked Yu Erhu to follow Zhang Bo.

To put it bluntly, there are many things that can be done as long as you have money. As for whether Yu Erhu really has this ability, no one has tried to find out.

With Mrs. Zhang's enthusiastic help, Ye Mo's small clinic actually took all the documents in just a dozen days.

Moreover, although Ye Mo's small clinic has only been open for more than ten days, it has a good reputation. This is inseparable from Yu Erhu's ability and Mr. Zhang's publicity. ,

The small clinic was called "Rejuvenation Clinic." After getting all the documents, Ye Mo basically ignored everything and just cultivated the soil in the small yard every day, preparing to plant "Silver Heart Grass". All the affairs of the clinic were handed over to Yu Erhu.

Fortunately, Yu Erhu had experience in practicing medicine, and Ye Mo often gave him guidance.

The people who see the doctor in the clinic are all suffering from headaches, fever, or minor injuries, but there are no real serious illnesses, so Yu Erhu can cope with it.

Ye Mo gave 20,000 yuan of the remaining 40,000 yuan to Erhu to buy some herbs, and the other 20,000 yuan he planned to buy some necessary tools for going to the desert.

The small clinic didn't make any money at all, but Ye Mo didn't care. His purpose was to grow "Silver Heart Grass" and the rest was secondary. It's better to make money, but it's okay not to make money.

The herbs bought by Yu Erhu were boiled into decoctions or pills by Ye Mo. They were packed in porcelain bottles and told Erhu the specific applications. Ye Mo has never been secretive about medical matters. As long as he can teach it, he will teach it to Erhu. He even taught a set of boxing techniques and a set of Qigong mental techniques to Yu Erhu.

Although Yu Erhu is a bit naive, he is very smart and he can learn a lot. ! .