Strongest Abandoned Son

Chapter 130: The conspiracy of Dongfangxi


People say that the early bird catches the ticket... Well, no, the early bird catches the ticket... So Lao Wu sent it out early and asked for monthly tickets. WWw!QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO!cOM


"Actually, now Ye Mo is not welcomed by the Ye family at all. We know this. When we dealt with the Ye family, we just used Ye Mo as an excuse. The life and death of the Ye family actually had no impact on Ye Mo. We dealt with the Ye family We just want to get the benefits from the Song family. Now we have no need to offend the Song family and instead make peace with the Ye family," Dongfang Qi said confidently.

"Then what should we do? Ye Mo and I have a murderous grudge. No matter how powerful he is, I will kill him. If I don't kill Ye Mo, I won't be able to sleep or eat well." Thousand-headed tycoons are used to it, although he has seen Ye Mo Mo was already ridiculously powerful, but it was absolutely impossible to get him to give up his hatred of killing his son.

Dongfang Qi said calmly: "Of course we won't let Ye Mo go, but since the Song family wants to use us as sticks, we don't want to use them as sticks. Ye Mo's ability is indeed beyond us. It was unexpected, but now the Song family didn't know that in their eyes, Ye Mo was still the same as before.

If we arrange a conflict between Ye Mo and the Song family, and then add fuel and jealousy in the middle, we will make the conflict even bigger. Even reaching the bottom line of Ye Mo's tolerance, once Ye Mo is angered, with Ye Mo's decisive character, he will definitely go to the Song family to cause a scene. "

Qian Longtou frowned, "Even if Ye Mo goes to the Song family and makes a big fuss, the Song family won't be able to keep him. With his ability, he should be able to escape."

"Brother, you are wrong to think this way. On the surface, the Song family seems not as famous as our Nanqing family, but brother, don't underestimate the five major families in China. None of these families are fuel-efficient. In their family There are always some hidden masters who will not come out until the family is in crisis. And Ye Mo's character is decisive and decisive. Once he is angered, he and the Song family can fight to the death. "

Speaking of which, Dongfang Qi took out a pair of Go and put a few white stones on the table, and continued: "Once Ye Mo and the Song family start fighting, the state machinery will definitely be on the side of the Song family. It can be said that Ye Mo will only be surrounded and beaten. At this time, we must encourage the Ye family to surround and kill Ye Mo. In the end, even if he escapes from the siege of the Song family and the Ye family, he will be wanted by the country." Finally, I added another one on top of the white stone.

Qian Longtou couldn't help but said: "Although Ye Mo was kicked out of the house by the Ye family, it should be impossible for the Ye family to surround and kill Ye Mo."

Dongfang Qi said with certainty: "I'm sure that the Ye family will definitely agree. This time the Ye family also fell into the trap and was forced to fight with our Nanqing. The Song family used a conspiracy. If our Nanqing's attitude As long as you lower your standards and even compensate the Ye family for their losses, the Ye family will never come to Nanqing for an abandoned son."

Langji seemed to understand a little, and said at this time: "If Ye Mo escapes, what if we can't kill him? Besides, with Ye Mo's ability, even if he is surrounded and killed, it doesn't seem very easy to escape. Disaster."

Langji had seen Ye Mo's abilities, and he believed that his statement was not an exaggeration at all. Ye Mo was indeed capable of escaping.

At this time, Dongfang Qi covered Bai Zi in all directions and said: "Look, now this is a government pursuit. This is the Ye family and the Song family. Even our Nanqing people are secretly chasing him. The only way he can escape is The place is right here.”

After finishing speaking, Dongfang Qi pointed to an opening and said, "He can't fly. The only way he can escape is from the sea. Who else will Nanqing be afraid of in the sea? So, what we want is for him to escape. In this way, with Ye Mo's skills, after fighting with the Song family, not only caused heavy losses to the Song family, but also allowed us to avenge ourselves for being exploited, and Ye Mo would also be surrounded and suppressed by us in the sea.

I don't believe it anymore. We have a mercenary army in Nanqing. With so many arms, we can't even leave a single Ye Mo behind. Even if he becomes invisible again, he can't hide himself from guns and bullets. No matter how powerful his fireball is, can it be more powerful than a rocket launcher? "

After speaking, Dongfang Qi took out a sunspot and placed it in the gap. However, he once again took out several sunspots to block the black ones in front of him, and said with a smile: "This is called black eating black."

"Okay." Qian Longtou slapped the table and immediately cheered. His frown also relaxed a little, but he immediately asked again: "But how can we make the Song family anger Ye Mo?",

Dongfang Qi frowned, and after a while he said: "It is best to capture and kill one of his close people, or kidnap him and lure him into his trap. What the Song family used against us and the Ye family is Yang Mou, we will use conspiracy to pay it back today. Are we Nanqing so easy to use? "

Qian Longtou laughed loudly: "Okay, it will take Brother Dongfang's method to relieve my hatred. Huh, Song family, what's the deal?"

"But this Ye Mo has been kicked out by the Ye family, who is the person closest to him?" Lang Ji helped everyone ask this question. Dongfang Qi suddenly smiled, "This person is easy to find, it's Ning Qingxue. In order to use Ye Mo as a shield, Ning Qingxue had a fake marriage with him, but I'm sure this fake marriage has become half fake and half real. What happened to Ye Mo? I don't know how, but from the information we learned, we know that Ning Qingxue did not go for divorce afterwards, which means that she probably really fell in love with Ye Mo.

Although I don't fully understand Ye Mo's character, I do know a few things. If he learns that Ning Qingxue was killed by the Song family, or taken away by a playboy of the Song family, do you think he will be angry? Three feet. at this time,

Let's add some spice to it. It would be best to get some photos or other things into Ye Mo's hands to make him convinced that the Song family did it. As long as this step is reached, things will be done. "

Li Sandao looked at Dongfang Qi, who was talking eloquently, and suddenly felt a chill behind his back. This guy had taken other people's personalities into consideration, and even made several attempts to surround Ye Mo. In the end, he just wanted to marry Nan Qing. Yi's plan comes. He's so sinister and scary.

"Lang Ji, you immediately send someone to investigate Ning Qingxue's whereabouts and follow what Dongfang Qi said. Ye Mo is in Luocang now, and then find a way to send the news to Ye Mo in Luocang." Qian Longtou Just be decisive and do it immediately.

"Yes." Although Lang Ji lost one of his hands, his kung fu was still there. Compared to Wu Qiang, he was valued more by Qian Longtou.

Of course Ning Qingxue didn't know these things. She was currently staying with Chi Wanqing in Chi Wanqing's company in Luocang. Although she couldn't be with Ye Mo, she had a good chat with Chi Wanqing, even more than Li Mumei could say.

Because the two women had a common topic, Ye Mo, they even shared every bit of their time with Ye Mo.

Perhaps because she missed him too much, Ning Qingxue even told Chi Wanqing about taking photos with Ye Mo in her pajamas, or about Ye Mo looking at her body while she was sleeping. It seemed that after saying this, she could feel that Ye Mo had not actually left her, but was by her side.

Of course, Chi Wanqing didn't hide the fact that she even took off her pants in front of Ye Mo. Unexpectedly, because of these gossipy trivial matters, the two women became more and more interested in each other, and even slept together at night. Ning Qingxue wanted to leave Luocang several times, but she didn't dare to leave Luocang. It seemed that as soon as she left, the slightest connection between her and Ye Mo would be completely severed.

And this connection is only Chi Wanqing, who also knows Ye Mo. Sometimes she feels that her thoughts are strange, but she has no way to control her thoughts.

Ning Qingxue was in Luocang, and of course Ye Mo didn't know. Ning Qingxue also didn't know that Ye Mo was in Luocang. If she had known, maybe she and Chi Wanqing would have come here long ago.

Although they didn't know each other, they couldn't hide it from Nanqing's people. Even though Luocang was Tiejiang's territory, it was not difficult for Nanqing to check someone here.

Of course, Langji didn't need to take action himself when dealing with the two women, he just told them. As for how to take action, he only needed to send a few younger brothers there. What's more, these two women still live in the same company, which is almost not difficult for them.

Chi Wanqing's company is not in the suburbs, but she still has a factory in the suburbs. However, she and Ning Qingxue did not live in the factory, but in the company. The property rights of the commercial building where the company is located are in her mother's name, but now that Chi Wanqing's mother helped her open the company, the commercial building actually belongs to Chi Wanqing.

The five people sent out by Langji were considered to be quite skilled in Nanqing. They had no intention of going upstairs to kidnap Ning Qingxue, because after all, there were security guards in Chi Wanqing's business building, and they might be discovered if they went in.

Their plan was to wait outside the business building until the two of them came back from dinner in the evening, and then kidnap the two of them in one fell swoop. As for Chi Wanqing, although she is not among the targets, since she has kidnapped Ning Qingxue, Chi Wanqing cannot let her go alone.

Of course, Ye Mo didn't know Qian Longtou's plan. After moving to his new residence, Ye Mo transplanted the seeds of Silver Heart Grass because after all these things were prepared, he planned to go to Yanjing.

Before going there, he specifically asked Lu Xiaozhen and Yu Erhu to set up an online clinic. After all, selling magic weapons is always not safe. If he wants to practice in the future, he will definitely need a lot of money. He must have a regular way to make money. Otherwise, he will always go out to make small money, which is not good for practice.

Ye Mo's plan is that when he comes back from Yanjing, he will go directly to find Qian Longtou. Qian Longtou must be killed. But going to Qian Longtou involves leaving the country, and if he wants to leave the country now, he can only go to Li Hu to see if he can help him.

(Get up early and ask for monthly tickets!)

... ... (To be continued) [This text is provided by Qihang Ghost. Take it with you]