Strongest Abandoned Son

Chapter 135: The number one master of Qianlongtou


Soon a communications soldier ran in and said eagerly: "Reporting to the teacher, the Eastern Military Division has left by helicopter a few minutes ago. As for where it is going, it is still unclear. www.QUAbEn-XIAoShUo.cOm"

"What?" Qianlong's face turned livid with anger. He didn't expect Dongfang Xi to dare to escape. "More than 90% of Nan Qing's strategies came from him, and he knew Nan Qing thoroughly. This Dongfang Xi is simply quite capable." Yu Nanqing's second leader actually escaped.

Qian Longtou's expression changed, but he finally calmed down. He knew Dongfang Xi's ingenuity all too well. The fact that he can betray himself and run away shows that he no longer thinks highly of himself. Why doesn't he think highly of him? He still has two thousand mercenaries. Could it be that he can't even deal with a mere Ye Mo

However, Qian Longtou was still rational. He immediately thought that Dongfang Qi's strategies were rarely unsuccessful, and even most of his opinions were correct. Is it impossible for me to leave too? But Dongfang Xi can escape, where will Qian Longtou go? Where is the safer place for Qian Longtou than Senna

Suddenly he felt that his wrist was not strong enough, and there were too many loopholes below. If the helicopter had to pass through him, Dongfang Xi's escape would be impossible. Moreover, he also found that several of his confidants did not need to be reported by the guards when they came in and out. They could come in whenever they wanted. This was also a loophole.

Dongfang Xi was his military advisor, so it was impossible for him not to know about these loopholes, but he had never reminded him, indicating that he had already had this temporary escape plan.

"Well, Dongfang Qi, I will search all over the world to catch you." Qian Long slapped his head on the table and said through gritted teeth.

"I want to see how many heads and arms this Ye Mo has. He dares to force Dongfang Qidu to carry me away. Come here, check the content of the phone call just now. I must catch this Ye Mo and let him He knows that I, Qian Baihe, am not old yet." Qian Longtou roared again without feeling the pain in his palm.

"No need to arrest me, I'm already here." Ye Mo's faint voice sounded at the door of the conference hall.

Qian Longtou's voice stopped suddenly. He looked at the door of the conference hall in horror. His guards came one after another. How could Ye Mo come under his eyes without making a sound

He soon saw Langji, and his face suddenly turned livid again, "Langji, you wolf-hearted thing, you actually betrayed me, I'm going to kill you, you beast."

After saying that, Qian Longtou was about to get the gun, but he was even more horrified to find that his wrist could no longer move. A bit of scarlet was slowly spreading, and he didn't even feel pain. Iron nails? The legendary iron nail.

Wolf Ji was silent.

Qian Longtou saw that his wrist had been nailed by an iron nail, and his heart went cold. He knew that he was finished today. He did not expect that Ye Mo was so powerful and could even come to him without him noticing at all. This was too much. A bit outrageous. Even with Langji's help, Langji couldn't bring strangers into his territory. Could it be that his invisibility is real

Qian Longtou had completely calmed down. He slowly looked at Lang Ji and then at Wu Qiang. He knew that if he wanted to save his life, the only possibility was for Wu Qiang to hold Ye Mo back. It would be best to persuade Lang Ji. Ji can also turn against the water again.

But a young man in his twenties hurried over, not even paying attention to Qian Longtou, because he was Langji's confidant and the person who was brought in after Langji joined Nanqing. He handed a letter to Lang Ji and said eagerly: "When Dongfang Military Advisor is leaving, let me give this to you, saying it will be life-saving for you."

Lang Ji immediately opened the letter, and there was only a scrawled line in it, "You were besieged in Macau back then, and it was Qian Longtou who planned it."

Lang Ji's expression immediately changed. He did not expect that Qian Longtou, whom he had always been loyal to, would use this method to get him to surrender. The funny thing is that he has been helping Qian Longtou desperately for more than ten years. He, Lang Ji, is simply worse than a pig.

No wonder every time Qian Longtou was asked to take action to kill his opponent, Qian Longtou always said that the time was not right and that he had to seize the opportunity and succeed with one strike. This turned out to be the case. No wonder he met Qian Longtou in Macau when he escaped. ,

This coincidence is not a coincidence at all. Qian Longtou likes gambling, but he will never go to Macau to gamble. The one I met may be the only one.

When he first joined Qianlongtou, "Nanqing was not as big as it is today. It can be said that Nanqing had a huge share of Langji's sweat in it. It is conceivable that Qianlongtou heard about his reputation as Langji in the mainland. , although Lang Ji offended the ruthless character and fled to Macau, he still used tricks to trap Lang Ji.

Langji didn't think about why Qianlongtou's military advisor gave him this reminder, but he didn't have time to think about it now. Instead, he crumpled the paper in his hand and threw it at Qianlongtou, "Qianbaihe, no wonder you You always push back on your revenge, but it turns out you did it yourself. Bah, you even told me that I’m sorry for you, and I’m going to kill you bastard with my own hands today.”

Ye Mo didn't read the letter, but he could tell from Lang Ji's angry expression that Qian Longtou had deceived him. Originally, he wanted to wait until his own affairs were settled before considering whether to come back and kill Langji. Now it seemed that there was no need to rush to kill Langji first, as Langji might be able to be used again.

Seeing Lang Ji rushing towards Qian Longtou, Li Sandao immediately stopped Lang Ji, "Lang Ji, your hand is injured now. You are no match for me. I don't want to do anything to my brother."

"Brother, bah. Qian Baihe actually stabbed me in the back in order to win over me. I thought he really saved me by chance. Li San, are you, like me, deceived by this bastard?" The wolf was extremely angry.

But Li Sandao shook his head, "The Pope is a real life-saving grace to me, and I won't let you do it."

Li Sandao knew very well how Qian Longtou treated him. When he was living on the streets, if Qian Longtou hadn't taken him away, he would have even starved to death. He vowed to remain loyal to the Holy See for the rest of his life. It's just that his personality is a bit dull and he can't handle many things. Although he is Qian Longtou's first confidant, he can only help Qian Longtou lead the army. But the mercenaries don't need him to have Dongfang Xi's IQ.

Ye Mo watched Lang Ji and Li San fight directly in the hall, and they were evenly matched. It seemed that Li San was also a good character.

Wu Qiang rolled his eyes. He would not be loyal to Qian Longtou, but facing Ye Mo, he had to give it a try. He would have to fight to know whether he was his opponent.

Although he felt that he was not a match for Taoist Xian, he was not far behind. After all, he was only in his thirties, and the Ye Mo in front of him looked much younger than him. He didn't believe that others had the opportunity he had. Wu Qiang met an expert in Miao territory when he was ten years old. He has been studying martial arts for twenty-six years now. And he works hard every day and is never distracted by other things. He likes women very much, but in order to learn martial arts, he can even stop sleeping with women for three years.

He didn't believe that Ye Mo, a young man in his twenties, could be his opponent.

"I am Wu Qiang, although I know you have some good weapons or magic weapons, I still want to try to see if you are really as powerful as the rumors..." Wu Qiang said with a faint smile, but his words had not yet been heard. After saying that, his legs were already kicked out.

Wu Qiang's abilities are all in his legs, but his trump card is not his legs. No one knows his trump card, because everyone who knows his trump card has been killed by him. Although he had several fights with Xian Taoist, because it was a sparring match, he never used his trump card.

The sound of wind caused by Wu Qiang's legs was very regular, or in other words, no one else could even feel it except Ye Mo. But from the moment Wu Qiang took action, Ye Mo knew that Wu Qiang was much more powerful than Langji.

His invisibility would be of no use to an expert like Wu Qiang, because he was only at the third level of Qi training. If he used his Qi after becoming invisible, Wu Qiang would immediately notice it. But without moving his true energy and murderous intention, he becomes invisible and has no attack effect.

Besides, Ye Mo also wanted to try to see how powerful the masters here were, so he kicked out his legs.

Seeing Ye Mo actually kicking him with his legs, Wu Qiang felt excited. You know, even Taoist Xian didn't dare to kick him with his legs when he was competing. This Ye Mo is so reckless that he must kick his legs off. ,

"Bang, bang, bang..." After several hits, Ye Mo only felt a dull pain in his leg bones, but he stood still without moving. This was the first time he met an ordinary person who had trained his legs to such an extent. Musha.

Wu Qiang took a few steps back. Although his leg was not broken, the bone-piercing pain almost made him scream. He looked at Ye Mo in horror. Even though it was just a face-to-face encounter, he kicked out more than twenty times in a row, or more than twenty moves. Ye Mo, who was in front of him, didn't move at all and just kicked him away with his legs.

He never imagined that one day his legs would hurt from being kicked by others. You must know that he has been working hard on his legs for more than 20 years. Even if Ye Mo came out of his mother's womb, he would not be able to make his legs stronger than his.

Under the influence of Ye Mo's true energy, those dull pains had disappeared. Wu Qiang's legs were so powerful, which was beyond Ye Mo's expectation. Ye Mo didn't want to waste any more time, so he drove out an iron nail and killed Wu Qiang first.

"Ding Dong." Almost at the same time as Ye Mo sent out the iron nail, Wu Qiang's cuffs flashed with white light, and the iron nail was actually blocked. But Wu Qiang took a few steps back and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Ye Mo was actually surprised. This was the first time his iron nail was blocked by someone.

(Third update, there are still 15 votes left before the fourth update. I don’t know if I can reach it. But what makes Lao Wu sad is that he was exposed in the process of asking for monthly votes. He just reached seventh place and was exposed again in a few minutes. Exploded to eighth. So sad!)

..... . )