Strongest Invincible Brat

Chapter 614: Supreme Key


Following the ancient demon's order, countless demons searched for the footprints of that thing.

After four days of rummaging, the holy place was almost turned upside down.

"Master, the Supreme Key was not found."

"It's impossible. The Supreme Key carries the power of the Supreme. I can clearly sense that he is here. It's impossible. Where is he?"

"Master, we really didn't find it, but when my subordinates investigated this place, they found that the construction materials here are all hollow."

"Well, then smash all the materials here to me. Don't be afraid of damaging the key. This thing has the power of the Supreme, so it will be no problem." The ancient demon's voice was hollow.

Looking at the dilapidated secret realm, he said, "Dig the ground three feet for me. I must find it."

After he searched the entire ruins, a demon puppet brought him in front of him one by one.

He suddenly understood. Looking at this artifact fragment with the supreme power, Hongmeng Mosta was a little hysterical, "Ancient Venerable, you are playing with me."

"Damn it, Venerable Ancient, chase me, that Yu Ji must be on him, damn."

"Master, chase her there, we have no trace of her anymore."

"He will definitely return to the universe to look for reinforcements. Let me chase him."

Gu Mo's guess was correct, but he guessed wrong again. It was not that Yu Ji was looking for reinforcements, but the reinforcements came directly to Yu Ji. After Yu Ji returned to the universe, she was discovered and found immediately.

When white-robed Qin Xiaotian found out that the Starry Sky Holy Land had been destroyed and that the Ancient Demon's strength had greatly increased, he looked annoyed and asked, "Why didn't your sister find out at the first time?"

"Although the Ancient Demon's strength has increased a lot, in fact he only has one more weapon, and the others have been destroyed by us."

"One more thing, I have a treasure that the ancient demon must obtain, called the Supreme Key. I have used secret methods to warm it for tens of thousands of years, and then I can barely cover up the aura of this artifact. Now if I can't hand it over to the Supreme Key as soon as possible, I suggest you hand over the things to avoid suffering," Yu Ji said helplessly.

Qin Xiaotian in white robe held the key, "You can't hand this thing over casually. Since the ancient demon needs it, that's all the better."

A mysterious smile appeared on the white robe's face.

"By the way, can you teach me the secret method of concealment?"

"Okay." Yu Ji nodded.

Qin Xiaotian in white robe took the key and looked at it carefully several times. He found that the so-called supreme power here did not seem to be very much.

"Is there any specific way to absorb this supreme power?"

"This can't be absorbed, at least temporarily, not by people in this universe."

Baipao was a little helpless, "Okay, let's do this for now."

"I remember that there are strong men from the shape-shifting race in the team. Is there a way to simulate this supreme power?"

"Emperor, this imitation is okay, but we are weak, I am afraid that even one move will not be able to be taken by us."

"As long as you can imitate, don't worry about the rest."

"You do this, this."

After Qin Xiaotian finished his instructions, he took the real supreme key and ran away into the distance.

It is said that the ancient demon led many demon puppets and chased into the universe, but suddenly, the ancient demon asked with some confusion, "How is it possible? How come there are so many key breaths in this universe."

"Master, someone must be up to something."

"Damn it, it must be Qin Xiaotian, this little brat."

The army is now unable to move forward in the universe. The key to the universe that could have been obtained has been delayed like this. This kind of thing makes him a little angry. Why does the world always target me.

Hongmeng Demon Tower was originally one of the thirteen great ancestors of the parasitic race, but because of one incident, the parasitic demon race was almost wiped out.

They accidentally offended the boss of the upper world. When they were almost exterminated, a strong man took action and saved them. Then they took the entire parasitic demon clan as slaves and gave them a task, which was to track down the Supreme Secret. The whereabouts of the key, in order to get a chance to perform in front of the owner. They agreed to this matter without mercy,

In this way, the parasitic demons tracked down several worlds. In the end, they were able to find out the news about the Supreme Key.

The parasitic demons were naturally overjoyed, and they all set out together to descend into this universe.

In order to obtain the Supreme Key, the Thirteen Saint Ancestors fought against many of the strongest emperors in the universe.

But just when they were fighting fiercely, they were almost certain to win.

The Starry Sky Holy Land suddenly intervened and took the things away. In this way, they led many of the strongest emperors to directly suppress and kill the thirteen saint ancestors of the parasitic demon clan.

The Starry Sky Holy Land naturally suffered heavy losses and continued to decline.

The parasitic demon clan has lost its strongest saint ancestor, and there is only one final outcome, which is to be exterminated by other races.

Now, he finally avenged his revenge, but he was still tricked by the Holy Land. He was able to directly avoid his detection, and was even able to escape with the Supreme Key.

"Impossible, how is it possible that there are so many supreme keys? Find them for me. Find them all for me."

"Master, there is a key that is about to escape from this universe. If they successfully pass through the Taixu Gate, they may not be able to catch up."

Hongmeng Demon had no choice but to activate his strongest strength and rush on his way with all his strength.

In the end, the Supreme Key was intercepted just as it was about to escape from the universe.

The Hongmeng Demon looked at the sudden disappearance of the breath, with anger on his face. Who is this, daring to plot against himself.

A large red character appeared in mid-air, "Congratulations to Master Star for successfully crowning the most disabled monk. It seems that you are doing well?"

Horns sprouted from the head of the Hongmeng Demon, and he was so angry that he almost wanted to change into his original form; here he comes.

"Master, it's not good, the breath of the Supreme Key is about to reach the edge again."

The Hongmeng Demon was helpless, even though he knew that he might still be deceived in the end.

But in the end, I still rushed over with all my strength.

"Congratulations to Master Star for being crowned the most beautiful monk in the universe. Good luck."

"Congratulations to Master Star for witnessing eternity and becoming the strongest courier monk."

After playing the Ancient Demon hundreds of times like this, the Hongmeng Demon has become numb.

How disgusting. I knew that it was very unlikely that I would be able to repair the machine when encountering the Supreme Key.

But he still didn't dare to let go of any possibility easily.

After being lied to again, he became angry.

"Damn it, you forced me to launch a full-scale war and destroy all living creatures in this universe."

It looked like he had been driven completely crazy.

Qin Xiaotian, in white robe, played with the key in his hand. He used the method taught to him by Yu Ji to temporarily block the aura of the Supreme, the key.

"Everyone, it's time to wake up and if you don't take action, are you really going to wait until the ancient demon absorbs more resentment and becomes the strongest?"

(End of chapter)