Strongest Invincible Brat

Chapter 641: Hongmeng's innate treasure


Time flies.

Just half a month has passed.

In the past half month, the Kuntong Mountains were calm on the surface, but in reality there was a turbulent undercurrent.

Because half a month ago, there was an extremely terrifying explosion shock wave here.

Therefore, it attracted the attention of a large number of Hongmeng natives, as well as various sects and major forces.

Zichuan Wanjie City.

It is the only exchange city of all realms near the Kuntong Mountains.

The Exchange City of All Realms is a very common city in the highest plane of Hongmeng.

Such monks in the city.

It can be called a mixed bag.

They all come from different universes, different cultivation systems, different races, and different civilizations.

Others were born in the Hongmeng world, representing different forces, sects, and families!

In short, it can be seen as a gathering place for the world.

And all the monks are the strongest in their respective universes!

Also because of the existence of the Exchange City of All Realms.

The Hongmeng world collided with a more brilliant civilization.

At this time, a large number of monks gathered in the city.

Many monks were talking about it.

"Brother, in recent days, more and more powerful people have gathered in Zichuan Wanjie City. Are they all here because of the incident in the Kuntong Mountains? Could it be that some innate spiritual treasure really appeared in the Kuntong Mountains? ?”

A female monk with a delicate and beautiful appearance dressed in white asked a young monk carrying a long sword on his back.

"Junior sister, this is a long story. Do you still remember the horrific explosion half a month ago?" the young swordsman asked.

"Remember, I remember that half a month ago, an extremely strong explosion shock wave suddenly appeared near the Kuntong Mountains. The destructive power caused by this shock wave was almost comparable to that of a sixth-order Hongmeng powerhouse. According to rumors, It is said that there was a fight between the disciples of the Shenquan Sect and the mighty aliens? It was supposed to be for the innate spiritual treasure!"

"That's not the case. In the past few days, someone has spent a lot of money to bribe the disciples of the Shenquan Sect. Only then did they learn the truth of the matter. It was not that some innate spiritual treasure was born, nor that powerful men fought with each other, but that there was a person from the lower world. Monk, he just ascended to Hongmeng!"

The young man said in a mysterious tone.

"What? Isn't it normal for monks from the lower world to ascend? In Hongmeng World, the Three Thousand God Realm, there are countless monks ascending every day. Is it just a rookie who has just ascended? Is it worthy of attracting so much attention?"

The beautiful monk in white clothes said in astonishment.

"Of course, if it's just an ordinary monk from the lower realm who ascends, he won't deserve so many people's attention, but this guy is extraordinary. Do you know that on the first day of his ascension, this guy killed two Hongmeng second-level powerhouses! "

"How could he have such a talent? Such a being is unique among ascended monks. His talent potential is comparable to that of the monster-level Hongmeng bloodline!"

The beautiful monk in white was shocked.

"Listen to me first. I just killed two Hongmeng second-level monks. Although such talent is extremely rare among rookies who have just ascended, it is not that no one can compare with it. The point is that this guy killed After killing the disciples of the Shenquan Sect, he did not escape, and the Shenquan Sect immediately sent a large number of strong men to capture him. Even the fifth-level Hongmeng elder, the Flame Soul Venerable, personally took action, but do you know what happened in the end? "

"What on earth did you say? Senior brother, please stop showing off!" the beautiful monk asked eagerly.

"Ha! The mighty fifth-level powerful man led tens of thousands of disciples of the sect, plus nine fourth-level elders, to capture a rookie who had just ascended. However, the entire army was wiped out. Even Yanhun Laoer himself fell on the spot. A newly ascended rookie He killed a fifth-level powerful pervert, what kind of monster do you think he is?"


The beautiful monk in white was stunned when she heard this!

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. The lower universe has certain limits on the strength of monks. When the strength reaches a certain limit, it can no longer continue to improve, because the low-level universe can no longer accommodate such existences. Only Only by ascending to Hongmeng can you continue to improve. No matter how heaven-defying a monk from the lower realm is, it is absolutely impossible for him to have such power just after ascending!"

The beautiful monk immediately retorted.

"You are right in your guess. This guy did not take action personally. No one knows what level his strength has reached, but he is able to control an army of Zerg, and the number is extremely large. Lord Yanhun and tens of thousands of The disciples of the Shenquan Sect died at the hands of this Zerg army.

However, after investigation by various forces, no one knows where this Zerg army came from. Do you know what this means

Also, Shenquan Sect only lost two disciples of the second level of Hongmeng at the beginning. Why did the entire sect come out with all its elites? Even Venerable Yanhuang, a fifth-level boss, personally took action to deal with a child from the lower realm. Is this necessary? Do you know what secrets are hidden in it? "

The young monk asked two questions in a row.

The beautiful monk in white suddenly fell into deep contemplation.

The reaction of Shenquan Sect is indeed too unusual!

And how could that rookie who had just ascended have so many Zerg soldiers under his command

Don't those who ascend to Hongmeng want to cut off the world inside their bodies


"Brother, could it be that this monk from the lower realm..."

"Yes, you must have guessed that when a monk from the lower realm ascends to Hongmeng, he needs to cut off the inner world, otherwise he will be rejected by the rules of the supreme Hongmeng. If he wants to take the inner world to ascend, unless his inner world level, It is not impossible to reach the level of the highest plane of Hongmeng. Therefore, there is only one answer. This rookie has the Hongmeng innate treasure, and only the Hongmeng innate treasure can circumvent the supreme rules. , let him take the world inside him to ascend to Hongmeng, and bring the Zerg army up with him as if he were cheating!"

As soon as these words came out.

The beautiful monk in white suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Hongmeng’s innate treasure

This is Hongmeng’s innate treasure!

What kind of bad luck did a rookie in the lower world have to get such a magical object

In the Hongmeng world, even ninth-level powers may not be able to possess such artifacts.

How could an ant from the lower world possess a treasure

No wonder so many powerful Hongmeng people gathered here.

"That's not all. According to top-secret news, all the members of the Flame Soul Lord personally led the sect's army to capture a rookie who had just ascended. The reason was that the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Seed was discovered in this rookie. Now you It’s time to understand!”

When the young monk said this, a ray of light suddenly burst out from his eyes.

"The Heaven-Swallowing Divine Seed? Hongmeng's innate treasure? This..."

(End of chapter)