Studio Superstar

Chapter 13


After a performance, the whole place was silent.

It wasn't until five seconds passed that the applause sounded vaguely.

Off the stage, Xue Xiao pinched his right hand with his left hand and his left hand with his right hand, and his back was covered with fine beads of sweat.

how so…

How could it turn out like this

Many actors don't do well in crying scenes. He knew this, but he had never seen anything like this...

Xue Xiao couldn't even find an adjective for a moment.

He looked at Shen Tingyan in a daze, who was always smiling at the instructor's table, and his mind was full of "???".

Why? ?

The screen went up, and Jiang Quan led Zhang Jiaqing out.

Zhang Jiaqing seemed to not feel anything was wrong at all. He looked shy. After standing still, he bowed again facing the instructor's seat and the audience.

Shen Tingyan's eyes fell on his black hair, and a playful voice flowed from the microphone.

So it turns out that Shen Tingyan had been studying Zhang Jiaqing's crying scene performance skills just now, so he looked very interested.

No one could tell whether he was really thinking about it or whether he was pretending to think about it. Anyway, he smiled with interest and said: "In addition, instead of opening your mouth forcefully to create pain in the mandible, , it is better to close your mouth and bite your own tongue. If you are harsher, you may not only make yourself cry, but also trigger physiological retching at the same time. Your hands, teeth, and throat will work together. I think it takes three seconds to shed a tear. Not difficult.”

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Jiaqing froze on the spot.

And Shen Tingyan didn't say anything, Xue Xiao really didn't realize that Zhang Jiaqing was acting in such a tearful way, so no wonder his expression was so distorted. When a person exerts force, his expression will definitely be ferocious!

Surprisingly, Shen Tingyan was the first to speak.

Jiang Quan coughed slightly and said, "Everyone has finished watching the performance. So, how about four instructors commenting?"

After the audience and actors were stunned, they all reacted.

"I have heard of actors using this method to induce tears before, but I have never seen it with my own eyes. I really want to see it."

In the audience, Xue Xiao suddenly realized after listening to Shen Tingyan's words.

He completely froze there and muttered: "I... I won't..."

Shen Tingyan! ! This mouth is indeed yours, Shen Tingyan! ! It’s too much of a loss! !

Su Shijin's mouth twitched: "Teacher Shen, are you serious?"

"You... No," Su Shijin asked sincerely, "How did you come up with the idea of biting your tongue?"

As he spoke, Shen Tingyan raised one hand, rested his elbow on the armrest of the chair, and supported his cheek with his palm.

He smiled stupidly and touched his head: "What's wrong with my head?"

On the stage, Zhang Jiaqing's face couldn't be uglier.

In the audience, Xue Xiao sent out a wave of knowledge with eyes full of doubts among the crowd.

Zhao Dong: Smile, why do you look so admired at this man? !

The man was still wondering.

The slightly cold joking voice echoed throughout the studio.

Shen Ting hasn't finished speaking yet.

He coughed slightly and said: "In this way, today's recording rhythm is tight. In order not to waste time, Zhang Jiaqing can... communicate more with Teacher Shen after he steps down. Let's take a look at the comments of the other three instructors."

Everyone: "?"

He asked a question with great interest: "Does your head hurt?"

For a moment, everyone was confused. They couldn't tell whether this man was serious or joking, but one thing was certain, if they were Zhang Jiaqing, they would have cried by now!

The whole place was in an uproar again.

The man said slowly: "Why not?"

Jiang Lianlian and Zhao Dong were on the left and right of him, both of them lowered their heads and supported their foreheads with their hands.

Beside Shen Tingyan, Feng Wei cleared his throat and took a sip of tea - which he brought with him.

Zhang Jiaqing's face turned green.

The audience was all so embarrassed that they couldn't breathe the air in the studio!

In order to prevent the scene from continuing to be terrifying, the host Jiang Quan subtly controlled the scene.

"So I asked you if your head hurts. If it wasn't very painful, why didn't you just try harder?"

Audience: "..."

He looked at Zhang Jiaqing and smiled slightly: "How about you try it on the spot?"

"Teacher Guan?"

— Damn it, was Zhang Jiaqing just picking his scalp to make him cry

The whole place was in an uproar.

Zhang Jiaqing: "?"

Shen Tingyan's question made Zhang Jiaqing confused: "Huh? Head?"

Su Shijin and Guan Ruoying subconsciously sat upright and tensed their faces.

Jiang Lianlian: It’s so cold, Teacher Shen is so cold!

"If you don't pick it out, but dig it in with your nails, or simply grab your hair and pull it out, you may cry more easily."

Guan Ruoying cleared her throat and tried to speak tactfully, but finally sighed and said: "Zhang Jiaqing, your previous performance was actually OK. You performed that feeling of emptiness in your heart and sadness that you don't know where to start. Very good, but why is the crying scene like this?”

"You have graduated from a major, right? You actually have to use this...this method to force tears? Do you usually act like this on the set?"

Fengwei answered her: "If it were a real set, the director would have stopped it before an actor acted like this."

Guan Ruoying coughed.


Feng Wei took the words and said: "After stopping, either let the actors brew their emotions again, or if it doesn't work, just apply eye drops. It's just like this, isn't it? So now a large number of actors can't do crying scenes at all. "What I don't understand is, how can you have the confidence to choose this play?"

Zhang Jiaqing's eyes were red, he gritted his teeth and explained: "Actually, I don't usually perform like this. I can cry normally during rehearsals, but once I get on stage..."

"You're nervous as soon as you go on stage, right?" Fengwei said calmly, "Then you'd better evaluate your psychological quality. We won't eliminate the contestants in the first round, but we will start from the second round. You should pay attention to yourself."

"And the confidence you had when you finished your performance was terrible. You clearly knew that you performed abnormally, but you think your plan B was very powerful, right?"

"I'm sorry, I..." Zhang Jiaqing lowered his head deeply.

Su Shijin said: "I have nothing to comment on. To be honest, I really don't have any feelings about this kind of performance."

Seeing that Zhang Jiaqing was about to feel ashamed, Su Shijin said: "But fortunately our program is of a teaching nature. We have to teach you people well. You should remember what you are lacking now and listen carefully in class later. Don't worry about it in the future." Make the same mistake again, you know?”

Zhang Jiaqing nodded quickly and choked with sobs: "Thank you, Teacher Su."

When Zhang Jiaqing stepped down, Feng Wei joked: "I can't tell that Teacher Su is quite gentle."

Su Shijin said with a smile: "You have said all your venomous words, why don't I be the candy behind your whip?" However, after Zhang Jiaqing went down, the ghost story started.

What kind of ghost story is this

Well, there are still four people to act in this crying scene...

Zhang Jiaqing was the first, and the other four students were already going crazy in the audience. They wanted to rush out of the studio now and never come back.

Everyone watched them leave with silent eyes, and couldn't bear to watch them perform on stage one by one.

No matter how well they rehearsed in the audience, normal people would easily be unable to hold back under such a psychological shock, so the performances of these students all turned into overturning scenes.

The second person who came on stage was also a signed artist. I don’t know if he was frightened by Shen Tingyan. He was such a grown man. Before he even reached the chair, his eyes couldn’t hold back the tears. He cried so hard that he collapsed and was frightened. Terrified and heartbreaking.

It's not like his wife has just filed for divorce, but more like he has just learned that he is terminally ill.

When the performance was over, Shen Tingyan said: "Are you performing in the same play as the one just now?"

The 1.8 meter strong man burst into blood.

The third person who came on stage was shaking all the way to the chair. After sitting down on the chair, he was stunned for a while. He didn't know what he was thinking, and suddenly said: "Ugh-"

Then he froze.

The audience was also stunned.

After the performance, as soon as Shen Tingyan opened his lips, Su Shijin stopped him and said sadly to the actor: "Listen to me, when you go back today, you will do things like 'picking your scalp, pulling your hair, biting your tongue, retching' Forget all the words from my mind!"

And then fourth place…

the fifth place…

When the play finally ended, Su Shijin and Guan Ruoying looked like their souls had been hollowed out.

Guan Ruoying said feebly: "I have never felt that watching someone cry in a scene is so painful."

But what about Shen Tingyan

The guy was always in high spirits.

Guan Ruoying couldn't understand: "Teacher Shen, why do you like watching crying scenes so much?"

Shen Tingyan: "Isn't it interesting to watch your peers struggling to death on the stage?"

Feng Wei: "..." Su Shijin: "..." Good guy, struggling to the death...

Guan Ruoying: "..." Good guy, even she feels the malice this time...

But the students in the audience were stunned, and they all murmured in their hearts that Teacher Shen actually said that they were colleagues...

Then, little flowers that no one else could see magically floated out from the actors' bench.

The second play arranged by the program team is still a one-person play.

The theme of this play is "anger". A total of two actors participate, each actor will have an assistant.

Compared to the crying scene, anger seems to be much easier to perform at first glance.

From time to time, the actors' roars and roars could be heard on the stage.

During the whole process, everyone paid careful attention to the instructor's seat, especially one of them...

But the man seemed to be out of sorts. Most of the time, his face had no expression. Occasionally, the actor on the stage would yell loudly, and he would frown slightly.

Everyone instinctively mentioned it in their hearts, but the next second, the man's brows relaxed again, but his eyes looked a little wandering.

The phone in his trouser pocket vibrated.

Shen Tingyan took it out and took a look openly.

Lao Gao: "Are you distracted?!"

Shen Tingyan: "They acted too noisily."

Shen Tingyan: "I need to distract myself."

At 11:30 p.m., the recording of the morning session finally ended.


When he sat down in the cafeteria, Chang Yun said angrily: "I don't know why. I haven't played yet but I feel like half my life has already passed away."

Zhao Dong sighed: "Fortunately, there are a few people behind who performed well, otherwise this wave..."

Everyone was literally killed!

Although they are different from other acting and competition variety shows in that the contestants do not have much experience in the industry, it would be too embarrassing if the whole army was really wiped out. It would only become a joke when it was broadcast one day.

"Stop talking," Chang Yun trembled and quickly picked up the rice, "I'll finish eating quickly and go to the dressing room to review my script."

Jin Xiaochen came over and said, "Did you just see that when the second play was performed on the stage, Teacher Shen was distracted."

Jiang Lianlian: "Actually, it wasn't just Teacher Shen at that time. I looked at the auditorium and many of the audience were distracted."

"Wandering away" sounds a bit disrespectful to the actors, but if you think about it carefully, what does it mean

—Doesn’t it mean that the performance on stage is too boring!

But what's more terrifying

—The performance performed on the stage was a one-man show, and the total duration was only about three minutes!

After about three minutes, it was already unbearable to watch!

When they thought of this, everyone was a little unable to eat, and all of their faces had solemn expressions.

Jin Xiaochen hesitated: "If the audience doesn't even have the patience to watch the performance, how can they remember us? Thinking about it this way, maybe it will be more impressive like the people in the crying drama... "

Xue Xiao was the only one among them who put food into his mouth at a steady speed from beginning to end.

Hearing Jin Xiaochen's words, he raised his head and said in a gentle voice: "You can make the audience remember you for a while with your ridiculous acting skills, but can you still make the audience remember you for a lifetime with your ridiculous acting skills?"

Jin Xiaochen was startled.

Zhao Dong smiled helplessly and said, "You're right. We are actors. What's more terrifying than having the label 'ridiculous acting' attached to us?"

If you really don't perform well, forget it, but if you deliberately don't perform well in order to gain traffic, is that still what an actor should do

Chang Yun had finished his meal quickly, his cheeks were bulging, and he said vaguely: "You can't take shortcuts, you still have to be more down-to-earth in acting."

Don’t be afraid to go on stage and perform hard.

You can perform as much as you can, and if you can catch the audience's eyes one more time, just do it.

Don't think about everything else, it's all imaginary.

After eating, everyone took the time to run back to the dressing room to touch up their makeup.

The makeup required for Xue Xiao and his group's play is not complicated. The three of them almost appear without makeup, so the makeup artist doesn't have much to do.

After that, Zhao Dong and Jin Xiaochen sat in the corner of the dressing room to review their lines. Xue Xiao read the script for about half an hour, stood up and stretched his muscles, thought for a while, informed the other two, and went out for a walk.

The backstage of the small theater was very busy. Even at noon, no one took a lunch break, and staff came and went.

Xue Xiao just strolled in the corridor with his hands behind his back, like an old man walking, his eyes turning around.

Many actors like to stay quiet before going on stage, and some even close their eyes to meditate.

Xue Xiao is exactly the opposite of this type of actor.

The closer it was to perform, the more he wanted to meet more people.

Those steps are either hurried or leisurely.

Some people were drinking coffee and leaning against the wall, joking with their colleagues, while others were frowning and talking on the phone.

Some looked sleepy and about to faint, while others looked as if they could fight for another hundred years.


No one cared about Xue Xiao. Occasionally, a girl from the program team who recognized him passed by and greeted him with a smile, "I'm not nervous." Xue Xiao just jumped on the spot and said, "It's okay, okay." He originally wanted to relax Lower body.

Then he passed by and continued walking forward.

It wasn't until he passed a corner and almost bumped into two people that Xue Xiao quickly took a step back, stopped observing "all kinds of things in the world", and looked up straight ahead.

Seeing the person in front of him clearly, he froze on the spot.

The pores all over his body seemed to open instantly, and the blood flow suddenly accelerated.

Lao Gao was exchanging words with Shen Ting.

After the recording ended in the morning, Shen Tingyan sneered, "Is this the performance you wanted me to look forward to?" which immediately broke Lao Gao's guard.

There is one thing to say, but he didn't say that all fifty students were born with talents, and many of them still need to be discovered.

However, he was also a little depressed. Among the students who took the stage in the morning, a large proportion of them were signed artists. These were all graduates of majors and had also participated in supporting roles in major film and television dramas. In theory, it should be stable, but the results were one after another. When it comes to overturning a big car, the amateurs and extras perform quite well. Hey, this is really...

Lao Gao cheered up and said, "Just keep reading and see if you can stop being so weird and scary when you speak. Can't you just be more direct?"

"Are you sure you want me to be more direct?"

Shen Tingyan looked at him, as if if you insist on asking for it, then I can't do it.

Lao Gao: "..."

He imagined the consequences, and before he could hold back a reply, the two of them turned a corner and almost collided with someone.

"Xue Xiao?"

The young man's height of 1.78 meters just happened to stand face to face with Shen Tingyan, who was 1.8//9 meters tall.

The height difference of eleven centimeters is actually the difference of more than half a head, but Xue Xiao raised his face slightly.

He looked at Shen Tingyan with wide-open eyes and a blank stare, as if he didn't expect to meet them here suddenly, and he was dumbfounded.

Xue Xiao opened his mouth and said in a low voice: "Shen... Teacher Shen!"

Then he said to Lao Gao in a panic: "Director Gao."

Lao Gao said kindly: "Hey, why are you here and didn't take the time to rehearse with the people in the same group?"

Xue Xiao was a little nervous and said in a dry voice: "Let's get the lines right and not rehearse. Brother Zhao and Xiao Jin still want to find their groove again."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but glance at Shen Tingyan. The uncontrollable sway in his eyes was definitely the scene of a meeting between idol fans.

Lao Gao secretly poked Shen Tingyan with his elbow.

Shen Tingyan put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked at Xue Xiao thoughtfully as soon as they met.

His gaze was direct.

Xue Xiao didn't know what Shen Tingyan was looking at him. He just felt that his brain was about to be wiped out by Shen Tingyan. Without seeing it, his soul would evaporate completely, and his whole body's temperature was soaring.

It wasn't until he felt Lao Gao's little move that Shen Tingyan raised his lips and said lazily: "Come on this afternoon."

The man's voice was low and cold, and these four simple words reached Xue Xiao's ears, but they made him tremble.

Recording was about to begin in the afternoon and there was no time to talk nonsense. Lao Gao and Xue Xiao said hello and left with Shen Tingyan.

Xue Xiao took only two steps and couldn't help but look back at the two people's backs.

He clenched his hands, his heart was pounding, and his whole body seemed to be filled with energy, which made him feel hot.

But Shen Tingyan, who was drifting away, was not paying attention at all to what Lao Gao was saying next to him.

He was thinking in his mind -

It was definitely 100 watts just now.

(End of chapter)