Studio Superstar

Chapter 2


The self-produced platform variety show "Onset Superstar" created by Guantian is based on "from scratch" acting training and competition. It has been popular on the Internet for a full month before it even started recording.

On the night of the last day of May, the tag "Stars on the studio set to record on June 1st" became the top trending search topic, and netizens discussed it with great enthusiasm.

It’s not because there are Fan Xue among the students, but—

"So is Shen Tingyan definitely one of the mentors?"

"Ah ah ah ah, Teacher Shen is participating in a variety show for the first time. I really want to watch it quickly ah ah [love] [love]"

"Passers-by, I heard that Shen Tingyan has a very venomous tongue. Is it true [doge]? Can I see Teacher Shen crying and scolding trash actors on the spot [doge]?"

"This is Su Shijin's first time participating in a variety show, I'm looking forward to it!"

"Guan Ruoying is such a beautiful woman. I want to watch Reuters. I can't wait for the show to start!!"

"It's awesome that the program team can invite Shen Tingyan, Su Shijin, Guan Ruoying and Feng Wei at the same time [laughing and crying]. Or is it awesome that they can create such a lineup of mentors? The expectations are high."

But for a wandering bitch like Xue Xiao, this arrangement is the best, as it saves him from having to worry about accommodation.

So during this month, while negotiating with the landlord to settle the remaining rent, he contacted the ladies from the program team to confirm the things to pay attention to during the recording. At the same time, he did not forget to continue reading, watching movies, studying, and adjusting his physical condition.

It is said that Guantian originally built this recording base to record the new season of idol talent show.

On June 1st, Lake City.

"Don't be afraid of that idiot Fan Xue. With the cameras around, he won't dare to blatantly find trouble with you!"

"Also, remember, as soon as you enter the camp gate, you will be surrounded by cameras, so be careful about your words and deeds."

When Xue Xiao heard this, he arched his eyebrows and smiled: "I also have muscles, brother."

As soon as June enters this small southern city, the steamer setting season begins early.

Recording has already begun.

Zhang Chengyu sent him a separate message: "Xiaoxiao, good food, good accommodation and good performances. If you have any questions, talk to the master and brothers. Don't keep it in your heart."

The driver looked at his posture and joked: "The young man looks thin, but he is quite energetic."

Xue Xiao had been excited for a whole month after receiving the email, but now she finally felt a little nervous.

"Smile, are you there yet? @smile"

Of course, in the end, he did not leave Nanhe Film and Television City on the spot. After all, it would be a month before the show started recording, so it was early.

After receiving the email from the "Superstar on Studio" program team a month ago, everyone around him was shocked. Xue Xiao himself was so excited that he couldn't sleep well for two days.

As he spoke, he clenched his fists and raised his arms.

Unexpectedly, the base was ready, but the idol talent show was canceled, and the ready-made luxury venue was directly used for "Stars on the Studio".

The temperature is pleasant in the morning, but at noon it soars to 33 degrees. With the sun above your head, you are like a shriveled dead fish, with the hot iron plate under your feet, and you will be fried to death in no time. Transparent.

The things on his back seemed heavier than the person, but the person still stood tall and straight, like a pine tree.

At this moment, at the gate of the "Studio Superstar" recording base, the staff greeting the students and instructors had probably noticed Xue Xiao and locked their eyes on him.

Even my parents, who are far away in their hometown and have not seen each other for a long time, sent two voice messages.

Yesterday, the girl from the program team specifically told him on WeChat that he must arrive on time at 12 o'clock, don't arrive early or be late, because the students are arranged to arrive in batches and record the footage of entering the camp separately.

Xue Xiaowo was extremely upset, the corners of his lips raised, and the tension was replaced by the excitement welling up deep in his heart.

If one person messes up the time, it will affect other people's shots.

This is a huge camp on the outskirts of Lake City.

“But don’t forget to seize the opportunity in front of the camera.”

"Don't be too obedient. Earn more camera shots for yourself. Otherwise, after two months of recording, you will still be an amateur when you come back, hahaha!"

—For some artists who have signed with big companies and have good financial conditions, this may be a bit painful.

"Enjoy this period of acting and studying."

“@老金Go away, @smile, don’t listen to him, be yourself, the audience is not blind, too much deliberate fighting for the camera will make people disgusted, we can’t do this kind of thing even if we laugh, just act seriously! "

After getting off the car, he took out the heavy luggage from the trunk, the fully stuffed backpack on his back, and the folding chair that had accompanied him in his southern drifting life for more than a year.

It was still the stiff but caring tone in my memory.

This program simply requires the trainees to imitate those idol trainees and live in the base for closed training, selection, and recording.

This huge camp opens into a straight forest road. At the end of the forest road are several cameras, and a long table is placed in front of the cameras.

Xue Xiao took a taxi to the recording address sent to him by the girl from the program team.

The driver laughed loudly at his amusement, said hello, and sped away.

The mobile phone buzzed, and messages appeared one after another in the friends and relatives group, "Let's just do it, let's do it."

Zhang Chengyu and many brothers enthusiastically asked around for him and got a lot of information.

He replied uniformly: "We're already here, I'm ready to go in! [Come on]"

The wind blew up Xue Xiao's slightly long black hair. He took a deep breath, held it quietly, and raised his eyes to look directly ahead on the other side of the street.

"Don't be nervous, just treat it as if you are still acting here in Nanhe, there is no difference!"

The time is approaching twelve o'clock.

Xue Xiao put down the phone and took another deep breath.

He dragged his suitcase and took the step.

From ten o'clock in the morning to now, a total of fifty students have arrived, twenty-five of them.

The staff who were sent to greet the students and instructors were dizzy under the bright sun. When they saw the figure across the street who had been waiting for a long time finally moving, they quickly picked up the roster.

"You are... Xue Xiao, right?"

As he said that, he looked at the roster again and confirmed it.

"Hello, it's me." Xue Xiao, who stopped in front of him, smiled kindly and obediently.

The staff member was so smiling that he suddenly became clear-headed and said, "Oh, okay, let's go in quickly."

After finishing speaking, he put a check mark on the list, raised his head and reminded: "Pay attention to the camera."

Xue Xiao quickly nodded his thanks, pulled the suitcase and walked inside.

The bulging backpack and the iconic folding chair are a typical outfit for walking around in the film and television city.

The staff looked away from Xue Xiao's back.

But those eyes are much clearer than many popular actors.

At the beginning, many colleagues were privately worried that the audience's expectations for this show had been raised a lot by the lineup of mentors. But how could a show that was like a talent show be able to survive to the end with just four mentors

Among the fifty students, there are thirty amateurs who are playing small roles, most of whom are unknown to the audience, and there are twenty serious artists, among whom Fan Xue is the most famous.

This guy is popular all over the world, but so far the TV series in which he plays the lead role has not been officially aired. In the final analysis, he is only a second-tier actor, and the rest are even more of an eighteenth-tier actor.

—The overall flow of students is insufficient, and there are too few works that can be used to judge their level.

Acting is much more mysterious than singing and dancing. Different plays, different roles, and even under the guidance of different directors, the level of the same actor can widen the gap between heaven and earth.

Amateurs, extras, extras, and young artists are selected to do this show. If you are not careful, everyone will have their hips stretched to the point where you cannot save them.


The man tapped Xue Xiao's name with the tip of his pen, and then glanced upward at the names of several students who had already reported.

The leaders have a good vision, and there seem to be many good talents among these students.

The wheels of the suitcase rolled noisily on the ground.

Xue Xiao was so hot that he sweated slightly on his neck, but he didn't feel any irritation in his heart.

He saw the dark shots waiting for him ahead. The distance was getting closer and closer, and the blood all over his body was rushing.

It was almost an instinctive reaction from his body.

It’s been almost two months.

He was finally able to act again, right here.

Xue Xiao stood still in front of the long table and said hello politely. The staff came over to put on the lapel microphone for him, stepped back behind the camera, and said: "Find your name tag, pin it on your right waist, and then go to that building Here, follow the signs.”

"That building" refers to the six-story "Building 1" on the right side of Lindau. Xue Xiao glanced at the table and found his name card. After putting it away, he subconsciously smiled at the camera, turned around and walked briskly towards Building 1.

Someone paused, turned back and whispered to his colleague: "The contrast with the scene where he was out of the circle is a bit big..."

"Yes," the man covered his lips and said, "I didn't expect that I am so... pure, ahem."

There is enough air conditioning in the lobby of Building 1, and the sweat all over the body is instantly absorbed into the pores.

A guide board stood in the center of the hall, indicating to students to take the elevator to Studio 1 on the third floor.

Xue Xiao continued to take two deep breaths, her cheeks puffed up and then deflated.

Stay calm and collected, and don’t get too excited when you are excited.

He is here to act. As long as there are performances, what is the difference between this place and Nanhe Film and Television City

You still have to treat it with a normal attitude.

After Xue Xiao muttered in her heart, she gripped the suitcase lever and strode towards the elevator.

When we got to the third floor, the elevator door opened, and a deep corridor appeared in front of us.

Faintly, a slight conversation could be heard coming from a room in front.

The beating of my heart amplified in my ears.

Xue Xiao walked step by step in the direction of the sound, and the rollers continued to make sounds on the smooth ground.

There is a wide open door ahead, and a little light scatters onto the corridor floor.

Perhaps due to the aura, even though there were still a few steps away, Xue Xiao could miraculously feel that there was a huge space there and there were already many people there.

The heart rate reached its peak.

He took a long breath, pulled the suitcase, turned around, and stepped into it.

—The studio suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was about the size of a large movie theater, surrounded by photographers with machines, making it feel very oppressive.

On the side near the door are stepped seats from top to bottom, with a total of five rows. There is a flat space and a huge screen in the front. On the screen is a static picture, and the program is shown on the screen. Promotional pictures and four gorgeous fonts of "Superstar on the Studio".

There were more than twenty people sitting scattered on the stepped seats, and everyone was talking in low voices in twos and threes.

The person closest to the back door turned his head and looked at Xue Xiao the moment he stepped in.

Immediately afterwards, the static picture on the front screen was switched, and after a quick sound effect flashed, what appeared in front of everyone was Xue Xiao's simple electronic resume.

Xue Xiao was stunned for a moment.

A cute ID photo with text listing his name, height, weight, age, school he graduated from, acting experience, current career position, films and TV series he has participated in, goals, idols, acting inspirations, people he likes...

The last few items that Xue Xiao filled out caused a burst of surprised laughter in the studio, and some people cast teasing glances.

At the same time, there was applause to welcome him as a new student.

Soon, this simple electronic resume disappeared and was replaced by a video highlighting his work.

Xue Xiao was caught off guard and was stunned by the show crew's random punches.

The collection of works was requested by the program team when recruiting students for auditions... Xue Xiao never expected that this video would be displayed like this on the first day he met new friends!

The student next to the door waved to Xue Xiao and couldn't help but smile: "Hey, brother, don't be embarrassed, each of us is like this when we come in, come here, come here to receive public execution."

Xue Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He dragged his suitcase and sat over, whispering: "I was shocked."

"Hahaha, right? Your outfit came from a certain film and television city, right?"

Xue Xiao nodded and asked curiously: "You too? I was at Nanhe Film and Television City before."

"Oh, I'm hanging out at Floating Water Studios."

As Xue Xiao's collection of works started to play, someone exclaimed: "Awesome, brother, can you still do this?"

This sound attracted everyone's attention, and Xue Xiao also turned his attention to the big screen, looking at this video material that he had compiled and produced himself.

The first things that appeared were the big scenes.

These are all works from his period of performing as a group performer.

Many of the people here are background actors, and some of them have never been able to get a role with lines. They were very confused when they were doing the collection of their works - they were all in big scenes and all had background boards. Even if they were given The program team, can the program team find them among the crowds of passers-by

Obviously not.

But you have to post it if you don’t want to, otherwise you will really be like a pure person who has no works at all and can only record some short videos to express yourself.

The collection of Xue Xiao's works is very spiritual.

The overhead camera slowly swept across the shocking corpses scattered all over the battlefield. Suddenly, the screen stopped, and a blood-red arrow appeared. It shook twice and pointed at a small head exposed in the middle of the pile of corpses.

The fair little face was stained with a lot of blood, and he farted very peacefully. If the arrow hadn't pointed it out specifically, it would have been impossible to tell that this was Xue Xiao.

There was another charging scene. A group of people were halfway through the charge. The screen was stuck, and a bloody arrow pointed at a raised hand behind the crowd.

The hand was raised so high and the ax was held so boldly, but the face was not visible, only a handful of black hair fluttering in the wind.

"Hahahaha, that's amazing. Why didn't I think of this trick before?"

"Compared to this, the collection of works I made is simply ineffective work!"

"At first I was thinking that all my acting was done in the background, what would people see if I sent it to the program crew, so I specially recorded a short video, and it turned out that I could still do it like this!"

Even the brother next to Xue Xiao sprayed: "You can do that, brother, your name is Xue Xiao, right? This is much more impressive than a short video or something! I've learned, I've learned!"

Xue Xiao's face turned red after being praised, but he still pursed his lips and smiled, and said bluntly: "I think I have to let the people on the show team see me."

At first, he actually considered whether it was necessary to send the content from his period as a group actor to the program team.

He has been admitted as a special actor. Even if he plays a servant or a young eunuch, he can still get lines and have a separate scene.

The extras are the pure background, the people coming and going on the streets in film and television dramas, and the people in the audience cheering for the protagonist.

No one will notice these backdrops.

Even if the camera doesn't blur them, the viewer's eyes will automatically blur them.

Is it necessary to include these group performance scenes in the collection when there are better materials about the works

Xue Xiao thought about it for several days and finally made a decision.

He got into it.

In fact, even though to Zhang Chengyu and other old southern drifters, Xue Xiao, as a non-major, qualified as a special actor in nine months, which is already a miracle, a talent and a miracle.

But in the one year and three months in Nanhe, it is still a fact that Xue Xiao spent nine months acting in the background.

In his short acting career so far, "passerby" is an indispensable, huge and important part of his growth process.

No matter what achievements Xue Xiao can achieve in the future in acting, his starting point is a corpse on the battlefield. These background characters lead him one by one into the mysterious world of acting. Xue Xiao will never forget it. this time.

So what if it’s inconspicuous

As the old saying goes, there are no small roles, only small actors.

Even if it is a background board, he can also be an excellent background board.

Can't you see him

Then he will try his best to let people see it-even if it is in some outrageous ways.

Xue Xiao raised his head slightly, his eyes reflecting himself on the screen, his eyes calm.

After this unexpected and interesting group performance video material passed, the real "ghost" roles played by Xue Xiao also appeared in front of the students one by one.

Everyone watched carefully and curiously until a picture hit their field of vision.

There was a splashing sound as the water surface was disturbed.

Something broke out of the river under the clear moonlight, and it was a person.

Her wet black hair was enchanting and clinging to her naked back, and her skin was so white that it looked like the moonlight had turned into a demon.

The body is thin, but covered with a thin layer of muscles, and the green and attractive lines fully reveal that this is a young man.

His arms slowly paddled across the water, and amid the sound of the water, his beautiful shoulder blades swayed in his field of vision.

He swam to the shore, and the waterline gradually faded, revealing a flexible and slender waist. The bright water droplets flowed along the graceful lines of the depression in the middle of his back, submerging into the deep darkness.

He propped up his body with both hands and exerted a little force. The green back muscle lines stretched and tightened, becoming more and more eye-catching. They were so beautiful that they even seemed to be brewing some fragrance.

Then, he seemed to hear something and turned around.

While turning back, he slowly brushed the wet hair on his back and raised his eyes.

The crow-blue eyelashes were stained with water and formed into clusters. Along with the black eyes that reflected the moonlight, the young man's eyes seemed to become wet and wet.

Several gasping sounds suddenly sounded in the studio.

(End of chapter)