Studio Superstar

Chapter 37


Xue Xiao had no idea what Shen Tingyan was thinking as he sat at the instructor's table with a noble and cold look on his face.

Taking advantage of the fact that there were so many people at the scene, he felt that he would not be discovered, so he secretly looked at Shen Tingyan for a while.

It wasn't until eight o'clock when the recording officially started and Jiang Quan appeared on the stage that he reluctantly looked back.

After reading the opening remarks, Jiang Quan began to explain the specific rules of the second round.

"Now, we will send invitation cards to the four mentors."

Four etiquette ladies walked onto the stage, stood on the left and right sides of Jiang Quan, smiled and displayed the 15cm x 30cm invitation card vertically in their hands.

All the students craned their necks to watch.

Each invitation card has the name of the instructor written on it. The design is simple and nothing special. However, it is just an ordinary card, carrying the hope of passing the level to the next round.

"Ten cards each, please keep them for the four instructors." Jiang Quan gestured to the four etiquette ladies to go to the instructor's seat, distributed the invitation cards to the four instructors, and said, "After each performance, the instructors can directly send the invitation cards to the instructors." Give invitation cards to your favorite students. You don’t need to send out all the invitation cards, but please don’t forget that you only have ten cards, so please send them out after careful consideration.”

Lao Gao: "I invited you, don't worry about Xue Xiao like you are protecting a cub, I just don't think he will be so easily influenced to make this decision!"

The man was in his thirties, wearing a formal suit. He stood on the sidelines and bowed humbly to everyone before sitting down at the special guest seat.

On the other end, Lao Gao quickly came back with a message: "What are you playing with on your phone? Record it well!"

Come on the stage earlier. The instructors may be very relaxed, but they may also become particularly cautious because they consider that there will be a large number of students behind them.

It is completely conceivable that this operation will cause a lot of heat on the Internet.

Shen Tingyan stared at this line of writing.

Fortunately, Chang Yun, Jiang Lianlian, Zhao Dong and Jin Xiaochen were all pretty lucky, and their playing positions were all the same.

Several friends around him looked at him in astonishment. Shen Tingyan, who was sitting at the instructor's table, paused for a second, suddenly recalled something, and stared over.

As soon as this rule came out, the students were in an uproar.

Shen Tingyan: "?"

"You Have a Dragon" is one of his works, and it was overturned before it was broadcast on the stars.

Everyone looked to the left of the stage, directly opposite the student seats.

"The person you invited?"

Xue Xiao was sluggish.

In the past few years, there have been some moderately popular dramas, and of course there have also been some bad dramas.

Lao Gao: "If I don't learn this lesson from this incident, then my life will be in vain! But even if I am hyping up, I don't mean any harm, okay! Don't attack me, just wait to read on. Bar."

"Starting from the second round of competition, we will invite a special commentator to watch the movie in each round. Please welcome today's guests with warm applause - Yu Shanhe and Director Yu!"

But just like what Lao Gao said.

Jiang Quan added: "In addition, the thousand spectators present today should have already received voting machines at their seats. At the end of each performance today, you are asked to vote for your favorite student. You can vote for more than one at a time. Students, your voting results will affect the selection of the next round of dramas for the promoted students!”

Especially between Yu Shanhe and Xue Xiao—

Thunderous applause rang out from the audience, and a figure entered the scene from the background.

Xue Xiao was a little stiff the first moment he saw Yu Shanhe, but regained his composure after a while.

At this moment, many eyes on the field were spinning between the two.

The students who appear one after another are always the worst.

Some people think that he became popular after his first film, and that he ended up like this because of his lack of seriousness. Others think that his first film was an accident in itself, and his subsequent works are his true level.

Protect the cub? What a crappy wording.

They didn't know about this before today, and they were finally about to be officially tested by the live audience!

"So, today's performance is about to officially begin," Jiang Quan paused meaningfully and said, "I don't know if you have noticed, but today we have reserved a seat on the other side of the stage."

In mountains and rivers.

When this man first entered the film and television industry, he was just as prosperous as Feng Wei. His first film won many awards. At that time, many people thought that he would follow Feng Wei and become a famous director. Go ahead, I didn’t expect that the second film would start to fail at the box office, and the subsequent works would have a double hit at the box office and reputation, and all the honors I had accumulated at the beginning would be lost.

Not to mention those who appear at the tail end. By that time, the cards in the hands of the four mentors will have been almost dealt out, and the chance itself has become very slim.

When the applause stopped, Jiang Quan said hello to Yu Shanhe, and Shen Tingyan quietly took out his mobile phone behind the instructor's desk.

No one knew what happened to Yu Shanhe. After two years of silence, he reappeared in the eyes of the public as a costume idol drama director, which was surprising.

Seeing that the TV series that they worked so hard to shoot was going to be ruined before it was aired, and the whole network was in a hurry, they didn't expect that the program team would take a different approach at this time and invite him to be a special guest, and he agreed.

The four mentors had known in advance that special guests would be invited at the beginning of the second round of the competition, but the candidates had not been decided before. Shen Tingyan did not pay attention to this kind of thing, and he never asked Lao Gao about it.

A chair had been placed there at some point, and no one had noticed it before.

Yu Shanhe was the person who indirectly caused Xue Xiao to almost pack up and return to his hometown from the film and television city!

Yu Shanhe didn't look at Xue Xiao once from beginning to end, as if he didn't recognize Xue Xiao.

Xue Xiao heard Dou Mingjian next to him start to take a deep breath. The pressure was gradually approaching. Few people could remain unmoved at this time. Xue Xiao himself clenched his fists and his palms were sweating.

Shen Tingyan put down his cell phone and glanced at the student seats unconsciously.

He laughed angrily and replied nonchalantly: "You really know how to hype things up now."

Xue Xiao also had a calm face, and no one could see what he was thinking from his face.

In fact, it was because Xue Xiao really didn't think about anything.

He had already figured it out about the previous matter.

He was grateful and moved by Yu Shanhe's temporary appreciation and encouragement, so he later felt stabbed in the back after encountering something like that. But in the final analysis, does a director's appreciation of an actor mean that he will definitely treat the actor well? Does that mean he will definitely consider this actor

When a director appreciates an actor, he can look up and marvel at the majestic snow-capped mountains, or he can look down and glance at a fairly good-looking stone on the side of the road.

The former is serious, while the latter is dispensable.

Xue Xiao saw the essence of the problem and put it down. If he had time to worry about it, he might as well improve his acting skills.

On the stage, after Jiang Quan and Yu Shanhe briefly exchanged greetings, they announced: "Then, let's move on to the performance session and invite the first group of students to perform today!"

Xue Xiao immediately applauded.

At the instructor's table, Shen Tingyan kept glancing at him secretly.

The tambourine was playing vigorously and energetically, and it seemed that he really didn't care.

Shen Tingyan raised his lips invisibly and looked away.

However, he was destined to have difficulty concentrating today.

A certain question has been lingering in his mind for a whole day and a half. Although he feels that he shouldn't care so much about it, he can't help but think about it if he is distracted for a moment.

After the first group of three people began to perform, his eyes began to drift towards the student seats from time to time.

I don’t know whether it was Gao Jianqi who was not a good person or the cameraman who was not a good person. As soon as the performance started, one of the cameras on the side of the student bench focused on Xue Xiao.

Xue Xiao obviously knew the purpose of the cameraman, and his face was tense with great vigilance.

But he was always serious when watching performances, and his expression couldn't be tense as he watched them.

Sometimes he was confused, sometimes he was amazed, sometimes he was dumbfounded, and sometimes... he tightened his little face warily again and glanced at the photographer.

A smile appeared in Shen Tingyan's eyes.

The instructor of the first group of students is Su Shijin.

The performance of the three students in the first round was mediocre, even a little crotch-stretching. However, after Su Shijin's rigorous training, the three students' abilities improved a lot. One of the students even surprised everyone during the explosive scene.

At the end of the performance, the audience voted, the votes were temporarily hidden, and then the instructor began to comment.

Su Shijin didn't want to praise the team she directed too much, but Guan Ruoying and Feng Wei unreservedly expressed their appreciation, and Yu Shanhe gave a little bit of advice.

"So, do any of the four mentors want to send invitation cards?"

As Jiang Quan asked the question, the whole place became quiet, and everyone stared at the instructor's seat.

Shen Tingyan had no idea.

Although these three people performed well, they didn't have the urge to let him issue a card.

He only moved the pen in a circle, and then swiped it down casually. Met Xue Xiao's eyes.

It was different from the situation before the recording started. At that time, the lights on the instructor's side were not turned on. He was in the dark and met Xue Xiao's eyes. The latter obviously didn't know.

But now the lights were shining brightly on both sides, and Xue Xiao was stunned as soon as their eyes made contact.

He didn't expect Shen Tingyan to look over suddenly, his heart skipped a beat and he quickly looked away.

Shen Tingyan also immediately changed his gaze.

In a place with more than a thousand people, the expressions of the two people far apart were a bit subtle.

Su Shijin issued a card and Fengwei issued a card.

Only one student did not get the invitation card. He lowered his head with disappointment on his face.

Jiang Quan comforted him and said, "Don't be sad. Just because you haven't gotten the invitation card now doesn't mean you have been eliminated."

"If after all the performances are over, the instructor still has unfinished invitation cards in his hand, and the instructor himself is willing to continue issuing cards, then we will invite the pending students back to the stage!"

The student pursed his lips, nodded, and bowed deeply to the audience.

After this, the second group to play is Shen Tingyan's group.

Feng Wei suddenly joked: "Teacher Shen has never acted in a romance movie, but he has directed a romance movie first?"

Su Shijin also laughed: "The four groups are all romance films. Is this intentional by the program team?"

There was laughter from the audience.

Soon, the big screen went down again, and the words "Red Wine Man and Woman" appeared.

This movie is a bit old and is a very classic romance movie.

There are no particularly intense conflicts in the whole film, and there are not many dialogues. The main scenes are all about physical contact and eyes.

The acting skills of the leading actors and actresses are really superb. This silent performance is better than the sound, which perfectly interprets the heartbeat and love. Even now, ten years later, it is often talked about.

At this moment, Shen Tingyan calmly watched the performances of the four students on the big screen and reviewed the results of his guidance.

It was very difficult to guide students to act in this film.

It's not because he has no experience in love and doesn't know how to guide, but it's just too difficult for these students at this stage to perform fully on their behalf.

Regardless of the eye-catching scene, it is really difficult to make a male student turn red just by the female protagonist like the male protagonist in the movie.

Shen Tingyan spent a lot of effort and finally succeeded in training.

But during the whole process of going back and forth, he still thought inadvertently that maybe it would be easier if Xue Xiao came to play the leading role.

That little guy's blush comes at every turn, and has even become more and more intense recently. If he stares at him for a while...

Shen Tingyan was about to laugh silently, but suddenly a smile suddenly appeared on his lips.

Very amazing.

-At this moment, it was like the mist was blown away by the wind.

The question that had always been lingering in his mind and the play he had personally directed over the past few days collided naturally through the huge screen in front of him.

So clearly, so violently.

It crashed into his vision and mind.

On the big screen, the heroine gently caressed the red side of the hero's face.

She was drunk, raising her head slightly, the tip of her nose brushing against the tip of the male protagonist's nose, and her voice was hoarse, like a whisper.

"...Is it because of me?"

Her fingers caressed the scarlet color and gently slid down.

Wherever it goes, it is like flower petals scattering.

Little by little, the pink color covers the skin color, gradually spreading and deepening.

The changes visible to the naked eye are exaggerated and beautiful.

It has revealed everything.

She smiled softly: "I know you are shy by nature, and I know you liked me the first time you saw me, because you like my paintings, right?"

"But Duan Qing, when we first met... your body wasn't so sensitive [gǎn] yet, right?"

"You," she leaned close to his ear, "do you really like me now just like appreciating my paintings?"

Under the stage, there were gasps from the audience seats and student seats, and everyone watched intently, with red faces.

Xue Xiao also opened his eyes wide, shy...and wanting to see!

Looking at it, he didn't know why, but he secretly glanced at the instructor's seat.

At this glance, he tightened his fingers suddenly, turned around, and lowered his head.

—Why did I get caught again!

he thought ruefully.

Why does Shen Tingyan keep looking here today? How strange!

However, what made him even more ashamed was that this time, he could clearly feel that Shen Tingyan not only caught him, but also never looked away.

That scorching, intense gaze remained on him.

There are so many people in the student seat, so many people in the audience seat, and Teacher Su and the others in the instructor seat...

On the big screen, four students were still performing.

But Shen Tingyan kept looking at him.

Xue Xiao could hardly control his physiological reaction.

He was confused and flustered, and his whole body was on fire.

On the big screen, the leading actress laughed drunkenly and said, "When we first met, I remember you were quite normal?"

Shen Tingyan slowly retracted his gaze from Xue Xiao's red neck, put down the pen, and leaned back on the chair.

The first real acquaintance was probably that chance encounter at the corner of the corridor.

At that time, the young man stayed where he was. Although he was at a loss, his attitude was the same as that of a fan when meeting his idol. It was not that easy... He was as shy as he is now.

Actress: "When did it start?"

Shen Tingyan lowered his eyes.

Yes, when did it start

Female lead: "Since when... did Mr. Duan become like this?"

I don’t know, it’s hard to recall and capture that exact moment.

The young man's increasingly sensitive reactions were gradually integrated into the process of their acquaintance, and even Shen Tingyan himself was not aware of this silent change.

When he came back to his senses, the young man's eyes were always slightly moist when he looked at him, and his exposed skin was always red.

Female lead: "Ever since you behaved strangely in front of me that time, I have been thinking and thinking. I am thinking, do you like me? Not the kind of person who loves paintings versus admired painters, but a man. For women... Haha, I think I finally got the answer.”

The male lead grabbed her hand: "... So, what about you?... Do you have me in your heart?"

Do you have him in your heart

Shen Tingyan just sat there with his eyes lowered.

The photographer quietly moved over and pointed the camera at him. He felt it and did not raise his eyes.

He thought quietly.

He likes Xue Xiao, very much.

But probably not that kind of thing.

He doesn't like men.

(End of chapter)