Studio Superstar

Chapter 38


In the small theater, the groups appeared one by one and left one by one. Time flew by unknowingly.

At the end of the sixth group's performance, Jiang Quan counted the remaining invitation cards in the hands of the four instructors.

"Teacher Guan still has five cards, Teacher Su and Director Feng still have seven cards each, and Teacher Shen still has eight cards."

Su Shijin poked her head out and joked to Guan Ruoying: "Teacher Guan, are you issuing cards too fast?"

Guan Ruoying was also a little depressed: "But everyone has really improved a lot this time. I think every group looks good, and I want to post every group!"

The whole audience burst into laughter.

What Guan Ruoying said is true.

Although the training only lasted for one week, maybe it was because everyone had devoted themselves seriously during this week and tried their best not to be eliminated in this competition. Many students made great strides in this round. , none of the six groups currently on stage has particularly stretched hips.

Someone in the student seats wailed: "Teachers, please slow down, don't wait until I get on stage and I won't get stuck!"

But... now doesn't seem to be the time to think about these issues.

The father he plays, Yu Xiong, has just lost his son and has just experienced the most painful and devastating three days. It is only natural that the vicissitudes of life will change in the blink of an eye.

Dou Mingjian looked at it and said, "Tsk, let's eat something good after today's game."

Wearing a jacket, it still looked a little thin in the early spring temperature. She is plainly dressed, has a tawny complexion, and has a grooved face. She is obviously only in her forties, but with this makeup, she looks like she is in her fifties.

It's miraculous to say that Xue Xiao has never lost weight before. The first time he tried it, the effect was very good. He lost a lot of weight in just one week. He envied Chang Yun, a guy who couldn't lose weight in ten thousand years.

Amidst the warm applause of the audience, the four people stood up, stepped onto the stage from the edge, and stood next to Jiang Quan.

Jiang Quandao: "Let's not talk nonsense and go backstage to prepare. See you on the big screen in five minutes!"

Xue Xiao calmed down and nodded.

After two weeks on the stage again, Xue Xiao felt that this huge stage seemed to have become more familiar, but the excitement it brought to him had not diminished at all.

Xue Xiao lowered his eyes and nodded together with Huang Xiaolin and Gu Ling.

Chang Yun, Jiang Lianlian, Zhao Dong, and Jin Xiaochen whispered encouragement in their ears.

Xue Xiao didn't know what happened and was at a loss. At this moment, he couldn't see the expression on the man's face clearly.

On the field, the staff started counting down. The four people became serious, and Dou Mingjian whispered: "Come on everyone, don't think about anything else, just perform well."

It is true that the first episode of "Superstar on Studio" became popular all over the Internet due to the fight incident, and it has considerable residual popularity so far, but what happens after this

It's their turn.

After he and Shen Tingyan looked at each other just now, he didn't dare to look there again...

Huang Xiaolin smiled bitterly and said: "I am already deprived of oxygen."

He felt that Shen Tingyan was a bit strange today. Not only was the frequent glances at him strange, but the man also spoke very little today and was extremely silent.

The light shines directly overhead.

Xue Xiao took one last look at the instructor's seat, gathered his thoughts, and nodded heavily.

Dou Mingjian pressed Xue Xiao's shoulders and said to Huang Xiaolin and Gu Ling on both sides: "Ready."

The set is almost ready, and the staff are doing the final touches, running back and forth very quickly.

His makeup look is very special today.

He looked at the tutor's seat just like last time. For a moment, the light was too strong and he felt that the tutor's seat was blurry and invisible.

Feng Wei smiled and glanced around the audience: "They are under more pressure."

After bowing to the instructor's seat and the audience seat, he turned and walked toward the back together with the other three.

This was specially changed by Guan Ruoying at the request of the makeup teacher.

Guan Ruoying nodded repeatedly: "It's very stressful for me to guide them!"

What he has to do now is to focus on giving his best performance.

At the instructor's table, Su Shijin suddenly said: "This group should be regarded as the group that everyone is most looking forward to in this competition, right?"

Xue Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Brother Dou, don't worry, I will make up for it when I get back."

The assistant actor had been waiting for them inside for a long time. When he saw them coming, he smiled and said hello.

Xue Xiao also changed her makeup.

—The card given repeatedly could have been an extra opportunity!

Huang Xiaolin kept taking deep breaths, and the assistant actor who played the role of an 81-year-old man joked: "You are not afraid of lack of oxygen later if you breathe like this?"

Moreover, it has happened twice that the same student received invitation cards from two teachers. The people on the stage were very happy, but the people in the audience were heartbroken.

Soon, the scene change of the rotating track in the background was completed, and the host Jiang Quan said: "Next, let's invite the seventh group, the team led by Teacher Guan - the "Spring Garden" group to appear!"

Today, he was wearing a pure white sweater. Guan Ruoying asked him to change the sweater to two sizes larger because he had to look thinner.

At this moment, highlighted by the medical makeup, he looked really haggard and pale, full of fragility.

Gu Ling kept his usual low words and stood silently in his position.

Unfortunately, competition is inherently cruel, and there is no mercy or sympathy at all.

Everyone has a question in their mind.

Putting aside those gossips and quarrels, how much popularity can these students create with their own abilities, or is it that the first episode is at its peak, and then there is no such program

Especially Xue Xiao, the person at the center of the storm will receive the most scrutiny.

Fengwei glanced at Yu Shanhe, but couldn't see clearly what the other person's expression was.

He looked at Shen Tingyan again and inquired: "Teacher Shen talks very little today. Is Xue Xiao also a student you are particularly optimistic about?"

Shen Tingyan looked calm: "Will my speaking more or less affect their final presentation?"

Feng Wei smiled and said meaningfully: "If Teacher Shen behaves like this one day when we fall in love, he will suffer."

"..." Shen Ting said, "Director Feng talked a lot today, but then again, when did Director Feng talk less?"

Fengwei: "Hehehehe."

Shen Ting said: "Heh."

After the two of them finished quarreling with each other, the words "Spring Garden" began to appear on the big screen, and they stopped talking.

One second later, the show officially started.

The story of "Spring Garden" takes place on an extremely ordinary day in early spring.

The weather was fine and cloudless.

For most ordinary people, this can even be said to be a very comfortable day.

On this day, four families met in the cemetery office.


The place is neither big nor small. There are people sitting at the three open counters, all handling business, and there are also a scattered group of seven or eight people waiting to be called.

Gu Ling, who plays Luo Sheng, Huang Xiaolin, who plays Yu Xiong, and the assistant who plays his wife, each sit at two corners of the waiting area.

An elderly couple with gray hair and Xue Xiao, who plays Lu Yu, stood by the wall and looked at the introduction and aerial view of the cemetery.

"Young man, where did you pick a seat?" The old man started chatting casually, "We went to another cemetery with an agency before, but the location of that cemetery was too remote. It was quite far to drive there. Our son It’s better to come here, if it’s more expensive, it’s more expensive.”

"Yeah," the old lady followed up, "The agent at that time said it was very complicated. What location should be high and not low? Although the current cemetery is not like the tomb on the mountain like the old one, it still needs to pay attention to Feng Shui... I I thought, now that graves are in such short supply, we can choose whatever we want.”

Lu Yu stood aside, laughing quietly while listening, with his eyes curled up in laughter.

His complexion was obviously different from that of ordinary people. He was pale with a hint of greenish yellow, and his lips were dry and without any blood.

His chin was as pointed as a melon seed, and his body was so thin that he seemed about to collapse when the wind blew.

There is a peaked cap on his head, but it can still be seen that there is not a single black hair on that head.

The two old men's throats became dry as they talked. When they first talked to each other, they thought that the young man was accompanying his family to pick a grave for the deceased old man. But at this moment, there was something else they didn't understand, and they suddenly felt a little confused. How to continue the conversation becomes hesitant.

Lu Yu said calmly: "My dad and I have never studied these things, and the staff here will not come to popularize Feng Shui, right? Otherwise, how can we sell a location with 'bad Feng Shui'?"

He spoke softly, with an ethereal quality, as if he could fly away at any time, but his tone was very brisk.

Old couple: "Yes, yes..."

Lu Yu rolled his eyes and said seriously: "But after all, this is the place where you will live 'for the rest of your life'. It's okay to choose carefully. Once you decide, you won't be able to move, unless the entire cemetery will be moved in the future." Gone-"

He wanted to laugh, but he coughed just after laughing.

The cough was not serious, but a blush appeared on his pale face.

The old man was very nervous: "Young man, are you okay? Why don't you go and sit down? Hey, you shouldn't have come by yourself!"

"No, I'm fine," the young man said nonchalantly, "I've been lying down for too long."

The camera on the big screen turned to another part of the office, the waiting area.

The camera shot towards Luo Sheng from the side.

This man was wearing black clothes, with heavy bags under his eyes, a pair of heavy black eyes, and his face was not very good-looking.

The corners of his mouth were straightened, giving off a very indifferent feeling.

He is replying to WeChat.

The other party was surprised: "Are you at Lushan Cemetery now?"

"Are you buying a tomb for Xiaoxiao?"

Luo Sheng typed unhurriedly: "Yes."

"... It's okay. It's been two years. It's not good to keep putting her ashes at the funeral home. You could have asked me to come with you."

"No, just asking if you are free for dinner tonight."


The other party said happily: "You haven't come out to get together with us in two years. It's time to live a normal life again."

Luo Sheng put down his phone.

He looked into the void, his eyes heavy and far-reaching, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Diagonally behind him, a couple sat there.

Yu Xiong just leaned back on the chair, his legs slightly spread apart, holding the wrinkled queue number in his hands and placing it between his legs.

The wife beside him had her legs crossed, her left elbow bent on the armrest, and she wiped her eyes from time to time. Occasionally, she heard the sounds of inhalation and choking.

She endured it, but couldn't help it.

Yu Xiong stared at the ground in a daze for a while, then turned his head and stared blankly at the door of the office, where the golden light spilled in.

The entire studio was silent.

The four people at the instructor's table looked up at the performance of this group.

The short drama adapted the plot to some extent, but did not change the shooting style of the original work.

It is using a very plain and objective perspective to film the story of four families that may seem ordinary to others.

They are over eighty years old, and they are an old couple who have reached the age where they need to plan their death.

Lu Yu, who was seriously ill and had no hope, was just scheduled to die. It had been two years since his wife committed suicide by jumping off a building, and it was only now that Luo Sheng came to buy a joint burial.

Their son had just been in a car accident and died unexpectedly. Yu Xiong and his wife came to buy his grave.

Feng Wei lowered his voice and said to Guan Ruoying on the side: "Xue Xiao seems to have lost a lot of weight. Is he usually so thin?"

Guan Ruoying shook her head: "He has been eating very little this week."

Fengwei was a little surprised: "Won't it damage your body?"

Guan Ruoying said: "I was worried at first, but later I saw that he was quite measured."

On the screen, the camera switched back to Xue Xiao and the old couple.

Guan Ruoying said: "Director Feng, don't look at him. He is usually so cute and cute, like a child, which makes people feel uneasy. In fact, he is really a person with a very clear career plan in his mind. What? He knows clearly at what stage he should risk his life and to what extent he should risk his life without affecting his future."

If an already famous artist comes to this stage, he will naturally not go on a strict diet for a week just for a few minutes of play.

It's not necessary.

Firstly, the effect will not be very good, and secondly, no matter how effective this short drama is, it will not help his career very much.

Therefore, there is no need to take it seriously.

But Xue Xiao, including the other forty-seven students, what do they have now

If they don't work to the limit on this stage, what will they have left by the time the show is over

The "zero" label on them destined them to seize every opportunity.

At the same time, Xue Xiao also knew that he could never really damage his body.

The body is the capital of revolution. If it breaks down here, then even if the future is bright, he will not be able to go on.

This kind of artist is often very reassuring to managers, and they dare to work hard, but they don't do it mindlessly.

Feng Wei listened to Guan Ruoying's words and nodded thoughtfully.

He commented: "This group of people are all online."

Guan Ruoying nodded proudly.

Let's talk about Huang Xiaolin. As a student who did not perform well in the first round, Guan Ruoying really had a headache when he saw him muddleheadedly choosing the role of Yu Xiong.

For an actor in his early twenties to play a middle-aged man in his forties who has lost his son, many new-generation outstanding actors cannot do it. This requires very high acting skills!

Sure enough, although Huang Xiaolin worked hard, he still had flaws, and such flaws often needed life experience to make up for. Guan Ruoying always felt that this problem might not be solved.

But she didn't expect that Huang Xiaolin had changed a lot when she came back from working outside for two days.

At this moment, although the Yu Xiong on the screen is not perfect, he can bring people into the drama.

The dead silence and unwillingness in him, the confusion and depression that had not yet recovered from the accident and collapse, were all in his eyes.

Then there is Gu Ling—

Why did Guan Ruoying initially say that Gu Ling was only playing the role of Luo Sheng on the surface, but he was not this person in his soul

To take the most typical example, Luo Sheng suddenly stopped talking several times in the original work. The man stopped talking and no one knew what he was thinking.

When Gu Ling first performed this kind of silence, Guan Ruoying felt "blank", but at this moment, there was something in his lost eyes.

Any audience who sees his eyes will know that this man is trapped in memories of the past.

And Dou Mingjian—

At this point, the first light-hearted part of the play has passed.

Lu Yu and the old couple walked to the waiting seats while chatting.

Lu Yu's father, played by Dou Mingjian, also known as Lu Dinghua, finished smoking at this time and entered the office from the outside corridor.

When he looked up and saw his extremely thin son, his eyes froze for a moment.

It’s like you’re not used to it after seeing it several times.

Just by seeing his expression, the audience can imagine how healthy and energetic Lu Yu used to be, and they can't help but feel nervous.

And when Lu Dinghua heard clearly what Lu Yu was talking to the old couple, his expression began to turn gloomy.

"Dad!" Lu Yu's eyes lit up.

Lu Dinghua walked over and asked casually, "What are you talking about? Are you so happy?"

"Oh, it's about Feng Shui."

At the instructor's table, Shen Tingyan quietly watched the progress of the plot on the big screen.

"Spring Garden" was a movie in which his father starred, so he naturally watched it several times by himself.

The original movie starts with watching the tomb picking at the cemetery, interspersed with clips of the past of four families, all the way to foreshadow the emotions, until the four families have finished picking the tomb, gathered in the office, and when the contract is about to be finalized, Lu Dinghua Emotional outbursts.

This father is going crazy.

He could no longer pretend to be normal or peaceful.

When he heard that Lu Yu was still in the mood to talk to others about grave feng shui, he couldn't hide his collapse.

At first it was a sneer and irony, but now there are still people who believe in Feng Shui.

The two old couples chatted with Lu Yu because they had nothing to say. Hearing Lu Dinghua's sarcasm, the old man felt a little embarrassed and began to smooth things over.

But no matter how they tried to smooth things over, Lu Dinghua would continue to find faults in their words and attack them.

Lu Yu couldn't stop laughing. He tugged at the corner of Lu Dinghua's clothes: "Dad, stop talking..." Lu Dinghua took out the cigarette. The next second he realized that smoking was not allowed in the hall, he stuffed it back into his trouser pocket. His eyes were filled with tears. Bloodshot and unkempt, he said coldly to Lu Yu: "You are in such good spirits that you are not tired even after standing for so long?"

Lu Yu was silent for a moment and said, "I couldn't get up before because I was in pain and vomiting."

The process of treatment was as painful as the disease. Before this, Lu Yu had never thought that stopping treatment would be such a relief.

He becomes able to get out of bed a little and eat a little. Even if this relief is temporary, soon he will return to bed again, getting weaker and more painful, and never again. Unable to turn around... He was still grateful that before he really died, he still had the opportunity to put his feet on the ground and take a good walk like he did in the past.

Lu Dinghua stared at him.

He should be able to understand. He had watched Lu Yu being tortured by illness and drugs, but now he was somewhat energetic.

This kind of spirit even gave him absurd hope, as if Lu Yu could gradually become healthy.

But it's all an illusion.

It's all an illusion.

It's like a flashback.

He could almost have a premonition that if he and his wife let Lu Yu come here with him today, by night, this healthy illusion would disappear.

The final stage of the disease will be rapid and powerful.

They will regret agreeing to Lu Yu give up treatment tonight.

The hands he put in his pockets were shaking, and his lips had become numb: "Is it a good thing to give up treatment?"

"...Dad, have we discussed this issue?" Lu Yu looked away.

The old couple said: "... let the child sit down first."

Lu Dinghua turned to them: "Who was the one who was chatting with my son just now?"

Luo Sheng, who was sitting in the second row, suddenly said: "Can you please speak softer?"

Lu Dinghua asked: "Is my voice very loud?"

"dad… "

His voice became louder and his emotions became more and more intense. Lu Dinghua's outburst was like a trigger, igniting everyone.

Until Lu Yu yelled: "I'm not going home! Didn't we already agree that there will be no treatment or treatment? Even if the treatment is given, it will be useless. The most it will do is let me live for a few more days. How many days can I have?"

His voice was extremely hoarse, like a broken bellows: "Ten days or one month? Will I still be awake at that time? Will sitting in front of a half-dead me for another month make you happy?! "

Lu Dinghua's eyes were about to burst, and his chest heaved violently. Amid everyone's silence, he kicked the chair next to him hard, and with a "bang" sound, he turned around and strode towards the cubicle next to the office hall.

The air began to feel suffocating.

There were some sniffles from the audience.

Shen Tingyan remained calm.

Dou Mingjian's outburst was very exciting.

After so many years of acting as a bit player, although he has never played a formal role, his acting skills have been honed and matured by himself.

The appearance of Lu Dinghua as a man is too gloomy and impulsive, which makes people feel disgusted. However, when he fully presents his collapse and powerlessness, this disgust will be transformed into empathetic heartbreak and sadness.

This is a man who wants his son to go back and continue receiving treatment, but is unwilling to accept reality and wants to fight to his death.

Very well acted.

Xue Xiao, who plays opposite him, is also great.

Shen Tingyan had to admit that when Xue Xiao yelled out those words with tears in his eyes just now, his heart...

Shen Tingyan took back his hand that was resting on the instructor's desk, folded his hands around his chest, and gently rubbed his index finger with his thumb in the darkness.

His thoughts stopped and then continued.

If it was him before today, and Xue Xiao had performed to this level, he would have given out an invitation card without hesitation.

This little guy's progress is amazing. There were many problems in the last performance, but almost all were solved this time.

Simplify the complexity, reduce redundant but cumbersome designs, and perform the remaining parts accurately.

Although the emotional outburst is still somewhat lacking, judging from this rate of progress, a little guidance can make it a step further.

But now Shen Tingyan has some doubts about whether to give out this card.

Xue Xiao likes him, and he also likes Xue Xiao very much.

This may be the reason why the distance between the two has shortened very quickly in the past half month.

At that time, he did not expect that it would lead to the current situation.

Xue Xiao filled out his name in the "Favorite Person" column of his resume. Shen Tingyan still thinks that it must be his love for his idol. Xue Xiao is not a "boyfriend fan" at all.

As for the subsequent changes... they were all unpredictable.

So now comes the problem.

Shen Tingyan looked steadily at the young man on the screen.

Knowing that such closeness might further deteriorate the relationship between the two, would he still let it go

This is not good for Xue Xiao.

Shen Tingyan began to think about it.

Su Shijin and Guan Ruoying are both good teachers. Although Feng Wei is an old fox and very annoying, his teaching ability is... not bad.

Xue Xiao's performance was enough for them to issue an invitation card.

Even if he doesn't come to his side, that little guy can grow further under the guidance of anyone else.

Of course, Xue Xiao might be a little disappointed if he didn't get his card.


His thoughts stopped abruptly.

On the big screen, the spring breeze blew off the petals of begonia flowers, falling like snow.

Xue Xiao's performance in this scene and this shot made Shen Tingyan stare suddenly.

(End of chapter)