Studio Superstar

Chapter 42


Lao Gao acted like a normal person and gave everyone lunch boxes and asked them to finish dinner on the spot before continuing with the recording.

When Jiang Quan appeared in front of them, he was still energetic and spoke forcefully.

"To the remaining thirty-one students, I would like to congratulate you here first. Congratulations on entering the next round of the competition."

"In today's competition, each of you received an audience vote, and I have told you in advance that the audience vote will affect your play selection in the next round."

Some students said clearly: "Just enter the selection room from high to low according to the number of votes!"

Jiang Quan smiled.

Yes, the rules are that simple.

"The next round is a real team battle between mentors and students. Each mentor is responsible for two plays. The content of the plays is completely decided by the mentors themselves. The specific number of actors in each play will be fine-tuned by the mentor after the team members are determined."

"The specific content of each play will not be announced at this stage. After you enter the selection room, you will only see two play keywords on each instructor's desk - story keywords and protagonist keywords."

Everyone laughed: "Why do you have to separate us from the teacher again?"

Xue Xiao listened carefully.

Suddenly, many eyes fell on Xue Xiao and Dou Mingjian.

He only expected that his grades would be pretty good today, but he didn't expect them to be this good.

The on-site reactions given by the audience are often the most direct. Cries or laughter, as well as applause, are the most direct praise.

Shen Ting said: "."

But this number of votes also means that everything he wants to show must be conveyed to the audience.

In the audience, Jin Xiaochen whispered: "Then I must play the leading role if I can."

"Smile is so awesome!"

A staff member ran up and handed Jiang Quan a line card.

There were only a handful of students in the audience holding more than one invitation card, which was enviable.

Su Shijin bared her teeth and the students laughed.

Xue Xiao let out a long breath.

"Okay, it's already so late, let's start and finish quickly," Su Shijin took the initiative to cue the process after finishing her fun, "Who is the first place in the audience's vote?"

Really do not have.

Su Shijin: "Okay, who are you implying?!"

Xue Xiao's blood boiled with excitement as he listened.

Jiang Quan raised his head and smiled: "Let us congratulate Xue Xiao, the first place winner in the audience vote, you got 964 votes!"

"It's so cool! It's so cool!"

Xue Xiao shook his head honestly: "...No."

That's fine, that's the only thing he can do as an actor.

"That's right," Su Shijin crossed her legs and swayed her toes, "Why don't we record it together? You don't mind wasting the electricity bill?"

"Once the invitation card is inserted, it cannot be changed. No more cards can be inserted into the card slot that has been occupied. Students who hold invitation cards from multiple instructors can only choose one to insert the card."


Applause immediately burst out.

In fact, most people already have a premonition about today's first place finisher.

"Holy crap, there are still more than thirty votes left before the ticket is full!"

Guan Ruoying: "It's not me anyway."

Jiang Quan coughed: "Aren't you afraid that the tutor's canvassing session will be too chaotic later?"

He glanced down.

Fengwei: "Hehehe, it must not be me either."

"—Come, tell me secretly, have you decided which mentor you want to choose?"

There were a thousand spectators at the scene... He actually got 964 votes? !

Jiang Quan asked him: "Did you expect this number of votes?"

"Students holding the invitation card can choose which play they want to star in. If you are interested in the protagonist, please insert the invitation card into the card slot of the corresponding character; if you are not interested in the protagonist information displayed, just If you are interested in the story, please insert the card into the card slot of the corresponding play.”

At Jiang Quan's signal, he quickly stood up, walked down, and walked to Jiang Quan's side.

Amidst the cheers and congratulations of Chang Yun and others, Xue Xiao was slightly stunned.

Jiang Quan made a move to get closer, but Su Shijin on the other side refused.

"That's the end of the explanation of the rules," Jiang Quan put down the line card and said with a smile, "Then, let's officially start now. By the way, the four instructors say hello to the students."

"In the last round, you were seventh in the audience. This time you jumped to the first place, and you have the first right to enter the secondary selection of characters," Jiang Quan said with a smile, "You are still the only one in the audience who won When you receive invitation cards from four instructors, it also means that you can choose from the entire repertoire.”

The small screen in the studio lit up, and at the other end, four lonely instructors appeared in front of the students.

"Hey, hey, hey, we can't do this. We haven't canvassed votes yet. The canvassing session we agreed on is about to begin!"

Xue Xiao couldn't help laughing.

"Xiaoxiao must choose Teacher Shen this time!"

"I haven't seen Teacher Shen so calm and composed. He must be confident."

"Damn, Xiaoxiao and Teacher Shen are definitely an unbeatable teacher-student team!"

"Why do you feel like a husband and wife team - pfft! Why are you filming me?"

"Don't worry, I'm recording a show!"


Xue Xiao's ears turned red from the teasing.

He quietly glanced at the small screen.

Shen Tingyan sat on the edge of the four instructors, with his legs crossed and his posture elegant.

I don’t know why, but Xue Xiao had an unexplainable tacit feeling, and his face was quite hot.

Feng Wei said slowly: "Teacher Shen, your advantage is right there. There is no need to say more. How about we talk more this time?"

Shen Tingyan smiled lazily: "Why, I also gave you the invitation card."

Guan Ruoying sighed: "Teacher Shen, if you open your mouth, Xue Xiao will definitely choose you!"

Xue Xiao shrank his neck, his whole body turned red and a little nervous.

Shen Tingyan on the other end looked at his appearance, and the corners of his lips curled up without a trace.

While admiring it with great interest, he said lightly: "Really, my play was placed there last time, but he still didn't choose it?"

When Xue Xiao heard this, his head dropped with guilt and his ears were bleeding.

The whole audience was crowing, and Su Shijin couldn't stand it any longer: "Damn it, don't be so obedient! Even after we finish the competition, we have to go to the next round!"

Shen Tingyan thought absently that if he continued to tease her, this little light bulb would be embarrassed.

So pathetic...and cute.

Shen Tingyan let him go and said calmly: "I'm just kidding, read the information about the four instructors' plays carefully and choose carefully."

Xue Xiao raised his head and looked at him carefully.

Shen Tingyan's tone softened unconsciously: "You have to be responsible for your own choices." Xue Xiao was startled, nodded, pursed his lips and smiled: "Okay."

After Shen Tingyan spoke generously, he said with ease that the next step would be free time for the other three.

Su Shijin was the first to say: "Xue Xiao, although I am neither an actor nor a director, I have participated in many filming activities of the crew. I can teach you acting. I can also teach you character guessing and plot understanding. I will leave this show in the future. , we can have more cooperation opportunities.”

The students were amazed—

Good guys, they’re starting to use drama dates as bargaining chips!

Su Shijin received Shen Tingyan's glance and Guan Ruoying's and Feng Wei's meaningful glances, and calmly finished her words: "You think about it yourself, I will definitely send you to the fourth round."

Xue Xiao was flattered: "Thank you, Teacher Su."

Guan Ruoying said: "Xue Xiao, we have collaborated once, you should already be familiar with my coaching style, I am very relaxed here, you don't have to feel pressure, we just need to be flexible and perform every play well." We can also have three-dimensional cooperation, who doesn’t have a movie date yet?”

Guan Ruoying's arrogant speech ended, and it was Fengwei's turn: "Xue Xiao, I won't say much else. I just hope that you will take a closer look at my repertoire after entering. With your ability, you must be promoted to The fourth round is not a problem, what you should think about now is what you want next.”

Xue Xiao was slightly startled.

Fengwei said with deep meaning: "In addition to the mentor selection, there should be something more important to you now."

From the side, Shen Tingyan glanced over.

The four of them are still keeping secrets about the plays they will choose for the next round of competition.

After Feng Wei said these words, he stopped talking. No matter how suspicious and probing looks Su Shijin and Guan Ruoying gave him, he pretended not to feel anything and drank tea leisurely.

Shen Tingyan looked away and sneered lightly.

A pretentious old fox.

He looked back at Xue Xiao in the studio on the other side.

Xue Xiao seemed to be confused by Feng Wei's words.

The students' invitation cards were temporarily handed over to the program team for safekeeping. Now, the program team sent the four huge invitation cards with different names back to him.

Before walking to the selection room, Xue Xiao turned around in a daze.

The two met each other's eyes across the screen.

Shen Tingyan stared at him motionless.

Xue Xiao's cheeks turned red.

He lowered his eyes, turned back shyly, and opened the door to the choice room.

Shen Tingyan curled his lips.

no problem.


As soon as the door to the selection room opened, the screen on the instructor's side turned into a left and right split screen, with the screen in the selection room on the left.

This time there are no more dazzling movie posters in this room, and it is much cleaner and simpler.

There are two tables on the left and right sides.

Each table has a sign with the instructor's name, a sign with information about the No. 1 play, and a sign with the information about the No. 2 play.

After Xue Xiao entered, he instinctively walked to Shen Tingyan's table first.

Tutor Studio.

Seeing this, Su Shijin "tsk", Guan Ruoying sighed, Feng Wei remained calm, and Shen Tingyan's posture became even more relaxed.

Xue Xiao walked to Shen Tingyan's table and took a look.

It was exactly as Jiang Quan said, there was very little information, leaving enough suspense.

For example, in Shen Tingyan's No. 1 play, the key word of the play is "reincarnation", and the key words of the protagonists are "a man who has died ten times" and "the girl who has stopped in time".

The key word of the second play is "color", and the key words of the protagonists are "paint brush" and "painting paper", which is particularly abstract.

Xue Xiao suddenly felt a novel feeling.

The repertoire selected by Shen Tingyan has his unconventional style. The first repertoire looks like a soft science fiction theme, while the second repertoire is more stream-of-consciousness and does not seem like it would be adapted for this kind of variety show. type.

Xue Xiao tried to recall, but felt that the No. 1 show seemed to have some impression, but he couldn't remember which movie it was. He could only give up and start to think about which one he liked better based on the information he had obtained so far.

He thought about it halfway before he remembered that he still had to look at the tables of the other three instructors!

Xue Xiao walked to the table of instructor Guan Ruoying on the side with shame, and took a closer look. Then he walked to the table of instructor Su Shijin opposite, shaking his head and looking at...

Tutor Studio.

Su Shijin muttered: "I passed it too quickly. Did you read it carefully? Xiaoxiao."

Guan Ruoying: "Hey, I didn't seem so nervous when I won the Best Actress Award."

Feng Wei continued to drink tea, while Shen Tingyan continued to remain calm.

On the other end, Xue Xiao passed Su Shijin at an even speed and walked towards Feng Wei's tutor table.

This time, he paused for a long time...

Shen Tingyan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Xue Xiao stopped in front of that table for at least three minutes. Su Shijin and Guan Ruoying had given up their fantasies and started watching the show. The two of them glanced back and forth between Feng Wei and Shen Tingyan.

The former is still there, and the latter still seems to be calm.

The situation is unusual. Could it be that Director Feng really has some secret weapon? Looking at it from their perspective, they couldn't make out any words clearly, and they didn't know what the information about his two plays was.

But the suspense didn't last long, and finally, Xue Xiao turned around and walked back to Shen Tingyan's tutor's table.

Shen Tingyan completely leaned back on the chair and raised his lips.

Su Shijin: "Come on, I knew this was the result."

Guan Ruoying complained: "Comparing with Teacher Shen in front of Xue Xiao, I really have no competitiveness at all!"

Director Feng put down his tea cup and seemed not disappointed: "It seems I still want to congratulate Teacher Shen?"

Shen Tingyan raised his lips, but before he could speak, Xue Xiao held up the invitation card and was about to insert it into a certain card slot, but suddenly stopped again.

He seemed to be confused. After being confused for a while, he raised his head and looked over.

—This is a fixed camera placed in the corner of the ceiling of the selection room. He knows that the instructors are looking at the room through these cameras.

Xue Xiao hesitated and said: "Teacher Shen, you said you want me to choose from my heart and be responsible for my choices."

Hearing these words, Shen Tingyan tightened the corners of his mouth, and a bad premonition suddenly arose in his heart.

Su Shijin and Guan Ruoying's eyes lit up - is there a twist? !

Xue Xiao lowered his head and hesitated, as if he was fighting fiercely in his heart.

Shen Tingyan stared at him closely, his body tensing unconsciously.

After a while, Xue Xiao seemed to have finally made a decision.

He bowed and said, "Teacher Shen, I'm sorry."

After saying this, he turned around, resolutely walked to Fengwei's table, and inserted the card into one of the protagonist's card slots.

The whole set of actions is extremely fast, only taking three seconds.

Su Shijin and Guan Ruoying: "Ha!"

Fengwei: "Hehehehe."

Shen Tingyan: "..."

After Xue Xiao finished inserting the card, he turned around and faced the camera, clasping his hands together and adding guiltily: "I will definitely choose your team next time, Teacher Shen!"

Shen Tingyan couldn't laugh anymore.

This little lightbulb started drawing cakes for him again! !

(End of chapter)