Studio Superstar

Chapter 49


five minutes later.

In the classroom, Shen Tingyan leaned against the podium, and Xue Xiaoduan was sitting in the first row. The atmosphere was very awkward.

Shen Tingyan worked hard to digest this huge amount of information, and said slowly: "So you wrote that novel three years ago?"

"Yes." Xue Xiao said sarcastically.

"People on the Ground" is the first novel in his life that he started writing when he had nothing to do before and after graduating from college. After finishing it, he randomly went to his favorite publishing house to submit the manuscript. He didn't have any expectations, but he didn't expect the end result. Can successfully pass the manuscript.

But Xue Xiao actually had no intention of pursuing writing specifically, and the sales of that book were neither good nor bad, so after this experience, he has not written any other novels for the time being.

He didn't expect that... Shen Tingyan would come to him to buy the copyright...

When the editor told him that the person who contacted her was "Mr. Fang Lei" from Shen Tingyan's studio, Xue Xiao was dumbfounded...

Shen Tingyan rubbed the corners of his eyes and suddenly laughed.

Xue Xiao slumped his shoulders slightly, lowered his head, and was a little dazed.

Will there be very few opportunities to see movies starring Shen Tingyan in the future

He didn't expect to hear such news suddenly, and it was a little hard to digest for a while.

The dusk dimmed Shen Tingyan's side. This man who always felt cold and sharp seemed extremely soft at this moment, and his deep voice became gentler for no reason.

"After I fully entered this industry and stayed on the set for a long time, I discovered that just playing a role is not enough."

"I have different ideas for character selection, story direction, lens, lighting, rhythm, style... I have different ideas for everything, and if I want to get a movie that is completely interpreted by me, I have to make it myself."

Before Xue Xiao had time to be surprised, he was slightly startled when he heard the second half of Shen Ting's words: "... behind the scenes?"

That is when the focus of work turns to directing, and he only makes movies in his spare time.

Xue Xiao raised his head again and stared at the man in front of him silently.

He came to "Superstar" to change his mood and state. As for what he wanted to do and what difficulties he encountered, he had no intention of telling anyone, let alone seeking solutions from anyone.

And when he read it for the third time and decided to ask Fang Lei to contact the author, he never thought that the author who made him curious and could write such a story would be the person he cares about most now.

Before opening the novel, he never thought that this little-known novel would attract him to read it three times in a row.

But at this moment, he spoke, trying to make Xue Xiao understand his decision: "Xue Xiao, people's wishes and goals will change differently at different stages."

"My cousin recommended it to me. He is a screenwriter and usually writes some novels," Shen Tingyan put down his hand and said, "Because he knew that I wanted to go behind the scenes now and planned to buy some IP, so he went out of his way to help me. Find the right resources for this.”

Xue Xiao's Adam's apple rolled slightly.

Is there anything in this world more wonderful than this kind of fate

Xue Xiao couldn't help but asked curiously: "Teacher Shen, how did you know about this novel?"


Shen Tingyan looked at Xue Xiao's lost hair and remained silent for a moment.

Xue Xiao opened his mouth: " won't make movies anymore?"

Seeing Xue Xiao's expression, Shen Tingyan paused and said, "It's not like I won't shoot at all. Let's see if there is a script that I particularly like."

"When I was young, I wanted to act, so when I was nine years old, my mother satisfied me and took me to make a movie. But during that filming process, I realized that for me at that age, "Learning and growing are more important, so I turned down all the film offers until I was admitted to drama school and felt I was well prepared, so I started on this path again."

He never wanted to reveal this to anyone on this show.

Shen Tingyan chuckled: "You did not choose to be a full-time writer, but chose to be an actor. Why?"

Xue Xiao said hoarsely: "...because I want a more three-dimensional world."

Shen Ting said: "For me, becoming a director and producer is because in addition to wanting to own that three-dimensional world, I also want to paint that world with my own hands."

"Moving behind the scenes does not mean that I have quit the film and television industry. You will rarely see me on the screen again, but in every movie you see, it will be me."

Xue Xiao trembled inwardly.

He stared at Shen Tingyan for a long time, the man who planted a small seed in his heart when he was still young, making him want to become an actor.

The desire to "want to act" has run through Xue Xiao for more than ten years, and when he started on this path and moved forward, Shen Tingyan was always with him.

As they walked, the back figure seemed to be disappearing. Just as Xue Xiao was panicking, the man turned around and told him personally that he would always be on this road.

Xue Xiao couldn't help but rub his eyes.

Shen Tingyan, Shen Tingyan, Xue Xiao shouted this name in his heart. He could hardly tell what the emotions that were surging in his heart at this moment were.

All he knew was that this emotion was rushing wildly, making his heart swell.

Shen Tingyan stood up straight, stared into Xue Xiao's eyes, and pretended to be joking: "You're not going to cry, are you?"

Xue Xiao laughed through tears, shook his head, sniffed, and said: "Teacher Shen... the movie you made must be very good."

Shen Ting paused.

Xue Xiao looked at him with red eyes and said softly: "I will definitely like your movie."

Shen Tingyan's eyes became complicated. He raised his lips and whispered: "Do you trust me so much?"

"Well, because you are serious about movies," Xue Xiao said seriously and solemnly, "You will never let down any story or character. No matter how much time or energy you spend, when you put out the work, then It must be the best work.”

"I trust you."

Xue Xiao's few words were simple, but they caused waves in Shen Tingyan's heart.

It's not like no one has encouraged him since he made the decision, but it's amazing that only at this moment, he clearly drew strength.

The person who said these words may not realize how important this is to Shen Tingyan.

Shen Tingyan suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. He looked at Xue Xiao and said with a smile, "Do you know why I came to this show in the first place?"

Xue Xiao shook his head in confusion.

"Because I could never find the actor I wanted. After searching for so long, I didn't even understand what kind of person I wanted. Later, Lao Gao said that I would definitely get the answer here. , I just took a break recently, so I came here.”

Xue Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then unconsciously tightened his hands.

A little anticipation and nervousness quietly arose in his heart, and he asked: "... So, have you found it now?"

"-If you look at it according to my previous standards, of course it was not found."

Shen Tingyan saw with his own eyes that Xue Xiao froze, then lowered his head in disappointment, and joked: "But now my standards have changed."

Xue Xiao said wiltedly: "Teacher Shen, don't lower your standards just because you can't find someone who meets your expectations!"

"No, you understood me wrong. I didn't lower the standards, but changed them. In the past, I thought that only actors whose acting skills reached a certain score line were good actors. But in fact, if a person cannot improve, Then he will stay in this position forever."

Shen Tingyan looked at Xue Xiao with deep eyes: "Those who are greedy enough in their hearts and keep climbing up, and who dare to ask for and fight for, can easily surpass such actors."

“When I realized I couldn’t even imagine where he would end up, I knew this was the guy I’d been looking for.”

"The desire for acting, the understanding of characters and stories, and the speed of absorbing emotions, skills, and everything around you are more important than anything else-"

Some people look ordinary, gentle and harmless, but in fact they are little monsters that are trying their best to swallow up huge amounts of energy in their bodies.

He amazed him.

It will eventually amaze the world.

"Xue Xiao," Shen Tingyan said bluntly at this moment, "try to become a superstar on the set."

Xue Xiao suddenly raised his eyes.

The classroom was silent at this moment.

But his world made a loud noise.


[Xue Xiao’s preparation]

"So, now that you're about to have an original work starring you, do you feel like you've finally officially stepped into this world?"

The young man was slightly startled and said with a smile: "I have been in this world for a long time."


"Even if I could only play backdrops and supporting roles in the past, I was still on the set. I never felt isolated from the world just because I played a small role."


The young man paused.

"But what?"

"... I have been walking very slowly on this road, but it is too long. I can't see how many turns and hurdles I have to turn in front of me. So in the past, I couldn't determine how long I could walk. How long can I go? How far. The only thing I can do is not to think about anything else and seize the time to move forward."

The young man raised his eyebrows: "But recently, I seem to be able to finally see a little of the scenery ahead."

"Why? Has anything changed?"

"Well, someone told me I could be a star."

He seemed to be reminiscing, and while reminiscing, he murmured softly: "The moment I heard those words, I felt as if I was no longer confused. The scenery on this road has never been so clearly displayed in front of me. ”

"But more importantly—"

"I seem to finally fully understand 3214's love."

"Do you understand it completely now?"

"Well, what Director Feng said is true. 3214 and I actually have a similar side. Love should be the same as when facing a dream."

The young man paused, raised his lips and said: " your arms and hug me calmly."

"This way, you won't regret it in the future."

(End of chapter)