Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 107: Stay wherever it's cool


"Okay, if you want to watch the show, please leave. Just go and stay wherever it's cooler."

The people around him also dispersed in awe after seeing Lin Mengya's expression.

It seems that the news about Prince Yu being henpecked is true. Otherwise, why would Prince Yu return to the tent as soon as Princess Yu appeared

Turning around, he saw Long Tianyu already undressed and lying on the bed.

Her eyes were closed tightly, but Lin Mengya could feel that Long Tianyu was not asleep at all.

"My lord, are you asleep?"

Deliberately teasing Long Tianyu, Lin Mengya suddenly became addicted to this game.

"If you fall asleep, I will turn off the light!"

The candle was extinguished at once, and suddenly, Lin Mengya was left in the tent, looking at Long Tianyu in front of her with a pair of bright eyes in the darkness.

He moved over carefully and lay down next to Long Tianyu with his clothes on.

But she could feel that Long Tianyu's body stiffened for a moment when she just lay down.

Suddenly, she had the urge to laugh.

"My lord, have you never slept with anyone before?"

Although, he still answered silently. But Lin Mengya could feel a slight disorder in his breathing.

God, she never knew that Long Tianyu was actually a rare pure man.

"Me too. I have never slept with a man before. Your Majesty, this is the first one."

As soon as she finished speaking, Lin Mengya felt something was not right.

She pursed her lips and felt secretly happy, but her heart felt warm.

One night, the two of them slept together in the same clothes, but their sleep was extremely sweet.

In the early morning, the first ray of sunlight shone in the tent where the two of them lived, and Long Tianyu woke up on time.

Just as he was about to sit up, he found that his arms were tightly hugged by a pair of small hands.

Turning around, I saw that beautiful side face.

The skin, which was like gelatin, actually had a slightly transparent beauty under the sunlight.

The delicate facial features look even sweeter because they are in sleep.

This guy held his arms like a kitten and buried his face in his arms. Occasionally, she would rub his arm with her little face.

He never felt that when his arms were held by others, he would feel a slight sweetness in his heart.

It's strange, why, he never finds this girl's sleeping appearance vulgar.

On the contrary, I can never get enough of it. I look at it deeply like a man possessed.

"My lord, have you and the princess gotten up?"

Bai Ji's voice sounded outside the door, but Long Tianyu frowned involuntarily.

For fear of waking up the girl in his arms, he carefully withdrew his arm. I didn't bother to adjust my clothes and walked out of the tent.

"From now on, you are not allowed to wake up the princess when she is awake. Do you hear me?"

Lowering his voice, he ordered Bai Ji, who was a little dull, but his eyes were still restlessly placed on the person who was still sleeping soundly inside the tent.

"Yes... it's the prince."

Bai Ji blushed first, the prince was disheveled and his hair was messy. And she still had a tender look on her face. Could it be that last night—

However, the prince and the princess have been married for so long, even if it is - it is considered normal.

I just didn’t know that such a cold person as the prince would be so considerate to the princess!

After Lin Mengya had breakfast, she felt that the girls around her were a little unusual in joining forces with Lin Zhongyu.

He turned his eyes and looked at Bai Zhi who was hiding in the corner and snickering. Strange, why is everyone looking at her and laughing secretly today

"Bai Zhi, come here, I have something to ask you."

Bai Zhi immediately came over, with just a pair of eyes, but couldn't help showing a happy smile, which made Lin Mengya look a little creepy.

"What are you laughing at? Is there something wrong with me?"

I looked at the pink face in the bronze mirror, with picturesque features and everything was as usual.

"No, I'm just happy for my master. I'm very happy!"

Her watery eyes turned into crescent moon shapes because of her smile. Even the little tiger teeth at the corner of the mouth were all in vain when they came out to meet the guests.

Lin Mengya remembered that the last time Bai Zhi smiled like this was because her eldest brother brought back many novel pastries from other places.

Could it be that she found something delicious again

"Xiaoyu, come here, you are the best, tell sister, what is going on?"

Who knows, Xiaoyu just covered her mouth and smiled, with a small face, smiling like a little fox.

"It's okay. The scenery in Lingju Mountain is beautiful, the air is good, and I feel much better."

After asking around, all I got were vague and perfunctory answers. Lin Mengya was really helpless and had no choice but to let them go.

She originally wanted to tease Long Tianyu, but she didn't expect that when she lay next to him, sniffing the air, she could see the unique faint scent of Long Tianyu. But she felt that the whole person had become quiet.

However, when she woke up, she did not see Long Tianyu.

In my heart, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Maybe it's because she is not the best candidate in his imagination.

"Princess Qi, the hunting has officially begun. The prince invites family members from all mansions to watch the battle in the paddock."

The little eunuch next to the prince came to invite someone in person. Even if Lin Mengya didn't want to go anymore, she had to show off.

"Okay, I'll be there immediately."

Lin Mengya thought about it and decided to sell it to the prince for the sake of face.

Today, all the animals in the paddock were driven to an area not far from the forest. In this way, we can not only protect the princes and nobles, but also allow them to enjoy hunting.

But in Lin Mengya's eyes, these are just for fun for the children of the aristocratic families.

What is the difference between killing some weak animals and slaughtering them

It's just that these people still take pleasure in it, which is simply ridiculous.

Changing into a blouse and skirt, and lightly applying makeup, Lin Mengya didn't want to attract anyone's attention.

But despite this, when she appeared in the stands, many people exclaimed.

In just one night, the news that King Yu was afraid of his wife swept through all the tents like the autumn wind.

Under Lin Mengya's unexpected circumstances, she once again became a celebrity in the aristocratic circle of the Jin Dynasty.

This headline-grabbing post is simply relaxing and enjoyable.

All the aristocratic children were also dressed up and looking heroic, but in Lin Mengya's eyes, only Long Tianyu was the number one gentleman in the Jin Dynasty.

Regardless of his noble temperament or handsome face, Long Tianyu will always be the best among the crowd.

Even with the prince comparing her, her eyes seemed to have no room for anyone else.

As if sensing Lin Mengya's eyes, Long Tianyu looked back inadvertently, but suddenly smiled at Lin Mengya.

That smile was like melting glacier water, so handsome that it almost broke the earth.

"Oh, this Prince Yu, smiles so coquettishly, some people must be in the mood of love, and the little deer bumps into each other."

Qinghu's leisurely voice sounded, and Chi Guoguo's teasing made Lin Mengya's face a little uneasy.

She pinched Qinghu's waist hard and heard Qinghu's breathing sound as expected. Lin Mengya calmed down and sat on a chair.

"You can eat randomly, but it's best not to talk nonsense."

He threatened Qinghu with a cold face, but when he saw the guy, he looked nonchalant.

Licking his face, he stood behind himself and looked over with his hands on the awning.

"Don't tell me, among this group of people, your prince is really the most handsome. Although he is still a little bit behind him, he can barely pass the test."

Lin Mengya had long been immune to Qinghu's narcissism.

I really don’t know where Qinghu got his confidence. He talks about himself all day long, as if he is the most beautiful man in the world.

But, that fox face is indeed somewhat attractive.

From the moment he appeared on the scene, several ladies couldn't help but ogle him.

"Hey, I said you are already a grown-up, do you want to consider starting a family?"

Teasing Qinghu behind her, Lin Mengya pursed her lips and pointed at the few aristocratic ladies who clearly had a crush on Qinghu.

"I'll forget it. I can't reach such a noble family."

Although Qinghu's voice had a hint of coldness, Lin Mengya could tell that Qinghu was still very concerned about what happened back then.

So, the joke ends here.

"Today's hunting, the person with the most prey will be the winner. After three days, the person with the most accumulation will be qualified to chase the tiger! One point for shooting dead, two points for catching alive! Now, it officially begins!"

The young eunuch struck the gong, and immediately, all the disciples of the aristocratic families rushed out like arrows from a string.

The prince rushed to the front, followed by Hu Lunan of Xifan. Long Tianyu, on the other hand, was in the middle leisurely.

In the first two days, all I shot were pheasants, rabbits and the like.

Everyone is accompanied by a guard with superb riding skills, firstly to protect everyone's safety.

Second, it is for convenience and accurate counting.

As soon as Lin Mengya sat down, there was news from the herald in front of her.

"Master Zhou, one point!"

"Master Shen, take note!"

The constant news of success made those watching from behind start to get excited.

Those who counted, their families were very proud. Showing off how outstanding his son is to the people around him.

"If Brother Nan Sheng is here, this jackpot must belong to Brother Nan Sheng."

There were no boys in the Yue family, so Yue Ting and Yue Qi could only sit there and watch with interest.

Lin Mengya was afraid that they would be bored, so she specially invited them over to sit with her.

"Sister Yue Ting, you are so confident in my eldest brother!"

Lin Mengya teased the prospective sister-in-law in front of her, looking at her pink face, she showed a shy smile, and immediately started laughing too.

"Don't talk nonsense. It's not like you don't know Brother Nan Sheng's martial arts."