Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 113: Cruel and cruel


"If you become a eunuch, how can you bear this country and beauty?"

A sharp and simple dagger was tightly held in Lin Mengya's hand.

And that extremely shrill cry came from Hu Lunan's mouth.

Lin Mengya sneered, the dagger in her hand was dripping with bright red blood, but her beautiful face still smiled softly, like a ghost.

"I'm going to... I'm going to kill you!"

I never thought that this weak-looking woman in front of me could be so vicious.

The severe pain that penetrated into the bone marrow made Hu Lunan cry out.

Never before had he felt so strong that he wanted to break someone's neck.

"Does it hurt? This is just the beginning! I want to get back the pain you put on Sister Yue Ting in one stroke!"

The dagger flew in Lin Mengya's smile. Within a few minutes, several bloody holes appeared on Hu Lunan's legs.

The positions she picked were all very tricky, and her attacks were quick and ruthless. After a while, Hu Lunan fainted due to pain and blood loss.


The dagger raised again was caught by a big hand.

As if possessed by a demon, Lin Mengya's empty eyes turned to stare angrily at the person who stopped her.

"Mengya, if he sticks deeper, he will die."

What a little face it was, it was obviously smiling, but those eyes revealed a heartbreaking sadness.

Long Tianyu raised his other hand and wiped the blood on her face.

"Mengya, you have already avenged Yue Ting, I will take over."

The little hand holding the dagger finally relaxed under Long Tianyu's gentle eyes.

Lin Mengya's eyes finally had the breath of a living person. Big tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Sister Yue Ting, sister Yue Ting—"

In her only warm memory, Yue Ting occupies a large position.

Even though those memories were forced upon her by the owner of this body, this feeling would not disappear due to the change of soul.

Close-fitting and warm cotton shoes and cotton-padded clothes in winter, and fresh and rare seasonal vegetables and fruits in summer. From hairpins and jade pendants to rouge and gouache, the only one who can feel the unique warmth of women is Yue Ting, who has lost her mother since she was a child.

Lin Mengya never shed a tear because Yue Ting still wanted her to protect her.

But in Long Tianyu's arms, the sadness hidden in her heart burst through in an instant.

"I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill everyone who has bullied Sister Yue Ting!"

She kept repeating that the day before, she was talking to Sister Yue Ting about her future life with her brother.

In just one day, everything was ruined because of this beast, this beast.

"Listen to me, Mengya, listen to me!"

His big hands hugged Lin Mengya's head tightly, and his thin lips covered her trembling lips without question.

She looked like she was crazy and possessed, which made his heart ache uncontrollably.

The cold cherry lips were warmed by Long Tianyu's kiss.

It was just a shallow kiss without any lust, but it made Lin Mengya calm down.

"We will definitely take revenge. Now is not the time."

The overly intense emotions severely overdrawn Lin Mengya's physical strength.

As cute as a rag doll, she was held in Long Tianyu's arms. The large black cloak covered the woman in his arms. Long Tianyu stood up and looked coldly at the man who was still unconscious in a pool of blood.

No wonder, that tiger didn't run away in the morning or in the evening, but it happened to run at this time.

I'm afraid this guy is using a tactic to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

Although he also wanted to end this guy's life, as he told Lin Mengya, now was not the time.

Kicked the man over with all his strength, and stamped Wan Wu hard on his back with his big foot.

After a heart-breaking sound of bone cracking, Long Tianyu took Lin Mengya and walked away.

With this kick, he had already broken Hu Lunan's spine.

In this life, Hu Lunan, this beast, can only look at everything in the world with his eyes open, but he can't speak or even move.

Holding Lin Mengya in his arms, he bypassed all the sentry posts and secret guards.

She was still hiding quietly in her arms, with no brilliance in her big dark eyes.

After thinking about it, Long Tianyu changed his mind. Putting Lin Mengya on his horse, the two of them disappeared into the night.

The horse's back jolted, but Lin Mengya remained silent.

Yue Ting's incident seemed to have given her a great stimulus.

Long Tianyu sighed softly, but his feet tightened on the horse's belly.

Finally, the galloping horses brought the two people to a cave on the mountain.

Lin Mengya turned her dull eyes and looked at the very spacious cave in front of her.

"This is where?"

It was difficult to say such words, but Long Tianyu hugged her off the horse.

"follow me."

He held her hand and walked firmly into the cave entrance. Lin Mengya followed him and also walked into the cave.

After walking about twenty steps, he turned a corner and saw a faint light of fire.

Lin Mengya's eyes widened and she looked at everything in front of her.

"how come-"

In front of him was a weak fire. The huge body of the white tigress was already slightly stiff.

On the belly of the white tigress, a newly born white tiger cub is arching its body and chewing on its mother's nipple.

"When we found it, it was already seriously injured. The veterinarian I brought delivered him, but the big tiger was too seriously injured and he still didn't survive."

Long Tianyu walked over and picked up the tiger cub, which was about the size of a kitten.

The little guy has just come into this world and has become an orphan before he even opens his eyes.

"Are we taking it back?"

The young tiger struggled in Long Tianyu's hand. Obviously, Long Tianyu, a thick man, was not used to dealing with such a furry little animal.

His movements were a little stiff, and he held the little tiger and put it into Lin Mengya's hand.

Subconsciously, she caught this little life and looked at its cute and fluffy appearance. Lin Mengya's heart finally began to beat warmly.

"If you put it here, it will starve to death, right?"

Lin Mengya said to herself, but her hands could not help but protect the young tiger's small body.

The little guy must be very hungry. He hugged Lin Mengya's finger and kept sucking it.

The soft little tongue kept licking Lin Mengya's fingers, making them feel itchy and wet.

"Yes, there are wild wolves in this forest. Once the fire is extinguished, those wild beasts will not let it go." Mother's love is always great, and it is the nature of wild beasts to be afraid of fire.

But for the sake of her only child, the tigress chose to lie down next to the fire in the end.

Nothing more than hoping that this fire can protect his children on his behalf, even for a moment.

"I want to take it back. Anyway, we already have Ashue at home, so I don't care about having another one."

Lin Mengya really couldn't bear to see this little guy starve to death. Maybe Sister Yue Ting would also like it.


Lin Mengya secretly screamed in her heart that Sister Yue Ting was the one who should be accompanied and comforted by her most at this moment.

She was only focused on revenge, but she forgot the most important thing.

"Your Majesty! Let's go back quickly. I want to see Sister Yue Ting!"

Looking at her eagerly, she suddenly returned to her usual appearance.

Long Tianyu's hanging heart finally calmed down.

Fortunately, she still had more concerns in her heart.

"Okay, we'll go back right away."

After riding on the horse, holding Lin Mengya and Xiaohu in his arms, the two of them rushed back to the camp again like lightning.

Because of the tiger's escape and the matter between Yue Ting and the second prince of Xifan, the entire camp was in chaos.

Lin Mengya didn't care about anything else, got off her horse, hugged Xiaohu, and ran back to their tent.

Long Tianyu sat on the horse, his eyes always following the running figure.

"Hu Lunan, was it you who did this?"

A faint voice came, and Long Tianyu turned his head and saw Long Qinghan's slightly solemn face.

"He deserves to die."

Not to mention that he used such dirty methods to insult the young lady of the Yue family, just because he once kidnapped Lin Mengya, this person must die.

"I know he deserves to die, but now, hurting him is tantamount to angering King Ming. Have you forgotten our purpose?"

Since childhood, Long Qinghan has followed Long Tianyu blindly, although it cannot be said to be blind.

But the calm and self-possessed third brother has always been his goal and role model.

However, Long Tianyu has changed since Lin Mengya appeared.

He no longer considered any consequences, just to please that woman.

Is this Long Tianyu still his third brother

"I haven't forgotten, Qinghan, haven't you been tired after so many years?"

From the moment he became sensible, his father's favor was like a double-edged sword, forcing him and his mother to dance carefully on the tip of the sword.

He didn't dare to ask for what he wanted, but he would stay away from anything the prince liked.

Over time, he has become accustomed to closing his heart, to the point where he no longer knows what he wants now.

But Lin Mengya made him see another way of living.

She is so flamboyant and arrogant. She just does what she wants to do, and no one can force her to do it.

When soldiers come to cover up the water and earth, they are not afraid at all, and they dare to compete with the sky.

This feeling gradually unearthed the pride buried deep in his bones.

"Third brother, but you know, now is not the best time."

Waves of bitterness spread in Long Qinghan's mouth.

Why didn't he want to give guidance to Jiang Shang and use his talents to stabilize the country of Jin and let the people live and work in peace and contentment.

But in fact, the pressure from the queen and the prince forced him to become an idle prince. One, a waste who cut off his limbs.