Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 119: Investigation


"Okay, I'm going, girl, be careful."

Qinghu raised his hand and touched Lin Mengya's long hair. His narrow eyes slightly raised and he showed a gentle smile.

Originally, it was the most ordinary action, but in Long Tianyu's eyes, it seemed like a provocation.

"I know everything. Don't worry, I will protect myself well."

Lin Mengya knew in her heart that the person Qinghu couldn't worry about the most was herself.

Although this guy is usually nothing serious, he is very cautious when it comes to his own safety.

Qinghu nodded, glanced at the other two guys, and then left the camp.

Turning around, he saw Long Tianyu's face filled with evil aura.

"Your Majesty?"

Lin Mengya called out, with some doubts in her eyes.

Is it because their plan didn't go smoothly that's why Long Tianyu's face smelled so bad

"It's okay, what did you just ask Qinghu to do?"

If it were normal, Long Tianyu would definitely not pry into other people's affairs.

He and Lin Mengya had a division of labor, and they did not interfere with each other.

But for some reason, after seeing Qinghu and Lin Mengya being so close today, I couldn't help but feel a little reluctant.

It felt like they had some little secret and I was left out.

Suddenly, a certain prince felt a little awkward in his heart.

"This matter is nothing to talk about."

Lin Mengya didn't think too much. After thinking for a moment, she told all the causes and consequences.

"I didn't expect that this kind of cheating would happen in the Yue family."

After hearing this, Long Qinghan shook his head and said sadly.

"Yeah? Is there any precedent for this?"

Lin Mengya noticed that there was not much surprise in Long Qinghan's tone.

Long Tianyu and Long Qinghan looked at each other, and finally, Long Tianyu spoke:

"Yes. Thirteen years ago, my father loved a woman named Qinglian. Originally, she was just a singer in the church, and later she was named a beauty. Unexpectedly, three years later, Beauty Lian suddenly lost her temper. After a big change, he soon angered his father and was thrown into the cold palace."

It turns out that there is a precedent for this matter. Lin Mengya did not expect that such a thing would happen in the palace.

"Later, Lian Meiren hanged herself in the cold palace. Unexpectedly, after three months, a famous prostitute who looked exactly like Lian Meiren came to Ruyunfang in the capital. At that time, I heard people in the capital say, Later, the woman went crazy and told everyone that she was once the emperor's beauty."

The beauty in the palace was replaced, but was sent to a brothel to become the top star.

Anyone who hears this will find it incredible.

Moreover, the palace is heavily guarded. Let alone a beauty being exchanged, even being sent out of the palace is not a simple matter.

Then how did the other party do it

"Didn't the one who died in the cold palace reveal any flaws?"

Lin Mengya didn't believe that even identical twins had subtle differences.

There are also differences in temperament and temper. Perhaps the most unexpected thing is that package swaps can also happen in the palace.

"No, because the reason why she was thrown into the cold palace was because she scratched her father."

Long Qinghan shook his head. This happened a long time ago. As for the package swap, it was just the speculation of the people in the palace.

At that time, Long Tianyu and Long Qinghan were just teenagers.

Besides, they only heard about this kind of thing.

Lin Mengya had some doubts in her heart, but a bold idea gradually took shape in her heart.

"There must be countless secrets in the palace. Now, what we have to do is to first catch the mastermind behind the murder of Sister Yue Ting."

Qinghu has already rushed to the Yue family's hometown to investigate, and I believe there will be news soon.

So the most important thing at the moment is to seek justice for Sister Yue Ting.

"The news has been completely spread. From morning to now, no less than three groups of people have come to inquire. But these people seem to be crazy and have caused a lot of conflicts with the secret guards."

A malicious smile appeared on Long Qinghan's Lin Mengya's face,

No wonder those people were desperate. As long as they were silenced, Lin Mengya would be the scapegoat after three days.

Unexpectedly, Lin Mengya had already been prepared.

"Delaying it like this for three days is not an option. By the time they stop causing chaos, our losses will be considerable."

Long Qinghan said with a little helplessness on his face, after all, no matter how high the martial arts of the secret guards were, they would not be able to withstand waves of people.

Moreover, as time approaches, those people's offensive will only become more intense.

"In that case, why don't you, Prince, come with me tonight?"

Lin Mengya turned to Long Tianyu and said with a playful smile on her face.

Although Long Tianyu didn't know what she was going to do, he nodded subconsciously.

"By the way, among these groups of people, are there any killers from Taohuawu?"

Lin Mengya suddenly thought that Qinghu said a while ago that the killers in Taohuawu had gathered at the foot of Lingju Mountain.

Moreover, the person locked in the tent is the killer of Taohuawu.

"Well, there are indeed some. However, they are all mixed in with people from other families. If you hadn't warned them, they would have been missed."

Long Qinghan nodded. In the past few days, he had been responsible for commanding his men to transport the enemy's corpses.

Before handling it, I deliberately used the method explained by Lin Mengya to check it. As a result, I really found a lot.

"This will be difficult to handle. If people from Taohuawu have infiltrated into various factions, then if we want to find them out, I'm afraid it won't be that simple."

Frowning her brows slightly, Lin Mengya now understood what it means to have a wave of things come and go.

Prince Ming's matter has not yet been resolved, and she has no idea of Taohuawu's intentions.

Unexpectedly, just a small hunt could lead to so many things.

I'm afraid it's not easy for Sister Yue Ting, and she hasn't thought about how to comfort her brother.

"Are you still worried about Yue Ting?"

After leaving Long Qinghan's tent, Long Tianyu asked softly.

Lin Mengya nodded subconsciously, lowered her eyes, sighed faintly and replied:

"Yeah, I don't know how to explain it to my brother."

Although she believed that her brother was not a superficial person, something like that had always happened to Sister Yue Ting. She and her brother were afraid it was over.

"Your brother won't blame you. I have sent someone to contact Mingyue Temple outside the capital. In the future, Yue Ting can go there to cultivate."

In Dajin, let alone a woman who has lost her virginity, even if something disgraceful is reported, it will probably damage her reputation.

Yue Ting is no longer married, even if she returns to Kyoto, she will still be crushed by rumors.

"Is it true that a woman's reputation has been fulfilled only if she can only be with the Ancient Buddha of Qingdeng for the rest of her life?"

Lin Mengya really couldn't understand that the woman who was insulted was the victim of this kind of thing.

Don't they deserve everyone's sympathy and understanding? Why do these poor women have to bear the infamy

"I know you are reluctant to let go, but if you return to Kyoto, even if you take her to live in the palace. Do you think Yue Ting will be able to bear that kind of life with her temperament?"

Long Tianyu's eyes were gentle, as if he could feel Lin Mengya's painful heart.

She is such a strong woman, but she is always troubled by the people she cares about.

For some reason, Long Tianyu thought she was so cute like this.

"If you feel lonely in the nunnery, we can buy her a small yard so that she can live peacefully. What do you think?"

Long Tianyu had never cared so much for anyone, just because Yue Ting was Lin Mengya's good friend.

Although there was still a worried smile on her face, Lin Mengya still nodded and tried hard to make herself look less worried.

Privately, she still hopes that sister Yue Ting and her brother will eventually get married.

Now it seems that it may be difficult.

Because of the incidents involving Yue Ting and Hu Lunan, the security in the camp has been significantly tightened.

Many family members of ministers who were close friends gathered together.

After all, things with more people are much safer.

Except for Prince Yu's Mansion, almost all of them were two or more families gathered in a small open space.

Therefore, when Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu returned to their tent, they unexpectedly discovered that the area around Prince Yu's Mansion seemed to have been intentionally emptied out.

Baiji, who had already seen the two of them, opened the curtain.

The four girls and Lin Zhongyu stayed with Yue Ting in the tent all day.

After saying hello to Mr. Yue, Yue Qi officially moved here.

Since Mrs. Yue might be fake, then Yue Qi might be in danger.

Therefore, Lord Yue solemnly entrusted Yue Qi to Lin Mengya.

On the bed, Sister Yue Ting was still sleeping soundlessly. The imperial doctors have prescribed a lot of medicine, but it has no effect.

Last night, Sister Yue Ting had a fever for no reason. After a day, Sister Yue Ting was much thinner than the first few days after arriving.

"What's going on? Has the fever still not gone down?"

Lin Mengya asked, Yue Qi, who had been standing by the bed, shook his head and said.

"Still not. The doctors said that there may be an ulcer somewhere, which is why the fever persists. If you can't apply medicine directly to the wound, then no matter what medicine you drink, it will be useless."

With the help of Bai Shao and others, Yue Qi looked all over Sister Yue Ting's body, but could not find any wounds.

Lin Mengya bit her lip because she thought of a place that no one else would think of.

"Your Highness, you take Xiaoyu out first. Baiji and Baishao, prepare a big bathtub. Baizhi, go and boil the wound medicine ordered by the imperial doctor into a concoction and put it in the water."