Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 142: The vicious Mrs. Yue


Lin Mengya was hit hard on the head. Qinghu didn't know whether he was angry or smiling.

"Damn girl, if nothing happens, just curse me to death. Even if I die, I will die by your side. It depends on whether you bury him or not."

Although it was a vicious threat, there was a flicker of darkness in Qinghu's eyes.

In three years, no one can detoxify him, so he still has three years to live.

However, this is enough.

"Okay, then I will dig a hole and throw you into it. Let wild dogs or something like that come and eat your pretty face!"

Lin Mengya covered her head. The stinky fox was quite harsh.

"By the way, I accidentally inquired about the life experience of the little guy you picked up. Do you want to hear it?"

What is Lin Zhongyu's identity? Lin Mengya admitted that she had been a little curious.


She shook her head, she didn't want to pry into other people's privacy without Xiaoyu's consent.

"By the way, when we went out, didn't we take Xiaoyu with us? Where are the others?"

Lin Mengya suddenly remembered that she had lost a big living person.

He beat his head, secretly annoyed at his absent-mindedness.

"The young master said he had something to do and he went back a long time ago. Has the master forgotten?"

Bai Su replied, and the remaining three girls also looked at Lin Mengya with doubtful eyes.

Alas, it seems that since the quarrel with the prince, the master's memory has become worse and worse.

"Oh, I forgot. It's getting late, let's go back as soon as possible."

It was still raining outside, but it was already dark.

Qinghu immediately called someone and prepared a small carriage, taking five women with him, wanting to go back to the palace together.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the gate of Furong Tower, he saw someone riding on horseback in the rain.

"Sister! Sister, are you still here?"

The young man's anxious voice came from the horseback.

Lin Mengya opened the curtain of the carriage and saw Lin Zhongyu who was already soaked to the skin.

"I'm here, Xiaoyu, what's going on?"

There was a bit of anxiety on the young man's face. He didn't have time to get off his horse before he shouted in a hurry:

"Miss Yue Ting was taken away by them. You were not in the palace, and neither was the prince. They didn't know what they said to Concubine De, so they took both Miss Yue Ting away by force."

Xiaoyu's words immediately chilled Lin Mengya to the bone.

how come? Why would anyone dare to take Sister Yue Ting away by force

"Who picked up Sister Yue Ting? Where did they go? Do you know?"

Lin Zhongyu nodded with an ugly face and said word by word:

"It's Mrs. Yue. She said she would send Miss Yue to a farm outside the city. Miss Yue Er was worried, so she followed. Now, we are almost outside the city."

What? Lin Mengya was so angry that she was like a Mrs. Yue who occupied a magpie's nest.

It was not enough to murder his own biological sister. Actually, he also wanted to murder Sister Yue Ting.

"Let's go too, Xiaoyu, lead the way."

Suddenly, I couldn't care less about the heavy rain.

Under the leadership of Lin Zhongyu, Qinghu drove a carriage, carrying Lin Mengya and his party, and rushed out of the city.

Never, never let anything happen!

Along the way, the people sent by Lin Zhongyu to follow him kept sending back information.

The Yue family did have a farm on the outskirts of Beijing, but those people said that they took the carriage of Yue Ting and Yue Qi and stopped at the farm, then regretted it alone.

It seems that he really wants to put Yue Ting in the farm.

However, the cold uneasiness in Lin Mengya's heart gradually expanded.

The car quickly arrived at the Yue family's farm.

The door was closed, and Lin Mengya couldn't care less, so she could only call someone to break the door open.

Lin Zhongyu and Qinghu exchanged glances and kicked open the door at the same time.

The spacious farmhouse was empty at the moment.

"Sister! Sister! Mother, let me go! I'm going to save my sister, I'm going to save my sister!"

Suddenly, Yue Qi's voice came from the main room.

Lin Mengya hurriedly walked to the door, but heard a crisp slap.

"Confused! Even if that shameless thing kills himself, he can't wash away the shame he has brought to our family. Do you want to destroy your future too?"

The cold tone showed no trace of the bond that should exist between relatives.

Even Lin Mengya could hear the unfathomable disgust clearly.

"No! I don't believe that my sister took the initiative to seduce the second prince. I also don't believe that Brother Nansheng would write such a heartless letter! Mother, please, please let me go! It's not too late anymore At one point, my sister will really die!"

Lin Mengya kicked open the door of the main room. Inside, Yue Qi was crying, kneeling on the ground and pleading with Mrs. Yue.

There are already faint red marks on the fair face of Slap.

But those eyes, with tears in their eyes, still looked firmly at the fierce-looking woman.

"You useless girl!"

Mrs. Yue, who had a noble face, raised her hand and wanted to hit Yue Qi again.

But another cold hand grabbed his wrist.

"Mrs. Yue, if you want to teach your daughter a lesson next time, you must first find out if it is yours!"

The furious Lin Mengya said something that shocked Madam Yue all over.

Looking back, the few people standing in front of me were already soaked by the rain. He was wet, but his eyes were very bright, like an evil ghost in hell, seeking his life.

"W-what do you mean? It's none of your business that I teach my daughter a lesson!"

If there was a sword in his hand, Lin Mengya would definitely rush over and kill this vicious woman.

Things have come to this, but Mrs. Yue has not restrained herself at all.

Instead, he shouted at the top of his lungs:

"This is my in-law's place, you have no right to come in!"

Lin Mengya sneered, she really didn't want to deal with this vicious woman.

He then took Yue Qi's hand and asked with concern:

"Are you okay? What's wrong with Sister Yue Ting?"

Yue Qi was shocked by Lin Mengya falling from the sky, and suddenly there was great ecstasy on her face.

He eagerly grabbed Lin Mengya's arm and shouted:

"Sister Lin, go and save my sister quickly. She received a letter from Brother Nan Sheng, and my mother said many unpleasant things. I'm afraid that she won't be able to think about it anymore!"

When Lin Mengya heard this, her anger surged into her heart.

A letter from my brother? How is this possible

With murderous intent in his eyes, he glared at Madam Yue fiercely. It seems that there is another account!

"Heartless thing, it would be better if Sister Yue Ting is fine. If there is anything wrong with her, I will ask your entire Su family to pay with their lives, and your biological daughter! I will dig her out even if I dig three feet into the ground! "

Now, Lin Mengya has completely confirmed her suspicion.

The whole vicious and stupid woman had no idea that she was digging her own grave.

The situation was urgent and Lin Mengya had no time to deal with Mrs. Yue, so she let Yue Qi lead the way to the back mountain.

Outside the house, it was windy and rainy, with lightning and thunder.

Inside the house, Mrs. Yue was shocked and angry.

The secret she had hidden for so many years was exposed today.

Involuntarily, Lin Mengya's vicious and cold gaze resounded, and the cold feeling lingered like maggots on the tarsal bones.

But so what

This is what her sister owes her! The entire Su family also owes her!

As long as the queen does not fall, who can do anything to her

He is just a little prodigal, sooner or later, even Yue Qi will have to make good use of it!

Coming out of the back door of the farm, Lin Mengya followed Yue Qi and hurried to the back mountain.

There is a cliff there.

They had just arrived when they saw the distraught Sister Yue Ting standing on the edge of the cliff.

"Sister, don't do anything stupid, no!"

Yue Qi shouted in tears and wanted to rush over, but was caught by Qinghu.

Yue Ting's situation is too unstable. If she really rushes over, I'm afraid she won't be able to help Yue Ting, but there will be an accident.

"Sister Yue Ting, it's me, I'm Ya'er! Come here and don't do anything stupid to scare me, okay?"

Lin Mengya slowly approached, trying hard to make her tone gentler.

Like a lightning strike, Yue Ting finally regained her clarity for a moment because of Lin Mengya's voice.

In the wind and rain, she smiled softly.

Just like that day when we first met her in the Lin Mansion, she was as beautiful, gentle, and as elegant as orchid.

"Ya'er, I know that's not what Brother Nan Sheng wrote to me. I know, I know it all."

Yue Ting's tears fell together with the rain.

The expression on his face was no longer clear whether he was crying or laughing.

"Yes, since you know that my brother will not be so heartless, why are you still thinking about it? Sister Yue Ting, be good, come back quickly, don't scare me!"

But she shook her head, with a beautiful and beautiful smile on her face.

Just like life, the flowers that bloom for the last time are brilliant, but they only have the languid taste of death.

"I know that Brother Nan Sheng will not dislike me because of this matter. But do you know? What is written in this letter is the truest situation. I have become a joke to the whole Jin Dynasty. But Nan Sheng Brother, he is a young hero. I can't let him embarrass me."

Yue Ting smiled and turned around.

"don't want-"

Lin Mengya rushed over, trying to pull Sister Yue Ting back.

Unexpectedly, Yue Ting moved faster. With a light leap, the figure in white clothes flew out of the cliff.

"don't want-"

On the cliff, Lin Mengya and Yue Qi both let out heart-rending screams.

Lin Mengya's eyes were splitting as she watched Yue Ting disappear from her sight.

The outstretched hands seemed to be able to hook the corners of Sister Yue Ting's clothes with just one effort.

No matter how high Qinghu's martial arts skills were, he still didn't have time to rescue Yue Ting.

That gentle, skillful and intelligent girl jumped off the cliff with her lifelong love for her brother.

"Sister Yue Ting—"

Lin Mengya watched helplessly, but a mouthful of bright red blood spurted out from her mouth.

"Sister Lin!"


"elder sister!"


Everyone looked at Lin Mengya in panic.

But when he saw her, her body softened and she fainted in Qinghu's arms.

The rain is getting heavier.