Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 165: Check carefully


"Yes, I obey your order."

Lin Mengya didn't know what kind of person Lu Yun was.

But Zhu Aizhi got the title of Jin because of his merits in catching thieves.

Lin Mengya met the two's eyes and just smiled indifferently.

However, Zhu Aizhi seemed to not know Lin Mengya.

Lowering her eyes, Lin Mengya smiled softly in her heart.

"Please, the queen, please allow me to prepare my concubine. Later, we can start the screening."

The queen nodded, but still sent her aunt beside her to look at Lin Mengya together.

In the wing room, Mrs. Wang's face was still ashen, with no sign of coming back to life.

Lin Mengya had no time to think about anything else, her mind was spinning rapidly.

Although Mrs. Wang seemed dead in the eyes of everyone, the aunt beside the queen, whether it was taboo or fear, just stood at the door, looking at Lin Mengya seriously, but refused to come in.

"Bletilla, quietly go to the house and get the flower juice you use to dye your nails."

Lin Mengya quietly gave instructions to Bai Ji. Bai Zhi was always in the house, so she was not worried that someone would take the opportunity to do anything.

Bai Ji nodded and quietly followed Lin Mengya's instructions.

"After a while, if you look at my eyes and act, someone will definitely feel guilty, and we can only win back the victory by catching this person's guilty conscience. If you get my signal, you can secretly replace my hand with flower juice. Bottle, do you understand?"

Qinghu nodded. With his quick eyes and quick hands, it was only easy to do something in front of these people.

"Princess, I wonder if you are ready."

The aunt outside the door seemed a little impatient and kept urging.

Lin Mengya immediately signaled to the people in the room, and Qinghu also walked out of the wing carrying a basin of water.

"To the Queen, I am ready and can start at any time."

Everyone's eyes followed Lin Mengya's movement.

The queen just glanced at her lightly, and then said:

"Well, we can start."


Lin Mengya asked someone to bring a square table, and the basin was placed on the table.

This time, because it is a masked dance, everyone must collect their own clothes and keep their clothes properly.

So Lin Mengya asked people to register and make a register. Anyone who can enter her Liuxin Hospital must be registered.

In this way, there are fewer opportunities to fish in troubled waters.

"Next, whoever I call by name, come over and put your hand in the water. If there is no cinnabar on your hand, there will be no change. If there is cinnabar on your hand, the water will turn purple."

Lin Mengya's words made everyone feel a little nervous.

Attempting to use witchcraft to murder the royal family sounds like beheading and exterminating the nine clans.

"Princess Yu, you should be cautious about this matter. If there is an unjust, false or wrong case, wouldn't it be a loss that outweighs the gain?"

Some cautious people in the crowd raised their concerns.

Lin Mengya's face showed a bit of seriousness.

"Everyone, please rest assured that if you have not touched cinnabar, of course there will be no reaction. Moreover, even if you do react, it may not be the real culprit, it just narrows the scope."

Lin Mengya's assurance temporarily calmed the worried people.

"My body is not afraid of slanted shadows. I, Yue Qi, will be the first to try it."

Anyway, in everyone's eyes, their Yue family and Prince Yu's Mansion are of the same party.

Now, Yue Qi has no scruples anymore.

"Okay, please, Miss Yue."

Qinghu dodged away and asked Yue Qi to take his maids, who took turns placing their hands in the basin.

Everyone's eyes widened. The water in the basin was still very clean and pure.

Yue Qi let out a small breath, took out his hand, and showed it to everyone.

"Don't worry, everyone, the water seems to be fine."

Yue Qi's words reassured those who had doubts.

According to the order of the list, there was a long queue, and everyone became more active. If the test was completed early, the suspicion would be eliminated early.

Lin Mengya stared at the washbasin on the table and also looked at the people in the team.

Many people showed a bit of solemnity or impatient expressions.

After all, getting involved with this kind of thing means sending yourself and your family to the guillotine.

Jiang Ruqin looked at the water basin on the table with fear, as if it was a poisonous snake or beast.

She never thought that things would develop like this!

"Miss... I... what should we do?"

The maid on the side was so frightened that her voice trembled.

Who would have thought that Lin Mengya could overturn something that was certain.

Moreover, he was about to get angry and burn himself.

"What else can I do? By the way, have you washed your hands after throwing it away?"

She personally asked someone to write the letter for the Cinnabar Mansion. Because the government's inspections in the past few days were too strict, she kept it in her personal purse and found an opportunity to frame it for Lin Mengya.

If they were found out, the Jiang family would be doomed.

"This slave just put the cinnabar talisman there in the chaos and didn't bother to wash his hands."

Jiang Ruqin's personal maid was already ashen-faced at this moment.

She knew her young lady's temperament very well. If she really found out, let alone protect herself.

The young lady will definitely put all the responsibilities on herself.

"Myolie, am I not mean to you on weekdays?"

There was a hint of viciousness in her eyes, and Jiang Ruqin prepared for the worst.

Xing'er was trembling. It seemed that what she was most worried about had finally happened.

"Of course Miss treats Xing'er very well... Miss, Xing'er doesn't want to die, you have to help Xing'er."

Her delicate face was already covered with tears, and Xing'er begged Jiang Ruqin.

A trace of false reluctance showed on Jiang Ruqin's face.

She grabbed Xing'er and quietly ran to an inconspicuous corner with Xing'er.

"You have a younger brother, right? I heard from the ladies in the house that he is only three years old. You usually love him very much, right?"

Jiang Ruqin was like a demon who robbed other people's lives, with a sinister look on the corners of her eyes and eyebrows.

"Miss...Miss, please let my brother go, let my family go."

Myolie was frightened. The parents of her younger brother were looking forward to the day when she would leave the house after ten years.

But after seeing the lady's eerie face, she finally understood what was waiting for her.

"As a slave, if you can help me avoid this, then I will treat your family well for you. If you are incompetent, even if I am dragged into the water, you know that you want your family's happiness Life, to me, is easier than crushing an ant."

This was not the first time Jiang Ruqin had become cruel and sacrificed others to fulfill herself.

Moreover, if this matter comes to light, it will definitely involve his family.

No matter how much her father loved her, her legitimate brothers and sisters were always looking for opportunities to seize her father's favor from her.

Last time, Lin Mengya asked her father to pay compensation, which had already made his father extremely impatient.

It's better to settle it once and for all.

"Remember, you were ordered by Princess Yu to frame me. Do you understand?"

With a low voice, Jiang Ruqin put an extremely sharp dagger into Xing'er's hand.

Trembling, Xing'er burst into tears as she took this life-threatening weapon.

"Okay... If I die for the young lady, I hope that the young lady will be kind to Xing'er's family."

The poor little girl had no idea that her admission had actually ended the life of her family.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of your brother."

Let you get together in the underworld. Jiang Ruqin thought viciously, but her face showed mercy.

Things were going smoothly, but Lin Mengya's brows were getting tighter and tighter.

Now, some people have been selected, and many people have no problem, so the atmosphere is not as tense as before.

Bai Ji and Bai Shao stood behind Lin Mengya. As their eyes met each other, they seemed to have made some kind of decision.

"This water is a little dirty. Come and change the basin. Everyone, please take a rest. Madams and ladies who have been selected, please rest here."

Lin Mengya still maintained the basic courtesy of a hostess, and everyone who checked her nodded slightly towards her.

People who had not passed the examination were also given chairs, and the Liuxin Courtyard was full of people.

"Master, can we really find out the real murderer?"

In the side room, Bai Ji asked worriedly.

Lin Mengya looked at her maid apologetically and whispered:

"It would be great if we could find out. If not, I will bear the blame together. I have already made arrangements for you four."

Even Bai Su was a little moved.

What's more, Baiji and Baishao burst into tears on the spot.

Lowering her eyes, Lin Mengya took the hands of these three girls and said:

"As your master, I failed to protect everyone. This is my fault. If I am really taken away, the four of you, as my confidants, will definitely be implicated. However, Xiaoyu and Qinghu will I will take you to hide, including your family. I bought a shop and hid some money there. Although it is not much, it is enough for you to make a living. When the time comes, the four of you will change your names to biological sisters. , I all listen to Baiji’s words, she is the most stable, and I am the most at ease.”

Lin Mengya's sincere words made the three girls burst into tears on the spot.

I always thought that the master’s heart was filled with all the major events in the world.

Little did she know that she had already arranged an escape route for her maids.

"No, Master. You should be alive. We are all miserable people, but we are lucky to have such a good master like you. I am a cheap person, so I am not blessed. Master, as long as you can take care of me A good family member, Baiji, doesn’t have any wishes.”