Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 178: shudder


"Water? There's it outside. Go find it, as long as you can persist in climbing to that place."

There was no trace of human emotion in his eyes.

Lin Mengya looked at Mingyue lying limply on the ground with disdain.

"Ah! It's so itchy! It's so itchy! Kill me, kill me!"

Mingyue screamed in fear and rolled over, but to no avail.

"Master, aren't you afraid that someone will come to get her?"

After leaving the door of the side hall, outside, the night was as dark as ink.

"No one will come to save her, because they wanted me dead, so they sent everyone away. Look, there are no guards outside, not even a human being. Do you think she will be discovered by someone."

Only now did Lin Mengya realize that as a side hall of Chun'en Palace, this was the only place that was so calm.

If they hadn't received the prince's orders, why would the patrolling guards have spared this corner

Wanting her life is a little too tender.

"Yes, she deserves to die."

After being with Lin Mengya for a long time, Bai Su also got into Lin Mengya's temperament. If anyone touches one of his own, he must die.

Behind her, Princess Mingyue was wailing, which made people feel extremely sad.

"Death? Death is the most wonderful thing in the world for her now."

A smile appeared on Lin Mengya's lips.

Looking behind, I saw the half-covered door, which looked very sinister.

"Let's go back to the banquet and see what those people will look like after seeing me."

Lin Mengya straightened her clothes, then turned around and returned to the hall of Chun'en Palace with Bai Su.

Inside, people were drinking and drinking.

No one seemed to notice that Princess Yu had gone away and Princess Mingyue had caught up with her.

However, there was always a hint of worry in the eyes of the prince and Dugu Concubine.

If Miss Wang fails to assassinate her, Princess Mingyue will take over.

Lin Mengya must be dead, but why hasn't news come from Mingyue after so long

"Your Highness, would you like to arrange for someone to take a look?"

Concubine Dugu secretly talked in the prince's ear while pouring wine for him.

The reason why the prince didn't go to see it in person was because he always attracted some people's attention.

It would be bad if someone discovered what they were doing, silenced them for a small matter, and interrupted their big business.

"No, our arrangement is foolproof. Although the little maid next to her is not weak in martial arts, she is using her bare hands. Mingyue can deal with her."

Although there was some worry in the prince's heart, it was not much.

The Queen also acquiesced to this matter.

Otherwise, no one has noticed anything unusual until now.

In the palace, although his words were useful, he was not at the level where he could control everything.

In the seat of King Ming of Xifan, King Ming looked around, but found no trace of his daughter.

Frowning, King Ming felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"Abei, have you found Yue'er?"

Hu Tianbei also looked around. It was strange that Mingyue just said she felt a little uncomfortable and was just going out for a walk.

Why is it that up to now, there is still no sign of anyone

"I didn't pay attention either. Father, do you want me to go out and look for it?"

Prince Ming looked at the prince, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

Recently, Mingyue and the prince have been very close.

Although Mingyue was smart, he also hired someone to patiently teach Mingyue martial arts.

However, the child was too arrogant.

Especially his obsession with King Yu, even as a father, he found it a bit troublesome.

"No need. With Yue'er's martial arts skills, not many people can hurt her. Maybe it's because something has delayed her."

Until now, King Ming could only comfort himself in this way.

In a few days, they will set off back to Xifan.

Although, the queen sent someone to contact him a few days ago, showing some desire to marry Mingyue for the prince.

But he politely declined.

King Ming saw clearly that the world of Jin Dynasty would never belong to that idiot prince.

Even though the queen is extremely smart, unfortunately some things are beyond her control.

Mingyue is a chess piece that he has carefully cultivated, and will only be used in key places.

If the prince can ascend the throne, it will not be too late for a marriage then.

He sighed secretly, that girl, please don't cause any trouble.

A slender figure appeared at the door.

The eyes of the Crown Prince and Dugu Concubine were both attracted.

If the prediction is correct, this should be Princess Mingyue who has returned victoriously.

However, the figure got closer and closer, and finally, what appeared clearly in front of everyone was a stunningly beautiful little face.

Lin Mengya was so busy that she appeared in front of everyone.

The prince and Dugu's concubine both looked as ugly as if they had eaten flies.

impossible! Why can she still stand here so well

Under the shocked gaze of the prince, Lin Mengya walked back to her seat step by step.

Long Tianyu immediately stood up and walked to her.

Although Lin Mengya was very calm, he could feel that this girl seemed to have gone through something.

"Are you okay just now?"

Lin Mengya shook her head and said:

"I'm fine, everything is fine."

Bai Su's aura was still a little unstable, so Lin Mengya ordered her to hide in the dark until someone discovered Princess Mingyue's miserable state and returned.

Frowning his brows, Long Tianyu still felt that this girl was hiding something from him.

"Your Majesty, I'll go back to the house later. I have something to tell you."

Those sharp eyes were looking at him gently.

But Lin Mengya felt embarrassed about being seen through.

There is no other way. It seems that the only choice is to tell the truth to the prince after returning to the house.

After nodding and giving a few more instructions, Long Tianyu returned to his seat.

All around, a circle of female relatives stared at Long Tianyu with their mouths wide open.

God, after living for so long, when have I ever seen this Prince Yu take the initiative to talk to a woman

It seems that there are rumors that Princess Yu is very favored, and what they say is true!

Lin Mengya had no idea that she had earned another round of envy and jealousy.

However, since she came back, Long Tianyu's eyes never left her, which made her a little uncomfortable.

Not long after, Bai Su came back from outside in a hurry.

The two exchanged glances, and Lin Mengya was sure that Mingyue, who was imprisoned in the side hall, had been discovered.

"It's not good! It's not good! Someone is coming! Someone is killed!"

Outside, a miserable scream suddenly came out.

The prince and Concubine Dugu looked at each other, and immediately stood up and walked out.

"The prince is in such a hurry, but what happened?"

Someone immediately asked.

But most of the people came here to drink and have fun, and no one knew what was going on outside. "Who is making a noise! How brave!"

The female officer next to the queen immediately came out to maintain order.

From outside, a young eunuch stumbled in.

"What's the matter?"

The queen asked calmly, but the little eunuch was trembling and his eyes were empty.

The female officer motioned to the eunuch's manager to come forward and ask questions. After the man gave the young eunuch a loud and loud mouth, the young eunuch became much more honest.

"In the Imperial Garden... in the pond in the Imperial Garden... there is a skinless corpse! It's so scary... so scary!"

A skinless corpse? Immediately, the timid person took a breath of air.

In the palace, which year doesn't happen to a lot of people

Death from water exposure must be commonplace.

But what kind of corpse must be to scare the little eunuch like this

"Go out and take a look. The others are waiting here."

With the queen giving orders, no one dared to say anything.

The female officer beside her immediately took the order.

The queen's eyes moved slightly towards Lin Mengya, but she saw that the guy was acting as usual.

"How is it going?"

Seeing the queen's eyes move away, Lin Mengya asked Bai Su quietly.

I saw this girl showing a cruel smile and answering quietly.

"She was really itchy. First she bit her, then she tore it apart with her hands. Then she cut her flesh directly with the sword. When she died, her throat was torn open by herself. It was extremely miserable."

Lin Mengya was really cruel to her enemies.

However, if she dies, what awaits her relatives and friends will be an abyss.

"Okay, I understand, let's watch the show."

She wanted Mingyue's death to shock everyone who tried to deal with her and her friends.

If the blood can't wake them up, then she will become everyone's nightmare!

"Where is the body?"

The prince and Concubine Dugu hurried to the pond in the imperial garden.

A group of guards had already picked up the dead body.

However, the faces of those grown men showed a pale color.

"Prince Qi, the body is already here, but - you better not look at it, lest I bump into you."

The leading guard barely maintained his composure.

But those subordinates, after seeing the corpse, had already gone out and vomited for a while.

"Why? Am I still afraid of corpses?"

The prince's heart was beating wildly with uneasiness.

Lin Mengya came back, but Mingyue never came back.

Could it be that this corpse belongs to Mingyue

"Prince, the corpse in the pond is really - really scary. We followed the blood stains to the side hall, and there was a female corpse inside. However, it is much better than this."

The leader of the guards felt a little shuddered just thinking about it.

The corpse in the pond didn't even have a piece of intact skin left on it.

But he crawled from the side hall into the pond alive.

On that road, the cobblestones were all dyed dark red.

You can imagine how much pain this person must have felt when he crawled over

Even a grown man like him couldn't help but feel a little shuddering, and his whole body felt cold.

"Let's go and see the corpse in the side hall first."

Seeing that the guards were like this, the prince no longer insisted on autopsy.

Turn around and follow the guards to the side hall.