Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 213: Difficulties in the Qin Desert


"Major General, it's not good, Qin Mo... he's dying!"

Outside the camp, there was a sudden noise.

Then, a soldier ran in in a panic.

"What's wrong with Qin Mo?"

Lin Nansheng frowned, looked at the soldiers in front of him, and asked repeatedly.

"Replying to the young general, the imperial doctor said that Qin Mo is about to be invaded by poison. If there is no other way, he will not be able to survive!"

Everyone in the camp had anxious looks on their faces.

Lin Mengya looked at her brother, feeling a little confused.

"I'm going to see if the doctor has arrived?"

Lin Nansheng immediately walked out of the tent regardless of his injuries.

Lin Mengya, who didn't know what he meant, followed suit.

Only then did she realize that the bright lights in the military camp seemed to be concentrated in one place.

The military doctors who came in and out all looked troubled.

After seeing Lin Nansheng, he looked even more embarrassed.

"Xiaoya, just wait here. It's not suitable for you inside."

Lin Nansheng looked at his sister distressedly. He was finally reunited, but he still wanted her to see his anxious side.

"It doesn't matter, brother, I think I can help you."

From the moment I walked into this area, the radar in my mind kept giving off weak warnings.

After arriving here, a series of poisonous names popped up.

As for the antidote, although it is a bit complicated, it is not difficult to prepare.

It seems that someone was indeed injured in tonight's assassination. It's just that that person is not my brother.

Seeing Lin Mengya's persistence, Lin Nansheng had no choice but to nod in embarrassment.

The two of them had just entered the door when they heard a burst of angry threats coming from inside.

"What kind of doctor are you! My son is in his prime. If he loses an arm, then... wouldn't everything be ruined?"

Although the voice was filled with rage, there was also a bit of sadness in it.

Lin Mengya looked at the middle-aged man with slight surprise. Isn't this the current great scholar Qin Xuqin

"Master Qin, please be patient. I will do my best to treat Mr. Ling. However, if there is no antidote yet, then you must prepare for the worst."

The gray-haired imperial physician also had a grimace on his face at this moment.

If it wasn't for Major General Lin's sake, he wouldn't have visited the doctor late at night.

But who knows, this bachelor who usually seems to be well-educated is actually a hot-tempered person.

He just casually mentioned that he might have to lose one of his arms, and he was almost strangled to death by Mr. Qin.

"Master Qin, if you act like this, can Young Master Ling be saved? My master just wants to save Young Master Ling's life. If he loses his life, what does an arm mean?"

A clear voice sounded, and Lin Mengya turned to the corner of the tent.

I saw a young man dressed as an imperial physician, looking calmly at Grand Scholar Qin, and holding the poor imperial physician in his hands who was smiling apologetically.

The man is in his twenties.

He has bright eyes and long eyebrows, he is handsome and elegant, and there is only a faint bookishness between his eyebrows.

In Lin Mengya's memory, the people in the hospital were almost forty or fifty years old. Such a young imperial doctor was beyond her expectations.

"Qiu Yu, you must be helpless."

The old doctor pretended to reprimand his disciple, but in fact, he very much agreed with his disciple's statement.

The doctor is kind-hearted. Now that he is here, his first priority is of course to save Mr. Qin's life.

Although Qin Xu was reprimanded by a junior, the anger in his heart slowly subsided.

This junior is right, as long as there is life. Then the rest is not important,


Looking at his son who was already blue and purple on the bed, Qin Xu couldn't help but burst into tears.

Their family has been passed down from generation to generation, and when it came to his son Qin Mo's generation, he won the respect of General Lin because of his talent.

He had only joined the army for three years, but he had already made many outstanding achievements and became the right-hand man of the Lin family.

I didn't expect... I didn't expect it would end like this.

If Qin Mo, who has always been proud, finds out, will he not be able to think about it


Unexpectedly, Lin Nansheng frowned and stopped the imperial doctor.

"Qin Mo was injured because he was protecting me. If his arm was amputated, Lin would also give him an arm! If Qin Mo left like this, I would also be willing to kill myself. Doctor, please save me." Save Qin Mo!"

Qin Mo was Lin Nansheng's deputy, and because he saved Lin Nansheng, he was hit by the assassin's hidden weapon.

If not, then the one lying here should be Lin Nansheng!

If he had to watch his brother lose everything he had, it would be more uncomfortable than killing him.

"Major General, no!"

Everyone was shocked. Lin Nansheng was a powerful young general at the border. If something went wrong, the Jin Dynasty would lose a tiger general, and the war would inevitably change.

Even the imperial doctor's expression changed a lot.

After all, the weight of Lin Nansheng is too heavy.

"Brother, it doesn't have to be like this. Why don't you let me give it a try? This poison is not incurable."

The elegant and soft female voice came from behind Lin Nansheng.

All the eyes of the audience were focused on the little woman wearing a big cloak behind him.

There was a very elegant smile on her pretty face.

But there was a reassuring firmness and confidence in those eyes.

"Xiaoya, you-"

My mother was indeed skilled in medicine back then, and my younger sister has been identifying herbs with her mother since she was one year old.

However, in the following years, my sister was in a state of confusion as to how she could inherit her mother's mantle.

"Brother, I know what's going on."

With everyone watching, Lin Mengya walked to Qin Mo's bed.

"Please, doctor, please lend me your silver needle."

Bailirui's poison-sealing technique consists of thirty-six sets of large acupuncture techniques and seventy-two sets of small acupuncture techniques.

Now, Lin Mengya has learned 80% or 90% of it.

She checked and found that the toxin on Qin Mo's arm was spreading quickly, along with the blood, and was almost flowing throughout his body.

If the heart is invaded, it will be useless even if the gods descend to earth.

The imperial doctor immediately offered his silver needle, thinking about what this girl could do.

I saw her take out the silver needle, and in a few breaths, she sealed several large acupoints on Qin Mo's chest.

Moreover, the acupuncture technique was so weird and the shots were so fast and accurate that even the old doctor couldn't help but hold her breath.

He was afraid that if she shook her hand, she would stab Qin Mo to death.

"Now, Qin Mo's big hole on his chest has been sealed by me. He will be fine for at least twelve hours. I have to trouble you all to guard him every step of the way and never let these silver needles move. I will take the time to prepare the medicine, and please be patient, Mr. Qin."

Standing up, Lin Mengya gave instructions in an orderly manner, looking like a famous doctor.

Even her brother was dumbfounded. He didn't know when his little girl had such a demeanor.

His eyes crossed Long Tianyu inadvertently.

But there was no surprise when he saw the latter. It seemed that his sister must have had some adventure in Prince Yu's Mansion.

"But... But what if you can't prepare the antidote twelve hours later? I can't sacrifice my son's life. One arm... is missing, as long as he can survive."

In an instant, Qin Xu became much older.

Although he didn't want his son to lose his arm, it was always best to be alive.

"Master Qin, you don't have to worry about this. I am the young general's sister. If Master Ling cannot be cured, I am willing to accompany my brother and apologize together."

Lin Mengya's words were striking.

But the brows of the people around him furrowed a little more.

Oh my God, the young general is already in danger now. If he loses another Princess Yu—

They suddenly felt that the sky was falling.

Everyone was skeptical of Lin Mengya's medical skills.

Only Long Tianyu was full of confidence in Lin Mengya.

He couldn't explain why he felt this way.

I always feel an inexplicable sense of peace after seeing the confidence between her brows and eyes.

Even if no one believed her, he was willing to stand behind her.

He strode to Lin Mengya's side, looked at Qin Xu and said:

"If Mr. Ling cannot be cured, I, Prince Yu, are willing to bear all the consequences."

Long Tianyu's deep voice was like a bomb, which immediately disturbed Lin Mengya's heart.

Shui Ling's big eyes looked at Long Tianyu with confusion, but she only saw his firm profile.

Lin Mengya never thought that Long Tianyu, who had always ignored worldly affairs, would stand silently behind her in the face of a crisis.

Involuntarily, she wrapped her fur cloak tightly around her body, and a joyful warmth flowed in her heart.

It's great to have him around.

"Old minister, please see Prince Yu. Regarding this matter... Please ask Princess Yu to do your best for this matter!"

No matter what, Long Tianyu's words always carry some power.

Qin Xu couldn't hold on any longer. After all, Long Tianyu's reputation among the courtiers was indeed very good.

Many people believe in him.

Since he has confidence in his princess, he might as well give it a try.

"Please ask the imperial physician to cooperate with me in formulating the medicine. Others who are not involved should exit the tent."

With Long Tianyu's support, Lin Mengya felt that things had turned around a lot.

She immediately started dispensing the medicine, and the two imperial doctors and four military doctors also became her deputies.

"The medicines here may not be all available. I'll write down the pharmacy. Brother, please send someone to get it back in the city."

In the military camp, there are only some commonly used medicines.

Lin Nansheng nodded immediately. As long as it was your sister's request, he would agree to it.

"It's better for me to go. Your brother's horses are not as good at walking on the snow as Tuxue. It would be bad if something happens."

Long Tianyu took the initiative to bring it up, and Lin Mengya thought about it again and again and had no choice but to agree.

But she still insisted on putting a cloak on Long Tianyu.

Looking at his resolute facial features, Lin Mengya could only condense all her words into one sentence:
