Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 262: Inexplicable resentment


It seems that since she entered the palace, she has not had any deep contact with Baili Wuchen, but for some reason, this man always has trouble with her.

Are all smart people so unreasonable

In fact, Lin Mengya actually had some embarrassing thoughts. Baili Wuchen can't be the same, right

Although she said that, Lin Mengya understood that Baili Wuchen's loyalty to Long Tianyu was far beyond what she could understand and guess.

It's just betrayal - Lin Mengya is a little hard to understand. Ordinarily, the relationship between Baili Wuchen and Long Tianyu should not be cracked so easily.

What exactly is going on

"A beauty is a disaster, a beauty is a disaster! Lin Mengya, sooner or later, the prince will be destroyed by your hands! Let him go, he has the hopes of many people on him!"

Baili Wuchen begged almost in tears, but Lin Mengya looked at him and just shook her head.

"Since ancient times, the fault of a foolish king and the harm to the country has always been blamed on women. If Long Tianyu is the kind of man who would miss the mark because of a woman, why should you sacrifice your lives for him?"

Lin Mengya knew this truth not for the first time.

She didn't understand what happened between Baili Wuchen and Long Tianyu, and now, there was no need to understand.

"Lin Mengya! Sooner or later you will destroy him!"

Baili Wuchen's roar was like a wounded beast, low and crazy. Lin Mengya turned around and left. In fact, she felt a little pity. It is really difficult to find another person who is as smart as a dust-free person.

In a blink of an eye, we arrived in the teacher's dungeon. Before I even entered, I heard the teacher's angry yelling.

"You trash! How dare you destroy my herbal medicine! trash! trash!"

Since accepting her as a student, the teacher seems to have found something worth doing, and he is no longer as decadent as before.

"Teacher, you are not kind at all when you curse like this."

Lin Mengya turned around and walked in, with a smile on her face and a hint of teasing.

Inside, Bai Lirui was wearing coarse cloth clothes. Although he has lost a lot of weight, he is still in good spirits. Her gray hair was neatly tied back.

"Damn girl! You finally remembered me, your teacher! Come quickly and process these medicinal materials for me!"

Bai Lirui was the only one in the mansion who dared to glare at Lin Mengya.

"Damn old man, you are so fierce every day, be careful no one will care about you in the future!"

Lin Mengya rolled up her sleeves, took the jade knife from the teacher's hand, and bit by bit, picked the herbs on the flowerpot that had been cultivated.

"Have you heard about Wuchen?"

Bai Lirui's questioning voice suddenly came from beside her. Lin Mengya paused with the jade knife in her hand, and many thoughts passed through her mind. In the end, she just nodded and said:

"I went to see him. He's pretty good. His arms and legs are all intact, but he's just not as energetic as before."

According to the guards on guard, the uncle and nephew had never met each other even once.

No matter how much Baili Wuchen begged the teacher outside, the teacher never saw him. Just by asking this question, the teacher's longing for Baili Wuchen was obviously not as indifferent as he showed.

"Well, actually, that kid Wuchen is good at everything. He is just too willful. Mengya, I know that he has never been very respectful to you. However, my brother is the only one who left behind such a posthumous son. He has been me since he was a child. I keep him with me. It’s not my fault to raise him as a godfather. If he does something, can you look at my face and let him go?"

Lin Mengya was silent. She had never seen her master be so cautious before begging anyone.

That almost begging tone and package contained a loving heart that Baili Wuchen had never known before.

Lin Mengya thought about it again and again, and nodded gently.

She knew Long Tianyu very well. Long Tianyu would definitely be reluctant to kill Baili Wuchen like this. That's why he was imprisoned in the dungeon, right

"That's good, that's good."

The confident and crazy smile never let this aging face show any signs of fatigue. Instead, after seeing Lin Mengya agree, that loving smile that Lin Mengya had never seen before hurt her eyes.

Teacher, after all, I still care about Baili Wuchen.

"Teacher, let's not talk about him. By the way, I want you to help me develop some medicines. I have prepared the equipment in advance. Here are the dosage and formula. Take a look. Is there anything else that needs improvement? ?”

After several days of experiments, Lin Mengya discovered another function of ultrabrain radar.

She only needs to imagine some poison or the symptoms of poisoning in her mind. The radar will automatically sense it and then prepare the best detoxification formula.

However, because she is still in the exploratory stage, the matching may not be so perfect.

"You girl, I knew it was fine. Why would you come to see me, a bad old man like me? Bring it here and let me take a look."

Lin Mengya immediately obeyed the instructions and took out the prescription from her sleeve.

There are densely listed names of medicinal materials on it, if Bailirui hadn't been immersed in this way for many years. Most of them will also feel troubled by these strange names of medicinal materials.

"Yes, the medicinal properties have been brought into full play, especially the combination of several flavors, which is a bit more sophisticated than the previous prescriptions. But, do you know what is missing in these prescriptions of yours?"

When mentioning the use of poison, Bai Lirui's face naturally showed an arrogance of not giving in too much.

"Please teach me, teacher."

Bai Lirui looked at his student with great satisfaction. God treated him well. Such an outstanding student was worth teaching even if he spent his whole life in poverty.

"You must know that people who are poisoned will be more or less affected by the properties of the medicine. And most poisons will eat away at the person's body. You have to prescribe the medicine according to the patient's physical condition. Sometimes, the antidote is also poison. If the patient If you cannot withstand the effects of the medicine, bad things may happen. Do you understand?"

Lin Mengya nodded. The teacher was right. Her radar only matched the most appropriate proportion according to the properties of the medicine. However, the patient's physical condition is not within the scope of radar consideration.

"Yes, I understand."

This is one of the reasons why modern technology cannot completely replace traditional Chinese medicine.

If she studies hard under the teacher's guidance, she will gradually make the two perfectly combined.

"Mr. Baili, Princess Yu."

A thin figure appeared in front of Lin Mengya.

Compared with before, the silk and satin clothes all over her body have been replaced by the simplest coarse cloth clothes. Although people are not as arrogant and domineering as before, they are also a bit more vicissitudes of life.

But those eyes were no longer filled with only pride.

"You're here, how is your recovery?"

Lin Mengya did not stop what she was doing. In front of Mrs. Wang, she did not need those pretentious kindnesses.

"You can't die. Mr. Baili has already told me that that scoundrel should just die."

There was a hint of cold resentment in his tone.

Lin Mengya had long asked her master to explain clearly what Miss Wang had done. After escaping from the hell gate, Mrs. Wang's character is no longer the same as before.

Her feelings about Lin Mengya, her savior and her murderer, were very subtle.

"You can think openly. Now that you are alive, I will give you two ways. The first one is to stay with me. I know that you have a good background, and there is currently a shortage of someone in my yard who can support you. The second step is to return to the Wang family, but it is not easy. You must know that you are already a dead person. "

She doesn't want to force anyone. After all, everyone is an adult and naturally has the right to choose.

Moreover, she didn't want to use her life-saving grace to blackmail others into doing something. She didn't want to do anything she didn't want to do.

"Please help me, Princess Yu. I want to return to the Wang family. Moreover, my mother's family will never let me be bullied like this. Princess can rest assured about this."

After a long silence, Mrs. Wang finally made her choice.

Lin Mengya could understand Mrs. Wang's deep hatred after thinking about it. You know, Mrs. Wang's mother's family is a rare and strong family. If they knew, the noble and noble young lady would be killed like this.

This is enough for Mr. Wang to drink a pot.

"In this case, I have also fulfilled a wish. Someone, please take Mrs. Wang down."

Long Tianyu will definitely help her. The person behind Master Wang is the Prince's Mansion. As long as it makes the prince feel uncomfortable, Long Tianyu will definitely be willing to do it.

Mrs. Wang is a hidden chess piece. If she uses it well, she may have wonderful uses in the future.

"You girl, your skills are getting more and more sharp. With Mrs. Wang's temper, she will definitely choose to go back for revenge. I'm afraid there will be chaos in the palace."

Bailirui rarely teased his students. There are too many twists and turns in royal matters. His little disciple is smart, but if he loses his mind, he may be in disaster.

"Teacher, don't worry. In fact, everyone has the right to choose their own life. If Mrs. Wang chooses to stay with me and be an ordinary nanny, I will keep her safe until her death. She can't let go of the hatred in her heart. I It’s just going along with the flow.”

After packing up the last herbs for the teacher, Lin Mengya learned a lot from Bai Lirui.

Although we are preparing to enter the palace now, we still need to be fully prepared in the end.

After thinking about it, Lin Mengya gave up and wanted to discuss her conjecture with the teacher. It was something related to the royal family, and she couldn't let the news leak out easily.

"Mother, your mother's family has sent someone here. They are waiting in the living room at the moment."