Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 269: Wuchen defected



A female voice stopped everyone's actions.

Lin Mengya stood in the middle of the two parties, looking at Baili Wuchen without fear.

"Princess, please stay away. I, Lin Kui, will not let them get out of here no matter what today. Don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you!"

As men, they naturally put the word righteousness first. Therefore, the betrayal of Baili Wuchen and Zhang Liang's group was simply unacceptable to Lin Kui!

"No! Lin Kui, let him go. Baili Wuchen, I made the decision to let you go today, not because I'm afraid of you. But I don't want to see the tragedy of brothers fighting each other. From today on, you are no longer People from Prince Yu’s Mansion. If you still have a little bit of conscience, don’t turn around and help outsiders frame Prince Yu’s Mansion. I know that the reason why you are here is because of the prince’s trust. Regarding the prince’s affairs, if you If you dare to reveal anything, I will hunt you to the ends of the earth. Lin Kui, let him, let them go!"

Lin Mengya's beautiful voice fell, and everyone fell silent.

The tense atmosphere suddenly turned into silence. Zhang Liang lowered his head silently. After all, they still couldn't completely betray Long Tianyu.

As if he had made up his mind, Zhang Liang looked at Lin Mengya firmly and said:

"What the princess said makes sense. Today, we are just trying to rescue Mr. Baili. If the princess can let him go, we don't want to confront our former brothers with swords."

Lin Kui glared at Zhang Liang angrily. They were once brothers who went through life and death. Unexpectedly, they would betray the prince today. For him, this is an unforgivable death penalty!

"No! None of them can leave alive, Princess! We can't let them go!"

Lin Mengya shook her head, not changing her original intention.

"Let them go, no matter what the consequences, I will bear it. I will explain to the prince. Get out of the way and let him go!"

Lin Mengya's words made Lin Kui unable to take action again.

Brothers killing each other is not a scene they want to see. Although his eyes were filled with hatred, Lin Kui still took the lead and moved out of the way.

One, two, everyone had pain on their faces, but they still reluctantly moved out of the way.

Zhang Liang and his brothers lowered their heads. After walking out from here, they were no longer brothers. Rather, it is an enemy that must be fought to the end.

Lin Mengya walked in the front, raising her head high. She wanted Baili Wuchen to know that even if she let him go, it was not for her own safety.

The two groups remained in a stalemate until they reached the outside of the dungeon. The sky already has a faint ink color. But at the exit of the rockery, the light of the torch lit up the sky.

Long Tianyu's tall and slender figure with his back to the dungeon door stopped everyone in their tracks.

"Your Majesty, I—"

Just as Lin Mengya was about to explain, Long Tianyu raised his hand and waved.

The guards who were tightly surrounding him automatically gave way. Baili Wuchen and Zhang Liang obviously didn't expect that Long Tianyu would let them go.

"You go away. Once you leave, don't come back again."

Although there was a hint of indifference in the deep voice, there was more of a heavy heartache.

Seeing that the brothers who once went through life and death have now become enemies. It was impossible for his heart not to hurt.

It's just that this man is used to hiding everything in his heart. Even pain is not easily expressed.

"Your Majesty, I thank you for your kindness. We rescued Mr. Baili today because it was really a helpless act. And we will never betray you."

Zhang Liang finished speaking with his head lowered, and without anyone noticing, he swung his sword and killed himself.

As if it was agreed upon, the guards surrounding Baili Wuchen committed suicide one after another.

Lin Mengya's eyes widened, and just when she was about to organize, a pair of big hands turned her back to those people.

"Don't look."

There was a bit of suppressed pain in Long Tianyu's faint voice. Behind him, blood spurted out and the sound of a body falling to the ground made Lin Mengya's eyes tinged with sadness.

She didn't mean to do this.

"Your Highness, Hou San and I only live to escort Mr. Baili. The two of us have not been here long and have not participated in many things. Even if we are caught, it will not cause much harm to you. Wait until We will send Mr. Baili to a safe place, and we will also commit suicide, please don't worry."

Behind him, a young voice said. Lin Mengya clutched Long Tianyu's clothes, why, things turned out like this.

She didn't want all these people to die. She just let them go because she didn't want to cause more trouble. Why does it end like this

Long Tianyu nodded, the death of those people stung his eyes.

There were corpses all over the ground, and those people had been with him through life and death. The end was already over, even if he didn't kill these people, these people would always live in self-blame.

And everything is caused by Baili Wuchen.

"Haha, my lord, have you seen it? These people could have died under the swords of their brothers. But I didn't expect that one or two of them would die in such a humiliating way. It's all your own initiative, the princess. , that’s why they are so ashamed.”

Lin Mengya was extremely angry. The so-called culprit should actually be Baili Wuchen. If it weren't for him, these people wouldn't have to die.

When he turned around, the first thing he saw was the corpses on the ground.

A dozen guards all fell at Baili Wuchen's feet, scarlet blood dyeing the grass red.

"Baili Wuchen! They all died for you! Do you really have no conscience at all? If they hadn't saved you, how could they have ended up today! It was you who made them betray the prince, and they There would be such a sense of guilt!”

Lin Mengya admitted that although her hands were already covered in blood. However, no one she cared about died because of her use.

And Baili Wuchen actually used his loyalty with these people to push them into the abyss of betrayal.

Does this person know what conscience is

Night has fallen quietly, and under the light of the fire, Baili Wuchen looks like a madman, with a cruel light shining in his eyes.

Lin Mengya really wanted to kill him, but now, because of the deaths of these people, she could only watch Baili Wuchen walk away.


Long Tianyu's deep voice was a bit sinister.

Presumably, everything today also made him feel uncomfortable. But Baili Wuchen just smiled sinisterly, and walked swaggeringly in front of Long Tianyu with the only two remaining guards.

Unexpectedly, he knelt down in front of Long Tianyu and kowtowed heavily.

Long Tianyu turned his head, not wanting to see this traitor again. At this moment, Baili Wuchen suddenly burst into rebellion. Without any preparation, Lin Mengya was grabbed.

"Baili Wuchen, you are looking for death!"

Lin Kui, who was following behind, had a murderous look in his eyes. Everyone had just put away their swords and glared at Baili Wuchen again.

"What are you going to do!"

Baili Wuchen held Lin Mengya tightly, and at some point, he pulled out a dagger from his sleeve. Pressed against Lin Mengya's neck, the slender neck seemed to have hot blood flowing out with a gentle stroke.

"Your Majesty! Everything is because of this disaster. Even if I want to leave, I will kill her before leaving. As long as she is here, she will destroy you sooner or later!"

There was a hint of crazy coldness in Baili Wuchen's voice. Lin Mengya's heart was shocked. Baili Wuchen seemed to have to kill her.

The cold dagger pressed tightly against her neck, with just a slight struggle. I immediately felt a burning pain in my neck.

Needless to say, she also knew how sharp the dagger was.

"Let her go, Baili Wuchen. Otherwise, I will tear you into pieces."

If Long Tianyu was just heartbroken just now, now he is truly furious.

The reason why he imprisoned Baili Wuchen was because he accidentally foiled his plan to kill Lin Mengya. Moreover, Baili Wuchen also seriously injured Ye who stopped him.

If it weren't for that, Qinghu, Lin Zhongyu, and the people he sent would have surrounded Liuxinyuan like an iron barrel. Now, I'm afraid Baili Wuchen has already succeeded.

"Your Majesty! Stop being stubborn. From now on, you will be the one who wants to do great things. Look how soft-hearted you are now! Those who want to achieve great things should be ruthless. But this woman has influenced you, and she will You brought it to the abyss. I won’t allow it! This is absolutely not allowed to happen!”

Lin Mengya completely understood where Baili Wuchen's hatred for her came from. Indeed, in her absence, Long Tianyu was indeed a ruthless person.

Not to mention his enemies, he rarely smiles even to his subordinates.

But under her tireless influence, Long Tianyu not only learned to laugh. Listening to what Lin Kui told Butler Deng, Long Tianyu became more humane.

This kind of Long Tianyu has not become weak. Instead, he has a more humane aura and understands the sufferings of his subordinates. If it had been before, Baili Wuchen would have died eight hundred times.

But now, Long Tianyu only imprisoned him, and in the end, he only spared his life.

"Baili Wuchen, you are wrong. Long Tianyu is no longer the cruel and cold person before, he is a leader of flesh and blood. Look, look at the people around you, they are no longer simple He is just afraid of Long Tianyu. But respect from the bottom of his heart, this is what he wants. And what you want is just a cold killing machine!"

Lin Mengya had an idea and immediately said contemptuously.