Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 284: Shennong system


Until now, Lin Mengya still didn't know what happened.

So, Lin Mengya reacted after being reminded again by the mechanical female voice.

password? What password? Lin Mengya tried hard to think back, but she didn't know what the password mentioned by the radar meant.

correct! An idea flashed in her head, and Lin Mengya seemed to remember that her teacher had once set a protection password on the radar, but that was to temporarily shut down the radar when its carrier was seriously threatened.

However, the teacher never mentioned how to turn off the radar!

What if, what if we were mistaken and the radar was completely shut down

However, the opportunity is rare, and until now, she still doesn't understand what other functions this radar has.

After Lin Mengya thought for a while, she went through the slightly unfamiliar password in her mind.

"Wrong password, please re-enter!"

The female voice came to mind again, and Lin Mengya immediately tried a few more times. There were five opportunities in total, but seeing that the last one was left, Lin Mengya felt a little disheartened.

Give it a try, if it doesn't work, there's nothing she can do.

"Unlocked successfully. Welcome to the Shennong super system. This system is exclusively for medical research. Please remember the unlock password for next time."

The female voice in her mind started a series of explanations. In the past, Lin Mengya thought that this super brain radar was just used to identify poisons.

But now, she knew that this was a highly bionic medical identification research system.

Simply put, it is a simulation system that allows anyone to become a medical expert. After the female voice gave a brief introduction, Lin Mengya suddenly felt a huge pain.

As if someone had hit his head hard with a sledgehammer, his vision suddenly went black, and he fell to the ground in pain.


Fortunately, the pain passed quickly. Lin Mengya gasped for air, and her whole body lay on the cold and hard ground.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, it would be hard for her to believe that the teacher's research results could be so powerful.

After thinking about it, in fact, during the research, she and the teacher were only responsible for this part of the search radar.

At that time, the research base at that time was not just a laboratory for them.

Perhaps, even the teacher, who is one of the leaders of the research base, does not know what kind of system the Shennong clan is.

After the female voice introduced it, a three-dimensional computer desktop seemed to unfold before her eyes.

Inside, there are various functional modules, and she can use her consciousness to command them, or she can use her fingers to remotely control them.

sky! This feature is so cool! It’s as dazzling as the big stallion Iron Man!

Lin Mengya was immediately addicted to the system, but it was a pity that it was probably because it was just a test product, so it had no other functions except for a large number of medicinal properties.

However, what was even more confusing was that the houses she had learned from her teacher, their proportions and functions, were all classified by radar.

In other words, Shennong's system also has the function of recording and summarizing. If it weren't for the fact that there was no artificial intelligence core in it, Lin Mengya would have thought that this system was the second Ultron!

Lin Mengya temporarily put the dispute with Long Tianyu behind. With this system, all medical skills can be memorized in her mind like a scanner, and they can also be divided into different functions.

It’s simply the legendary photographic memory plus automatic classification. It’s so easy to use!

Click on the standby mode, and then concentrate on starting it silently. Sure enough, the page was summoned again.

Oh my God! I didn’t expect it to be so useful!

Lin Mengya, who was lying on the ground and was having a great time trying out the Shennong system, didn't notice at all that a little head poked its head in at the door.

Then, with widened eyes, he greeted the arrival of the second, third, and even sixth one.

The one at the bottom is of course Xiaoyu, who is worried about Lin Mengya. The ones above are Lin Mengya's four girls, and the last one is Qinghu.

The six people looked at Lin Mengya's situation with different expressions, and then they all became heavy in unison.

After closing the door again, six people formed a group.

"Tell me, sister, is she stupid?"

Xiaoyu's question silenced everyone.

Just now, Lin Mengya was still crying. The noise was so loud that even a deaf person could hear it, but now, he was lying on the ground, laughing and dancing in the air. The situation seems to be very serious.

"I heard from people in the village that there used to be a crazy widow. After she learned that her husband had passed away, she became stupid and stupid. She told people everywhere that her man was not dead. At night, she would Crying and laughing at the same time. Master already has this old problem, could he get sick again?"

Bai Shao's words were not unreasonable, and Bai Zhi, who knew Lin Mengya's condition well, cried anxiously.

"Uh-huh, the young lady became like this after my wife passed away. Do you think it's because the prince did something that made my master fall ill again?"

Bai Zhi's words were like a huge stone, pressing on everyone's heart.

What she said made sense. What if Lin Mengya was really stupid or crazy

"I heard that people who are crazy will beat others or hurt themselves. After a while, Xiaoyu and I rushed in to subdue the girl. Bai Su's hands and feet are nimble, and Bai Shao is brave. You two are responsible for controlling the girl. Tie her up. Alas, it’s a rainy day when the house leaks. Don’t worry, I will find the best doctor to cure this girl’s madness. "

Qinghu looked solemn, with a little bit of heartache in his eyes.

The more ingenious a person is, the more he will get into trouble. But, his girl is so young and so capable, why does she have this problem

Sure enough, God is jealous of beauty!

Lin Mengya had no idea that her experiment with the Shennong clan would be so misunderstood by her own people.

After several more experiments, he finally got up from the ground after fully mastering the trick of Shennong's use.

The ground was already a mess. She stuck out her tongue a little. Oh no, she was so excited just now.

A lot of good things were smashed by her.

Alas, although she is now a little rich woman. However, being diligent and thrifty is a traditional virtue.

After silently tidying up the room for a while, Lin Mengya thought about it and left Long Tianyu's pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table.

She finally figured it out, isn't she just a woman? She was leaving anyway, and the one who should worry about and mind should be Miss Linlang.

Although, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. However, that was just because I had the misconception that I was attracted to Long Tianyu.

Yes, it's definitely an illusion. If it weren't for Long Tianyu's handsome appearance and rich family fortune, she wouldn't have the slightest feeling for him.

She is such a realistic woman, tall, rich and handsome, who wouldn't like her.

Pouting, Lin Mengya recited Long Tianyu's shortcomings in her heart.

Then, I regained my composure and opened the door.

"One! Two! Three! Go!"

As soon as she opened the door, Lin Mengya heard the sound of Qinghu counting.

Then, two unknown objects suddenly came from ahead. She subconsciously dodged and the unknown object was thrown away.

Turning around and looking around, Qinghu and Xiaoyu were lying on the ground like dogs chewing mud.

Huh? Strange, what are they going to do

"Oops, you killed me. Bai Shao, did that crazy widow in your village react so quickly?"

The cry of pain came from Qinghu.

Bai Shao ignored him and just looked at Lin Mengya stupidly, as if there were still a few tears in her eyes.

"Master, do you still know who I am?"

Lin Mengya nodded, Bai Shao, she didn't have amnesia, how could she forget

"Woo, that's great, that's great, Master, you're not crazy, that's great?"

While crying, he gave Lin Mengya a bear hug.

The remaining three girls also joined in, crying and laughing together.

Lin Mengya is one big and the other big. Are you crazy? Why is she crazy

"It's great, it's so touching, I want to hug you too!"

Qinghu opened his arms and wanted to join in the fun.

As a result, Lin Mengya suddenly stretched out a foot and kicked the man out instantly.

Although he didn't know what happened, Qinghu wanted to take advantage, and he would never think of it in this life!

The four girls cried loudly, and Lin Mengya could only wait patiently. Finally, she understood the situation just now from Bai Shao's embarrassed explanation.

It was really dumbfounding. These people actually thought she was too stimulated and was crazy!

Are you kidding? How could she be crazy

However, she couldn't reveal the Shennong family's affairs easily. I had no choice but to comfort the girls and say that it was a way of self-regulation.

And now, she is fine again, so there is no need to worry.

The four people who were crying so hard were still a little worried. Therefore, I decided to still come and sleep with Lin Mengya every night.

Lin Mengya was about to say no, but suddenly remembered that Long Tianyu would never come to her place from now on. There was still a slight bitterness in my heart, but I nodded in agreement.

After being under the same roof with Long Tianyu for a long time, Lin Mengya felt a little uncomfortable now that she was alone.

Bai Su was outside, so she was alone on the big bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

The sedan has been floating in front of her eyes. She even recalled every detail. She had a damn photographic memory. As long as she paid a little more attention, she could remember it clearly. It’s even clearer than a scan, damn, damn!

Why can't I forget things that I clearly don't want to think of