Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 318: See things and think about people


After pondering for a moment, Long Tianyu suddenly saw a young man wearing servant clothes, tiptoeing into the door of Yaxuan.

Although, he may not remember all the handymen in the house. But with such a completely unfamiliar face, he still sensitively sensed that something was wrong.

"Have you seen that person?"

Seeing that wretched figure completely disappearing behind the gate of Yaxuan, Long Tianyu asked.

"He is a eunuch in the palace. He comes to our mansion once a month. His subordinates have followed him several times. He always came out of the palace and went directly to our palace. Each time, he only went to Yaxuan. About one After an hour, he will come out. My subordinates are afraid of disturbing others, so they never dare to disturb him."

Since Ye never replied, it means that this little eunuch, apart from sneaking into Yaxuan once a month, has not done anything unusual.

Looking back, he looked at the door of Yaxuan suspiciously.

From a long time ago, the queen and the mother-in-law were inseparable. If someone came from the palace, could it be that they were sent by the empresses in the palace who were close to the mother and concubines

But when I think about it carefully, I feel that something is wrong. If this is the case, just let him know. Why bother to act so cautiously

"Find someone to keep an eye on him, and make sure you find out who sent him and what he's doing."

Ye disappeared behind Long Tianyu without saying a word.

Turned around and left Yaxuan. But Long Tianyu's heart was so gloomy that a violent storm could blow up at any time. He suddenly remembered that Lin Mengya had reminded him to pay close attention to his mother-in-law.

It seems today that the girl must have noticed something. She seems to be careless about everything, but in fact, every move of everyone in the house cannot be hidden from her eyes.

Could it be that she discovered something unusual about her mother-in-law

Looking at the soft sunlight on the horizon, for some reason, Long Tianyu suddenly wanted to see that smiling face as bright as the morning sun.

Unconsciously, we arrived at Liuxinyuan.

He pushed open the door with both hands, but it was empty inside.

The fallen leaves and blooming flowers still complement each other like this. But the yard that had lost its owner had become unusually lonely for some unknown reason. Like a beautiful woman living alone, she grows old and laments every day and every night.

"Greetings to the prince."

A voice with a hint of embarrassment sounded. Long Tianyu lowered his head and saw the woman in blue coarse cloth, kneeling there respectfully to say hello to him. Next to it, there was an old broom.

"Where are the people in this yard? Why are you the only one working?"

In the past, the yard was always filled with laughter and laughter that made people happy. But since Lin Mengya entered the palace, how could she become so quiet

"When I replied to the prince, the three girls Bai said that the princess had approved the leave. They took Xiaobai and Xiaohu home to visit relatives. The other ladies were also sent elsewhere by Miss Yunruo. There were also people in the courtyard. No one, even this old slave, can do it all by himself."

What he said seemed to be certain that Lin Mengya would not return safely from the palace.

Long Tianyu felt a faint displeasure in his heart. He didn't like anyone cursing Lin Mengya like this. That girl will definitely come back, and she will come back to him safely and be his princess.

"Thank you for your hard work. Clean this yard well. The princess will be back soon. She loves to be clean. Don't make her feel uncomfortable."

Nowhere else in my life would I ever expect to see him so amiable.

But the people in Liuxinyuan are a different matter.

Looking at the small pavilion where she usually likes to sit, admire flowers and play with her pets, her steps seemed to be uncontrollable as she walked past.

The white wool mat and soft fox fur were stained with dust now. He stretched out his hand, but couldn't feel the warmth.

In the pavilion, it seemed that Lin Mengya's scent of medicinal fragrance still lingered. Compared with the Yingying Yanyan who was in the same room just now, it makes people feel more relaxed and happy.

Thinking about the news from Lin Kui and the others today, I believe that Lin Mengya will be able to return to the palace soon. Come back to him.

The corners of his mouth stretched into a pleasant arc without him even realizing it. No matter how cunning and difficult to discipline this girl is, this time, he will tie her to his side.

"A sneeze—"

Lin Mengya, who was taking the medicine, only felt her nose itching. A big sneeze attracted almost everyone's attention.

"You guys are busy, I just choked on the medicine. It's okay, it's okay."

Lin Mengya rubbed her nose and explained immediately.

The day after tomorrow is the big day to ask for the emperor's pulse. In the past few days, all qualified people in the Imperial Hospital have been busy nervously. Lin Mengya was not idle either, but she tested Su Tong.

Although the pulse file is in her hands, she may not be able to see the emperor's face.

Long Tianyu's side should have almost withdrawn. Otherwise, if the group of people in the hospital are really pushed into a hurry, the gain will outweigh the loss.

Su Tong's attitude towards her was now like that of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and he only had to kowtow to her every day. But every time she mentioned asking the emperor for his pulse, this guy was always vague.

It seems that there is really some difficulty.

His eyes turned suspiciously to Su Tong, who was teaching his apprentice outside. Aren't you just going to see the emperor? Why, can't even the imperial doctor see it easily

After thinking about it, Lin Mengya and Qiu Yu's eyes met for an instant in the air, and then moved away.

The secret code originally agreed upon was never used. I wonder if it was a coincidence, but there was some tacit understanding between them.

Just like her eldest brother Lin Nansheng, she could always tell what the other person was thinking with just one look. It was strange that this imperial doctor had only met her a few times.

Forget it, now is not the time to delve into such nonsense. Lin Mengya took advantage of her break to quietly pull Bai Su to a small corner of the yard.

The two of them pretended to fiddle with herbs and talked quietly.

"I asked you to spread the medicine on the ground, did you do it?"

Bai Su nodded immediately. She did everything her master asked her carefully.

"Then when you peeed, did anyone stop you or ask you carefully?"

According to her expectation, the person who had planted the Heaven Seizing Root would definitely be on guard. Although she was confident that those people would never discover the secret in the flower fertilizer, she would become suspicious if she didn't.

After receiving some advice from her, Bai Su paid special attention.

But right now, I really didn’t ask on purpose. Since her outburst, let alone asking her. Even if someone dared to look at her for more than three seconds, they were so brave that they were not afraid of death.

It's strange. Could it be that this man, who is so deep in the city, has actually stood still to this extent? If that was the case, then she really underestimated him.

It seemed that we had to find another way to lure that person out.

"Okay, I understand. By the way, tonight you should put pearls and agates on your sleeping holes. Someone will come over, and you will be outside to take care of them."

Bai Su immediately nodded solemnly, and then, as if he suddenly remembered something, he lay next to Lin Mengya's ear and reported quietly.

Lin Mengya's brows became more and more wrinkled as she listened.

Finally, he looked at Bai Su with a stern expression. There was a rare hint of doubtful anger in his eyes.

Bai Su told her that there was a rag doll with her birthday written on it hidden under Pearl's bed. Moreover, she was still the rag doll that she cursed and pricked with needles every day.

She had read a lot about witchcraft in TV series and history books. The predecessors always thought it was a fiction, but now she has even traveled through time. Therefore, she still has some sense of awe when it comes to ghosts and gods.

However, why would a palace maid like Pearl know her date of birth? Moreover, even if Pearl hates her, this kind of thing is definitely not something she, a little palace maid, can do.

Moreover, Bai Su said that Pearl said that she was responsible for the destruction of his family.

This is simply a big joke. Until now, she didn't know whether this pearl that suddenly appeared was the purple-skinned garlic. How can we talk about the destruction of family and people

"Let's pretend not to know about this matter for now. Maybe she was instructed and deceived by someone. The most important thing now is to see the emperor as soon as possible. I always feel a little uneasy in my heart, as if something big is going on. The same thing is going to happen.”

Lin Mengya looked at the sky in the distance, her premonitions were always very accurate. Although, being in the harem, she didn't know anything about the previous dynasty. But inside the palace, the situation is now tense and everyone is in danger. I'm afraid, it's not a good sign.

After another busy day at the hospital, Lin Mengya placed her prescription on the table.

It was double-encrypted in English plus Roman. She didn't believe that in this time and space, anyone could still have this ability. Interpret her recipe, besides, this is just a show. The real prescription is still stored in the Shenong System.

After making accurate calculations and considering multiple possibilities, it was time to make the final diagnosis and treatment based on the emperor's condition. Although it is a bit energy-consuming, after all, it is not a black eye.

After bidding farewell to everyone in Taiyuan Hospital, Lin Mengya and Bai Su dragged their tired bodies back to the small courtyard.

But as soon as she entered the courtyard, Fang Lan took Lin Mengya to the tenth prince's room with a hurried expression.

"What's wrong?"

As soon as Lin Mengya entered the door, she saw the wet nurse looking anxiously at the little one on the bed.

And she had been looking at the lively little guy in the morning, but now, he was very weak and lying on the bed. His eyes were closed tightly, and he seemed to be in great pain.

"The little prince suddenly became like this after having dinner. I just wanted to go to the Imperial Hospital to invite you back, but it was because I didn't take good care of you, so I asked the princess to punish you."