Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 37: Cool Trial Assassin


"Aunt Jinyue, go and ask Boss Tong for a small stove. The tea has become cold and the usual aroma is gone."

Lin Mengya suddenly turned her head and said to Jinyue, Jinyue had taken care of everything with skill and skill. Lin Mengya turned her head and continued to look at Prince Tang.

"Is there anyone else at home?" Lin Mengya looked as usual as she picked up the tea in front of her and took a sip.

"When I return to my master's house, I will find that I have a worthless son at home." Tang Wang was still a little cautious, but her attitude became more and more respectful.

"Oh? Are you married to a wife?" Jin Yue looked at Lin Mengya puzzled, why did the princess talk about household matters today

"If I go back to my master's house, my slave's family is poor, so I haven't married a wife yet."

Lin Mengya's eyes turned away from Tang Wang.

"Okay, you go down first." Looking down at the water in the tea cup, Lin Mengya seemed to have no intention of speaking at all.

Mrs. Tang Wang kowtowed again, and Ya Po was about to go out to call the next one. Turning around, he heard the sound of a tea cup falling to the ground from inside the house.

With a "bang" sound, the door of the room was closed by the guards. A dozen guards quickly appeared from nowhere, holding bright swords, and surrounded him instantly.

"Don't move!" He yelled coldly. None of the women in the yard had ever seen such a battle. They even forgot about crying and hid in the corner shivering.

After controlling the situation in the entire yard, Lin Kui entered the house in a flash.

In the originally spacious room, at this moment, seven or eight sword-wielding guards in elegant uniforms poured out. Lin Mengya was protected by the crowd and remained unscathed.

The woman named Tang Wang was lying on the ground, her life or death uncertain.

"Come here, remove his jaw, pour boiling water over it, and wake him up!" Lin Mengya pushed away the guard's protection and looked coldly at the man who fainted on the ground.

Butler Deng's face was gloomy. Such a bold thief dared to assassinate the princess in front of him. He simply didn't know whether to live or die.

Just after Mr. Tang Wang finished kowtowing, when no one was prepared, he suddenly burst into rebellion.

I didn't know when I had a sharp blade in my hand, and it was about to pierce into the princess's chest.

But the princess seemed to have been prepared for it. She swayed away at that moment and barely escaped the fatal blow.

The guards who had been ambush for a long time also flew out in an instant, catching the assassin by surprise. He kicked him right in the heart, and the man also fainted.

Butler Deng immediately followed the instructions, took a rope and tied the man up. The boiling water that had been heated on the small stove for a long time also poured on the assassin's back in an instant.

After hearing a cry of extreme pain, Mrs. Tang immediately opened her eyes. Her facial features were instantly distorted, but her chin was drooling and could not be closed at all.

"Are you awake? I guess you are not a Tang Prince, are you?" Lin Mengya stood up from her seat lightly and looked down at the assassin who was suffering pain.

"You're not a woman at all, you're just an assassin disguised as a woman, right?" Lin Mengya walked to the assassin's side, took out her handkerchief, and picked up the dagger that fell on the ground.

When this person came in just now, the names of several highly toxic drugs popped up in her mind.

Ordinary people can't even afford it, let alone use it.

The only possibility is that this guy is here to kill him!

Thanks to the poison radar, otherwise, she might not have known how she died.

"With this dagger, even if I am pierced a little, I will die, right? Thank you for your consideration. Therefore, I want to give you a very special courtesy. Butler Deng, go to the Yamen and say hello, I want to borrow theirs For use in the torture chamber.”

Under the sunlight, Lin Mengya's expression was particularly cold.

It was Butler Deng and Lin Kui. They both felt chills running down their spines. What on earth was this princess going to do

"Madam, please spare your life! Even this villain doesn't know that this person who deserves to be killed by a thousand swords is an assassin. Madam, please spare your life!" Ya Po, who had been frightened for a long time, was afraid that the lady would blame him.

It's all her fault for being greedy. She accepted three pieces of silver from the Tang Wang family, but who knew, she almost died!

"I won't blame you, but you have to tell the truth. Do those people outside have any accomplices of this guy?" Lin Mengya turned her cold eyes, and Yapo immediately kowtowed.

"No more! No more! It's just that there was another girl in that group of people. The villain once saw them talking to each other. The villain asked too much, but the two of them insisted that they didn't know each other. The villain just said No worries."

Of course Ya Po was telling the truth. Before Lin Mengya could give her orders, Butler Deng immediately went out and captured the little girl.

"Master, this man is also a man disguised as a woman, and he has been captured!"

"Throw them all into the execution room of the government office. Everyone else will sign a death deed from the palace for me. Each of them will be given two coins of silver as a token of appeasement." After signing the death contract, they will all belong to the palace. Served.

All the power of life and death is in the hands of the master of the palace. If you want to go out and talk too much, it’s only if you don’t want to live anymore.

Of course, these people were all people who had agreed in advance that they could sign the death contract. Unexpectedly, this incident turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Being able to work as an errand in the palace was something no one could ask for.

"Yes, Master." As Jin Yue and Butler Deng took back the maids, Lin Mengya followed a group of guards and quietly slipped into Fu Yin's torture chamber.

I said hello in advance, so the journey was smooth.

The cell was dark and damp, but there was no fear on Lin Mengya's face.

Nonsense, when they were in medical school, in order to practice their courage, they took turns spending the night in the college's cadaver bank.

From shivering in the beginning, to groups of three or five often playing cards all night long in the duty room. Is there any place that medical students would not dare to go

Along the way, Lin Kui couldn't help but admire the princess's courage. No wonder she can make the prince look at her differently. Sure enough, she is not an ordinary lady.

The torture chamber was filled with a rotten smell, mixed with the faint smell of blood.

The room was not big, but there were dozens of torture instruments. The two assassins were tied together and looked at Lin Mengya angrily, as if they wanted to eat her alive.

"Do you think I am going to torture you to extract a confession?" Lin Mengya slowly walked up to the two of them.

The poison in their mouths was taken away by the guards, so their chins also took it. The man pretending to be a mother-in-law is a man in his thirties. At this moment, he is suffering from great pain due to sad injuries.

The corners of her mouth curled up, and Lin Mengya smiled innocently.

"I just want to kill you. Tell me, who of you wants to die first?"

Sitting on the chair, Lin Mengya looked at the two people leisurely, as if she were looking at two lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"You," Lin Mengya pointed at the middle-aged man, "or you?" Then she pointed at the young man, with an extremely embarrassed expression on her face.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to think about it, let's start with you first." Lin Mengya pointed at the middle-aged man, and someone immediately dragged him out.

In the execution room, the young man was the only one left, rolling his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

"Don't worry, it will be your turn soon. Tell me, how do you want to die?" Lin Mengya smiled brightly and spoke in a brisk voice. It didn't sound like she was killing anyone, but rather, it was as if she was asking about the other person's food and sleep. things.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot that you can't speak." The boy's mouth was blocked by a rag, and his face turned red, but he couldn't say anything, and he couldn't bite his tongue to commit suicide.

Suddenly, a strange fragrance wafted in from outside the baking room.

The charred meat was accompanied by the aroma of the meat being cooked, which made everyone present frown.

"You smell it, this is how your companion died." Lin Mengya stood up and explained in front of the young man with great interest.

"I asked someone to find a nail board, put hot coals underneath, and then asked your companion to roll around on it. If the nail board became red, I asked someone to pour a bucket of cold water on it. . After four or five hours, your companion will be burned all over, and then he will die. I call this method of death Nirvana and rebirth. Doesn’t it sound very enjoyable!"

No matter how gloomy the execution room was, it was still not half as good as Lin Mengya's tone.

It was obviously a horrifying way to die, but listening to her talk about it, it seemed more like a normal kind of fun.

The young man has seen such a woman before, and has never heard of such a horrific way of death. A pair of eyes looked at the stunning beauty in front of him with fear, like a savage beast.

"If it were you -" Lin Mengya thought for a while, as if she was searching for a suitable way to die.

"Would you like to try it too? But this is the first time, I'll replace the hot coals with ice cubes. In this case, you won't die all day and night. It's still fun, don't you think?"

The words coming out of the mouth of the most beautiful and innocent girl made the men crawling out of the pile of corpses feel a little scared.

The young man looked at the woman in front of him in horror. The burning smell in the air seemed to be getting stronger. Even in the young man's ears, he could still hear the shrill shout of the middle-aged man echoing in the air.

No! He doesn't want such a painful death, this woman, this woman is a devil!

"Come here, bring him to me for execution. I want to watch it myself." Lin Mengya suddenly became interested, and the two guards immediately lifted the young man up.

The young man's fear reached its peak, and he immediately started struggling violently. Suspicious traces of water flowed from the ground.

"What are you going to say? Now, I'll give you a chance to tell you your last words." Lin Mengya ordered someone to remove the rag from his mouth, and the young man immediately shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Please Madam, spare my life. I, I will tell you immediately who is behind this."

But Lin Mengya didn't dare to be interested at all. She turned to look at the young man and said, "I know what's good about it, but you can't kill me anyway. I wish I could have someone sent to me to kill every day. Take it away!"

"No, no, no! Madam, please forgive me, I can be your spy. Don't you like killing people? I can make them all fall into the trap and bring them to you to kill!"

The young man couldn't help but beg Lin Mengya, and his whole body was trembling as he waited for Lin Mengya's decision.

Turning around, a sneer appeared outside the young man's sight.

The fish is hooked.