Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 3849: Make a grand appearance


Probably because she was usually used to the kind of clothing that facilitated movement, and during the Shenji Camp, she only wore black men's clothes all day long.

Who doesn’t like good-looking clothes

So she still feels quite happy to dress up like this occasionally.


Long Tianyu opened the tent and walked in.

But when he saw his wife sitting in front of the mirror, he was still stunned.

"You look beautiful today."

His eyes were full of surprise.

Walking over step by step, with a pious attitude, it was like a pilgrimage.

That was his god and his sweetheart.

Even though they were an old married couple, Lin Mengya still didn't feel a little shy.

But more than anything, it was joy.

Who wouldn’t like being appreciated and infatuated by someone, especially someone you love

The eyes between the two seemed to be drawn together.

Seeing Bai Su and Liu Zhaohua, who were helping Lin Mengya dress up next to them, they didn't know where to turn their eyes.

"Ahem, Miss Bai, have their relationship always been so good?"

In the end, Liu Zhaohua, who was a little more mature, couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked.

Bai Su smiled, probably because he was used to it, so he was not as surprised as Liu Zhaohua. He just said softly: "My master and His Highness have always had such a close relationship."

Liu Zhaohua asked again, "How long have they been married?"

Bai Su calculated carefully, "It must have been at least five or six years."

Ning'er's little mistress is about to turn four this year, and she was born to His Highness more than a year after they were married.

Including the ten months of pregnancy, it would be at least about six years.

It has been almost more than five years since she came to her master's side.

I think she was just sixteen years old back then, and now she has celebrated her twenty-first birthday.

Thinking that even when the master was in the Shenji Camp, he never forgot to prepare a birthday gift for her.

And that fool, even though he was careless, became her lifelong partner.

Thinking of this, her face couldn't help but soften a lot.

Liu Zhaohua looked at the unsmiling iceberg beauty, as if the ice and snow had melted away all at once, and when there was a deep warmth in the corners of his eyes and brows, he automatically swallowed his words.

She was young too.

If it weren't for the many hardships that fate had inflicted on her, she would probably now experience a "normal" relationship between husband and wife.

But she has no regrets.

Everyone has his own destiny.

If she was born like this, she would also have to cross this river of accumulated suffering to reach the other side of her ideal.

Lin Mengya didn't know yet that Master Liu, whom she had longed for in her heart, had not only awakened, but had even gained a sense of transcendental Zen.

This led to Liu Zhaohua's subsequent decades of coaching career in which she was repeatedly rated as one of the most graceful and free-spirited teachers in the entire Sita College.

It was deeply loved by students, and even influenced many young girls’ views on mate selection.

Long Tianyu held his wife's hand, and they came to the outside of the camp side by side.

At this point, everything is ready.

All guards, whether they are the Jackdaw Guards under her command or the Temple Army under Long Tianyu, who has been completely controlled by him, first

The subordinates who had been officially merged and renamed the "Flying Dragon Army", as well as the Gong family guards brought by Xiaoyu, all changed into their own unified military uniforms.

Among them, the Jackdaw Guard's clothes are lavender, and the overall feeling is cool and elegant.

The military uniform of the Feilong Army is pure black, with a calm atmosphere and full of oppression.

Similarly, the Gong Family Guards are all dressed in moon-white military uniforms. They are more in line with the identity of the Gong Family Guards. They are very imposing at first glance, but they do not make people feel overly arrogant.

These three colors neatly guard the carriage of Lin Mengya, the owner of the family, and do not attract the attention and wonder of passers-by wherever they go.

Even those craftsmen who were outside all day long, poking around and eager to get in to find out the news, didn't even dare to get close.

The killing intent in those people was too strong.

Perhaps this was not something they did intentionally, but that this group of people had gone through rigorous training and selection to create such an aura of calmness and self-power.

Lin Mengya sat comfortably in the carriage that belonged to her.

Her frame this time had actually been shipped over a long time ago, but it had never been assembled.

Unlike the carriages at home, which tend to be gorgeous and luxurious, the carriage she rides outside is more majestic.

Safety was also considered early, as was the practicality of the carriage.

In short, as long as she doesn't take the initiative to come out, even if thousands of arrows are fired from outside, they may not be able to hurt her.

Eight white horses pulling her carriage soon became the landscape on this road.

People all speculated on which big shot it was that could lead to such a grand event.

But in fact, even the big and small families of the ancient tribe may not be able to pull off such a scene.

This was the first time that Lin Mengya and the others had shown their strength so intuitively.

She wanted to get the upper hand.

At this time, the Mo family is temporarily stationed.

This was supposed to be a manor used by the owner for enjoyment. Since it was for his own family, it was beautifully decorated.

But it was a pity that they were not able to enjoy the manor they had built so hard for even one day.

Instead, they were robbed by a family that was stronger than them, and they borrowed flowers and dedicated the Buddha's land to these foreign visitors.

Even so, the Mo family still disliked this place.

In their opinion, the courtyards built by country people exuded a rustic flavor everywhere.

"I really don't know what the head of the family is thinking. Even if he wants to recruit people to be targets, he doesn't have to go to such a remote place. There are plenty of them outside, right?"

"Shut up, everyone."

With a soft drink, everyone who was discussing this matter shut their mouths.

The young man in white clothes glanced at everyone coldly and warned mercilessly: "The boss said that if this errand fails because of anyone, then don't blame her for ignoring her usual schedule when she gets back. If you show affection, send the person directly to the punishment hall."

The young man's words made everyone quiet down instantly.

Penalty Hall, can the people in there still be considered human beings

Although they are all from the Mo family, the Mo family has a strict hierarchy and strict rules.

And in such a chaotic place, the most indispensable thing is people.

Therefore, everyone who makes a mistake and is thrown into the punishment hall will eventually become the nourishment of the family.

It can be said that the Mo family in the Penal Hall represents death.


Of course they didn't dare to say anything nonsense after hearing this, but they didn't curse the old nun in their hearts.

No matter how kind-hearted she was, eating fasting and chanting Buddha's name all day long, in the end it was the old nun who was the most ruthless.

"Okay, Shan, let everyone disperse. Come in and I'll see you if I have something to do."

Suddenly, an old-fashioned voice came from inside the house.

Shan, the young man who taught those people a lesson before, waved his hand to everyone.

After they all dispersed, he turned around and entered the house.

As soon as I opened the door, a gentle scent of sandalwood hit my face.

The gentle and rhythmic sound of wooden fish makes people's hearts calm down involuntarily.

Shan bowed to the woman meditating in front of the Buddha statue and asked, "What are your orders, sir?"

"Do you have any candidates for the people I asked you to choose?"

Shan immediately replied: "I have selected a few, and I would like to invite you to take a look."

With that said, he handed over the list.

The list was taken over by a well-maintained hand.

Although the other party is dressed like a bhikshuni in a temple, in fact, the things used by this person are not exquisite and expensive.

Just such a pair of hands, they don't look like someone who is almost 60 years old.

Master Yin lowered his head and glanced at a few names on the list.

"I have some impressions of these people, and this is Zhang Chi."

She tapped the two words with her fingertips, "Have you found out who sent him?"

Yoshiya knew the name.

To be honest, this person's performance can only be regarded as mid-range, and the most important thing is that he has no family background and usually has little interaction with other people. He is like a lone ranger.

Although they came here this time to select targets for the four geniuses in the family, if there are suitable ones, the more the better.

Even if there are a few that are not satisfactory, they can be left to the younger generations in the family for use.

On the other hand, he didn't see anything outstanding about Zhang Chi.

"I have already sent people to investigate. He is an orphan. After he was born, his parents passed away one after another. He grew up eating hundreds of meals and is very famous in that area. Our people also rushed to check and confirm This person is suspicious."

"Oh, I see."

Yin Zhangshi thought for a moment and said with profound meaning: "If that's true, then he has some motive. But it's no wonder, if he grew up in such an environment, if he really had a solid eye, he would have been eaten to his bones long ago. There’s not even a scum left.”

Shan suddenly understood what she meant, "You mean he deliberately concealed it?"

"That's not really true. It's just that he is among the top three in terms of potential among these people. If he is not deliberately hiding his clumsiness, then he has not met a good master before."

"Even a piece of beautiful jade needs to be carved carefully. I do intend to cultivate him, but it's a pity that I am getting older and my mental strength is not as strong as before."

Shan immediately knelt on the ground and said, "Please forgive me, sir! It's all because of the useless summer vacation that this person almost got away."

Yin Zhangshi didn't seem to care about this at all. Instead, he said as if he was joking, "Get up. Although you are capable, your eyesight is a bit shallow after all. I don't blame you for not being able to see it."

"I just thought he was interesting, so I cherished his talent. But do you think he and Chong'er can get along?"

Mo Xuechong is the successor that the music director has worked hard to cultivate.

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