Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 69: Choose with your loved ones


He hurriedly returned to Liuxinyuan with his maids. Lin Zhongyu, who came after hearing the news, saw Lin Mengya who was secretly sulking as soon as he entered the door.

"This prince is simply outrageous! Sister, don't get so angry."

Lin Mengya was teased, and she was not the only one who was angry.

"Am I so angry? No way, I was just thinking about how to respond to him."

From her previous life, what Lin Mengya hated the most was this kind of self-righteous man.

I remember when I first went to college, there was a boy who thought there were two bad guys in the family, so he molested her.

She remembered that in the end, she stole a human skeleton and stuffed it into the boy's bed, scaring him half to death.

Now, if the prince dares to tease her, he really thinks he has a long life.

"Princess, the prince has sent word that the prince is going to have a meal in the palace, so please prepare it."

Outside, the steward's voice came in. Lin Mengya nodded, and Bai Zhi went out to reply.

He even stayed down to eat. A strange smile appeared at the corner of Lin Mengya's mouth. She will definitely make this meal unforgettable for the prince's life!

In the small courtyard of the palace, the prince frowned and looked at his aunt with a sad face.

The room was quite tidy, but it was too shabby, with not even a piece of decent furniture.

Even the teacups given to him were the simplest rough porcelain teacups, and the tea they brewed was bitter tea that was unpalatable.

Both the aunt and cousin were wearing simple clothes. Compared with Lin Mengya's silk and satin clothes, they looked like beggars on the street.

When he was a child, his mother was busy fighting with the concubines in the harem, so his aunt, who often went to the palace to accompany him, took his mother's place.

When he came to Prince Yu's Mansion, he specifically inquired about his aunt's current situation.

But I didn't expect it to be so desolate. That Lin Mengya really went too far.

"Cousin Prince, look at how Lin Mengya insults me and my mother. You have to make the decision for us."

Lin Mengwu cried and made up some unfounded lies, but did not mention at all that she was relying on others and still worried about other people's marriage.

"Wu'er, don't talk nonsense. Your prince's cousin wants to do big things, how can you interfere in the affairs of the inner house?"

Shangguan Qing really loved the prince, and she only had one daughter. The Lin family's only son was born to that bitch.

He always had to fight against her, let alone get close to her.

Now that her nephew is here, he naturally wants to make the decision for her. Look how long that little bitch can be so proud!

"Wu'er is right. Since I'm here, I won't watch my aunt being bullied like this. However, after all, Lin Mengya is the master and we are all guests. There are some things that I cannot interfere with. Today, I am I need to discuss something with my aunt."

Putting away his dissatisfaction, the prince suddenly remembered business.

Shangguan Qing and Lin Mengwu looked at each other, but they didn't understand what the prince had to discuss with them.

"In three months, cousin Wu will be sixteen."

I picked up the tea cup out of habit, but after seeing the turbid black soup, I put it on the table in disgust.

Shangguan Qing's heart gradually felt uneasy. Only Lin Mengwu felt a little shy, and her face turned pink.

"In the near future, King Ming of Xifan will come to Kyoto to pay homage. At that time, his prince and princess will also come to the capital with him. Prince Xifan is a young and talented man, and the queen mother wants to find a job for cousin Wu. A good marriage.”


Shangguan Qing and Lin Mengwu screamed in unison, looking at the prince in disbelief.

"There are so many princesses of the right age in the palace, and even if there aren't, there are quite a few princesses from the prince's family. No matter what, it's not Wu'er's turn to get married!"

Shangguan Qing's words were sharp, but when she saw the prince's slightly dissatisfied eyes, she immediately realized what was wrong with her.

Then his tone softened.

"What my aunt means is that I only have a daughter like Wu'er. If I really go to get married, wouldn't I miss my aunt very much?"

Lin Mengwu was shocked and angry, but she didn't dare to object, her little face was filled with tears.

If you want her to go and get married, Xifan is a barbaric place. I heard that there are still tribes that drink blood from their hair. If she were allowed to go, wouldn't it be like a sheep falling into a tiger's mouth and never being able to stand up again

"That's true, the Queen Mother is just a suggestion. This matter depends on the wishes of the Prince of Xifan. At that time, the princesses in the palace, as well as the princesses of the princes, will come to the banquet. Who will the prince choose? , also unknown.”

Although she said this, the queen mother had already sent Lin Mengwu's portrait.

Although Xifan is a foreign state, all the people are soldiers. From the little baby to the old man with white hair, they can all go into battle to kill the enemy.

The marriage is also to make his future path to the throne smoother.

If Lin Mengwu can become the Princess of Xifan and then the Queen, it will be a great help to him.

It's just that these things can't be told to a woman like my aunt.

Shangguan Qing saw the prince's eyes twinkling, and still understood at least seventy-eight points in her heart.

In my heart, I couldn't help but feel resentment towards my sister.

Back then, it was she who first fell in love with Lin Muzhi, who came from a family of military generals. But the elder sister lobbied her father to marry a sick man, just to fulfill her position!

If it weren't for her God's foresight to let the sick man die first, I'm afraid she would be alone in the empty boudoir now.

But if her sister hadn't been too selfish, Mu Zhi wouldn't have picked up that little bitch on the battlefield, and even went against everyone's advice and married that bitch.

Wu'er is her lifeblood, and she will never risk her own happiness for her sister's ambition again!

"If that's the case, then I'll be relieved."

Pulling her daughter's sleeve, Shangguan Qing gave Lin Mengwu a reassuring look.

His face returned to normal, but a vicious idea gradually formed in his mind.

Her daughter must never go to Xifan to get married. It's just that she needs to make good use of this opportunity.

"Don't worry, if Wu'er insists on not marrying, my mother and I will not embarrass her. After all, Wu'er is my cousin, and she is different from ordinary women."

While saying perfunctory words against his will, the prince looked at Lin Mengwu.

Although she is not as stunning as Lin Mengya, she is still pretty and a top-notch beauty.

Presumably, the barbarian prince who has never seen a Central Plains woman will fall in love with her at first sight.

When the time comes, she will have no choice but to say whether to marry or not!

"His Royal Highness, Mrs. Lin, and Miss Lin, the dinner is ready. The princess has specially ordered her servants to come and invite the three of them to the table." Outside the small courtyard, the delicate and gentle Baiji conveyed Lin Mengya's words in a polite manner.

Suddenly, the three people stopped discussing the marriage.

The prince straightened up his appearance and took the lead to leave the small courtyard. Shangguan Qing and Lin Mengwu filed out.

The three of them took their respective servants and arrived at the main hall where guests were entertained.

Long Tianyu and Long Qinghan were seen sitting at the bottom of the table. Only Concubine De took the seat, and the main seat was still empty.

The prince naturally sat at the main seat. Shangguan Qing and Lin Mengwu also sat at the guest seats. The only one missing was the hostess Lin Mengya.

"I've met Empress Dowager De, and I wonder what her habits are like living here?"

Pretending to be cordial, he chatted with Concubine De about everyday matters, but in his heart, he really hated this woman who had been fighting with his mother for half his life.

It was not enough to be favored by his father, but the son he gave birth to was so highly regarded by his father that not only the queen mother, but also him, hated Concubine De.

"Prince, I am thinking about you. I am here and everything is fine."

Although it was perfunctory, Concubine De did not show any emotion.

He was always noble and elegant, as if he were in a palace, and he didn't look lonely at all after being kicked out.

"That's good. The queen mother is in the palace, but she really misses the empress."

The prince's eyes flashed coldly, but Long Tianyu took them into consideration.

"Your Highness, please forgive me for rushing to meet you. I really don't know what kind of dishes His Highness likes, so I had to try my best to make more. Please don't laugh at the simplicity."

Lin Mengya arrived late in a hurry. She was wearing an aqua gauze skirt, which made her look even more charming and charming.

The coldness on the little face faded away, and the lively smile added a lot of brilliance.

She didn't have the maturity of a young woman at all, but was as light and sweet as a girl. She completely outdid Lin Mengwu.

The eyes of the prince and Long Qinghan could not help but circle around her.

But she smiled and sat next to Long Tianyu.

"Your Majesty, if I don't do well, you have to intercede with His Highness the Crown Prince on my behalf."

The coquettish tone made Long Tianyu's brows jump.

Turning his head, he saw a pair of bright eyes. What on earth was this girl planning

In the blink of an eye, the dishes were served on the table in front of everyone.

Although it is a family banquet, the dishes on the table are all arranged according to the standard. Next to the prince, there was naturally a little eunuch who tasted the dishes. After tasting a little of everything, he arranged for someone to serve the dishes to the prince.

"This dish is crystal clear. I have never tasted it before. How delicious is it?"

On the prince's plate, there was a golden object. It was crispy on the outside and sweet and glutinous on the inside. It was very fresh.

"The name of this dish is shredded sweet potato. It's just a very common country side dish. Prince, you can just eat it as you like."

Lin Mengya lowered her eyes and hid the smile in her sight.

In addition to carrots, there are also dishes made from radishes, apples, and potatoes on the prince's table. Although they don't look like much, they are all exquisite and delicious.

Seeing the prince drinking the wine she carefully prepared, Lin Mengya immediately covered her lips elegantly, hiding the smile that was about to blurt out.

A 'pop' sound came from an unknown source, instantly attracting everyone's attention.