Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 94: The current situation of the Yue family


After sending someone to call Long Tianyu, Lin Mengya took her four girls out of the gate of Prince Yu's Mansion.

Riding in a carriage with the royal palace's mark, more than a dozen guards followed Lin Mengya's carriage in an orderly manner, attracting the attention of many people.

"Master, why did you bring so many people when you came out today?"

Bai Zhi opened the curtains of the carriage, looked at the group of guards outside, and asked doubtfully.

"Isn't this simple? Our master, the person we want to visit is the future young lady of the Lin family. If the pomp is too small, won't we be looked down upon?"

The quick-tongued Bai Shao spoke to Lin Mengya's thoughts.

Sister Yue Ting also hinted at her in her words.

Today, if I don't use the princess's aura to control the battle, maybe I will be rejected.

"Miss Yue is beautiful and gentle. In the past, she was very kind to young ladies."

Bai Zhi excitedly started talking about Sister Yue Ting.

Lin Mengya also listened to a few paragraphs, and felt more and more that her sister-in-law was really a somewhat virtuous person.

Brother, you are lucky.

"It's just Master. Although Miss Yue is nice, Mrs. Yue is really difficult to deal with. If she contradicts you with words, please don't be angry."

Speaking of Mrs. Yue, Bai Zhi looked at Lin Mengya worriedly.

Although it is a good thing that the young lady has opened up her spiritual intelligence, her temper is becoming more and more unpredictable.

"I know this."

He lowered his head and blew on the tea in front of him.

Soldiers will come to block the water and the soil will cover up. For her brother and Sister Yue Ting, no matter how difficult the mother-in-law is, she will handle it.

The carriage arrived at the Yue Mansion quickly. The Yue family came from a scholarly family, so they were naturally different from ordinary dignitaries.

Although the mansion has been repaired by several generations, it is simple but not luxurious.

Coming from a noble family, Lin Mengya sat in the carriage, asked someone to take her greeting card, and went to call the door.

Half a moment later, a kind-faced middle-aged man came out to greet Lin Mengya with his servants, wife and children.

"I didn't know that the Princess and the Queen are coming to visit us. I apologize for the delay in welcoming you from afar."

Lin Mengya got out of the carriage with Bai Su's help. She looked very elegant and had the temperament of a princess.

"Uncle-in-law is so polite. He should have come to visit a long time ago. However, things in the house are so busy that I only have some free time today. Uncle-in-law, please don't blame me for being rude."

Yue Shilin smiled gently and looked at Lin Mengya, who was still young but looked like a princess, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

"If so, it's a great honor for the princess to come here. Please come inside."

Like stars over the moon, people crowded into the palace. Lin Mengya looked at them without leaving any trace. Why, among these people, there were no figures of Mrs. Yue and Sister Yue Ting

Suddenly, a familiar figure burst into view. Yue Qi followed the crowd and kept winking at Lin Mengya's envoy.

There was an anxious look on her little face, and Lin Mengya's heart moved slightly. Could it be that something happened to Sister Yue Ting

The group arrived at the reception hall of Yue Mansion, and only after Lin Mengya's insistence did Yue Shilin take the seat of honor.

The servants in the mansion had already prepared fine tea. Lin Mengya took a sip. The fragrance of the tea was refreshing and absolutely extraordinary.

"I wonder if the princess is in the palace? Brother Mu is guarding the border. Brother Mu is very concerned about the princess's current situation."

Yue Shilin and Lin Muzhi were good friends as teenagers. They were both literary and military, and they were quite fond of each other.

Therefore, he treated Lin Mengya more like a junior in his own family.

Besides, Lin Mengya was well-educated and had Lin Mu's open-minded temperament, which suited him even more.

"Everything is fine with me. Uncle Lao-in-law misses me. It's just that I haven't heard from my father and brother for a long time, and I miss them very much."

In fact, every month, my father would send someone to deliver a letter home.

However, they were all detained by Shangguan Qing.

The gadgets that her brother asked someone to bring back to her, the good ones, were taken over by Lin Mengwu.

Some of the less eye-catching ones were thrown away by them.

Therefore, in fact, Lin Mengya still cared about her father and brother very much, but there were two annoying dogs in the family.

"Brother Mu is also very good. I received a letter from him a few days ago. In the bitter cold borderland, the soldiers are all focused on killing the enemy. Your father is so powerful that the enemy does not dare to invade. Therefore, we can have Today’s scene of peace.”

A sense of pride arose spontaneously. In my memory, this wise and mighty father was always very gentle and kind to me.

He did not transfer the pain of losing his beloved to her at all.

With her father's love, she is the happiest person in the world.

"This puts me at ease. Mengya came here this time to ask uncle for something."

"I don't dare to take this seriously. The princess can just give her orders if she has something to do."

Lin Mengya smiled, with a hint of longing in her eyes.

"These are the cotton-padded clothes I prepared for my father and brother. The border is not as good as at home. I heard that last year, the army was in a hurry for pay, so my father gave away all his cotton-padded clothes and wore single clothes for the winter. As a daughter, I can't bear it. Please also ask My uncle-in-law handed it over to me to comfort Mengya's guilt."

Lin Mengya brought a huge box over, and Yue Shilin looked at the wooden box with some surprise.

What kind of cotton-padded clothes could be dressed up like this

But when he opened the box, what he saw were neatly arranged cotton-padded clothes. This place was definitely not just prepared by Lin Muzhi and Lin Nansheng.


"There are a total of 1,800 cotton-padded clothes here, prepared by the prince. There are 100,000 soldiers at the border, and the things here are just a drop in the bucket. Although Mengya and the prince have limited abilities, they hope to do their best for the soldiers. "

These cotton-padded clothes were indeed prepared by Long Tianyu.

Since their military pay was robbed last year, the soldiers at the border have not only endured the danger of near death, but also endured a life of lack of food and clothing.

Therefore, Long Tianyu would often send some food and cloth through his old department.

However, these are all done secretly.

Now Lin Mengya asked Yue Shilin to give him cotton-padded clothes as a gift. What he wanted was for everyone to know about it without making it public.

After all, it wasn't sent by their palace, so it was still up to Yue Shilin.

"Oh, I would like to thank the prince and princess on behalf of the soldiers at the border."

Although Yue Shilin was a civil servant, he was extremely honest and had great ambitions to serve the country.

Unfortunately, the world is dangerous and loyal ministers are never reused. Moreover, the prince was headstrong and only cared about his own enjoyment, but never considered the border officers and soldiers.

Lin Mengya's step was able to win over the hearts of the Yangxi family with Yue Shilin as its lineage.

She just wanted to bring all the available power into Long Tianyu's hands bit by bit.

"Don't say anything about your uncle-in-law. If anyone asks, my uncle will just say that it's just the filial piety of the prince and I. As you know, the prince and I are also in a very difficult situation."

Lin Mengya vaguely reminded Yue Shilin, with a somewhat bitter expression on her small face.

Yue Shilin didn't understand that the prince and the queen were not tolerant people.

"On this point, Princess, please rest assured."

After solemnly promising Lin Mengya, the other party nodded gently, and the two of them reached a consensus.

The cotton-padded coat was carried down, and the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves. Lin Mengya lifted it up, and the relationship between the two of them became much closer.

At that moment, he asked tactfully:

"By the way, Sister Yue Ting in my house is quite attached to me. Why, don't you see Sister Yue Ting?"

Lin Mengya pretended to ask casually, and Yue Shilin's expression froze. Just as he was about to speak, Yue Qi, who had long been unable to hold himself back, snatched him away and said:

"Sister Lin, please go and save my sister. She... She is about to be forced to death by her mother!"

Yue Qi's words caused Lin Mengya and Yue Shilin's expressions to change immediately.

"Qier, please don't be rude. Get out of here."

Although Yue Shilin said this, his tone was a little helpless.

Lin Mengya knew clearly in her heart that it seemed that the powerful Mrs. Yue must want to follow the dragon and the phoenix.

She sneered in her heart, how could the daughter-in-law promised to her by the Lin family be taken away by someone else so easily

He waved his hand, called Yue Qi over, and comforted him softly:

"What's going on with Sister Yue Ting? Come and tell me, okay?"

Yue Qi wrinkled her nose and started crying.

"My mother wanted to force my sister to get married. If she didn't comply, my mother would lock her in a room. My sister got stubborn and wouldn't eat or drink. Qier was afraid that if this continued, her sister wouldn't be able to bear it."

Lin Mengya smiled in her heart, this girl must have gone too far in her acting.

It’s only been a day, how come I’m starving to death

However, since Yue Qi said so, she had to follow it.

"Uncle-in-law, what exactly is going on? Sister Yue Ting has already been promised to the Lin family, how can she marry someone else?"

Being said like this by a junior, Yue Shilin's face became slightly hot.

Naturally, he doesn't like his daughter marrying somewhere else. Besides, regretting a marriage is something that is impossible to do.

However, his wife actually threatened death this time.

Although he wouldn't talk to Brother Mu about breaking off the engagement, he couldn't force himself on his wife. He was in a dilemma.

"This - well, it's all because of my cheap wife's inconvenience."

After sighing, Yue Shilin said quietly.

His face was full of guilt, and he seemed a bit older.

Lin Mengya knew what she was thinking, thought about it for a long time, and said:

"Speaking of which, this is always a matter of the inner house. If my uncle-in-law can trust me, if not, how about I go and persuade my aunt-in-law?"

Lin Mengya took the initiative to ask for a job, which moved Yue Shilin's heart.

Besides, she has a prominent status and can also control her own tigress.

"Wouldn't it be too troublesome for the princess? Besides, the family scandal must not be made public."

But Lin Mengya comforted her: "Where did you come from? When Sister Yue Ting comes over, we will be a family. Why do we have to talk to each other? Don't worry, uncle-in-law. Mengya will do her best and not embarrass uncle-in-law."

Yue Shilin thought about it again and again, and finally nodded heavily and said:

"This will cause trouble for the princess."