Sugar Baby

Chapter 10


Qiu Qiu knew that he would definitely not be able to hide from his parents about his participation in the talent show, but he never expected that the news would spread so quickly.

He completely underestimated his popularity in the school. He sang on stage in the afternoon, and by the end of the evening, all the students in the entire university town knew that Colonel A had successfully advanced to the next level with a divine song "Don't Look I'm Just a Sheep".

The next day he had a professional class, and the class was taught by the vice president, Professor Wang. There was a 15-minute break between the two big classes. Professor Wang cheerfully called him to the stage and asked him to sing for everyone.

... Qiu Qiu experienced the fear of being forced to perform for all relatives during the holidays when he was in elementary school.

However, Qiu Qiu has a high level of mental quality and never has stage fright. He finished singing generously and won applause from all the halls.

In fact, many boys are waiting for this campus male god to make a fool of himself, but there are some people who are born with a little bit of charm, who can sing nursery rhymes, and the hearts of the audience are fluttering.

A girl shouted from the audience: "Qiu Qiu, I want to give you a litter of little Hui Hui!"

Qiu Qiu said in embarrassment: "...but I'm just a sheep."

Someone recorded this solo in a small video and posted it on WeChat Moments, accompanied by "Shocked! The bully of University A doesn't listen to lectures in professional classes, but instead does this kind of thing... "The title spread quickly among the student community.

Qiu Qiu's uncle saw this video and shared it with the family group very much.

Qiu's parents and Qiu's mother were really "shocked" after watching the video.

I'm Lao Qiu: ... Qiuqiu is the school grass? ? ?

Dong Youxin: ... Qiuqiu is a top student? ? ?

I'm Lao Qiu: Mr. Dong, your son follows his father, he is talented, knowledgeable about the past and present, with a GPA of 4.0, he must be a top student.

Dong your heart: Mr. Qiu, your son follows his mother. He has a small face, big eyes, long legs, and a thin waist. I don’t know how many big girls want to marry.

Goodness is like water: goodness, this son will become a great weapon.

Autumn is the autumn of autumn: (ノへ ̄)

This family really doesn't know what to focus on.

Now Qiu Qiu is in the second semester of his junior year, and he has a lot of homework and heavy tasks. He was afraid that his father would criticize him for not doing his job properly, but he didn't expect that Lao Qiu didn't care about it at all.

He thinks that children should play more and go out more when they have time. If they don’t experience it now, they will go to work in the future and work from nine to five. How can they have time to participate in singing competitions

Qiu Qiu just entered the house on the weekend, and Qiu's father looked at him carefully for a long time, and said that his current image was too student-like, and he wanted to make him a more fashionable hairstyle, so that he could be worthy of his title of school grass.

"It's the kind of 'Mexican head', the sides are shaved short, and the hair on the top is longer... I see how many young people shave now."

Qiu Qiu followed his father in a daze.

When he sat in front of the mirror in the hairdressing salon, he realized that it was not "Mexican hair" but "Mohawk hair", and it was not "Mr. Dai" but "Mr. Daisy" who shaved his head.

Qiu Qiu is very short-sighted, the kind that does not distinguish between humans and animals. He didn't easily go into the hairdresser's shop because he could never tell whether it was the hairdresser or the disfigurer standing behind him.

After an hour, he put on his glasses again and found that his entire head had been refreshed again, and the refresh result was 404 cannot be displayed.

Teacher Daisy enthusiastically asked him if he liked the new hairstyle.

Qiu Qiu: "...I'm a bit square."

"Fang? It's okay, I'll shave you round."


What a handsome little guy, suddenly turned into a kiwi fruit with hair on the top of his head.

When Qiu Qiu returned to school, the classmates laughed, the teacher laughed, and even the roommate Da Xiong laughed.

The staff of "Super New Sound Generation" came to give him the rules of the semi-finals, and when they saw him, they were shocked from ear to ear.

The person who came today is still the yellow vest from last time, and it is said that he is still an assistant director.

The assistant director was quite polite to him: "...Student Yang, you sacrificed too much for the effect of the program."

"My surname is Qiu..."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I missed it, it's all because of your hairstyle, it looks too 'lazy'."

Qiu Qiu was extremely worried: "Is it really ugly?"

"It doesn't matter. You are a powerful faction, and you rely on your talent rather than your face."

"..." Qiu Qiu knew that this hairstyle was really ugly, and the uglyness made him change from an idol group to a powerful group.

The two made an appointment to meet at the cafe in front of the school. Unlike the previous auditions where they set up a stage casually, this time the semi-finals of the competition area were highly valued. As long as they won this round, they would be able to participate in the competition in the competition area. They belong to the North China Division here, and the top three finalists will continue to move up and compete with players from other divisions.

The competition method in the competition area is relatively simple, that is, two-two competitions to win, and when it rises to the national competition, there will be more tricks. It also depends on the support rate outside the field, and there is also a rematch. In short, how to attract attention (gold).

Qiu Qiu had never paid attention to the draft before, and this was the first time he had listened to the rules of the competition honestly.

He suddenly realized: "I understand. I am bronze now. I will fight upwards. If I win, I will advance. When I become more and more powerful, I will become gold, right?"

The assistant director patted his thigh: "Yes, yes, children of your age also watch "Saint Seiya"?"

"...I'm talking about "The King's O Medicine"."

The assistant director choked for a moment, but he was thick-skinned and continued to babble: "The venue for the semi-finals and finals of this competition area is at City A TV station. We have already rented a studio. The largest one can accommodate a thousand viewers. Well, the very famous love show "Men and Women Match" was recorded in that studio."

Qiu Qiu knew that Mr. Dong would never miss a single episode of that show, even if he traveled across the oceans, he still insisted on watching the recordings.

The assistant director said in a bragging tone: "There are many program groups who want to rent that studio. Originally, we couldn't get it, but who let us get a big sponsor. Our sponsor father is very generous. , The money for the studio is paid for by others." He patted Qiu Qiu's shoulder twice, and said, "Young man, although there are a lot of people, don't be nervous, don't go up and say nothing."

Qiu Qiu said, "Don't be nervous."

The assistant director obviously didn't believe it, thinking that the young man was showing off his skills.

In fact, how did he know that there are 20,000 students watching the freshman party of University A every year.

They drank coffee for half an hour, of which ten minutes were used to explain the competition system, and the remaining twenty minutes were spent by the assistant director bragging about the golden thighs they embraced. He said that his own bright pearl is dusty, but others have discerning eyes, and now they are about to join forces to reach a higher level.

Not only did Golden Thighs get the title, but they also spent extra money and effort to do the overall packaging for them. Now the program group has changed their guns, and it is no longer an 18-line pheasant column.

The assistant director took out a thick stack of program introductions and threw them on the coffee table, causing the sugar bowl on the table to jump.

And Qiu Qiu was so frightened by the slogan printed on the cover that his hair stood on end.

——The "Super New Generation" column was broadcast under the title of Enrui Group.

Qiu Qiu is still somewhat self-conscious about being a sugar son—the company founded by his sugar daddy Fu Ruien is called Enrui Group.

Qiu Qiu is not stupid, he thought it was strange that he was promoted after singing "Don't Look I'm Just a Sheep". He thought it was because the show was too watery, but now it seems that the water is too muddy!

Qiu Qiu Nuonuo asked: "...Brother Assistant Director, how much is the title of this show..."

"Not much, not much, twenty million."


"Judging from the potential of our program, it's worth it!"


After the director left, Qiu Qiu called his godfather with a sad face.

The call was connected quickly.

"Qiuqiu, what's the matter?"

Qiu Qiu asked very bluntly and cryptically: "... Godfather, besides the fifty thousand yuan guitar, do I owe you another twenty million yuan?"

Fu Ruien paused for a few seconds, and replied lightly: "No."

Qiu Qiuxi smiled: It's okay, it's okay, it turns out that the godfather spent money to support this inexplicable show not for him.

Fu Ruien: "An extra 10 million will be added for offline landing and online packaging."

Qiu Qiu: "...???"

The debt suddenly changed from 50,000 to 30.05 million. Qiu Qiu cried on the phone and said that he would not be able to sleep tonight.

Fu Ruien was quite satisfied with the result: "It's just fine if you can't sleep, think about me more."


After hanging up the phone, Qiu Qiu panicked. If you weigh him by the catty, he is worth more than 200,000 per catty.

He anxiously sent Fu Ruien a wechat message.

Autumn is the autumn of autumn: godfather, you are really rich...

Father is godfather's father: No, I am rich and powerful.

Qiu Qiu blushed as he stared at the words on the phone—he could understand pornographic jokes, he must have learned from his godfather badly.