Sugar Baby

Chapter 110: Epilogue (below)


Throwing away the rhetoric, Qiu Qiu, who had successfully flaunted his wealth, fell into Fu Ruien's arms, wrapped his arms around the man's waist, and fell asleep contentedly.

He was lying on his godfather's lap, with real estate certificates all over his body, and he slept soundly and sweetly.

But Fu Ruien, who was dizzy by the 300 million real estate smash, was not so calm.

He wondered if he was drunk too, but the large red books scattered on the sofa around him fully proved the authenticity of all this.

... Fu Ruien thought dizzily, he couldn't have "raised" a rich young man back then, right

He forced himself to calm down, recalling what Qiu Qiu had said—Qiu Qiu had mentioned several times that his family had been demolished and divided into many suites, worth 300 million in total. But Fu Ruien never took it seriously, he just took it as a young man's joke.

The Qiu family has a simple style, and their food and clothing are very ordinary. Teacher Qiu commutes to and from get off work every day. Teacher Dong’s jewelry is not a big brand, and Qiu Qiu is an ordinary student. Electronic products never follow fashion.

A family of three lives in a tube building, living a happy and fulfilling life—how does this look like a rich man

They can retire early and travel around the world by selling a few houses, but the old couple still stick to their posts and live step by step; under their education, Qiu Qiu does not have the habit of the rich second generation, and learns steadily step by step.

Is the Qiu family too stingy

… No, of course not.

Fu Ruien understands that it's not that the Qiu family is saving too much, but that they don't want these external things to affect their lives.

Three hundred million would not be a small sum for anyone, but they immediately handed it over to Fu Ruien, even if they might lose their fortune, they didn't care.

Not everyone can achieve this courage and trust.

Fu Ruien looked at the baby in his arms, saw that he was sleeping soundly and snoring, and there were many emotions in his heart that he couldn't express.

Tonight, Fu Ruien is destined to lose sleep.

The man leaned down and kissed the boy's forehead, and whispered in his ear.

"Thank you, I love you too."

In late September, the Faculty of Liberal Arts of University A announced the list of students for this year's internal and external insurance research on the official website. Qiu Qiu became the well-deserved number one with his excellent written test and interview results.

At the same time, the internal office network of the Faculty of Liberal Arts also pushed a message: "Investigation Results on ".

The investigation report stated that after receiving a real-name report from a classmate, the Faculty of Arts took this situation very seriously. Several professors formed an investigation team to review all the final papers, quizzes, and year-end papers Qiu Qiu had taken in the past three years. Based on Qiu Qiu’s performance in class, he believed that he did not cheat, that what he answered was what he learned, and that his grades were not as good as that of Qiu Qiu. Without any moisture. At the same time, a video was attached to the investigation report, which was a group assessment of him by the professors. This video was enough to prove his authenticity.

"Reporting Cheating" and "Investigation Results", logically speaking, only the teachers of University A can see it on the office intranet, but I don't know who is doing something good, reprinted this video and text to the fan site that Qiu Qiugang built It caused an uproar among fans.

Through "Super New Voice Generation", many people fell in love with Qiu Qiu, a pure and sunny singer. Qiu Qiu also said bluntly in the interview on the website. For him, literature is as important as music, and he will not give up. any of them.

Everyone is full of longing for his golden halo of being a top student. Countless young fans have vowed to be admitted to University A. Even if they fail to pass the undergraduate course, they must pass the postgraduate entrance examination, so that they can be closer to their idols! But now, their cute little brother is being questioned about cheating

Fan A said: This must be slander! Absolutely slander! ! !

Fan B said: +1 for the slander, it was clearly stated in the announcement, and the video has not been edited. Qiuqiu's good grades are earned by himself. He can't possibly bribe all the teachers, right

Fan C said: The whistleblower must be jealous! Jealous of Qiu Qiu's little brother can sing again, and his grades are good!

Fan D said: Inside news! I heard that Qiuqiu and his class have only the top 8% of guaranteed places in their class, do you think it's... Call the station master @丽姐.

You sister Li and Renliang talk a lot in society: Ahem, Qiu Qiu didn't mention this to us. But according to the information I heard, there is a student in their class who could have been guaranteed a foreign insurance. The foreign insurance requires a professor’s recommendation letter, but now no professor is willing to write a recommendation letter for him┑( ̄Д ̄)┍

It’s Xiong Da not Xiong Er: ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Fan E: ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Fan F: ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Fan G: ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Fan H: Excuse me @丽姐@熊哥, which agency is Qiuqiu going to sign with~ I read the recent entertainment gossip, it seems that many agencies have gone to Huaxiang, why don’t you see any movement from Qiuqiu? .

It’s Xiong Da, not Xiong Er: Qiu’er is still talking about the economic company~~~~~ It will be announced after a while~~~~~ Now it’s a confidentiality stage~~~~ Brother Xiong, I can’t say more ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Fan H: ...Brother Xiong, your wavy lines... are so ecstasy...

Fan I: No matter which economic company it is, as long as it is not Yangtian Media! I don't want Xiao Qiuqiu to sign with Xintian!

Fan J: Anyone is good, don’t be Yang Tian +1

The next two weeks will be thrilling and ups and downs for all those who follow the entertainment industry.

— Several well-known entertainment gossip accounts in the circle suddenly concentrated their artillery fire and began to bombard Yangtian Media!

The status of Yangtian Media in the entertainment industry is not high or low, there are not many first-line stars under it, and there are a lot of "March Red" traffic stars.

After all, it is a familiar traffic cafe. When the scandal first broke out, everyone clicked in with curiosity. Things like entertainment gossip are often speculative and difficult to distinguish between true and false, so everyone should watch a show to adjust their mood.

But who would have thought that what was disclosed in the gossip account was not "hearsay" gossip, but definite evidence! Videos, audios, and photos, none of them can be forged, and none of them can wash the ground!

For example, a manager of the company forced the members of the girl group to "accompany customers".

For example, the company’s traffic niche who has been on fire recently has secret contacts with the company’s senior management, and has entered and left his villa many times late at night, as evidenced by photos.

For example, there was a male singer-songwriter under the company before, who was born in a talent show. A few years ago, the company forced him to be a gunman. He angrily terminated the contract and quit the entertainment industry. The video that broke out was completely unedited. The singer has now gone to the catering industry and is very active on Weibo. After the accident, he reposted it as soon as the incident happened, and it was accompanied by the emoji of [呵呵].

For another example, Xin Tian, the mistress who was beaten live on a variety show before, actually leaked her top-secret pornographic photos with Mr. Yang this time. Although there was a mosaic in the video, a lonely man and a widow appeared in the hotel in the middle of the night, with their clothes off. So clean, it can't be practicing wrestling, right? Xin Tian's Weibo was completely emptied overnight, and he disappeared from the world.

These materials were not released within a day, nor were they released by a gossip account. For two consecutive weeks, there were new materials every day, and there was no stopping every day. The melon-eaters were dumbfounded at the beginning, enthusiastically guessing the new material in the middle, and completely numb at the end. For a while, all netizens were discussing this shocking farce.

When the scandal was first reported, Yangtian Company made emergency public relations, first bought them, and then put pressure on them, both hard and soft, trying to get these marketing accounts to delete their posts. But the funder behind the marketing account is very tough and refuses to back down even a single step.

The marketing account is the most adaptable, and the material in their hands is enough to make Yangtian Media irreversible. Its defeat is certain, and they are not afraid of it jumping around in the fall! If you don't follow the trend now, you may not be able to encounter such explosive gossip in the future!

That's right, the person behind these marketing accounts is Enrui Group. Fu Ruien ordered someone to release these gossips. After seeing the content in the USB flash drive, he was also shocked by the shocking information--I didn't expect Mrs. Yang to have so much evidence in private, but she never found it A suitable partner until Fu Ruien passes her test.

Fu Ruien hoped to use this to encircle Wei and save Zhao, but as he expected, Yang Tian, who was deeply involved in the scandal, was really at his wits' end, and his original offensive against Enrui Group had come to a complete standstill.

Fu Ruien finally got a precious breathing time. On the one hand, he used the funds at hand to support the falling stock price. On the one hand, he issued an authoritative inspection report, which proved that his products had no quality problems. As for the third aspect... Heh, Mr. Yang's foundation After all, he is not in the entertainment circle, and the coal mine is the capital for his fortune.

A month later, a traditional paper media known for its in-depth reports disclosed that a certain coal mine operated illegally and concealed accidents at the mine, which aroused public attention from top to bottom. In response to such appalling and vicious incidents, the upper echelon ordered a strict investigation to the end.

Two weeks later, the investigation results of the task force confirmed that the person in charge of this coal mining enterprise had an unshirkable responsibility. After digging deeper, it was found that similar accidents had happened more than once...

When the vicissitudes-faced legal person of the coal mining enterprise was escorted into the car, the media swarmed up, and under the flashing lights, his frightened and desperate face was faithfully recorded.

Only then did the netizens realize that this coal mine owner who disregards human life is the boss of Yangtian Media! Only then did everyone know that he made his fortune from coal mines, and his heart has been completely blackened by coal mines...

When all the dust settled, Jin Qiu had quietly left, and Chu Dong walked slowly.

Fu Rui'en originally promised Qiu Qiu to take him to Europe during the National Day holiday to reunite Qiu's family, but he couldn't leave because he was too busy with business, so he had to break his promise.

Of course Qiu Qiu couldn't bear to criticize him, he knew how hard and exhausting his godfather was during this time, not to mention the long holiday on November 1, he didn't even have one day off every week.

Qiu Qiu felt sorry for him, and changed ways to make up Fu Ruien's body every day, but ended up overdoing it - every night, Fu Ruien's head and neck were extremely excited.

However, Qiu Qiu thoughtfully rejected him: "Godfather, you have worked so hard recently, can you save the time of making love and sleep?"

Fu Ruien can't say well.

"Then what to do?"

Fu Ruien thought for a while: "Since Qiuqiu loves godfather, why don't I lie down and rest, and you sit up and move by yourself?"

...that's a really good way to solve a problem.

Fu Ruien said he wanted to rest, but he really didn't care about anything. He leaned on the head of the bed and signaled Qiu Qiu not to run away with his eyes.

Qiu Qiu's skin is not as thick as a freshly picked peach. It turns red when touched, soft when touched, and sweet water flows when bitten.

Where had he ever done such a thing before, he lowered his head shyly and pulled down the man's trouser chain, and first blew lightly on the overexcited meat blade, then stuck out the tip of his tongue, and licked it cautiously.

The tip of the bright red tongue lightly touched the small hole with a fishy smell, like a cat whose tongue was scalded, it quickly retracted and looked at the man aggrieved.

Holding Fu Ruien's awakened desire in his hand, he asked tangledly, "...what if I accidentally bite my godfather's most important thing?"

Fu Ruien raised his eyebrows: "How old are you, and you still bite yourself when you eat?"

“…uh… //(//ω//)//…”

"Hey, the nutritious soup I stewed by myself, I have to drink it myself even if I make it up."

Qiu Qiu fed so much Shi Quan Da Bu Tang to Fu Ruien, the last drop was not wasted, it was all poured into Qiu Qiu's body. The milky white thick soup filled Qiu Qiu's body, and in the end he couldn't drink any more, so he could only regretfully let the soup roll down the corners of his lips, between his fingers, and between his buttocks onto the bed sheet, leaving a piece of A mottled white blot.

The next morning, Qiu Qiu got up from the bed with a sore back and a sore back, and walked out of the bedroom with trembling legs.

Fu Ruien quickly picked him up from behind, Qiu Qiu was startled by the feeling of weightlessness, he quickly put his arms around Fu Ruien's neck, and complained about his sudden attack.

"Okay, it's all godfather's fault." Fu Ruien gently put him on the sofa, put several soft cushions on him, and helped him adjust the heating, brought books, milk and biscuits . "Lunch isn't ready yet, so make up for it first, and your godfather will bring you the meal later."

Qiu Qiu nodded obediently. He nestled in the warm sofa, holding his favorite book in one hand, and a crispy chocolate biscuit dipped in fragrant milk in the other. It was covered in biscuit crumbs.

Suddenly, his eyes were attracted by a boxy iron box on the table. This box was brought back by Fu Ruien not long ago. Qiu Qiu thought it was something he used for work, and it was left untouched on the table.

Qiu Qiu is not a curious person, but today he stared at the mysterious iron box, his hands were itchy for a while, and he really wanted to open it to see what was inside.

Anyway... this house belongs to him, the man in the house belongs to him too, and the things belonging to the man in the house must still belong to him!

So he sneakily and confidently opened the heavy iron box at the same time, but the contents inside were completely beyond his expectation—the real estate certificate he brought was actually inside the box!

More than 20 kilograms of real estate certificates, a lot!

When Qiu Qiu handed over the real estate certificate to Fu Ruien while drunk, he was ready to give up all the houses in his heart. Money is something outside the body, the most important thing is being able to help godfather at critical moments!

Even if the 300 million real estate is gone, he still has 300 million brain cells, 300 million knowledge, and 300 million essence... cough cough.

But Qiu Qiu didn't expect that Fu Ruien didn't even move a house. Otherwise, Fu Ruien and Yang Tian fought so hard before, so it turns out that he has been using small money to fight against local tyrants.

Qiu Qiu became unhappy, so he immediately called his godfather over and asked him why he didn't sell the house.

Fu Ruien explained with a smile: "This is the dowry that Qiu Qiu brought here. Unless you are too poor to get rid of it, why would your godfather be willing to sell your dowry?"

Qiu Qiu came to Xingshi to inquire about his crimes, so he wouldn't be moved by his godfather's rhetoric. He said angrily, "It's not a dowry!"

"Yes, it's not a dowry." Fu Ruien changed his words in a polite manner, "This is Qiuqiu's wife."

"..." Qiu Qiu who was being teased turned around and ignored his godfather.

Fu Ruien walked around in front of him and looked at him with a smile.

When Qiu Qiu looked left, he looked left; when Qiu Qiu looked right, he looked right.

Qiu Qiu became angry, so he simply lowered his head to look at the book in his hand, and Fu Ruien took his book away.

"give me back!"

Fu Ruien grabbed Qiu Qiu's wrist with both hands, coaxing and screaming at the same time.

During the fight between the two, somehow their fingers became intertwined, and the atmosphere gradually became ambiguous.

Qiu Qiu's eyes were watery, covered with a hazy mist. Every time he was bullied miserably by Fu Ruien on the bed, he would always use these eyes to accuse the man of overreaching.

Fu Ruien loves his talking eyes so much. He not only loves his eyes, but also his intoxicating dimples, his sweet lips, and his crystal clear heart.

The big hand clenched the small hand, without any warning, Fu Ruien suddenly knelt down on one knee in front of Qiu Qiu.

What a smart person Sugar Son is, he immediately understood what his godfather was going to do.

His face was so familiar with shame, his exposed arms and legs were all bright red.

"I... I..." He was in extreme embarrassment, his ten white toes curled up, unconsciously catching on the fluffy carpet. He whispered, "... I'm still in my pajamas, and I haven't washed my face or brushed my teeth yet."

But what does that matter

On this lazy morning full of surprises, Fu Ruien's hair was a little messy, and fine stubble protruded from his chin, adding a bit of maturity and casualness to him. At this moment, he is not the young entrepreneur who sails against the current with his illegitimate child status, nor is he the smiling tiger who decisively turns the tide in the mall... He is just a man who loves Qiu Qiu from the bottom of his heart.

The man raised his head, looked into the boy's eyes, and understood the expectation, excitement and shyness inside.

In the man's palm lay a small dark blue flannel box quietly.

On a soft cushion, two sparkling platinum wedding rings snuggle sweetly together.

Fu Ruien smiled and asked Qiu Qiu:

— "My little husband, do you want to marry me?"


The author has something to say: Finished! Knot! La! ... From May 9th to today, it took four months and three days, and it is finally over! Knot! La!

I am very grateful to everyone who has accompanied me all the way here. The inspiration for this article suddenly appeared in my mind. Number of words_(:з」∠)_

I have always been an author with a very random update time. I am very grateful to everyone for tolerating my status QAQ that I update 24 hours a day, and I often ask for leave from time to time.

This is the first time I write such a cute and soft little shou, ah Qiuqiu is really too sweet, off-line and smart, I really want to take a bite. I've tried all the metaphors for him, but I still can't describe how cute he is...

Everyone loves him so much, there's no other way, such a powerful little baby, everyone wants to give him the best!

Hey, I really envy my old godfather. He is rich, handsome and has such a sweet partner. He is really a winner in life!

Because the main CP feels that it is already complete, the cabinet has been released, the star has become a celebrity, the insurance research has been guaranteed, and the marriage proposal has been proposed... so there is no online extravaganza.

This is the end of the story of Qiu Qiu and Fu Ruien, bow to everyone~

As for the deputy CP that everyone is very concerned about, emmmm... In fact, neither Huaxiang nor Li Weixi is in a state suitable for dating until now. The 20-year-old Hua Xiang is like an over-age child. He is gradually growing up, and at the same time helping Li Weixi break through the shadow in his heart, and Mr. Li still treats him more as a child. The interaction between the two is not as much as Hua Xiang and Gou 233333.

Their story is placed in the episode, the background of the episode is a few years later, 40-year-old Mr. Li and 24-year-old Hua Xiang... It is estimated to be 30,000 words.

The series will start on Monday, September 18th. From September 13th to 17th, I will revise the text from the beginning, mainly to catch bugs and fix bugs. If you see any prompt updates during this period, it is me who is editing the article...

If you want to read the story of the deputy CP, welcome to come again on September 18, and compare your heart.

The personal journal is expected to be launched in mid-October. If you are interested, you can follow the author's Weibo @莫里__, with two underscores after the name. If you really can't find it, you can search "Sugar II" on Weibo, and the person who thinks about it the most is me.