Sugar Baby

Chapter 111: Fanwai·Huawei cp①


Four years ago, Li Weixi refused the marriage arranged by his family and came out calmly at the family gathering. His mother cried to death for this, while his tyrant father was furious.

Li Weixi saw that he could not get the "understanding" of his family, so he left the Li family without hesitation and devoted himself to the company he founded.

At the beginning, everyone in the Li family was waiting to see his jokes. They thought that Li Weixi would be so sharp after throwing away the shackles on his body, and the company's performance was booming.

The new company he founded is divided into upper and lower lines, the upper level is light luxury, and the lower level is fast fashion. In just a few years, it has blossomed everywhere in the coastal areas of the United States.

Mr. Li has always been proud, he practiced "one word" at home, and never allowed anyone to go against his wishes. Li Weixi's coming out of the closet made him feel ashamed. Who would have thought that this son would break into a world after leaving home

After much deliberation, Mr. Li decided to let go of his prejudices and condescendingly "forgive" this rebellious son.

He asked Mrs. Li to send a message to his son: Now that society is so open, homosexuality is no big deal. For example, the chief designer of such and such luxury goods is also gay, and he is 62 this year—Is my son interested in meeting him

Mrs. Li has been a wealthy wife all her life. She spends her days on skin care, shopping, and doing yoga. She has no opinions. In the past few years, her son hasn't been home to visit during the holidays, and she feels extremely uncomfortable. When praying to Buddha, she always mutters to let her son go home quickly, so that the family can be considered neat and tidy. Now it's hard for her husband to let go, and of course she came happily to pass on a message to Li Weixi.

She is nearly sixty years old, but she has a slim figure and looks like she is in her forties. Standing with Li Weixi, they don't look like mother and son, but like siblings.

Li Weixi originally thought that his parents really wanted to reconcile with him, but when he heard those ridiculous words from his mother, he was forced to laugh angrily.

"What? Forcing me to marry a woman and fail, so force me to sleep with a man?"

Mrs. Li awkwardly held the small handbag in her hand: "Oh... Weixi, how can such a thing as marriage be called coercion."

Li Weixi looked at his mother, feeling helpless and exhausted.

This time, he was really disappointed.

"Mom, go back and tell the old man—I, Li Weixi, even if I find a man twenty years younger than me to fall in love with, I won't find someone older than me."

Mrs. Li was frightened, and asked in disbelief: "You, are you looking for a little boy?"

Li Weixi smiled faintly: "Why not find a little wolf dog?"

At this time, Li Weixi had no idea that he didn't find the little wolf dog in the end, only a lawless husky.

Four years later, when Li Weixi set foot on this land again, he found that everything was exactly the same as in his memory, without any change.

Wen Sen couldn't hold back his mouth again: "...Boss, this airport hasn't been renovated for several years. What you came to four years ago is of course what it is now."

Li Weixi glanced at him indifferently: "Take the luggage."

Vincent was trained to be honest, so he could only squeeze in front of the big carousel and wait for the first-class luggage to be delivered.

In fairness, as the boss, Li Weixi treats his subordinates very well even though he is a little cold. For example, when returning to China this time, Li Weixi did not let Vincent take the business class, but arranged him to sit with him in the first class. Of course, during the fifteen hours of sailing time, almost ten hours were spent talking about work.

Although the cabins are divided into grades, baggage claiming relies on the large carousel. Only confidential passengers can enjoy the preferential treatment of getting off the plane and picking up baggage directly.

Wen Sen went to pick up the luggage, and Li Weixi sat on the chair next to him to rest, but after waiting for a long time, the luggage of the flight that landed after them came out, and there was still no sign of their flight.

"What's going on?" Some passengers complained, "Should we land 20 minutes before them?"

A well-informed passenger next to him said: "You don't know that. There are celebrities on that flight. If you apply for luggage first, even the flight with them will receive preferential treatment."

"Who is it?"

"I don't know, I just know it's a fresh meat, look at the pick-up hall outside, it's full of fans."

"Shouldn't celebrities go through the VIP channel? What's the matter with us? It's really annoying."

"I still have to sign and take a group photo. I'm going through the VIP channel, so how can I make headlines in the entertainment industry?"

As if echoing the conversation between the two passengers, deafening shouts came from the reception hall separated by a wall. Because of the distance, Li Weixi couldn't hear what the fans were shouting, but just listening to the movement, this little fresh meat The popularity is quite strong.

Time passed, and after waiting for another ten minutes, the luggage on the conveyor belt next to it was gradually emptied, and the luggage of their class was finally spit out from the conveyor belt.

Li Weixi intends to stay in China this time. On the one hand, he wants to avoid the harassment of his parents. On the other hand, he decides to build a high-end brand together with Enrui Group in China. He and Vincent's carry-on luggage consisted of five large boxes weighing 80 kilograms, and it would take a lot of time to find them all.

Li Weixi sat bored in his seat, his eyes were attracted by a passenger next to him.

It was a young girl in her twenties, with a big backpack on her back, and only a small suitcase as her carry-on luggage. She was wearing a loose sweater and overalls, her hair was tied into two braids, and she was respectfully holding a mobile phone. report.

"Well, well, Miss Zhang, I'm waiting for the dog here, and the staff said that the dog will be sent to the big turntable later. Don't worry about my work! You two go first..."

It turned out to be a random passenger who checked in a pet.

Halfway through the little girl's speech, she saw two staff members slowly coming over with a small trolley. There were five pet boxes stacked on the trolley. There were cats and dogs. After a few hours of feeding, he was extremely listless, crying weakly, and the distressed owners quickly surrounded him and brought back their pets.

Among this group of people, the little girl's pet box was the largest. From the sound, it should be a big dog. Through the mesh hatch, Li Weixi vaguely glimpsed the dog with fluffy white fur inside.

White... large pet dogs.

Li Weixi suddenly remembered a dog that he had been with day and night four years ago. He had never kept a pet before, so he was foolish enough to think that there were really dogs in the world that didn't grow a single hair from top to bottom. He didn't know he had been cheated until the dog grew white hair. He and he and it have experienced many things, but in the end Li Weixi didn't have the chance to see the dog back to health.

Just when he was lost in memory, Vincent, who was sweating profusely, came over pushing a few large suitcases.

"Boss, all the luggage is packed."

"That's good." Li Weixi stood up, "Let's go."

All of a sudden, the big white dog that had been staying in the air box honestly barked loudly. Its barking was not sharp, but a "whimper" sound from its throat. There was a hint of excitement in the grievance. At the same time, it also hit the mesh door of the flight box with its pointed mouth.

As soon as it barked, other dogs also barked. For a while, the entire baggage claim hall was filled with noisy dog barking.

The owners hurriedly comforted the frightened dogs. The little girl is not the owner of the dog, but just helping people to lift the dog. No matter how she comforts her, the big white dog is still the one that barks the loudest.

She was about to cry: "It... what's wrong with it?"

The owner next to him said: "It's a bumpy road, probably because there are too many people scared, it's okay. Do you have dog snacks with you, feed it some."

"I don't… "

The owner next to him was quite nice and gave him a piece of jerky.

But the jerky was thick and hard, and couldn't fit into the fine mesh door at all. The little girl didn't think much, and opened the air box after receiving the jerky.

The staff immediately stopped: "Don't open the door here..."

But before he finished speaking, the big white dog had rushed out of the air box! Its four long legs galloped swiftly, and flashed into a group of phantoms. While screaming "Wow, woof, woof", it chased after Li Weixi who was about to walk to the gate.

The airport security wanted to stop him, but how could a two-legged person stop a four-legged dog.

Everyone is very strange, this is a Samoyed! Samoyed has always been synonymous with well-behaved and loved ones, how could they suddenly chase after a strange passenger

Li Weixi had already walked out of the luggage claim hall with Wen Sen side by side. In the pick-up hall, the fans who hadn't dispersed gathered together in twos and threes, exchanging photos on their mobile phones and cameras, and talking about how good-looking their brother was.

Suddenly, a barking of dogs came from the airport, piercing the noise in the hall. Everyone followed the prestige, and saw a group of familiar white marshmallows bouncing out, and the one chasing after the marshmallows was not my brother's female assistant

Only then did everyone vaguely remember: By the way, my brother is taking his pet dog with him on vacation this time! They quickly set up their long guns and short cannons again, and started shooting at the jumping dogs.

Seeing that Yu Ji, who does not think the funeral is too big, is not far behind, they have long thought of a headline for the entertainment headline: "When the popular niche defies the airport rules, the pet dog goes crazy and disturbs public safety"!

At the same time, Li Weixi also heard the barking of a dog behind him. The barking was so familiar, it had been lying in his memory for a long time, and he had never forgotten it for many years. He subconsciously stopped and turned around to look.

In sight, a Samoyed with fluffy white hair came galloping from a distance. Behind it, there were airport security guards and a little girl leading the dog. Their faces were full of anxiety, but the Samoyed's face But full of excitement.

... Strange, how could he see the expression of "reunion after a long absence" on a dog's face

It's getting closer, it's getting closer—the big white dog kicked its hind legs on the ground, jumped up and rushed towards Li Weixi.

Li Weixi, who is tall and thin, was hit by a big meat ball weighing more than 50 kilograms on his body, and his center of gravity was unstable. How could he hold on, with his arms around the dog, he fell down on the slippery floor of the reception hall under the eyes of everyone.

In the next second, Samoyed frantically wagged his tail and got into his arms. At the same time, he stuck out his pink tongue and passionately licked Li Weixi's face, mouth, and neck...

Li Weixi's face was covered with hot halazi, and Li Weixi, who has always been obsessed with cleanliness, has already crashed, and his mind is blank...

Wen Sen on the side was stunned. His boss was attacked by a "dog", and Wen Sen immediately took out his mobile phone to take a picture.

Driven by him, the entire airport resounded with the sound of shutters.

Li Weixi lying on the ground: I have nothing to love.jpg

The airport security guard and the assistant girl who were chasing after him were also stunned. They looked at each other in blank dismay, and stood beside them without moving for a while.

The security guard turned off the electric baton in his hand and asked her, " this the owner of the dog?"

"No, it's not... right?"

"Don't 'bar', after all?"

"I, I really don't know." The little girl was extremely wronged, "It's also the first time I pick up this dog, and I'm not familiar with dogs."

"I can tell," the security guard said with a headache, "He's more familiar than you."

Li Weixi, who was crushed by the big dog, pushed the dog's head helplessly—and as a result, his hands were licked countless times, and his fingers were sticky.

He looked at the big white-haired dog whose tail was about to wag, and then at the envious fans around him, and blurted out a name that had been dusty for a long time.

-"beef noodles?"

- "Wow!"

Mr. Li finally remembered it, lick lick!