Sugar Baby

Chapter 113: Fanwai Huawei CP③


"Hello... Hello? Brother Li, are you listening?"

In the earpiece, Qiu Qiu's call came, and Li Weixi suddenly came back to his senses, and found that he had been staring at the window next door for the past few minutes, and his mind was not on the phone at all.

Li Weixi made excuses calmly: "The signal was not good just now, I didn't hear what you said."

"I~say~" Qiu Qiu said excitedly, "How about we all have a hot pot together in a few days? I'll go to your place, or you can come here."

Li Weixi pondered for a few seconds. He obviously felt that he should not have any more communication with Hua Xiang, but in the end he said "yes" by accident.

After hanging up the phone, he couldn't understand himself.

Forget it... Even if it's an ordinary friend, it's no problem to have a meal to catch up with each other after so many years.

Vincent suddenly appeared from the side, holding his growling stomach and asking him, "Boss, what shall we have for dinner?"

Li Weixi looked at him in shock: "... Still eating? You just ate five meals on the plane."

"The meal on the plane is only a bit big, not as big as a palm." Vincent muttered aggrievedly, "I thought the first-class food would be served in luxury, but I didn't expect it to be the same as the food in the economy class. The only difference is the presentation of the food."

The house was new, and there was nothing to eat in the refrigerator. Wen Sen walked around the house and didn't even find a bag of instant noodles. Li Weixi pardoned him and asked him to look for supper outside the community.

"Boss, what do you eat, I'll bring it back for you." Vincent said doggy.

"No need, as long as you are full, I'm not hungry." Li Weixi took out five brightly red banknotes from his wallet, "You've been working so hard today."

Vincent probably fainted from hunger. He stared at the photos and said dazedly, "It's not hard work, it's not hard work at all, it's not hard work at all for promotion and salary increase."

So Li Weixi took back the money again.

"..." Vincent said misfortune, and sighed, put on his wallet and left.

Now there is only Li Weixi left in the house, and Li Weixi is free at this time, but let's take a good look at the house. The house that Fu Ruien lent him to sponsor was not small. It was a well-decorated four-bedroom and one living room. In addition to the two bedrooms, there was also a study and a gym. Li Weixi stopped outside the door of the study, looking at the solid wood desk and the books on the bookshelves in the house, and didn't realize that he was caught in the memory.

The house type with one ladder and two households is destined to be a mirror setting between the room on the opposite side and this room. Based on his understanding of Hua Xiang, it is presumed that there will be no study room in the extra rooms. I still remember that when we lived together, Li Weixi firmly pressed Hua Xiang's head, turned one of the game rooms into a study room, and made that boy angry...

He leaned against the door and recalled the past. He thought that the memory of that month had been lost in time, but he did not expect that when he picked it up again, it was clearly in his mind.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside the entrance.

Li Weixi thought that Wen Sen forgot to take something, so he hurried over to open the door.

Unexpectedly, when the door opened, the person he had been thinking about just now appeared in front of him unexpectedly.

"Yo!" Hua Xiang held the dog in one hand, and bowed to him with the other hand and put his fingers together, "Long time no see, Mr. Li."

Li Weixi was taken aback, if it wasn't for the familiar appearance and familiar accent of the person in front of him, I'm afraid he really wouldn't recognize Hua Xiang.

In the past four years, Huaxiang's clothing has been greatly improved (probably due to the credit of the economic company). He wore an embroidered baseball shirt, ripped jeans, his signature long hair pulled back to his right shoulder, and his studs and gold chains were gone, replaced by a luxury platinum bracelet on his wrist. He is handsome and in line with his status, which is exactly the image of "little fresh meat" in the public concept.

But in Li Weixi's view, more changes are not in the clothes, but in his appearance: Hua Xiang is taller, and has lost a lot of weight, sharp edges and corners, with a little stubble on his chin, and he has moved from a boy to a man. One step closer. Especially those eyes, the cynicism of the past is gone, and it has become...

Li Weixi gathered himself together, and said calmly, "Long time no see, Hua Xiang. Are you here to find Wen Sen?"

"Fuck! How could I find that fat man!" Hua Xiang yelled, and said aggrievedly, "I haven't seen you for four years, why are you so indifferent!"

He opened his arms and squeezed into the door together with the enthusiastic beef noodles, insisting on a "love hug" with Li Weixi: "Come, come, Mr. Li, give me a long-lost hug!"

At this moment, he turned back to the person he was four years ago, running up and down without stopping for a second.

Li Weixi immediately pushed him away: "I have already been licked by a dog once today, and my whole body smells of saliva. Stay away from me."

But Hua Xiang leaned in front of him unyieldingly, Li Weixi didn't stop him, and he sniffed his neck and sniffed back and forth. Beef Noodles followed suit, and also stood up from the side, resting his front paws on him, stretching his neck, and arching his long nose against him.

"It doesn't stink, it doesn't stink." Hua Xiang said, "Even if it stinks, I don't dislike it."

"Nonsense, you sleep in the kennel every day, and you don't smell anything anymore."

"Hey! How do you know that I sleep with beef noodles?"

Li Weixi was so tempered by him that he thought that after so many years, the two of them would be unfamiliar, but in just a few words, they regained the feeling they had back then, and they both tacitly did not mention the past. Four years of avoiding contact.

Li Weixi supported his forehead and said: "You also greeted me, can you go back?"

"How can I do that?" Brother Huaxiang put their arms around Li Weixi's neck, pressed him and walked out the door: "Let's go, let's go for a walk with the dog!"

Li Weixi was no match for him in terms of strength, so he forcefully dragged him out the door and dragged him all the way to the elevator.

The high-end community they live in is very private, and the distance between the buildings is very far. All cars are parked in the underground garage, and the ground is full of green plants. In the garden woods at night, many owners are walking, but because everyone is a public figure, they will avoid other people when they see them from a distance.

Holding the dog leash in his hand, Hua Xiang walked side by side with Li Weixi in the woods, breathing the moist air filtered by the plants.

"How does it feel to be a star?" Li Weixi looked sideways at the people around him.

"It's pretty good." Hua Xiang said triumphantly, "I'm a big star now, did you see it at the airport today? Hugging and hugging, which little star doesn't envy me. I think I was only a few years old when I participated in the draft. What a fan, now that I celebrate my birthday, they all raised money to buy outdoor advertisements and overseas TV screens for me, so they showed their faces.”

"I see you are still filming TV series, why, plan to change?"

"Hey, blind shooting." Hua Xiang fiddled with his hair, "I'm not from a major, anyway, with my face, what acting skills do I need? Standing there is the focus of the spotlight."

"Where are the records? Qiu Qiu said that you released three records in four years."

"It's average, Zhang Zhang's airborne champion, Weibo's new song list is for me, and all music apps within a week are all my startup photos."

Li Weixi stopped in his tracks and asked him: "... So, you are doing well?"

"Of course it's very good, very good." Hua Xiang raised his eyebrows, and asked him casually, "...why, do you think I'm not doing well?"

Li Weixi didn't speak.

The night wind blew past, carrying a bone-chilling coolness.

Hua Xiang staggered his gaze, "Oops", and yelled strangely: "Did you bring the paper, the beef noodle shit."

Being interrupted by such an interruption, Li Weixi did not continue the topic. He took out the tissue paper that he brought with him and handed it to Hua Xiang. He hid away, holding his nose and watching Hua Xiang buried himself in cleaning up the stinky dog poop that the beef noodle just pulled out.

The dog is big, the chrysanthemum is also big, and of course the feces it pulls out are also big. A big, heavy pile of shit wrapped in paper towels, still steaming. Hua Xiang was obviously a popular niche, but he didn't dislike disgust at all, so he picked up the shit and threw it into the trash can next to him.

But within a few minutes, Shagou brought a wooden stick from nowhere, brought it to Hua Xiang, and insisted on throwing it with him.

Hua Xiang said, "Go find your Uncle Li."

Li Weixi said, "How did I become Uncle Dog?"

"Oh, look at my memory, it's not my uncle, it's my mother." Hua Xiang said softly.

But the beef noodle couldn't understand human words, and walked around in front of Hua Xiang with a wooden stick in its mouth. Seeing that Hua Xiang ignored it, it threw the wooden stick at Hua Xiang's feet angrily.

Li Weixi couldn't bear it, and advised him: "Let's play with him for a while."

Hua Xiang could only sigh, bent down to pick up the dirty, muddy branch, shook it twice in front of the beef noodles, then raised his arms, and threw the branch far away.

He was strong, and the branches were not heavy, and the branches that smelled of earth drew an arc in the night and fell behind the bushes in the distance.

Unexpectedly, there was a short "ah" from behind the bushes.

Hua Xiang stopped immediately, like a beast on alert, immediately protected Li Weixi behind him, and at the same time tightened the collar of the beef noodle, pulling it back.

"Who the hell is there?" Hua Xiang yelled angrily, "Get out of here!"

There was no movement behind the bushes.

Hua Xiang raised his voice: "Get out, I will say it one last time!"

The man heard the threat in Hua Xiang's tone, and finally there were sparse movements from behind the bushes. Soon, a man dressed in black, with a heavy shoulder on his back, and a camera around his neck came from Drilled out from behind the bushes.

Li Weixi immediately realized that this was a paparazzi.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry. Everyone is just eating." The paparazzi smiled and handed Hua Xiang a cigarette.

Hua Xiang didn't give the other party any good looks, and directly raised his hand to knock the other party's hand away. The cigarette fell on the ground, rolled around twice, and was covered in dust.

"This is a private community, how did you get in?"

The paparazzi shrugged: "We must have our own channel. If I say so, then this channel will disappear."

This is the first time for Li Weixi to meet paparazzi. He originally thought that the star and the paparazzi must be incompatible, and they would fight if they met. But he only saw Hua Xiang throwing a tantrum, but the paparazzi was completely different, and didn't pay attention to the person being followed.

Paparazzi are like tarsal maggots. They absorb nutrients from celebrities, but they don't care whether the artist is dead or alive. Li Weixi, as a bystander, felt disgusted by this deformed ecological chain.

"Speaking of... who is this gentleman?" The paparazzi squinted his eyes and looked at Li Weixi who was standing in the shadow, "He looks very raw."

Li Weixi was about to say that they were friends, but Hua Xiang threw out three words forcefully: "I don't know each other."

The paparazzi obviously didn't believe it: "You don't know him, you walk the dog together at night?"

"I don't know you, I can fucking beat you up." Hua Xiang raised his fist and waved it as a warning.

Li Weixi grabbed Hua Xiang and said in a low voice, "Go back."

Hua Xiang couldn't swallow this breath. During the good evening, he wanted to catch up with Li Weixi, who had been reunited for a long time, but before he could say a few words, he was ruined by the paparazzi... The most terrifying thing is, who knows what this guy is going to shoot? How much did you download? The paparazzi took distorted photos of him, isn't there a lot of things that refer to a deer as a horse

He immediately stretched out his hand, bluffed and said, "Give me the camera."

The paparazzi immediately protected the camera and took a step back: "Little Heavenly King, you want to smash the camera again? Is this the first time you smashed it? Although your brokerage company said that if you smash one, they will pay you two, but I will pay you back tonight." There are other jobs, if you screw up, I can't explain to the editor-in-chief."

The paparazzi's simple words seemed to have strangled Hua Xiang's neck, making it difficult for him to breathe, and the veins on his fists bulged. He subconsciously glanced at Li Weixi, not wanting to leave the impression that he was too impulsive in the other party's heart.

Although... Although the impulse is real, there are countless things where he and the paparazzi have confronted each other head-on. He was tired of these bedbugs living on his body. No matter where he went, those long guns and short guns were aimed at him, like high-powered microscopes, commenting on him. He tried to be reasonable, but they liked to see him blushing, swearing and throwing the camera in anger, but the agent accused him of not being able to have a good relationship with Yuji.

The beef noodle seemed to smell the roaring anger in Hua Xiang's heart. It lowered its body and gritted out its fangs. It's a pity that it has the reputation of "Smiling Angel" on its head. It's silly.

The paparazzi spread his hands innocently: "Hua Xiang, I really don't lie to you, I really didn't come to squat with you today. I didn't follow your line at all. We received news that a certain famous actress was resigned after being in love for years. Second generation, I'm here to hear the news... If you don't believe me, look at it."

With that said, he took off the camera, called up the photo album, and showed Hua Xiang his results tonight.

Li Weixi glanced at the side, and indeed saw a low-key woman on the screen leading a young man into the next building. Hua Xiang stretched out his hand to continue scrolling down, but the paparazzi quickly withdrew his hand.

"It's done after reading two pictures! I'm still waiting to get the bonus for other materials." The paparazzi hurriedly stopped him, "I promise not to tell the editor-in-chief about your date with this 'unknown gentleman' today. If I say one more word, Curse our "Orange Daily" to close down immediately!"

"It's not a date!" Hua Xiang was tight-lipped.

The paparazzi still had that smile on his face, he looked at Li Weixi without any trace, and said, "I understand, I understand, just walk the dog."

Li Weixi felt uncomfortable being pierced by his profound eyes, and the feeling of his privacy being maliciously touched made him extremely disgusted. Hua Xiang is also unwilling to say a word to the paparazzi. If it is normal, even if he is taught by the manager, he must break the other party's memory card, but in front of Li Weixi, he is like a fighting dog. A limited dog who doesn't want to expose his true self.

Hua Xiang and Li Weixi didn't bother to walk the dog at all, and walked into the apartment quickly.

The elevator gradually climbed up, and the elevator car was surrounded by mirrors. Li Weixi keenly captured the haze that flashed across Hua Xiang's face.

He asked softly, "Do you always have to face these?"

Hua Xiang squeezed out a smile, pretending to be relaxed and said: "No way, who made me popular now."

Li Weixi stopped talking.

If this is the price of Hong, then Huaxiang paid too much.

The next day, a piece of news titled "Xiao Xianrou with the surname H privately meets a gay late at night, walks the dog intimately and is suspected of living together" was secretly circulated on some gossip accounts. And the source of the news is not "Orange Daily" at all, but "Pineapple Daily"!

Damn it, only now did Hua Xiang realize that he had been tricked by that unfamiliar paparazzi.

The news was accompanied by a picture. The lights on the road were very dark in the middle of the night, and the faces of the two parties were mosaiced, making it impossible to tell what they looked like—but the dog didn't do it!

Hua Xiang takes his iconic Demolition Angel Samoyed with him wherever he goes. Beef Noodles is a thoroughly popular dog on the Internet, and people can tell who it is by showing its tail. The spectators recalled yesterday that the beef noodle "assaulted" a male passenger with his tongue at the airport, and the matter suddenly became subtle.

Dogs are very loyal animals. If they are not close acquaintances, how can they lick them with their tongues as soon as they come up? ... No matter how much the two parties deny it, the dog will never lie!

Fortunately, there are still rational fans under the gossip news.

"This seals our brother's homosexuality? This is the first time I heard that a dog was used to settle the case. It turns out that our brother has a police dog."

This comment was immediately pushed to the top, and the commenter was Fei Fei, a fan who had supported Hua Xiang since his debut. However, Feifei has now retired to the second line, concentrating on the elderly, and rarely participates in fights. If it weren't for the absurdity this time, she wouldn't go out in person.

This piece of entertainment gossip did not cause any splash because it was too much to talk about, and the public's attention was quickly diverted by "The Second Generation of Officials who Kissed in the Car of a Famous Actress".

After the heat subsided, Huaxiang's agency immediately contacted to delete the post. They were used to wiping Huaxiang's buttocks, and it was done without anyone noticing it. No one noticed at all.

But when things are wiped clean, it doesn't mean that the manager can let Hua Xiang go.

Sister Zhang called Hua Xiang and scolded him: "Don't you want to explain the news on the Internet?"

Hua Xiang said: "There is nothing to explain. My friend and I went out for a walk, and we were treated as gay. Is there any law in this world?"

"Wang Fa? The pen under the hand of a reporter is Wang Fa, the mouth of a music critic is Wang Fa, and the stack of money in a fan's pocket is Wang Fa! How many times have I told you that you are now a star, what do you do? You have to think clearly before you do things... Before you make friends, think clearly for me too."

Without further ado, Hua Xiang hung up the phone.

Five seconds later, the phone rang again. Hua Xiang stared fiercely at the phone and waited for half a minute for it to call before answering it.

On the other end of the phone is still manager Sister Zhang.

"You don't want to go out in the last few days. I'll pick up a variety show for you, which is the hottest outdoor program now..."

"How many times have I fucking said, I don't accept variety shows!" Hua Xiang raised his voice, "Do you still think I don't have enough time to practice songs? Look at my last album, those music critics are all fucking What kind of dung are you spraying, I have squeezed too much time to film some fucking TV series! I can hear my regression, I don’t want to be a singer who dare not even sing live!”

Sister Zhang interrupted him: "This time, in this variety show, you can pack your teacher and come on stage together."


"Also, don't worry, we have already publicized those music critics, so you don't have to worry about next year's new album."


Before hanging up the phone, Sister Zhang persuaded him earnestly: "Next time at the scene, try 'half-on microphone'."