Sugar Baby

Chapter 115: Fanwai Wuhua CP⑤


After the dinner party was over, Qiu Qiu single-handedly cleared up the battle situation. Actually there is a dishwasher in the kitchen, the only thing he needs to do is to put the plates and chopsticks in it.

But there were too many dishes, and he couldn't move them all by himself, so he asked Hua Xiang to help.

Hua Xiang is used to being pampered. He has never washed a bowl since he was a child, but he has a short mouth. He reluctantly rolled up his sleeves, carried a tall pile of bowls and chopsticks, and walked into the kitchen behind Qiu Qiu. .

As soon as he entered, Qiu Qiu immediately rushed over to close the kitchen door and locked it firmly.

Hua Xiang threw down the plate and covered his chest and yelled strangely: "Autumn thief, I have always regarded you as a brother, don't be greedy for my beauty!"

Qiu Qiu ignored his absurdity, but walked up to him and said seriously, "Hua Xiang, do you want to sign with Xingui Entertainment?"

"..." Hua Xiang was taken aback for a moment, and didn't speak for a while.

"Although your current economic company has made you popular, I can see that you don't like it. These things are not what you want, and they can't give you what you want." Qiu Qiu's voice was very Light, but it fell on Hua Xiang's heart, but it was heavy.

Many outsiders only see Hua Xiang's scenery, know that he is the most popular fresh meat now, and feel that he does his own way and is full of rebellious spirit, but they don't know the precarious softness hidden under those thorns.

Hua Xiang never complained about his situation to anyone, he kept everything a secret, not even his family members, even his senior brothers, knew the weight Hua Xiang was carrying.

Hua Xiang felt that there was no need to tell his parents about these things. He was already twenty-four years old, so what was the use of complaining to his parents? Although his family was rich, he had nothing to do with the entertainment industry. increase worry. There is no need to tell my seniors about these things. He went on stage at the beginning to let more people understand this traditional culture through himself. Drama actors have practiced childhood skills since childhood, but their income is not comparable to that of actors in the entertainment circle. , he is the most talented student in the division, and he hopes that he can become the pillar and bring more opportunities for his brothers to show their faces on stage.

For him, other people are not a burden, but a responsibility.

But what Hua Xiang wanted to hide could not be hidden in Qiu Qiu's eyes. Qiu Qiu stepped into the entertainment circle with half a foot. Although he didn't go deep into it, he also came into contact with some dark sides that he had never thought of before. And he is very smart, can observe, and can think.

As Hua Xiang's best friend, he has been keenly aware of the changes in Hua Xiang's body over the past few years.

Hua Xiang's traits didn't change suddenly one day, but gradually, they were eroded a lot by this big dye vat.

Wen Sen said that Hua Xiang was like a durian covered in thorns, but when the durian fell to the ground, the shell shattered easily.

Qiu Qiu saw that Hua Xiang's expression was relaxed, and he knew that the words had touched his heart. He immediately chased after the victory: "I remember you said that the agent contract you signed was for five years? Now there is only one year left! I heard the agent mention several times that Xingui Entertainment rejected you at the beginning, and now the senior management is very regretful. As long as you can come, they will definitely use the most advantageous resources to push you, and you will become the well-deserved first brother of the upstarts at this age—when you become the first brother, no one will force you anymore, and you will You can be yourself now."

The "Super New Voice Generation" they participated in at the beginning was really not well-known. Although in the later stage of the competition, because of a certain female contestant's being a junior, there was a wave of presence, but on the whole, this program is different from dozens of similar programs every year. There is no advantage in comparison. After that, it was held for two more sessions, and the show became obsolete.

It's been a long time since Upstart Entertainment has signed a draft pick, let alone such a small program. Because of Fu Ruien's relationship, Qiu Qiu successfully signed a contract with Xingui Entertainment, but he didn't have any advantage in resources. He was just a name and published a long story every two years. Fortunately, he prefers to take root in academia, so he doesn't care about his fame.

At the beginning, Qiu Qiu also introduced Hua Xiang to Xingui. Originally, the artist director of Xingui was very interested in him, but after hearing Hua Xiang said that he wanted to bring the entire division, his face immediately turned dark. Signing a contract is not just a matter of signing, you must use resources to promote it. The top executives of the upstart hesitated for a while, thinking that it was not worth investing too much money for a "not bad seedling" to promote others.

Hua Xiang was not discouraged, but packed his bags and decided to participate in another more prestigious draft. Unexpectedly, before signing up, a medium-sized entertainment company approached Hua Xiang and offered Hua Xiang a very good offer, and agreed to his The teachers all signed it.

Hua Xiang had no experience, was dazzled by the good news, and happily signed the contract.

In the end, the company did make him famous, released an album a year as stated in the contract, and gave him a lot of resources...and then packaged him as another person.

Sometimes when Hua Xiang looks at himself in the mirror, he feels very strange. Obviously he is still him, but the former him has disappeared.

Qiu Qiusheng was afraid that his friend would not accept his kindness, so Balabala talked so much that his mouth was dry and he drank two glasses of water.

After finishing speaking, Qiu Qiu looked at Hua Xiang eagerly, hoping that he would nod his head.

Hua Xiang smiled, but his smile was not easy and cheerful.

He stretched out his fist and knocked on Qiu Qiu's chest, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Thank you, good brother, thank you for thinking about me."

"and you… "

"But no." Hua Xiang said in a low voice, "It's true that I signed for five years, but my teacher signed for ten years."

Qiu Qiu's breath stagnates.

"Even if my contract is up, if I jump to another house, then my brothers and sisters will have no future. If an opera actor can't perform on stage, then we have another chance with the cuckoo bird whose vocal cords have been cut off." What's the difference?"

Huaxiang's division is not big, and there are more than a dozen people. The basic coefficient of liquidated damages is calculated based on the remaining years.

"Unless a local tycoon can suddenly jump out now and help us pay the remaining liquidated damages, otherwise I won't even think about leaving this place until I'm thirty."

While Hua Xiang and Qiu Qiu were having a secret conversation with the kitchen door closed, Fu Ruien and Li Weixi were sitting in the living room, exuding the aura of "who is the person next to me and I don't know him well".

Wen Sen couldn't bear this kind of Shura field the most. The relationship between the two bosses was complicated, and they should have been separated from each other since they were old and dead, but they started contacting again because of a business cooperation.

It can only be said that there is only profit in this world, which can closely connect two old and cunning businessmen.

Taking advantage of the two bosses staring at each other, Wen Sen fled back to his room clutching his stomach under the pretext of running away.

After he left, the atmosphere in the living room became even colder. The two stared at each other, waiting for the other to speak first.

Since Fu Ruien had a sugar son, his temper has improved year after year, and he has become much softer. Now facing Li Weixi's stinky face, he sighed in his heart and spoke out first.

"Lee, let's talk."

"... What are you talking about? What's there to talk about?"

Fu Ruien said: "Actually, I really want to know, how many boyfriends have you talked about after the breakup?"

Li Weixi raised his eyebrows: "Why, are you going to be my matchmaker?"

"... No, I just feel that after so many years, there was something wrong with both of us at the beginning. Even for the sake of future development, our stalemate will affect the cooperation, so it's better to have an open and honest talk to untie the knot."

Li Weixi pondered for a while, and finally accepted the reason, he said, "No."

"No? Never talked about a boyfriend or a bed partner?"

Li Weixi said coldly, "I think it's dirty."

It's dirty to exchange saliva with others, it's dirty to interlock fingers with others, it's dirty to roll into a ball with others on the bed... When Li Weixi thinks that another person's body fluids, dander, and hair will fall on him through intimacy, Li Weixi Feel sick.

Fu Ruien was apologetic: "So I'm the only boyfriend you've ever dated?"

Li Weixi was very embarrassed and pretended not to be embarrassed at all, and said "um".

Surprisingly, Fu Ruien suddenly smiled.

"… why are you laughing?"

Fu Ruien cleared his throat, and suppressed the upturn of the corner of his mouth: "I'm sorry, I can't help laughing when I think that my ex-boyfriend may die alone."

"..." Only then did Li Weixi understand that Fu Ruien was deliberately clichéd.

Just as he was wondering if the bone cutter in the kitchen could be used to kill people, Fu Ruien spoke again.

Fu Ruien said earnestly: "To be honest, you never thought about finding another one?"

"I think you are too happy to be in a relationship, so you don't want to see others single." Li Weixi turned back.

"Yes." Fu Ruien admitted, "Qiuqiu has advantages from hair to toes, and I am very happy just to have him by my side. Don't you want to find someone to be happy?"

Li Weixi was just about to refute, but Fu Ruien interrupted him directly: "Emotions, before encountering them, there are always countless requirements listed in my heart, such as age, family background, knowledge, even height, weight, appearance and behavior habits... but not Someone grows 100% according to the rules you set. If you meet someone you like, don’t be bound by the rules you set for yourself. I know you have a serious cleanliness, but there must be a person in this world who, even if he falls in the mud Here, you will also take the initiative to reach out and hug him."

After Fu Ruien finished speaking, he originally thought that Li Weixi would come back with a sharp tongue, but found that Li Weixi lowered his head, looking thoughtful.

Fu Ruien didn't tell the truth, the two of them are not friends after all, if they speak too bluntly and choose too clearly, it will make the other party angry.

So far, Fu Ruien believes that Li Weixi will understand.

The atmosphere between the two returned to silence. After a while, the kitchen door opened, and Qiu Qiu and Hua Xiang came out one after the other.

Qiu Qiu's expression was a bit sad, but Hua Xiang still looked the same, smiling, as if he could withstand the collapse of the sky.

Everyone had something to do in the afternoon, Fu Ruien didn't sit for a long time, and quickly took Qiu Qiu to leave. It was inconvenient for Hua Xiang to go out, so he sent them to the elevator and turned back home.

Li Weixi was going to continue reading the report in the afternoon, but after reading a few pages, it became more and more annoying. Those familiar numbers suddenly turned into buzzing bees, flying around him.

... What did Qiu Qiu and Hua Xiang say in the kitchen just now? ...Why Qiu Qiu's face is ugly, and Hua Xiang's expression is not caring, or is it just pretending? … Are they running into a sticky problem? …

Li Weixi didn't notice that he had only been back to China for a week, yet he thought of Hua Xiang so many times.

He couldn't calm down in the study no matter what, and finally he could only drop the documents in his hand, get up and walk out of the room.

If Huaxiang is really in trouble...

After all, they lived together for a while, so it's okay for him to care about his roommate.

Li Weixi walked to the door of Hua Xiang's house, this time he raised his hand and knocked on the door without hesitation.

As a result, after knocking on the door and waiting for a long time, there was no answer from the room. Li Weixi thought his voice was too low, so he knocked on the door harder, and at the same time raised his voice and said, "Hua Xiang, it's me."

This time he finally reacted again. A few seconds later, the anti-theft door opened, but what was waiting behind the door was not Hua Xiang—but beef noodles.

The smart Samoyed wagged its tail proudly. It hadn't seen Li Weixi for a long time, and it tried its best to arch against him, rubbing its big head against his body. After a while, it rubbed his full body. Dog hair.

Li Weixi looked at the door, then at the beef noodles, and asked in disbelief: " opened this?"

The beef noodle wagged its tail and panted.

Li Weixi walked into the house in disbelief, closed the door, then pointed to the door and said, "Open the door."

When Li Weixi gave the order, he saw the beef noodle standing on his two hind legs, his two front legs resting on the doorknob like a human being, and then pressed down with his body weight—the door burst open.

I haven't seen each other in four years, so many things have changed, the beef noodles have not only grown hair, but also refined.

Li Weixi rubbed the dog's head and walked towards the room.

Normally, he would never break into a private house, but now it is different, he heard the sound of flushing from the direction of the master bedroom bathroom, and most importantly, he heard the sound of Hua Xiang vomiting!

Could he be sick

Li Weixi rushed over quickly, the room setting of this room was just a mirror image of his, and he broke into the master bedroom unimpeded all the way. The master bedroom bathroom door was not closed, so as soon as Li Weixi went in, he saw Hua Xiang bending over to vomit facing the toilet.

At noon, the hot pot that Huaxiang had just eaten poured out mixed with gastric juice, fell into the toilet, and splashed out again. It was obviously the most disgusting scene, Li Weixi should have covered his nose and avoided it far away, but at this moment, he was only worried, and actually overcame the physiological nausea, and moved forward again.

Seeing Li Weixi suddenly appear in his room, Hua Xiang was surprised. He straightened up weakly, pressed the flush button, took a glass of salt water prepared next to him, rinsed his mouth, and then spit it into the toilet.

Hua Xiang held the cup and drank slowly, Li Weixi asked him why he vomited with concern.

"Just... vomit, there's no reason." Hua Xiang said ambiguously.

"Is it too oily at noon? Or are you allergic to seafood?" Li Weixi recalled that at noon, because Hua Xiang had been eating boiled vegetables, he grabbed a few chopsticks of mutton from under Vincent's chopsticks and put them in the clear soup pot. Qiu Qiu He also put some fish balls, fresh shrimp, squid and other seafood in the clear soup pot for him.

"Uh, it's a bit oily." Hua Xiang's attitude was still vague.

Li Weixi was suddenly blessed, and asked sharply: "Hua Xiang, are you vomiting?!"

Hua Xiang subconsciously took a step back, and then felt that he was not wrong, so he quickly straightened his back: "I have a variety show that will be broadcast in a short time, and my manager said that I don't look good on camera now, so let me be thinner."

"Then you shouldn't induce vomiting!" Li Weixi scolded angrily, "Losing weight depends on fitness!"

Li Weixi's anger was not concealed, he seldom got angry, but he couldn't hold back his anger against Hua Xiang four years ago, and even more so four years later.

If it was before, Hua Xiang would have quarreled with Li Weixi long ago, saying nonsense like "Why do you care about me". But now, Hua Xiang took the initiative to explain to him, but the tone was not pleasant: "Of course I am exercising, but the food is very strict."

He was afraid that Li Weixi would not believe it, so he took him to the restaurant, pointed him to the protein and nutrients on the table, opened the refrigerator, and showed him the fitness food box with the Monday to Sunday label on it. The meat in the food box is either steak or chicken breast, the fruit is either grapefruit or avocado, and the rest of the vegetables are carrots, cucumbers and the like, cut into pieces and piled up.

Li Weixi was dumbfounded, and it took him a while to recover his voice: "... If you can't eat hot pot, please explain, we will definitely not force you to eat with food."

Hua Xiang smiled, and said nonchalantly, "Hey, you said you haven't seen each other for so long, and it's so hard to get together to eat hot pot. If I don't eat this or that, it would be too disappointing."

Li Weixi looked at the young man in front of him in a daze.

Why does the media talk nonsense, saying that Hua Xiang is domineering and willful, and no one pays attention to it

He has obviously become sensible, even, too sensible.