Sugar Baby

Chapter 119: Fanwai Huawei CP⑨


During this time, as long as Hua Xiang was not working, he would go to Li Weixi every day to learn how to bark like a dog. And he also called foreign aid beef noodles, one person and one dog guarded the gate, just like a security guard.

Vincent is now startled by them every day when he goes out.

"What on earth are you going to do?" Vincent was very surprised, "I really should put a mirror in front of you, so that you can see your current expression."

Hua Xiang touched his face: "Does my face have 'handsome and unrestrained' written all over it?"

"...You are clearly the Qin Xianglian who brought her son to the city to find relatives!"

"Bah, you can talk nonsense." Hua Xiang said angrily, "Mr. Li is not Chen Shimei, so he won't marry someone else."

Although Vincent didn't know what happened between him and his boss, it didn't stop Vincent from hating him. Just as Vincent was about to utter the ridicule in his stomach, a familiar voice sounded behind him.

"Hua Xiang, come in."

Wen Sen looked back, and saw his boss standing at the entrance with arms folded, all the subtle changes in his eyes were hidden behind the glasses.

Now that Li Weixi has opened his mouth, Wen Sen has no way to be the queen mother who beats mandarin ducks (?), so he can only obediently let the door open, watching Hua Xiang holding the beef noodles, using the imperial concubine's Momentum stepped into the door.

Li Weixi led Hua Xiang to the study, pointed to the single sofa opposite the table and asked him to sit down.

With one command and one movement, Hua Xiang sat down obediently, with his hands on his knees, his back straight, and his chin raised, looking at Mr. Li with special anticipation. His posture was standard enough to be listed in the "Code of Conduct for Primary School Students".

It's a pity that Teacher Li doesn't plan to give him another physical health class today.

Li Weixi leaned against the desk, leaned back slightly, and put his butt on the table. This posture was very relaxed and comfortable, and he didn't think about it at all, but Hua Xiang, who was sitting opposite him, had wolf eyes that were burning with anger.

Hua Xiang stared at the tight buttocks wrapped under the suit pants, and really wanted to stretch out his hands to help him cushion them. The table was too hard, and it hit Mr. Li's ass.

Li Weixi said: "Hua Xiang, please don't block the door and harass me every day."

"Is this my fault?" Hua Xiang said confidently, "It was because you refused to see me that I went to guard the door."

Faced with such a cheeky Hua Xiang, Li Weixi could only avoid this topic in embarrassment, "... Anyway, don't come here again, now even Wen Sen can see that something is wrong."

Hua Xiang said aggrievedly: "Mr. Li, you haven't told Wen Sen yet."

"Tell him what?"

"Tell him, I am his boss wife."

"...Since you want to be a 'mother' so much, why don't I send you to the hospital now, and be a pair of eunuch sisters who love beef noodles like gold."

Hua Xiang was so frightened that he quickly tightened his legs. Beef Noodles liked the proposal quite a bit. It wagged its tail and cheered twice, looking at the two masters expectantly.

Seeing that he frightened the big boy, Li Weixi cast aside his soft-heartedness, and changed the subject: "Have you not been working recently? Why do you have time to stay at home every day?"

"Of course I have a job, but my manager doesn't allow me to go out except when I have to show up." Hua Xiang pouted, "I only have less than a year left in my finances, and my manager is afraid that people from other companies will contact me. Now they like She looked at me like a reform-through-labor prisoner, and I had to report to her every time I went out, and I hated it, so I didn’t go out at all.”

Li Weixi raised his eyebrows high: "...Isn't their method too stupid? If other economic companies want to contact you, there are plenty of ways."

Hua Xiang spread his hands: "Well, they were a bunch of idiots in the first place, but I was even more idiot when I was fooled by them. Now that Lao Tzu's teacher's door is in their hands, I can't leave even if I want to. Unless …”

"Unless what?"

"Unless there is a big~Jin~master~, big~master~Gu~, who can fish out our entire division."

"Your family is so good, you never thought about asking your parents to think of a way?"

The young man shook his head: "Two years ago, my dad bought a piece of land, and all the funds in the account were invested in the development, and the bank loan owed countless zeros. My dad is almost sixty, and I can't bother with my own affairs anymore. He, I will slowly save up the money for the termination of the contract."

Save slowly, say slowly, but when will you save such a large sum of money

The income of the agency and the artist is divided into 20% and 80%. Huaxiang can only get 20% and pay high taxes. For a long time, but a drop in the bucket. And after saving enough money to terminate the contract, the main event came—he needed to investigate all the economic companies in the circle and find a partner who could cooperate with him.

A trafficker like him looks glorious on the surface, but in fact, his life is not going well in private. Sometimes he feels that he is no different from the famous brothel prostitutes in ancient times. He leans on the door every day, saves a little private money, and when he meets a reliable lover, he gives the money to the other party, so that the other party Redeem yourself.

Li Weixi asked him: "What if you can't find a partner company you like? If they value your traffic and deceive you, and continue to use the means of this economic company to manipulate you, what can you do?" manage?"

"Yeah... what can I do." Hua Xiang was poked into a weakness, and his whole body became miserable, but he still insisted on playing tricks in front of Li Weixi, "If it really doesn't work, I'll make a fuss. , come to 'Hua Shiniang sinks the treasure chest in anger'!"

It's really addictive to be a "mother".

Li Weixi felt helpless and distressed towards him. During this period of time, he saw Hua Xiang struggling in the entertainment industry every day, he was ups and downs amidst the turmoil, and he fought against the storm with his own strength.

Hua Xiang is really tired, he has to put on a different mask in front of everyone. In the eyes of senior brothers, he is the pillar of the school, in the hearts of fans, he is a domineering idol, in front of the management company, he is a rebellious thorn, and when it comes to other cooperative manufacturers, he has to handle it again. Putting on airs, he can't lower his compulsion... Not only that, in front of his friends and relatives, he always reports good news but not bad news.

Only in front of Li Weixi, he can throw away all the masks, show his vulnerability and anger to his heart's content, add three points of rogue, three points of happiness, and blend into a real self.

When the shackles were removed, Hua Xiang, who stood in front of Li Weixi, still had the soul of four years ago in his body.

Hua Xiang has a huge magnetic pole on his body, attracting Li Weixi to gradually approach him.

Even if Li Weixi wanted to leave, he still couldn't completely divert his attention, and could not help but pay attention to all aspects of Hua Xiang.

Li Weixi asked him: "Since it is not feasible to go to other economic companies, have you ever thought about setting up a studio on your own to serve you and your teachers? You tailor everything and pave all the way forward."

"Studio? It's too early to mention this." Hua Xiang was taken aback by Li Weixi's ambition. To him, the studio was nothing more than a fantasy, "I have only debuted for four years, and I don't have a competent manager People, teams, and resources all rely on economic companies. It is indeed very popular to open a studio now, but the studio is a small company, unless it is at the level of an actor or singer, it can be supported by one person, otherwise it is a small job The office still has to be affiliated with the big entertainment company... "

"Stop. I just want one word—yes, or don't."

Li Weixi interrupted him forcefully.

Hua Xiang calmed down instantly. He looked up at the man a few steps away from him in disbelief. The hidden meaning in the other's words made Hua Xiang's heart beat faster.

After all, he is a young man in his twenties, and he still has a desire for adventure in his bones. He took a deep breath: "...I want to, of course I want to! I want to dream!"

Li Weixi raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Just think about it."

He turned around and picked up an ipad from the desk. When he bent down, the shirt was tightly attached to his waist, with a faint flesh color, obviously not revealing a bit of spring, but Hua Xiang's upper and lower heads were hot.

Of course Li Weixi didn't know that Hua Xiang could still be in heat when he was talking about serious business. He handed the ipad to Hua Xiang, clicked on the document hidden in the software, and pushed the 30-page written report to his eyelids. under.

"Hua Xiang, I know you don't like to read books, but you have to read this thing page by page, one by one. This is related to your future, so you must be serious." Li Weixi stood still in front of Hua Xiang, pressing his hand On the shoulder, "If you have any objections, you can ask me directly. If I can't answer, I will write it down and pass it on to the lawyer team."

His expression was so serious, Hua Xiang hurriedly calmed down and treated it with caution.

He looked down, and saw a line of large characters displayed in the middle of the electronic screen - "Flying Against the Wind Studio Formation Plan".

Flying against the wind...

... Mr. Li, is this what you expect from me

Hua Xiang found that he couldn't stop the trembling of his palms at all, so he simply let it go and let his trembling fingers swipe the screen.

The first page of the plan is the table of contents, which clearly marked the three major themes of the whole plan: the first part is the investment composition and equity distribution of the studio, and the second part is the termination plan of Hua Xiang and his division , the third part is the studio's development plan for the next ten years.

Hua Xiang quickly turned to the page of investors. On the page, according to the amount of capital contribution, four investors were listed in turn.

The first one is Xingui Entertainment Co., Ltd., a large entertainment company affiliated to the Xu Group, which is now a leader in the industry, and Qiu Qiu signed under their banner. When Hua Xiang had just participated in the draft competition, the company's senior executives were not optimistic about Hua Xiang's development and turned him away. However, in the past four years, Hua Xiang has soared into the sky and became the traffic leader in Xiaoxianrou. In order to regret, he threw an olive branch to Huaxiang many times, but because of the issue of whether the teacher would stay or not, the two parties have not been able to compromise. This time, they became the main investors and largest shareholders of Huaxiang's new studio. The relationship between the two parties has changed from employment to cooperation. In the future, Headwind Flight Studio will be affiliated with them.

The remaining three have roughly the same amount of investment, and the amount of shares they hold is also about the same.

One is the investment subsidiary established by Enrui Group a few years ago. Its name is Enqiu Investment. I am afraid that others will not see that they are having an affair. Under Fu Ruien's guidance, Qiu Qiu sold part of the real estate in his hands, invested in Enqiu's investment, and then through step by step replacements, he has now become a minority shareholder of Enrui Group.

The second is Yangming Tianxia Media Company, the predecessor of this company is actually "Yangtian Media". At that time, Fu Ruien and Mrs. Yang cooperated internally and externally, and obtained evidence that Mr. Yang bribed others and conducted power and sex transactions. Then they found out that the coal mining industry under his name was operating illegally and concealing accidents. wear. "Yangtian Media" has no leader and can only declare bankruptcy. Mrs. Yang successfully divorced Mr. Yang, and left with great fortune. Her two sons and daughters are quite capable. They integrated and reorganized Yang Tian's original resources, and returned to the entertainment industry last year.

As for the third...

Hua Xiang raised his head from the screen, covered the husky's thumping heart, and asked treacherously: "Mr. Li, who is this 'Very Big Bowl of Beef Noodles Investment Co., Ltd.'? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

Li Weixi pushed his glasses expressionlessly: "I don't know who the boss of this investment company is, probably a rich man who loves beef noodles."

Beef Noodles, who was obediently lying next to him, heard his name appearing one after another, so excitedly stretched out his paws and scratched Hua Xiang's feet.

Hua Xiang shook his head: "It seems that this rich man who likes to eat beef noodles must be very capable."

"… How to say?"

"Look, his investment is about the same as the other two, but his shareholding is 5% more than that of 'Famous World' and 'Enqiu Investment'." Hua Xiang snapped his fingers pretentiously, using the exaggeration that only appears in TV dramas He said in a tone, "I see! It must be because he initiated the establishment of this studio, so it holds more shares than the other two."

Li Weixi became angry from embarrassment, and it was not easy to reveal this expression, so he could only reprimand him awkwardly: "Shut up, you know everything."

In fact, he didn't need to answer at all, Hua Xiang had already seen the answer from his eyes.

One year later, the headwind flying studio dedicated to Hua Xiang and his teacher was officially established.

On the day of the signing, the bosses of the four investment companies took the time to attend, giving Hua Xiang and him a lot of face. And Hua Xiang and the others were also wearing a specially-made Chinese tunic suit with a small stand-up collar and a straight body. Looking around, they were all elegant and handsome men, old, middle-aged and young. Only Hua Xiang had a personality that was out of place. The big pig family finally signed a long-term supply contract with the meat joint factory" with a smile, his teeth were invisible from the beginning to the end of his smile, even when faced with aggressive questions from the media, he was in a good mood to answer them one by one.

After a year of secret operations, although the termination of Huaxiang's master's contract was bumpy, it was smooth. The marketing team released a wave of information in advance through soft articles, letting the public notice the harshness of the former economic company to Huaxiang, and grabbing the sympathy of fans first. Then a multi-pronged approach created several "conflicts" that forced Hua Xiang's brothers to "give up" some opportunities to go abroad to promote the quintessence of Chinese culture. Inaction will affect the development of artists.

Although there are only a few words in the narration, it is extremely dangerous, with frequent intrigues and conspiracies. Fortunately, they have made multiple preparations in advance so that they can catch the opponent by surprise.

Fortunately, these sacrifices are all meaningful, they only paid a small price to redeem Huaxiang's entire sect.

Because they have been constrained for the past five years, Hua Xiang's seniors are somewhat resistant to signing an economic company again, worried that they will jump from one fire pit to another fire pit. The artist director of the studio brought the team to have an interview with them one by one, broke up and explained the development plan of the studio for them, and finally won the affirmation of everyone.

During this year, Hua Xiang often took the opportunity to get close to Li Weixi.

Li Weixi claimed that he was not an investor at the beginning, later admitted that he was an investor but did not participate in the development of the studio, and then became a communication bridge between Huaxiang and other investors...

Even Li Weixi himself couldn't explain it clearly. He came to China to be an affordable luxury brand, but why was half of his energy distracted by the entertainment company

What puzzled him the most was, what drug did he take to make Hua Xiang climb into his bed again and again

After the signing ceremony, Li Weixi stayed alone in the private lounge, rubbing his forehead with some headaches.

If he could be given another chance to choose... He would definitely not drive to the hospital alone that night five years ago!

He was lost in thought about his chaotic life this past year, when suddenly a figure flashed into the lounge. I saw that person locked the door immediately after entering the door, humming a little song, and walked briskly towards Li Weixi who was resting on the imperial concubine's couch.

Li Weixi looked up at the person who came, and asked him, "Is the interview over?"

"It's over, why didn't you accept the interview, I've been looking for you for a long time just now." Hua Xiang walked with the wind, and rushed to the imperial concubine's bed in a whizz.

Li Weixi replied lazily: "I'm not a star, nor a bigwig in the entertainment industry, so what's the point of being interviewed?"

Hua Xiang said regretfully: "Hey, the next time we stand side by side in front of the media, I guess it will take a few years before I come out and announce that I am married to you."

"...Shut up, I want to have a dream and go home." Li Weixi interrupted his silly words rudely.

But Hua Xiang got closer and closer, shouting in his mouth: "Mr. Li."

"What are you doing?"

"Li Weixi."

"What are you doing?"

"Ms. Li... Boss Li... Li Weixi."

Li Weixi didn't know he was blushing, he loosened the tie on his collar, feeling that the room was a bit hot: "Why are you shouting so much, just tell me something."

But he regretted it as soon as he said it, because he could see that there was a fire in Hua Xiang's eyes, burning blazingly.

His sixth sense made him guess what Huaxiang was about to export.

Standing in front of the imperial concubine's couch, Hua Xiang was 1.85 meters tall, and it was not convenient for him to speak, so he simply sat on the floor, with his hands resting on the soft edges, and his chin resting on the back of his hands. In this way, he could only look up at Li Weixi's face, just like a newly matured lion looking up at the starry sky high above.

This is the first time Huaxiang called him by his name: "... Weixi, you have been single for so many years, have you ever thought about finding a man who is handsome, talented, outgoing and sunny, who also likes small animals and is very caring? Friends, help you share the loneliness."

Li Weixi is forty-one years old, but he is asked for his status by the underage gangster. He feels that the organ in his chest tends to go too fast. "Are you putting gold on your face?—I don't want to look for it."

Hua Xiang was still grinning after being so hard-pressed by him. This year's contact made him know how duplicity Li Weixi is. He stretched out his hand aggressively, wrapped his arms around the man's slender waist, and squeezed the man's buttocks with his fingers.

Hua Xiang continued to raise his head and asked him: "Weixi, have you ever thought about finding a boyfriend who is sensitive, self-willed, rebellious, who is a young master in front of others and a pitiful boy in front of you?" , help him share the loneliness."

Every time Hua Xiang said a word, the starlight reflected in his eyes overflowed a bit more.

Gradually, those stars gathered together and became the reflection of Li Weixi.

What are you waiting for, what are you still hesitating about, what are you still running away from

There is only another handful of sincerity that can be used to repay a handful of sincerity in this world.

Li Weixi thought, then promise him.