Sugar Baby

Chapter 120: Fanwai Huawei cp⑩


Feifei has been a fan of Huaxiang for ten years. If the young fans who are new to the circle hear this, they might laugh at the old aunt for talking nonsense-"What ten-year-old fan? Our brother has only debuted for six years!"

Yes, Hua Xiang debuted as a draft singer. He has just turned six years old. The first five years have been black and red. Until last year, he changed his management company and established his own personal studio. The publicity team of the new company is very powerful. They tailored a whitewashing strategy for him. It took a year to detonate several positive hot spots, and finally gradually reversed his image.

With the explosion of this year's new album, Hua Xiang has won several heavyweight awards in one fell swoop, and his popularity has risen even higher. Now he is no longer the "popular little fresh meat" a year ago, but the serious "Little King of Music".

In addition, the concert venues are getting bigger and bigger, and tickets are getting harder and harder to buy. I heard that the first row of tickets for the concert in the capital has been sold to 7,000 yuan in the hands of scalpers.

Fortunately, Feifei is Huaxiang's ten-year-old fan. When Huaxiang participated in the draft, she was still a fan. Although she has faded out of the circle for a long time because of marriage and childbirth, she has an old relationship and bought a first-timer at the original price. It is not difficult to get infield tickets.

Feifei is really a veteran fan of Huaxiang. Others like Huaxiang, the earliest they have to go back to the year when Huaxiang participated in the draft. Hua Xiang was only twenty years old at the time, full of vigor and thorns all over his body like a hedgehog, and he loved to show off his tail feathers like a peacock.

But for Feifei fans, it will take another four years - at that time, the sixteen-year-old Hua Xiang had just started to smoke, he was thin and tall, and he couldn't hang a little flesh on his face, but he looked good with oily makeup. When the newcomer first appeared on the stage, everyone else was shy, but he was the only one who didn't show any timidity. He stared at the audience curiously while covering his face with his sleeves. Fanciers all know that he is a late disciple of a late master, but he is still young and needs to be polished. He has to go to class on weekdays, and on weekends, he plays with everyone in the master's school, sometimes as a little maid, sometimes as a little matchmaker, in short, he has always played the role of Xiaohuadan.

Feifei once asked him, saying that he is obviously a disciple of the master, but he can only act as a play for the master's disciples. Don't you feel wronged

Hua Xiang replied: What is wronged? In the future, when I become more powerful, I will be responsible for provoking the leader.

Later, Hua Xiang grew taller and taller than martial arts students and old students, and the costumes could no longer fit him. No one expected that when he turned around and got involved in the entertainment circle that everyone looked down on the most, his senior brother lost his beard in anger.

Feifei was about the same age as him, and the young people had a lot of common language. At that time, no one supported Hua Xiang, only her. After Hua Xiang participated in the talent show, she quickly became his fan and helped him gather the first batch of fans.

It's just that after so many years, she was busy with her studies and work, and later met her lover and gave birth to a pair of twins, so she had no time to pay attention to the ups and downs on the Internet.

In fact, there are more than one fans like her. At that time, they felt that "he is my life" and "he is my light". The status of idols in the heart. They may be busy with their careers or their families, but when they are free to think about it, the love and impulse have not dissipated, but have become a precious memory, warm in their hearts.

Huaxiang's concert this time happened to be held on her birthday.

After much deliberation, Feifei decided to leave the child with her husband to take care of her for a day, and pursue her dream by herself.

When her husband sent her out, he said sourly: "You tell the truth, you really went to meet your former idol, not your former boyfriend?"

"Really, really. You have children, so you still eat this flying vinegar?"

Now, Feifei is sitting alone in the first row of the infield. She is holding a fluorescent stick in her hand and wearing a support shirt from many years ago. She looks up at Hua Xiang who is sweating on the stage. forward.

——Sure enough, no matter when idols watch it, they are much more handsome than the dead husband who sleeps next to her every night and only snores, picks his feet and farts!

hit call! hit call! Call desperately! !

I don't know if it's Feifei's illusion, but she always feels that Hua Xiang took a lot of glances at the audience today.

Feifei was so excited that tears filled her face. In fact, not only her, but all the audience in the infield were very excited. The security guard asked everyone to sit down, but who could sit still? Rhythm together chorus cry.

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !

However, in such an agitated environment, there was one person who seemed particularly out of place.

It was a man of indeterminate age, and he was sitting next to Feifei. He was in an excellent position, right in the middle of the first row, a well-deserved golden seat. Unlike the audience around who wanted to write the words "fanatic fans" on their faces, the man was wearing a tailor-made casual suit with vertical stripes. Wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. His legs are crossed, his hands are on his knees, and he sits upright.

It's so strange, this man in a suit and leather shoes shouldn't be here, obviously the meeting room is more suitable for him.

No matter how the people around him yelled, yelled, or cried, the man's expression was indifferent, without any fluctuations.

This person's painting style is too different from everyone else's.

Feifei couldn't help asking him: "... Sir, are you also a fan of Huaxiang?"

"Me? I'm not." The man turned his head to look at her, his eyes behind the gold-rimmed glasses were indifferent, "I'm taking a free ticket."


This answer is unexpected, but it is also reasonable. Some celebrities would give VIP tickets with the best positions to companies with cooperative relationships in order to gain relationships. If this gentleman is a sponsor or something, it would be understandable.

But Feifei felt something was wrong no matter what he thought.

If... If you got a free ticket, why did this gentleman listen so seriously

Modern life is inseparable from mobile phones. Even when listening to concerts, they have to take out photos, post to Moments, and shoot short videos. Sitting in the first row is no exception. Feifei has never stopped WeChat and QQ from the beginning to the end. , I can't wait to show everyone that she is sitting in the first row watching idol's concert.

But this gentleman was not distracted for a second, his eyes kept on the stage, his fingers resting on his knees kept time with the rhythm of the music, when Hua Xiang looked down at the audience, this gentleman still The corners of their mouths will be raised for a brief look at each other.

Feifei felt that even if the man was really holding free tickets, if he could concentrate on listening to the concert, then he must love, love, love Hua Xiang very much.

Two hours later, the grand concert ended. This night full of excitement and surprises will be unforgettable for all fans.

Amidst the overwhelming sound of encore, Hua Xiang changed into a gorgeous and improved costume and stepped onto the stage again.

Seeing this outfit, everyone cheered louder and louder. Listen carefully, everyone shouted "Mandarin Duck Mistake", the famous song Huaxiang made when he debuted.

On the big screen, Hua Xiang's head was covered with sweat, but there was no fatigue on his face, only full of joy: "Thank you for your applause! That's right, the encore is "Mandarin Duck Wrong", but before the encore, I want to play It’s hard to tell—the large-scale modern drama "Mandarin Duck" written and rehearsed by my senior brother is about to be staged, and it is available for sale on major ticketing websites... "

Huaxiang Balabala said a lot, to the effect that the senior brother is old, how much hard work he has put in for this drama and so on. Everyone knows that Hua Xiang's master has a good relationship. At this time, he is playing hard and no fans are willing to urge him. They all wish that the little brother can talk for a few more minutes. Even if he doesn't sing, just opening and closing his mouth is very good.

After his introduction, everyone raised their cheering sticks and prepared to call for a new round, but Hua Xiang interrupted unexpectedly.

"Well... Actually, everyone, don't get excited so quickly, the time for my ad break is a bit long."

The fans in the audience laughed.

"But the second's not actually an ad, but I want to talk to you a little longer." Hua Xiang lowered his head, paused for a while, then raised his head and smiled, "Over the years, I have been Even though I have passed, I have gained a lot of valuable experience and precious memories. There are painful and sad, but also lucky and happy. First of all, I would like to thank everyone for accompanying me to see so many scenery along the way, and secondly, I would like to thank My teacher, my parents, not only raised me, but also indulged me as a wild dog... Haha, don't laugh, if you laugh again, I will laugh."

It's a pity that the more he talked, the louder the audience laughed, and Fei Fei even laughed and fell on his seat.

"Of course, I also thank my agent and my studio—anyway, you all know my 'thorny' personality, so I'll just say it—I'm only grateful to my current agent, don't think about the previous one. Let me thank you, there's no point." Hua Xiang rolled his eyes carelessly, this little king of music has always dared to speak and act.

"Actually, there is one more important person. I want to say thank you to him here."

Fans talked a lot, everyone has been chasing stars in the entertainment industry for so many years, and they still have some sensitivity. Hua Xiang has laid the groundwork so much in front of him. Could it be for the last "big move"? After counting, Hua Xiang is also on his way. Could it be that he wants to announce his relationship at the concert

Feifei clutched the corner of her clothes nervously, she just found the feeling of first love from her idol!

"This person has many identities. He is an elder, a confidant, a boss, and at the same time, another owner of my dog son..." Hua Xiang's voice was clear and clear, spreading layer by layer in the circular stadium, "I want to thank him for his work. A lot: he tolerated me when I was most willful, he comforted me when I was saddest, he warmed me when I was most confused, he saved me when I was most helpless...but the most There's only one thing I'm grateful for."

Disregarding the uproar of the fans in the audience, and even disregarding the manager's desperate gestures in the audience, Hua Xiang tightly grasped the microphone that had been with him for six years, and solemnly said—

— "Mr. Li, thank you for appearing in my sky and illuminating my entire small universe."

The audience is boiling.

Noisy shouts filled my ears, which stunned Feifei for a moment.

However, in such an excited environment, Feifei's ears keenly received a sigh that seemed to be there.

Fei Fei Fu took a peek at her side, and sure enough, she saw a smile mixed with doting and helplessness on the face of the gentleman holding the gift ticket.

She thought, she knew who Mr. Li was.


The author has something to say: I'm sorry, it took me so long to finish writing this episode. At that time, I said I would write 30,000 words, but I accidentally wrote 50,000 words, and the updates are intermittent.

Thank you readers for liking this article, Huawei CP, and me, for sticking with it until the end of this story.

After the main text of this article was finished, I received a lot of bad reviews beyond my expectation, which led to a big collapse in my mentality. But because of the above reasons, I decided to postpone my personal journal until the beginning of next year, and the revision of the promised text is estimated to be by the end of the year.

The next article is planned to be romance, called "Little Feather on the Pen Tip", the heroine is a newcomer cartoonist, and the hero is a master author. This is a warm story related to dreams. Readers who love romance are welcome to collect it.

There is one more merciless request.

There is a lot of traffic on National Day, but unfortunately I don't have any editorial artificial list, and I guess I won't be on the gold list after the end. But there is a list called [Reader Irrigation List], which has a good position and is related to the amount of nutrient solution obtained by an article. So here, I hope everyone can vote for me some [Nutrition Solution], so that I can show my face on the list, thank you, thank you, thank you very much.

In addition, the pinning of my Weibo is a lottery open to readers. If you retweet and tell the reason you like this article, you can get Oreo mooncakes. Anyone who is interested can participate.

After finishing each of my previous articles, I would write a long closing speech, talk about the characters, and talk about the plot. But this time I complained about a lot of irrelevant things, I'm sorry, it affected everyone's mood.

All in all, I love them and will always love them. From the day Qiu Qiu and Fu Ruien appeared in my mind, from the day Hua Xiang and Li Weixi left the computer keyboard.

I wish you all a happy National Day and a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. goodbye.

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