Sugar Baby

Chapter 2


The big bastard Fu Rui'en fell in love with Qiu Qiu, and he wanted to get Qiu Qiu.

Fu Ruien also raised a little boy before. His taste has not changed for more than ten years. He wished that all the little girls were made of the same mold: white shirt, sneakers, short black hair, and shoulders. Put it on the shelf to ensure that a little girl will buy it back. Play house with Barbie dolls.

At first everyone thought that he was an old cow eating young grass, but gradually it got rumors that Fu Ruien had an unforgettable first love in this way, and everyone began to praise him as an unforgettable old love.

But those little white faces were all sent to the door on their own initiative. Qiu Qiu was different. Qiu Qiu was the first one Fu Ruien thought about and wanted to take care of him.

When most people meet someone they like, their first thought is how to "chase" him. But Fu Ruien is used to solving problems with money, and he is already forty years old. He has no time, energy, or energy to coax a little boy into a relationship, so he just wants to define this relationship by nurturing him.

How good is it to take care of

One pays money, the other loves, it starts as soon as it is said, and it ends when it is said to be over, and the initiative is always in his own hands.

He asked the secretary to investigate Qiu Qiu's family background, but the secretary in question had never done such a wicked thing. While cursing in his heart, the secretary went to investigate conscientiously.

Three days later, the secretary handed in a large 20-page form listing Qiu Qiu's family situation. The secretary was actually very disturbed, because to be honest, Qiu Qiu's family conditions... are not easy to cover.

The Qiu family is well-off, neither poor nor rich. Everyone in the family is a teacher, a standard scholarly family. Qiu's father is obsessed with Chinese, and has participated in the compilation of dictionaries, dictionaries, and Cihai. His father's name is printed on the title pages of elementary school language books. And Mother Qiu is more of a strong woman, and she is now the director of the Confucius Institute sent abroad.

Qiu Qiu has been top-notch since he was a child. He looks top-notch and his grades are top-notch. Moreover, this kid never misses a step. Wherever he goes, he is the focus of everyone's eyes.

The secretary persuaded him earnestly: "Boss, this kid is really difficult to deal with..."

A child who is not short of money is living a good life, but running to take care of an old man, how big a hole must be in his brain

Fu Ruien thought for a while and said, "Then let him attack me."


"Ask him to meet at the coffee shop in front of the school, and say that I think he is very good, and I want to sponsor him a scholarship in my own name."

"... Boss, can this be done?"

Fu Ruien said it very bluntly: "Who doesn't love money?"

Yes, who doesn't love money. Qiu Qiu heard that there was a rich man who wanted to sponsor him for a scholarship, so he came here happily. When he went to the coffee shop, he found that the sponsor was not rich at all, but handsome and mature. Qiu Qiu's eyes were posted on it. up.

Fu Ruien, a beast in clothes and hats, doesn't look like he's terribly dark in his heart, but there's nothing to say about his appearance. He is personable, extraordinary in appearance, and his every move shows the perfect demeanor of a successful person. Qiu Qiu was only twenty-one years old, and he had never seen such an elder with connotation and background. He lost his mind without saying a word.

Fu Ruien looked at Qiu Qiu's shy and timid face, and thought triumphantly, it's done.

Qiu Qiu looked at him longingly and expectantly, but he was thinking in his heart: If my dad's hairline was half as complete as Boss Fu's, it would be great.

The two started talking across the coffee table, but at some point, Qiu Qiu sat next to Fu Ruien.

In fact, Fu Ruien felt that the distance was still a bit far, and he wished that Qiu Qiu could sit on his lap.

Fu Ruien felt that the time was ripe, and gently put his hand on the back of Qiu Qiu's hand, looked at him fixedly, didn't speak, just smiled meaningfully.

Qiu Qiu blushed from being stared at by him, and then smirked, the little dimple on her right cheek was deeply sunken, very cute. He didn't realize that he was being taken advantage of by the uncle at all, and he thought it was nothing to hold hands between two men.

Fu Ruien said: "Actually, I fell in love with you at the opening ceremony. You walked past me with a cart of flowers, but the fragrance of the flowers was not as good as yours."

This is already very explicit flirting.

However, Qiu Qiu didn't understand and was still modest: "Where is it? The Liushen toilet water I used that day was jasmine scented."

"..." Fu Ruien changed the subject, "You are a smart kid, you should understand why I called you out alone, and why I talked to you so much, right?"

"I understand." Qiu Qiu thought, I make my own, didn't you say you want to sponsor me for a scholarship

"So would you like to?"

Qiu Qiu nodded obediently. Every part of his body is beautiful, especially a pair of big eyes, which are really like glass beads, so clear that one can see into people's hearts at a glance.

He looks like the kind of very careless, honest, and well-behaved child. Although he sometimes speaks stupidly, it's better to be stupid. That's too noisy.

Fu Ruien wished he could drag Qiu Qiu to the nearby lover's hotel to rectify the Fa on the spot, but before he could do it, the secretary called and said that there would be a temporary overseas meeting in the afternoon, and Fu Ruien needed to go back to preside over the overall situation.

Fu Ruien is not the kind of person who will forget about work when he is immersed in the gentle countryside. No matter how good Xiaoqinger is, how can he take care of him without a job? So Fu Ruien hurriedly put on his coat and left. Before leaving, he took out the secondary card of his credit card and pushed it in front of Qiu Qiu as his maintenance fee.

Qiu Qiu hadn't seen the black gold card yet, so he held it in his hand and looked around excitedly. It wasn't until then that he remembered that he hadn't asked how much the scholarship was.

Of course, Fu Ruien's credit card can be spent with no limit, but Fu Ruien was afraid of spoiling the boy's appetite, so he deliberately drew a line: "50,000." Fifty thousand pocket money a month.

Qiu Qiu took it as a scholarship of 50,000 yuan a year, oh my god, it was higher than the national award.

He asked again: "Where is the password?"

"My birthday."

Qiu Qiu asked unconsciously, "Then when is your birthday?"

"... Go to Baidu by yourself."

Fu Ruien is busy with work, and Qiu Qiu is busy with school, so they don't see each other twice a month. It was a coincidence that the two of them met at the Xiangjiang Villa every time. Fu Ruien would always be unable to stay overnight for various reasons. Finally, when he had some free time, Qiu Qiu would play the guitar for him, cook for him, and tell him interesting things in life.

Qiu Qiu felt that he was enthusiastic about public welfare and cared for middle-aged and lonely middle-aged men, but Fu Ruien felt that he was trying to curry favor with the benefactor.

Just because Fu Rui'en was too proud and Qiu Qiu was too slow, the two talked about each other for several months, but they didn't even understand their relationship.

As a result, the mine that had been buried for three months exploded today.

Fu Ruien suppressed his anger and finished his work in the afternoon. When the off-duty time came, he asked the driver to take him to Xiangjiang Villa. Fu Ruien usually drives by himself, but today he is emotionally unstable. He is afraid that he will turn his car into a bumper car.

Not only was he upset, but Qiu Qiu was also very anxious.

what happened? The gentle and considerate old godfather suddenly became the benefactor. When did this change happen? How come he doesn't have the slightest impression

Qiu Qiu anxiously took a bath, anxiously put on a facial mask, anxiously watered the flowers, anxiously dried the clothes, anxiously waxed the floor on the first floor, anxiously stewed a pot of rock sugar tremella soup, anxiously tasted After a taste, I found that the craftsmanship has not regressed. In the end, seeing that there was still time, he played another round of DOTA anxiously.

When Fu Ruien came in, he saw Qiu Qiu concentrating on the computer screen and swearing in the living room.

Because Qiu Qiu likes to play games, Fu Ruien specially equipped him with a whole set of expensive game equipment, even the chairs are special e-sports chairs, costing thousands of them. But Qiu Qiu didn't sit properly every time, insisted on sitting cross-legged on the chair, wasting such an expensive thing for nothing.

Seeing his calm appearance, Fu Ruien immediately became angry.

He threw down his coat and said angrily, "Qiu Qiu."

Qiu Qiu jumped up from the chair in a panic. He stood up straight, as if he was punished to stand during military training, and his hands were tightly pressed against the seam of his trousers, in fact, it was all to suppress the fear in his heart.

Qiu Qiu lowered his eyebrows and said, "Godfather, don't call me by my full name, I... I'm scared."

In fact, Fu Ruien has always had a question: "... how did you know that my name is your full name?"

"Qiu Qiu" and "Qiu Qiu" are clearly pronounced the same.

Qiu Qiu said: "I judge by the tone of voice. When you called me just now, the tone was like that of the dean..."

"..." Fu Ruien thought about the 60-year-old man in red and green that he had seen at the alumni meeting, suppressed the anger in his heart, deliberately softened his voice and called again: "...Qiuqiu."

"Hey!" Qiu Qiu was quick to agree, but the expression on his face became even more distorted: " looks like my mother this time."
