Sugar Baby

Chapter 27


The review time at the end of the term always passes quickly, but what comes faster than the end of the term is the college entrance examination.

Qiu Qiu was recommended to the university at the beginning, and had never passed the college entrance examination, but he knew the urgency of the college entrance examination, and several of his classmates were warriors who repeated their studies. The night before the college entrance examination, he specially called Huaxiang, wishing him extraordinary performance and being admitted to the ideal school.

Hua Xiang is a special student, and he has to pass the art test before the college entrance examination. It is said that he passed the art test in the first two times, but he missed the college entrance examination by more than a hundred points. I don't know if he can get what he wants this time.

The program team of "Super New Voices" is scheduled to hold a rehearsal for the finals in the competition area on the evening of June 8. After Hua Xiang finished the final comprehensive exam in the afternoon, he rushed to the studio non-stop after leaving the exam room, even ignoring a bite of food.

The caring Qiu Qiu knew that he didn't have dinner, so he specially made a sandwich for him, with a thick layer of beef and eggs sandwiched inside, and the juice overflowed after one bite. He chatted with Qiu Qiu about the exam questions while he was eating, and said happily that the tutor he hired this time was very good, and he got the knowledge points for several big questions right, and he could pass the mark in all likelihood.

"We won't be able to be alumni when I'm admitted to university." Hua Xiang sighed, "The major I study is only available in the Conservatory of Music, but it's all in the university town, so it's more convenient to find you later."

"What major do you study? Vocal music or acting?"

"Neither of them, I major in drama."

"... Takefu?"

Hua Xiang was very angry, it was going to be the finals, his good friend hadn't even watched his own game video, the friendship between men was so fake.

Hua Xiang was angry for a while, looked down at the half-eaten sandwich, and reluctantly decided to spare Qiu Qiu's life. "Forget it, you can't run away when I go on stage to audition later, you are not allowed to answer calls from your godfather, and neither are your own fathers!"

Qiu Qiu hurriedly raised his hands and swore that he would definitely stand in the first row of spectators this time.

Today is a rehearsal without makeup, and the assistant director is still wearing the yellow vest, running around busy. He ran to shout at the accompaniment band for a while, and ran to the lighting engineer for a while. He was as tired as a dog.

Fortunately, the competition system for the regional finals is not complicated, as before, six people will perform on stage after drawing lots, and the best will be promoted based on the instructor's scoring. Since it is a rehearsal, there will be no lottery. Each of the six contestants can audition on stage for half an hour. If you hurry up, you can come three or four times, which is enough to get along with the accompaniment band.

The few remaining contestants now have their own calculations in their hearts. The elimination rate in the finals is only half. Only three can advance to the national competition. Everyone wants to be the final winner. Although the level of each other was basically figured out in the semifinals, but we haven't seen each other for half a month, who knows if the others have private training

So when the assistant director handed over the microphone, no one reached out to pick it up for a while. They all wanted to see the level of others before performing on stage.

After a few seconds of stalemate, Qiu Qiu saw that there was no one fighting for it, so he took the microphone with a smile.

He is strong and confident, and he is not afraid of being peeped at his cards, nor is he thinking about stealing other people's skills.

He walked out of the backstage holding the guitar and stood in the center of the stage.

This time was completely different from the last time. Last time, all the lights were on, the stars on the stage were shining, and the lights off the stage were flickering. Looking around, there were crowds of people. But standing on the high stage, he was surrounded by countless loving eyes.

During the rehearsal, in order to save electricity and reduce the temperature in the booth, only a line of light was chased on the stage, just in front of the microphone stand. Because he played the guitar solo and didn't need the band to cooperate, he was the only one on the stage, and the audience was pitch black. Except for the light of the camera equipment, only the handstand worn by the staff on the waist was flickering.

It was the first time for him... to sing for himself in such a dim environment.

Qiu Qiu settled down, held the head of the piano with his left hand, made a fist with his right hand, and tapped the resonance box with his knuckles. The guitar he uses is the most common wooden guitar, and as he strikes rhythmically, the body of the guitar emits a transparent reverberation.

one two three four five six seven eight…

After eight beats, Qiu Qiu stepped forward and sang softly to Li Mai.

"You said you wanted me to watch the stars with you, but I was thinking of the intersection of yellow and red that my geography teacher said."

"You said you want me to travel the world with you, but I'm worried that I can only say hello in English."

"You said let me play games with you, but I can't leave the exercise book and stay with you all night."

"You're fantasizing about us wearing suits, but I hope that after leaving the school, there will be a chance to chat and skip classes and climb over the wall."

This time he chose still a small and fresh song, but it was no longer singing pure first love, but a student's various experiences on campus. The high spirits when stepping into the school gate, the anxiety and confusion when struggling with the sea of problems, the excited longing for graduation, and the deep reluctance to face teachers and classmates.

This ballad is not too difficult to sing, let alone show off skills, but it is more sincere, tear-jerking and hopeful at the same time. Standing under the spotlight, Qiu Qiu sang this song softly and repeatedly, evoking all the memories of the audience's student life. Especially in conjunction with the graduation atmosphere after the college entrance examination, the audience will definitely cry.

The chief planner of the program group exchanged a look with the director. In fact, which contestants can advance to the national competition, in addition to singing skills, there are other aspects to consider. The votes in the hands of the judges are actually not as important as the ideas of these behind-the-scenes staff.

Qiu Qiu can sing and is smart. Wherever you put it, there are glittering golden signboards. Such a big gem is still beautifully polished. Why hasn't anyone picked it up in the past 21 years

After Qiu Qiu stepped down, Hua Xiang rushed up and hugged him and cried. Damn, he just finished the college entrance examination, and he almost shed tears when he heard such an emotional shock, okay

Qiu Qiu was wiped with snot all over his body, and said helplessly: "Didn't you say that you have taken the exam three times and you don't feel anything at all?"

"I'm rich in emotion, isn't it?!"

After Qiu Qiu sang, it was Qi Qiqi who sang. The little guy still sang an ethereal hymn this time, with a fairy air. If you say that the voice of the little boy is lighter than that of an adult, a few high notes can be heard without any effort. up.

With his ability, promotion should be no problem.

Afterwards, three more contestants took to the stage to audition, and their performances were mediocre. Except for one female contestant who was slightly threatening, the other two were unfounded.

After everyone else had stepped down, Hua Xiang was finally ready. He sent a heart wave to Qiu Qiu, left a sentence "you just wait to hear my secret weapon", and rushed to the stage with his gold-encrusted microphone.

Qiu Qiu kept his promise, walked around to the first row of the auditorium, sat up straight and listened to his friend's live audition very seriously. He really couldn't figure out what Hua Xiang was singing. Hua Xiang said that he was studying opera and not a martial arts student.

As a result, when the pre-play started, Qiu Qiu found out speechlessly that it was a familiar and popular street pop song, and the accompaniment was not even used live, but the accompaniment tape played in the background.

After the prelude ended, Hua Xiang picked up the golden microphone and sang along with the rhythm. There is not a piece of good fabric in all his clothes, either a cut here or a piece missing there, coupled with his black dreadlocks, only a gold chain as thick as a thumb is missing, and he is a lively hip-hop singer.

How should I put it... This drool-worthy song fits Hua Xiang's personality well, but the whole song has nothing special, and the singing is quite satisfactory, which is really not brilliant enough. Even Qiu Qiu felt that if Hua Xiang wanted to advance to the next level with this song, it would be very difficult.

Hua Xiang on the stage had no idea that his little friend had lost his mind. He sang and danced on the stage, full of energy, and his movements were particularly coquettish.

However, when the climax of the music was approaching, the accompaniment suddenly changed suddenly, and the tone of modern pop music suddenly changed. Traditional ethnic instruments replaced the Western instruments in the previous accompaniment. debut.

I saw Hua Xiang moving around on the stage, and when he turned around again, he pinched his fingertips lightly, his figure was delicate, and there was no cynical expression on his face, only the lively and mischievous little girl demeanor remained.

Qiu Qiu tightly covered his mouth, for fear that he would cry out.

Alas! I have been together for twelve years, but I don't know that Mulan is a girl!