Sugar Baby

Chapter 29


The third day after the final exam was the regional final of "Super New Voices". The program team specially notified all contestants that they would go to the studio to prepare at ten o'clock in the morning that day.

Qiu Qiu had a good rest the night before and was in high spirits. He got out of the tent at six o'clock in the morning on the day of the competition. As a result, before his feet touched the floor, a pair of big hands reached out from behind, wrapped his arms around his slender waist, and dragged him back to the bed effortlessly.

Qiu Qiu lost control of his focus and fell on his godfather's chest with a groan. Fu Ruien pressed his waist and eyes with one hand, and shook off the thin quilt on his body with the other. Qiu Qiu was dizzy and lay down in the same bed with his godfather.

The air conditioner was turned on in the room, and it was chilly, but the thin quilt contained the temperature of Fu Ruien's body, as well as the hormonal smell of a mature man.

Qiu Qiu's heart beat out of control for a few seconds, and he turned around in his godfather's arms coyly, and faced Fu Rui'en's arms instead. Fu Ruien's chuckle came from above his head, Qiu Qiu had the nerve to look up at him, lowered his head, blushed, and plunged into his godfather's arms.

Fu Ruien reached out and patted him on the back, coaxing him like a baby. The two of them seem to have magnetic poles on their bodies, and they are tightly embedded together.

As the saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and grand plans and great wishes... begin with returning to the cage.

Qiu Qiu reprimanded that his will was too weak, while smelling the smell on the side of Fu Ruien's neck, he fell into a deep sleep again.

... When I woke up again, the sky was bright.

The watch showed that it was already nine o'clock, Qiu Qiu got up from the bed in a panic, and struggled on the big bed for a long time before finding the way to get out of bed.

Fortunately, breakfast was ready last night. With a sandwich in his hand and a bag of milk in his mouth, Qiu Qiu rushed out in a daze. Only when he got to the elevator did he realize that he forgot to bring his guitar, and he hurried back run.

As a result, he just took two steps - "Boom", and hit Fu Ruien's chest.

Fu Ruien, who was carrying the guitar for him, stood firm and saw that his forehead was red, and said distressedly: "Don't worry, I'll take you there."

Qiu Qiu shook his head and refused: "No need, no need, now the morning rush hour, the traffic below is jammed, I'll take the subway faster."

Fu Ruien reached out and hooked the tip of his nose: "You look down on godfather too much, do you think I can only drive?"

"Wow—" Qiu Qiu exclaimed, the Hollywood popcorn blockbusters that he had seen before kept churning in his mind, "Is there a helipad on the top floor, let's fly a helicopter there?"

He became worried, he was just participating in a competition, wouldn't it be too high-profile

"... You think too much, there is a motorcycle in the garage downstairs."

Fu Ruien doesn't drive often, and usually travels in a low-key business car, but in fact he loves to collect luxury cars in private. Even the motorcycles that he only rides two or three times a year are top-notch configurations. The body is thick but not clumsy. Black paint, revealing a little silver paint, full of wild, dynamic.

Qiu Qiuchang has never sat in someone else's back seat at his age.

Fu Ruien asked: "Didn't your father take you by bike when you were young?"

"I did, but I was only four or five years old at the time, and I always sat in front."

Fu Ruien smiled and said, "Well, next time godfather buys a bicycle, he will also let you sit on the beam."

Qiu Qiu just took him for a joke, he is twenty-one, adults don't have a small butt like a child, it hurts when sitting on a beam.

He put on his helmet and climbed carefully to the back seat of the motorcycle. Fu Ruien twisted the accelerator, the engine roared, and he galloped out of the garage like a wild horse.

Qiu Qiu was taken aback by the strong power, and hurriedly lowered his body and lay tightly on Fu Ruien's back, holding the clothes at Fu Ruien's waist tightly with both hands.

The nimble motorcycle zipped through the traffic, leaving the dust and noise behind.

Fu Ruien's body stood in front of Qiu Qiu, sheltering him from the wind and rain. He hides in his own small space with peace of mind, like a baby bird hiding under the wings of a parent bird. Qiu Qiu put his head sideways on Fu Ruien's back. In the airtight helmet, all the noise seemed to gradually fade away. When he closed his eyes, only the sound of the beating heart in his chest could be heard clearly.

It seems that there is a tune sounding in my mind, from far to near, from shallow to deep, each note is flowing in the tip of my heart, Qiu Qiu gathers up this fleeting inspiration, repeatedly tempers it in his mind, and gathers the leaves and flowers together Get up, unknowingly, compose another song.

When Fu Ruien's car stopped, Qiu Qiu was still immersed in the atmosphere of the music.

Fu Ruien actually wanted Qiu Qiu to hug him for a while, and he didn't mind being stared at at the gate of the TV station, but the program group's set time was coming, so Fu Ruien could only gently push him to wake him up.

Only then did Qiu Qiu realize that he had reached his destination. He jumped out of the car in embarrassment and panic, and bid farewell to Fu Ruien with his guitar on his back.

Before the assistant director said that the funders of Enrui Group would come to the finals, Qiu Qiu mistakenly thought that the person who came was the godfather, and he didn't know it was a team in charge of the investment until the day of the rehearsal. That's right, what is Fu Ruien's status, if he is going to be present in a mere regional final, it will lower his grade too much.

It's just that Qiu Qiu couldn't lift his spirits when he thought that his godfather couldn't be there to watch him play.

"Sing well," Fu Ruien saw that he was not in high spirits, and pinched his fingertips and promised him, "If you win the song, godfather will give you a reward."

"What reward?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. But Qiuqiu can think about any wishes, and godfather can satisfy them."

Qiu Qiu immediately raised his hand: "I want to move the tent..."

Fu Ruien interrupted directly: "Change your wish, this one won't work."

"You don't give me a massage that night..."

"Change your wish, this one doesn't work either."

Qiu Qiu was extremely wronged, his godfather was such a big ass, he kept his promises and kept his promises.

You can't stay at the entrance of the TV station for too long, Fu Ruien rode away after a few careful instructions. Qiu Qiu waited until the exhaust of the motorcycle could no longer be seen, and then walked into the TV station step by step.

Who would have thought that just as he walked into the hall, he ran into acquaintances—Big Bear and Xiao Li.

This time, the two wore the same pink support uniforms. The pattern printed on the chest was no longer Qiu Qiu's ID photo, but a cute and playful Q-version cartoon. They held several cardboard boxes in their hands, which were full of lamp cards, fans, and bracelets. Qiu Qiu only glanced at them, and felt that he was about to be blinded by the pink color.

Da Xiong greeted warmly: "Qiu, is it our father who sent you here again?"

"...that's my godfather..."

"Family, how polite are you?"

Xiaoli on the side looked carefree, sighed suddenly, threw the things in her hand on the ground, tears flowed down her eyes, and her eyeliner was dizzy.

Qiu Qiu and this ex-girlfriend haven't seen each other for many days, and she almost forgot how much she has a sense of drama. She cries whenever she wants to, and others are still brewing feelings.

Qiu Qiu didn't know how to touch her sentimental nerves, and asked her what's wrong with Xiaoxin.

Xiaoli said: "Qiu, it's been so long since I saw you, why have you even changed your sexuality?"

Qiu Qiu blushed, stumbled and said, "I have a pure father-son relationship with my godfather."

"With this, you can fool the straight man Big Bear."

Da Xiong hurriedly answered: "I'm not deceived. That vice president wanted to sleep with him when he saw it, only he didn't know."

... In fact, Qiu Qiu also knows...

But if you know it, you know it. If you can't do without it, you can't say for sure.