Sugar Baby

Chapter 38


Qiu Qiu has been a good student since he was a child, and the first criterion for becoming a good student is to complete the homework assigned by the teacher meticulously.

Teacher Gong asked Qiu Qiu to practice vocalization skills for three hours after returning home every day, starting with the vibrato "s", and gradually turning to more difficult vocalization exercises. Qiu Qiu listened to this request and kept it in his heart. He practiced it seriously from the first day. Senior brother Wang frame frame admired his hard work.

This homework was easy to complete, but another after-school assignment left by Teacher Gong made Qiu Qiu feel difficult. She said that Qiu Qiu's physique was not good enough, his vital capacity was poor, and he didn't last long enough for the abdominal breathing method. If you want to keep your breath steady while singing, you need a strong body.

Teacher Gong gave him a tailor-made prescription, which stated that he should run for an hour every day and do a hundred sit-ups before going to bed. Qiu Qiuguang's legs became weak just looking at this line.

But the teacher's request had to be fulfilled, so he could only bite the bullet and ask his godfather for help.

There is a small room in Fu Ruien's house that has been transformed into a special gym with all kinds of fitness equipment. After many businessmen got older, because of their affluent life, their waistlines gradually increased, and each of them raised their general belly. However, Fu Ruien has strict requirements on his figure, and spends at least three hours a week in the gym.

Although Fu Ruien's figure does not belong to the strongman type of "ape-armed wasp waist", in fact, his muscles are hidden under his clothes. Every time he took a bath, he deliberately didn't put on his clothes, only wrapped a narrow bath towel around his waist, and wandered around the house. The beautifully shaped muscles were soaked in water, making them look extra sexy. With every movement of his hands, water droplets rolled down from his naked body, and dripped onto the floor along his steps, leaving strings of water marks.

Qiu Qiu was forced to admire the beauty show in the bath several times, and was forced to measure his godfather's hard and big chest muscles several times... In the end, he really had no choice but to go back into the tent as soon as his godfather went to take a bath. Avoid the limelight.

Qiu Qiu felt that his godfather was worrying too much about himself, so he shouldn't bother him with this kind of trivial matter of exercising, but the only person around him who is good at exercising is Fu Ruien, so he can't be like a big bear to learn from the scriptures, right

Hey, this feels like an elementary school student asking a parent for help with an after-school exercise. It's so embarrassing.

Fu Ruien didn't expect that the homework left by Teacher Gong was actually to exercise, but Qiu Qiu was quite happy to come to seek his help.

"Qiuqiu, you don't have any training foundation at all, so don't practice so vigorously at the beginning." He thought for a while, and combined with Qiu Qiu's actual physical fitness, set the amount of training for him, "Let's start with running for half an hour first, Add five minutes a day, step by step for a week, and you will be able to meet Teacher Gong's requirements."

"What about sit-ups?"

"Crunches are not difficult, just do as many as you can."

Fu Ruien felt that the amount of exercise he had set was not large, but he never thought that he had miscalculated Qiu Qiu's physical fitness. My precious son is just like a young scholar. He started to pant after running on the treadmill for a while, and he couldn't adjust his breathing at all. He hadn't run for half an hour, and he had already suffered from breathlessness three times.

However, Qiu Qiu was extremely stubborn. If others were not feeling well, they would seize the opportunity to stop and rest, but he insisted on going to the end with perseverance. When the 30 minutes came, the crawlers of the treadmill stopped slowly. Qiu got off the treadmill dizzily, and felt the ground shaking as soon as he took a step.

It felt like the little mermaid princess who had just had two legs, and was not yet used to the newly grown feet. After walking a few steps, she became dizzy and her legs were weak, and she was about to fall to the side.

Fu Ruien had been watching him beside the treadmill because he was worried. Seeing his precious son's flushed cheeks, pale forehead, and sweating all over, Fu Ruien hugged him quickly, and at the same time lowered his body and supported him with the other arm. His legs carried Qiu Qiu out of the gym directly in the form of a princess hug.

Fu Ruien saw that he looked sleepy, and worried that he would be self-defeating and suffer from hypoglycemia. He hugged him all the way to the sofa in the living room, reluctant to let go, and simply let Qiu Qiu sit in his arms, feeding him honey water, and stroking his back to comfort him.

At this moment, Qiu Qiu didn't even feel shy anymore, it was all his fault that he was too weak, a little girl could complete this amount of training, but he made a big fool of himself. He felt dizzy and unresponsive from the lack of oxygen in his brain.

He tilted his head and leaned against his godfather's arms, listening to his godfather's strong and steady heartbeat, wishing that time would go slower and let him stay in Fu Ruien's arms for a while longer.

After ten minutes of slowing down, Qiu Qiu regained strength in his hands and feet.

Fu Ruien said dumbfoundedly: "I always thought that I raised a finely crafted Jia Baoyu, but I didn't expect it to be Lin Daiyu... No, Sister Lin still buries flowers anyway. With your small body, I guess you can't even hold a hoe stand up."

Qiu Qiu covered his flushed face and excused himself: "I only play mages in games, and mages are thin-skinned."

"Thin-skinned? Then let the godfather taste the stuffing..." Fu Ruien smiled and leaned over, and lightly bit Qiu Qiu's cheek. There was still sweat on his face, Fu Ruien didn't dislike it, but felt that the sweat of Tang Son was sweet.

Qiu Qiu, who was weak, ran for half an hour and rested for 60 minutes.

When he finally stood up from Fu Ruien's arms, the clock was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Fu Ruien was like a doting silly father who offered to suggest: "Tomorrow you have to get up early to go to Teacher Gong. Don't do sit-ups tonight. Take a rest and practice tomorrow."

Of course Qiu Qiu would not agree. Today's work is done today. Besides, exercise should not be done fishing for three days and drying the net for two days. He has to finish it all at once, and challenge a new peak tomorrow.

It's just that there is no sit-up machine in the gym, so Fu Ruien can only help hold Qiu Qiu's feet and help him count by the way.

There is a special sports sponge mat in the gym. Qiu Qiu stretched his legs and lay on the sponge mat, crossing his hands behind his head. Fu Ruien squatted in front of Qiu Qiu without hesitation, pressed his ankles with both hands, and asked him with concern if he would use too much force and if he would feel pain.

When everything was ready, Fu Ruien gave an order, Qiu Qiu exerted strength on his waist and abdomen, sat up quickly, and touched his forehead to his knee in a standard manner.

However, this rapid speed showed up in less than 20 seconds. Qiu Qiu's whole body seemed to be pressed against the ten sit-ups in front of him. Later, let alone the forehead touching the knee, the elbow was a few centimeters away from the knee.

But even so, he didn't want to give up, but challenged himself with difficulty, squeezed his physical limit, and slowly approached the target number.

Qiu Qiu clenched his teeth, his dimples turned red from holding back, and his hair was wet with sweat, sticking to his forehead in strands.

Fu Ruien supported his feet, watching him sit up again and again with amused and heartbroken feelings, and often he was pulled back to the ground exhausted by gravity as soon as he was 20 centimeters off the ground.

Fu Ruien knew that he couldn't persuade him. The young man had his own benchmark of behavior in his heart, and it was not enough to "reach". Only when he "exceeded" could he have the confidence to admit that he had paid for his dream.

On the road of young people, every step is without regret and fearlessness.

After insisting on doing sixty-five times, the last bit of strength in Qiu Qiu's body was exhausted. Like a little turtle that couldn't turn over, he fell miserably on the mat, rubbing his hands on his stomach in turn. , Relieve abdominal muscle soreness.

Fu Ruien coaxed him: "Qiu Qiu, make another one, the last one."

Qiu Qiu said aggrievedly: "But I really can't do it anymore."

"Just one, do it more standard, and godfather will give you a reward."

"What reward?"

"You'll know when you do it."

"Hey," Qiu Qiu sighed helplessly, "Godfather, you love acting like a baby."

But there is no way, who made him a young model of respecting the elderly.

Qiu Qiu lay back on the mat again, covering his head with his hands. He was so tired that he lay on the mat for a full minute before regaining his strength.

Fu Ruien didn't urge him, and even rubbed his stomach for him, like kneading a ball of well-fermented white dough.

In fact, Qiu Qiu was also wondering what reward his godfather could give him, he didn't want anything now, he just wanted to drink a cold Coke after exercising!

He silently recited one, two, three in his heart... Then he closed his eyes tightly and sat up vigorously!

Because Qiu Qiu gathered his strength for a long time this time, he did the last sit-up very standard.

His upper body was completely vertical to the ground, his forehead almost touched his knee—

— The reason why it was almost said was that when he probed forward, his lips touched a soft heat source.

It is warm, with the hormonal taste unique to mature men.

Qiu Qiu's heart trembled, and he opened his mouth subconsciously, and a moist and hot soft object sprang out from the heat source close to his lips, and slid gently over his teeth...

In the next second, Qiu Qiu was completely exhausted and fell back heavily on the cushion.

His muscles were trembling with soreness, and his heart, his brain, and all the emotional organs in his body were trembling slightly.

From the beginning to the end, he never opened his eyes.

There was confusion in his heart, but there was still a trace of clarity in this confusion.

Qiu Qiu raised his hand to lightly touch his lips, and the heat from just now seemed to still cover them.

This is not a reward for myself... Obviously, it is a reward for godfather...