Sugar Baby

Chapter 4


There are not many things that Qiu Qiu is afraid of, his mother counts as one, and so does Xiaoli.

After the breakup, Xiaoli's temper became even worse. Seeing that she couldn't get him back by jumping into the lake, she repeated her tricks and went to the campus forum to serialize "Qiu Qiu's One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six and Seven Deadly Crimes". Qiu Qiu didn't fall in love with the forum, and he didn't realize how sinful he was until a month later, and it's no eye to be able to live to the age of 21 smoothly.

So now when Xiaoli called, Qiu Qiu held the phone like a dynamite bag, ready to die heroically at any moment.

Fu Ruien couldn't stand his cowardice, so he took it over and hung up.

Fu Ruien scolded him: "How can a little girl make you so scared?"

Before she finished speaking, Xiao Li called again, and the ringtone was like a curse. Fu Ruien was upset when he heard it, and wanted to make a break, so he simply answered it.

As soon as the call was connected, Xiaoli was the first to speak: "Qiu, Qiu! How dare you hang up on me?!"

The questioning tone seemed like they were still dating.

Fu Ruien was used to being domineering, and he put this little honeypot into his sphere of influence as early as the first time he saw Qiu Qiu. Xiaoli, as Qiu Qiu's ex-girlfriend, naturally made him displeased.

Fu Ruien snorted coldly and asked her deliberately: "Who are you?"

When Xiaoli heard that the voice was not Qiu Qiu, she was stunned for a long time before asking: "...Who are you?"

Qiu Qiu looked at Fu Ruien anxiously from the side, put his hands together, and bowed to him like a puppy, hoping that he would stop talking nonsense.

Fu Ruien took his hand and pinched it over and over in his own palm. Even though Qiu Qiu was tall and thin, the place where there should be flesh was extremely soft. While playing with Qiu Qiu's hand, Fu Ruien said meaningfully to the phone: "I am his... godfather."


The girl Xiaoli was really dumbfounded.

She quickly changed her flattering tone, and said coquettishly, "Hi, hello, hello, godfather, it's the first time we meet, I'm your daughter-in-law."


Fu Ruien now knows how difficult this girl is.

Xiao Li's rank was too high, so Fu Rui'en chose to retreat strategically—he hung up the phone and added her to the blacklist. But Xiaoli has eight mobile phone numbers, and several mobile phones call Qiu Qiu in turn. Fu Ruien tried to get into work several times but was interrupted. President Fu threw Qiu Qiu's mobile phone out of the window in a fit of anger.

Qiu Qiu watched his precious mobile phone being broken into eight petals, and was extremely distressed. That was what his parents rewarded him after he went to college. He was full of revolutionary friendship. He usually handles it with care, but he didn't expect to be thrown by his godfather like this and couldn't fight back.

Fu Ruien said without blinking, "I'll buy you a new one later."

Sugar son was happy: "The 'scholarship' also includes mobile phones?"

The sugar daddy was also happy: "The 'scholarship' includes sleeping with you."

Well, going around in a big circle, procrastinating for a few hours, and finally turned back to the original point.

Qiu Qiu’s family background is not bad, all his relatives are teachers, and they get together during the holidays to discuss the international situation first, then talk about domestic livelihood issues, and finally start to criticize the exaggerated style of certain bureaucrats and wealthy businessmen. The most despised is the class inequality abnormal relationship.

Qiu Qiu actually got involved with a widow and rich middle-aged man who was older than himself, that really violated the rules of heaven, and he would definitely be punished by his mother to memorize the dictionary.

Seeing Qiu Qiu's beautiful face so sad that it deformed, Fu Ruien's heart trembled, and he blurted out without thinking: "... let's go."

After saying it, I was relieved.

He really likes this child, eight points out of kidney, two points out of heart, but Boss Fu cares about your love and my wishes, always bullying a silly boy is not a good guy.

So he decided to let each other go. In the future, Silly Qiuqiu will study hard and make progress every day. He will still be a black-hearted sugar daddy. After a while, he will wrap up a handsome boy in a white shirt, and he will still be able to perform Thomas full spin on the bed.

This time Qiu Qiu's antenna matched Fu Ruien's.

"You... you don't want to support me anymore?"

"No more. You pack your things, and I'll ask the driver to take you back later." Fu Ruien forced himself not to look at the painful face, but turned his gaze back to the contract on the computer screen.

Qiu Qiu felt unspeakably uncomfortable. He really admired Fu Ruien. His life was too regular since he was a child, but Fu Ruien's arrival made him see a different world.

It's like the little mermaid came to the surface for the first time, she saw the sun go down, she saw the stars, she saw the dolphins splashing across the sea, splashing and blooming. She saw the huge cruise ship roaring past, and the people on the cruise ship were dressed in Chinese costumes, dancing gracefully, talking and laughing loudly, and she realized that life on the sea can be so wonderful.

... Hey, except for wanting to sleep with him, godfather really has no shortcomings at all.

Qiu Qiu ran to pack his luggage with regret and melancholy. In fact, he doesn't come to this villa very often, and only has two sets of clothes. Apart from the game account, the most valuable thing is his guitar.

Qiu Qiu likes to sing very much, and every Literary Academy performance has his solo, but except for his godfather, no one knows that he can write songs, and he is ashamed to sing his own clumsy works to others.

Because he has a scholarship, he doesn't care about his family asking for money since he went to college. The scholarship is used to pay for everything except tuition, which is barely enough. This time, his godfather "subsidized" him, allowing him to get 50,000 yuan for nothing. As soon as he got excited, he rushed to the piano store and bought a guitar that he had been coveting for a long time.

With a guitar on his shoulder and a bag of clothes in his hand, he asked hesitantly, "... godfather."

"Huh?" Fu Ruien didn't take his eyes off the computer screen. In fact, he didn't read a single line from just now to now.

"… I have a question… "


"... Do I need to return this guitar to you..."

Fu Ruien was angry and found it funny at the same time, deliberately mocking him: "Of course I have to pay it back! Even if I marry a big girl, if the marriage blows up, I still have to return the dowry gift. Now you took my money to buy a guitar, and you want to pay it back?" Or refund the money, or put the guitar here."

Qiu Qiu made a decision for a long time. He already owes Xiaoli 100,000 yuan. If he takes away the guitar, there will be another 50,000 yuan on the bill. He is a poor student, and when will he be able to pay it back. After a painful thought, he finally chose to keep the guitar.

The driver had already arrived, and he took the clothes from Qiu Qiu's hand and put them on the back seat. Qiu Qiu dawdled in putting on his shoes in front of the porch, feeling very depressed. He looked up at his godfather, only to see that he was still sitting upright in front of the computer and dealing with official business. Could it be that his godfather had dealt with countless godsons like himself in this way before

Qiu Qiu said lonely: "Then I'm leaving."


"You need to take care of yourself."


"Godfather, I will miss you."


"But don't think about me."

"… Um."

After thinking about it, the soft Qiu Qiu added softly: "If you really miss me, you can, but you can only think about it during the day, not at night."

The organ in Fu Ruien's chest suddenly throbbed violently, and his emotions that had been quiet for twenty years were provoked by a young boy at this moment. He really wanted to say something, but since he chose to let go, he won't look back.

Qiu Qiu said sincerely: "Don't think about me at night, I will sneeze until I can't sleep."

"...Qiuqiu, how old are you, and now you still believe in the nonsense of 'you can sneeze when people think of you'?"

Qiu Qiu looked at him in shock.

Fu Ruien said maliciously: "By the way, I would like to remind you that your mother lied to you when she said, 'You have saved all your lucky money since you were a child.'"

So Qiu Qiu was bullied and cried by the annoying godfather again.

The driver was ordered to take Qiu Qiu back to school. On the way back, the driver received a call from Fu Ruien.

Fu Ruien asked him: "Has Qiuqiu been sent back?"

"Yes boss."

"Are you still crying?"

"Stop crying, just keep sneezing."

"..." Fu Ruien ordered, "Buy him some cold medicine tomorrow."