Sugar Baby

Chapter 42


Fu Rui'en cared about Qiu Qiu's every aspect, thinking that his precious son was going to be on camera, so he had to clean up to look good.

After the last devastating shave, Qiu Qiu's hair has grown a lot slowly after such a long time, but it is still long on the top of the head and short on the sides. He usually loosens his hair casually at home and wears it when he goes out. That sheer black wavy headband holds the hair in place. Fortunately, he has good looks, and although his hairstyle is a bit weird, it is better than the previous kiwi style.

Fu Ruien asked He Yu to contact the stylist, and made an appointment to do the design the next afternoon. Fu Ruien was busy, so he only sent a driver and bodyguard to follow.

This time, the styling was done at the same place that Fu Ruien took him to before. At that time, Qiu Qiu was sold a wig worth 8,888, and it is still in the cloakroom. But today, the male design director who combed the hairball was not here, and a female director who shaved the yin and yang hair was replaced.

Before Qiu Qiu’s hair was pushed at a barber shop on the street for 20 yuan, it had never been dyed or permed, and the hair quality was very good. Every time Qiu Qiu finished washing his hair, Fu Ruien would personally dry it for him, just to feel The feeling of soft hair sliding through the fingers.

The female director gave Qiu Qiu a hairstyle booklet, suggesting that he perm his hair a little and dye it a light flaxen color to make it look clean and sunny. But Qiu Qiu was worried that his father would break his legs if he dyed his hair, so he hesitated again and again, and finally chose the unremarkable dark iron gray, which is not obvious indoors, and the slight gray can only be seen in the sun.

The female director asked the younger sister to take him to wash his hair. It was such a coincidence that he met an acquaintance—Hua Xiang, who had returned from the Southwest Division victory, was here!

This is the first time the pair of friends have met since they parted a month ago. They couldn't finish talking, so the staff simply arranged a VIP double room for them.

While chatting, Qiu Qiu found out that Hua Xiang's previous black dreadlocks were done here, but the dreadlocks ruined his hair too much. Now the ends of his hair are frizzy, so he came to take care of them.

He proudly boasted: "I use Moroccan rose essential oil to moisturize my hair, combined with Spanish olive hair care. The evaporation machines are all imported from Japan, and it costs 3,000 per hour."

Qiu Qiu was shocked by his particularity—Hua Xiang's long hair alone was enough to support eight David teachers in the hair salon.

Whether it is hair dyeing or maintenance, it is a waste of time. The two friends have not seen each other for a long time, so it is natural to chat about the current situation. Now that the score line for the college entrance examination has come out, Huaxiang received the admission notice a few days ago. This time he finally got his wish and got admitted to the Conservatory of Music in City A that he wanted. You can see it on or off the show.

"By the way, did you receive a call from the assistant director? Do you know about the VCR filming this time?" Hua Xiang asked.

Qiu Qiu nodded: "I know, we will go to University A to film this Friday." He took the initiative to invite, "If you are free, you can also come to play. Our school cafeteria is also open during summer vacation, but there are not many kinds of dishes, but Every Friday there is a big bowl of steamed stuffed buns, with a lot of meat."

Hua Xiang curled his lips: "I'm not free anymore. My senior brother asked me to go to his place to attend classes. I think the classes are fake and the corporal punishment is real..."

In the draft competition, relying on his profound skills, he sang a new style of opera that incorporates popular elements on stage. Although he received a lot of applause, in the eyes of his stubborn and traditional seniors, his singing was not at all elegant. Going back this time, it is estimated that three meals of fried pork with bamboo shoots a day will be indispensable.

And the most unlucky thing is that his nemesis since childhood, the grandson of his brother, actually returned to China! Damn, I was still bragging on WeChat last month that I found a particularly awesome internship, that bastard is not staying in the United States to work honestly, why come back to China...

The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became, Hua Xiang shook his head to get these bad things out of his mind. "Let's not talk about this, Qiu, don't leave after you finish your hair, try the snails and caviar I flew over from France!"

Qiu Qiu, who was wearing hair dye lotion on his head, slobbered, and quickly agreed. He immediately sent Fu Ruien a WeChat message, requesting not to go home for dinner tonight.

Qiu Qiu's stomach was rumbling all afternoon, and he was thinking about the elegant western food in the evening.

Unexpectedly, after the hair was done, the little girl in the store came over with two trays, and Qiu Qiu realized that the snail and caviar refer to the mask_(:з」∠)_

Early on Friday morning, the film crew of "Super New Voices" arrived at the gate of University A on time. Because this time it was just a VCR shoot, only six staff members were dispatched, but each of them had professional equipment in their hands, which attracted the attention of many people.

Fortunately, it is summer vacation now, and there are not many students staying in school, otherwise it will definitely attract crowds.

This time, the filming program team had reported to University A in advance. In addition to the campus, there were classrooms, libraries, stadiums, dormitories, and cafeterias that needed to be filmed.

Qiu Qiusheng has a strong sense of the camera. When other people are being followed by the camera, they will inevitably restrain their hands and feet, but he is not nervous at all. He behaves very naturally and gracefully in front of the camera.

According to the requirements of the film crew, he first strolled on the tree-lined avenue with his head bowed, then picked up the guitar, sat on the stone by the school lake, plucked the strings, and looked into the distance.

The stand-alone camera they used this time only had one camera to follow the shots. The same action had to be shot several times, left to right, close up and far away.

Ordinary people who have no acting experience, I am afraid that they have long been annoyed by the endless repetitive movements. But Qiu Qiu was very cooperative, without a single complaint. The sun above his head was scorching, but he seemed to have a cool breeze. He walked back and forth several times under the scorching sun, and his T-shirt was not even wet, and it was still so clean and refreshing.

In the last shot, he is sitting on the bay window of the library with a book and reading carefully. Then he seems to hear someone calling him, slowly raises his head, and smiles brightly at the camera. The willow trees outside the window are swaying in the breeze, and the young man inside the house has deep dimples, and his smile makes people blush and heartbeat.

The cameraman for this shooting was temporarily transferred from other programs. He has a lot of experience and has gone through hundreds of battles. He has photographed hundreds of stars, big and small. During the break, he chatted with several other colleagues with a cigarette in his mouth, and commented: "This guy has potential and can become popular."

Colleagues teased him: "Because he's handsome?"

"Really, you will know if you are carrying the camera." The photographer held the cigarette butt between his smoky fingers as a pointing gesture, "When he looked at the camera, there was 'something' in his eyes, something between innocence Between seduction and seduction, the magnanimity shines brightly.... Other little fresh meats have a lot of female fans, but I think he must have a lot of male fans."

Colleagues burst into laughter, asking why he was so artistic all of a sudden, did he drink too much last night and changed his sexual orientation this morning.

Because Qiu Qiu cooperated very well, this shooting went smoothly. It was originally scheduled to be finished in one day, but it ended in half a day.

The staff declined Qiu Qiu's invitation to eat big steamed stuffed buns in the cafeteria, packed up their photographic equipment, and left in a mighty manner.

Qiu Qiu usually has a full schedule. He gets up early in the morning to report to Teacher Gong, goes to find his godfather for dinner at noon, and goes home in the afternoon to continue practicing vocalization and breathing. This morning, because he had a shooting task, he specially asked for leave and didn't go to class, and now he has nothing to do when he is free.

After thinking about it, he took out his phone and sent a message to his godfather.

Autumn is the autumn of autumn: Godfather, my side is over! Shall we have lunch together

Fu Ruien was busy with work, so he was not always free to answer messages on his phone. It took a full twenty minutes before he saw Qiuqiu's message and called back immediately.

"Qiuqiu, I have a lunch meeting that I can't postpone at noon today, you can eat by yourself."

"That's fine. Then I'll eat something in the cafeteria and go home. By the way, godfather, what do you want to eat tonight, I can cook some complicated dishes today~"

"Godfather just wants to eat you."

Qiu Qiu suddenly became frowning, and he dryly made excuses: "... I'm too thin, it doesn't taste good."

"It's up to me whether it tastes good or not?" Fu Ruien's laughter came from the receiver, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Make me sweet and sour pork ribs today, with leaner meat and more sugar."

The two of them seized the time to say a few small words in daily life. If others heard it, they would definitely think that Qiu Qiu was chatting with his cohabiting girlfriend.

Because the chat was so happy, Qiu Qiu forgot to look at the road when he was excited, and bumped into another person in a daze.

The man was also on the phone while walking, and when he bumped into it, the man didn't hold the phone, and coincidentally knocked it against the teeth of the sidewalk. There was a "bang", and the cracks were all over the place in an instant. The phone screen went black.

Such an accident happened, both of them were stunned.

Qiu Qiu hurriedly bowed and apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention to the road just now, and I damaged your phone... I will pay for the repair fee, and if it can't be repaired, I will accompany you directly." He quickly picked up the phone and returned it to the man.

The man was about thirty-five or sixteen years old, wearing a light-colored casual suit, with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. His complexion is fair, his facial features are exquisite, and he has an extraordinary bearing.

He frowned at the mobile phone that was covered in dirt, and stretched out his hand to take it, but retracted his hand before he touched it, and took a silver embroidered handkerchief from his pocket, and managed to catch the smashed mobile phone through the handkerchief.

He tried to turn it on, but the phone didn't respond at all.

"This is terrible," the man with a cleanliness sighed, and said slowly, "I just returned to China, and my assistant got separated. Now the phone can't be turned on, and I don't know his phone number in China."