Sugar Baby

Chapter 48


After Qiu Qiu said the confession, which was not considered a confession, he quickly rushed home with his head buried.

He doesn't think he is too impulsive, this choice is a decision he has thought about for a long time. Of course, if it wasn't because Brother Li's ex-boyfriend status stimulated him, he might have hesitated for a while...

There is a huge full-length mirror hanging in the entrance, and Qiu Qiu saw the joy in the eyes of the person in the mirror—it turned out that he had been looking forward to making further progress in his heart.

His face was extremely hot, because of his boldness, and also because of his unkind flirting and running away, his godfather should be turned from a normal model of mobile phone to a plus by now.

He went to the kitchen to get a glass of ice water to soothe his parched mouth.

Before the glass of water was finished, Fu Ruien had already chased into the house.

Qiu Qiu was a little nervous, his eyes wandering around, like a cat chasing a spot of light.


Before he finished speaking, Fu Ruien had already walked in front of Qiu Qiu, his strong arms hugging the boy in front of him tightly. Fu Ruien held Qiu Qiu's butt down with one hand, and with all his strength, he lifted Qiu Qiu off the ground.

The sudden weightlessness made Qiu Qiu at a loss. He exclaimed, and subconsciously hooked his hands around the man's neck, using his strength to cling to Fu Ruien's body.

Fu Ruien shook the weight in his arms, feeling the sensual ass with both hands, while looking up for the boy's lips.

Qiu Qiu meekly offered her lips and tongue, as well as a beating heart.

The two kissed and hugged, and Fu Ruien strode to the dining table with Qiu Qiu in his arms, letting those two round buttocks land on the solid wood table. The hard touch under the buttocks awakened Qiu Qiu's sanity. During the gap between kisses, he looked into Fu Ruien's eyes, but there was no calmness there, only fiery desire.

"Godfather..." he called out in confusion.

Fu Ruien pressed against Tang's son's shoulder, and with a little effort, Qiu Qiu fell backwards unsteadily, and lay his whole body on his back on the dining table.

The glass that was originally placed on the table was touched, half of the glass of water spilled on the ground, wet the carpet and reason together.

Fu Ruien pushed Qiu Qiu's knee away and stood between his legs. He lowered his body, like a hungry wolf about to have a full meal, staring at the food in front of him.

The chandelier on the ceiling of the restaurant was half covered by the man's muscular body, and Qiu Qiu lay in his shadow, feeling that he was firmly controlled by his godfather at this moment.

He could only see his godfather's eyes, hear his godfather's panting, and feel the warmth brought to him by his godfather...

Qiu Qiu raised his head to welcome Fu Ruien's enthusiasm, and his body no longer belonged to him.

"Autumn... my Qiuqiu, my big baby, godfather's little star, the sweetest honey in the world..." Fu Ruien didn't know what he was talking about anymore, and he covered up the words that first came to his mind On Qiu Qiu's body, it is still impossible to describe one percent of his beauty.

Unknowingly, the belts of both of them were ripped off, and Qiu Qiu felt a chill from below, and the two bare buttocks had escaped from the bondage of the underwear, and fell into the palm of the big devil.

Not only that, Qiu Qiu's top was pushed up to his chest, exposing the boy's flat and fair chest, two pale pink breasts stood up slightly under the kiss of the cold air, and before anyone touched it, it became shamelessly ashamed up red.

Qiu Qiu's two hands are not enough, and he doesn't know whether to cover the bottom or the top.

The godfather is really scary, this is still in the restaurant... Can't I go back to the bedroom and talk about it QAQ

Fu Ruien, a big wild wolf, has been waiting for a long time to eat meat. Once he eats meat, he naturally wants to make up for the lack of meat taste before.

The man eagerly bit and kissed Qiu Qiu's body, wishing to swallow it in one gulp, but also reluctant to eat it too fast.

Qiu Qiu's whole body was flushed, and he offered his lips to Fu Rui'en weeping, so as to save his neck from the teeth marks.

Fu Ruien sighed and groaned: "Having been together for half a year, you finally belong to me..."

"... how can it be half a year, haven't we only dated for half an hour..."

"But from the day I first met you, I put you in my sphere of influence."

—On that day, the boy stood on a high stage, holding a small cart full of flowers in his hand, smiling shyly and proudly. With flowers paving the way and music as a companion, this little cart made a deep rut in Fu Ruien's heart.

Qiu Qiu had never seen such a terrifying appearance of Fu Ruien before, tears welled up in his eyes, tremblingly begging for mercy: "Godfather... I, I think you are a little too hasty."

The corners of Fu Ruien's mouth hooked slightly, he lowered his head, and stretched out the tip of his tongue to gently lick the tears from the corners of Qiu Qiu's eyes, coaxing him gently: "Don't be in a hurry, godfather take your time."

So under the dim light of the restaurant, Fu Ruien tasted the most delicious boy in the world over and over again, squeezing out the sweet juice from it.

When that moment came, Qiu Qiu's ten fingers left a few scratches on Fu Rui'en's back, and he stared at the light above his head in a daze.

It turns out... this is a dining car.

When everything was over, the satiated Fu Ruien lay on the bed, and Qiu Qiu fell asleep in his arms.

Today was an especially unforgettable sleepless night for him. Looking at his son Tang who was so tired and snoring, he felt that his heart, which had been wandering for half his life, had finally found a place to dock.

His autumn and autumn, his most important treasure.

He was too excited to fall asleep, so he just picked up his phone to pass the time.

It's so late, and the academic discussion group for old, middle-aged and young people in City A is still very active. Mother Qiu, who has a time difference with the country, just forwarded a piece of news. The whole article is in English, but it is not difficult for the highly educated Qiu family.

Everyone was discussing the content of this news enthusiastically. Fu Ruien watched the chat records of Qiu's family swiping through like running water, and then looked down at Xiao Qiuqiu who was sleeping next to him. An unspeakable sense of guilt arose spontaneously...

While other Qiu family members were struggling for social progress, he slept with their son...

So ashamed.

Fu Ruien was full of shame and couldn't let it go, so he could only bubble late at night, using all kinds of evil money to make up for what he had done.

So in the middle of the night, the rich and old godfather whom Qiu Qiu recognized gave out 8888 yuan red envelopes in succession to the Qiu family crowd.

Just treat it as... a change fee :)

A series of red bombs woke up the Qiu parents who were still asleep. In a few seconds, "XXX received your red envelope" filled Fu Ruien's entire screen.

Father Qiu, who came a step late, was heartbroken in the group.

I am Lao Qiu: Alas! I only need to go to the toilet, why have all the red envelopes been snatched up!

Shang Shan Ruoshui: Lao Qiu, stop howling, you haven't finished receiving the last red envelope yet.

I'm Lao Qiu: Okay, okay.

I'm Lao Qiu: I'm so angry! 8888 yuan I actually only received a penny! [angry]

Fu Ruien, the big-tailed wolf, thought to himself: ... In fact, you don't know what you should be angry about the most.