Sugar Baby

Chapter 52


By the time Qiu Qiu reluctantly hung up the phone, Hua Xiang in front of the stage had already finished his performance.

Hua Xiang boasted that he would get a good start, and the result was exactly what he wanted. The judges look at two points for scoring. The first is the singing skills, and the second is the feeling of the typhoon. Hua Xiang still chose an adapted pop song this time, and sang it with a male voice when he appeared on stage. On the side of Danjiao, from the expression of eyebrows and eyes to the posture of the body, the appearance of a little girl is instantly changed.

In general drafting activities, the judges of the national competition and the judges of the sub-division competition are not the same. The judges of the national competition are more famous in the circle. This time, the national competition of "Super New Voices" invited three male judges and two female judges.

For their cafes, being able to act as a judge in a talent show is really a very good opportunity to show their faces.

The program team had communicated with them in advance which seed players were, and Hua Xiang was definitely the first one on the list.

They knew in their hearts what Hua Xiang's special skills were, but for the sake of the show, several judges still made an exaggerated performance when he sang.

A female judge's eyes were wide open and she covered her mouth; the male judge next to him was spinning his pen in idling, but suddenly raised his head in shock, with a surprised expression on his face; another one was even more exaggerated, he was drinking water, but took a sip of water It sprayed out, coughed for a long time, and stared at Hua Xiang in a gaffe.

It's so obvious that they added scenes, even Qiu Qiu was worried about their acting skills. You must know that two of the judges have filmed TV dramas across borders. Why are their acting skills so exaggerated...

Hua Xiang was the only one in the audience who didn't notice something was wrong. After stepping off the stage, he happily found a good brother to show off: "Autumn thief, did you see that when Brother Hua came out, even the judges were stunned."

Qiu Qiuren was kind-hearted, nodding his head while applauding him.

Hua Xiang was so coaxed by him, he said in a low voice, "Don't rush out after the show, let's go out for supper."

"... Didn't you say you broke up with me?"

Hua Xiang pretended to be stupid: "Breakdown? What is a breakup? Why haven't I heard of this position before?"

Although Hua Xiang was the first to play, the judges' scores were not low, and the second and third players behind him did not surpass him. In this way, his promotion was absolutely certain.

The fourth contestant is a rapper with a flower tattoo on his right arm. He looks mighty and domineering. Rapper is a relatively small group in the aesthetics of popular music. In fact, his performance is quite good, but the judges' internal scores are polarized. On average, He is only 0.01 more than the last place, which can be regarded as a dangerous pass.

So now the key lies in the fifth player in the red group. If he sings well, the fourth player will be eliminated, otherwise, the fifth player will be eliminated.

Hua Xiang attached great importance to this competition. He had studied the competition videos of all the players in advance. He whispered in Qiu Qiu's ear: "The fifth one who played is probably going to leave. Afterwards, there will be no success, you can see that he sang during the rehearsal yesterday."

Qiu Qiu didn't know anything about breathing or vocalization before. As long as other people's singing is not out of tune, he thinks it sounds good. But since his godfather spent five million yuan to let him learn art from Mr. Gong, his own level has improved in an instant. He stepped into the door with half a foot and listened to other people's singing, so he learned to be picky.

He very much agrees with Hua Xiang's evaluation. The fifth singer is thin and small, and he will fall when the wind blows. He comes from a Cantonese-speaking area, and he chooses nostalgic classic Cantonese old songs, with sincere and moving feelings. But the Cantonese songs of that era were mainly slow songs, with long tunes, and his weaknesses were exposed at the end of a song.

Qiu Qiu also felt that he should be the first to be eliminated, and he probably felt the same way himself, so after he entered the field, he used a trump card that could turn the tide of the battle under the eyes of everyone—

——As soon as the song was over and the judges hadn’t started scoring, the thin man’s eyes were red and he was on the verge of falling. He began to sob and talk about his poor family and rich music dreams.

The judges are all good people, and they quickly listened to his story and devoted themselves to his story. The female judges wept and turned their heads to wipe away the tears. A strong judge who sings the theme song for TV dramas also had red eyes...

The live accompaniment band intervened at the right time, and provided a soft soundtrack for this touching story.

Relying on this touching story, this mediocre contestant scored a lot of favorability points, his score rose sharply, and finally fell to the third place. The player who was originally ranked fourth was eliminated, and the flower-armed rapper got away with it, but there was not much color on his face.

Thanks to the red team player, the next two games directly entered the story mode.

The two players of the yellow team who came on the stage were more miserable than the other. The former sang to his mother who was a music teacher who had passed away. , earning enough for his father to pay for the kidney replacement operation.

Originally, Qiu Qiu was the third player of the yellow team. He waited in the backstage waiting area, not caring about the commotion in front of him, and concentrated on adjusting his breathing according to his own rhythm.

Beside him, the assistant director in charge of controlling the field had a sad face—fifteen minutes had been scheduled for one contestant, but three of them could cry like this in succession. The time was too long. The third contestant in the yellow group took a break for half an hour after singing, so that the judges and audience could relax.

But in this way, Qiu Qiu, who was the last to play in the first half, turned from an advantage to a disadvantage. Now the judges are exhausted, and they have to "endure" the last contestant before they can rest. If they encounter those who are not dedicated to their work, they may have to let go of the whole process.

The assistant director watched Qiu Qiu come up all the way, and he really liked this careless kid. Before he came on stage, he reminded him in a low voice: "... Is your story ready?"

"Huh? What story?"

"Just like them, talk about music dreams and so on. Don't be stage fright when you go up, show how you want, and don't overwhelm the limelight."

"oh… "

Qiu Qiu actually didn't understand much. He didn't know that the previous contestants were all "routines". He felt that it was not easy for everyone. To be able to persist in being a singer under such a difficult environment must be because he loves to sing.

On the other hand, he himself has nothing to say. If everyone is a book, the first few contestants are "Les Miserables", and he is "Mary Poppins".

Up to now, the video has lasted for more than two hours. The five judges on the stage sat under the spotlight for such a long time, and their patience has almost evaporated along with the moisture in their bodies.

After the last contestant left the stage, the lighting engineer readjusted the lighting. Qiu Qiu held his breath and stepped up the steps leading to the main stage.

Under the bright stage lights, the young man on stage is confident and calm, like a rising sun with warm orange light, everyone can get close to him, but no one will ignore his bright future.

As soon as he made his appearance, Qiu Qiu's relatives and friends in the audience stood up from their seats under the leadership of the two big fans, enthusiastically waving the light sign in their hands. The light boards with Qiu Qiu's name on them flickered, like countless stars surrounding him, echoing his light.

Qiu Qiufen thought: Otherwise, everyone wants to be a star, this feeling... vanity is just right...

He was wearing the simplest pure white T-shirt, the fabric was draped, slightly close to the body, outlining the slender figure of the teenager. Paired with jeans and canvas shoes, it is obviously an outfit that can be seen everywhere on campus, but he wears it with a different taste.

His arrival was like a breeze, blowing away the restlessness in the minds of the judges.

A judge who had appeared on the big screen across borders joked: " that young people are so beautiful, it seems that whether it is singing or acting in the future, there will be no way for us old gangsters to survive."

The female judge held her chin with one hand, and communicated with the people around her: "If I knew there was a little fresh meat on stage, I should stop and go to touch up my makeup first. Are my eyes particularly red now? The eyeliner is not stained."

Qiu Qiu's appearance has been praised since he was a child, but now he is not shy, he smiles generously, the dimple on his right cheek is faintly visible, he looks cute and cute, and he doesn't know how much honey is contained in it.

Fu Ruien once commented that others "look for plums to quench their thirst", but Qiu Qiu makes people "hope more and more thirsty".

Qiu Qiu greeted the judges respectfully, and introduced himself: "Hi, teacher judges, my name is Qiu Qiu, and I'm a student of University A."

One of the judges joked: "University A? Looks like a top student. Let alone A University, I wouldn't go to bars to sing if I could get into university."

If you change to a contestant who can "make things happen", then you should flatter and praise the judges and teachers for their reputation even though they came from grassroots.

But how could Qiu Qiu put so much thought into it? He nodded affirmatively: "Well, I am indeed a top student with a grade point of 4.0 every year."

With a GPA of 4.0, it means that all homework must be above 95 points. This is really a real college bully.

The audience in the audience was in an uproar, only his fans cheered loudly.

The female judge answered immediately: "You are handsome, you can study, and you can sing... Has any girl ever told you that you especially hindered their studies?"

Qiu Qiu was at a loss when asked: "Ah? Studying is my own business, why is it delayed by me..."

The judges burst into laughter.

"Well, college bully, why do you want to stand on the stage today?"

"Because besides being a top student, I'm also a top student..." Qiu Qiu finally felt a little embarrassed, "My teacher said that I can sing well, and my level can dominate ten KTVs."

The judges who had cried three times in a row just now were so teased by him that tears came out this time.

"You don't have any musical dreams?"

"Yes." Qiu Qiu recalled the assistant director's suggestion, and said loudly, "My music dream is to sing well!"

Sing well—this wish is plain and simple, but it is actually the most difficult to fulfill. Many people, like Qiu Qiu, set foot on the road of music with a heart of innocence, thinking that mountains of swords and seas of fire can be overcome. But in fact, as they gradually become famous and realize the gap with others, countless singers have to succumb to reality, become philistine, and become artificial. The simple dream at the beginning was gradually left behind. When talking about the bold words in the past, I only felt that I was childish and ridiculous at that time.

Qiu Qiu's simple words made the five judges stunned for a moment. Looking at the young people who were like saplings on the stage, they seemed to see themselves who were ambitious and rewarded back then.

A faint worry arose in their hearts: Is such a beautiful and clean boy really suitable for this circle

In the end, a male judge spoke in an unprecedentedly solemn tone: "... I wish you the smooth realization of your musical dreams. Now you can start singing."

The author has something to say: The old godfather who did not appear: I also have a musical dream, and my musical dream is... to listen to Qiuqiu singing on the bed.