Sugar Baby

Chapter 6


Qiu Qiu deleted his uncle's chat history, then returned the phone to his father, and taught him how to use WeChat.

His father was very dissatisfied and said, "Why did you name me 'Old Qiu'? It's too rustic. No one uses such a name when surfing the Internet now."

Qiu Qiu pointed out: "Dad, we don't care about surfing the Internet now."


When the child grows up, he will talk back. Papa Qiu angrily changed his name to "I am Lao Qiu", and took a one-inch photo as his profile picture. When everything was ready, Papa Qiu sent a request for a video call to Mama Qiu.

It was noon on their side, and it was already night for Qiu's mother who was far away in Europe, but the video call was answered immediately. Of course, this old couple who have been together for thirty years will not talk about those boring love words like the young couple who just fell in love, but the interaction between the two is still very sweet.

The couple called each other "teacher", Qiu's father is Qiu teacher, Qiu's mother is Dong teacher.

Teacher Qiu took out the prose he wrote recently for Teacher Dong to taste, and Teacher Dong gave him an English poem to express the miss of the couple in different places.

Qiu Qiuduan sat on the chair next to him, his hands were not idle, and he took out a small notebook to take notes.

The sharp-eyed mother Qiu saw it and said, "Qiuqiu, you have to do your homework and go back to the house. Don't disturb you when I chat with your dad."

Qiu Qiu said: "I didn't do my homework, I just remembered the love words you two said, and read it back to my partner."

It’s okay not to mention this matter, but when it comes to this matter, Papa Qiu has something to say: “By the way, I met Professor Wang from your liberal arts school on the road the other day, and he said that you had a girlfriend recently, so why not Bring it back and show it to Dad?"

The three members of their family are all alumni of University A. Dad Qiu and Professor Wang used to be classmates, and it is said that they were "double talents" of the famous school back then. Over the past few decades, the hairlines of the two talents have receded, but their waistlines have increased instead.

Qiu Qiu's heart trembled, he lowered his head and said, "'s blown."

Qiu's mother hurriedly said: "It's okay, it's okay, feelings can't be forced, with a big face like my son, what kind of partner can't be found."

Papa Qiu took advantage of the opportunity to change the subject: "You are still a student, you have to concentrate on your studies, and it's good to be single....By the way, last time you said that a rich man wanted to give you a private scholarship, and you even accepted him as your godfather. Didn't Dad say that you should invite him home for a while, why don't you bring him back?"

Qiu Qiu was even more aggrieved: "...I blew it too."

"Girlfriend blows, godfather blows too?"

Qiu Qiu couldn't speak, and could only nod with a sad face.

Qiu's mother blamed his father for not opening which pot and carrying which pot: "Isn't he just a rich godfather, with a big face like my son, what kind of godfather can't be found."

"Mom, you said that just now..."

"It's different, it's not the same. I just talked about the object, but this time I talked about the godfather."

... In fact, the essence is the same, Mr. Dong.

Qiu Qiu hesitated and asked: "By the way, Mom, there is something I want to ask you."

"you say."

"You..." Qiu Qiuyi gritted his teeth and asked, "Tell me the truth, you have always said that you saved my New Year's money from childhood to adulthood, are you lying to me?"

Qiu's mother was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed: "When did my son become a fan of small money? Mom keeps what she says, and mom didn't touch any of your new year's money. It's in the safe in mom's bedroom. My son is grown up." , You should have your own small treasury, let your dad find it for you later."

After hanging up the video call, Qiu Qiu happily returned to the room with the passbook containing the lucky money.

His family is not bad, and the annual New Year's money is very considerable, with a total of more than 50,000 yuan. He thought about it, took a photo of the balance of the deposit, and sent it to his godfather.

Autumn is the autumn of autumn: [Photo].jpg

Autumn is the autumn of autumn: You see, this is the lucky money my mother saved for me since I was a child.

Autumn is the autumn of autumn: the money is all there, and there is no shortage of penny.

Autumn is the autumn of autumn: you will deceive people. [anger]

Autumn is the autumn of autumn: I know you are watching.

Autumn is the autumn of autumn: I have an appointment with Xiaoli tomorrow, and I will give her the 50,000 yuan. I thought about it, and it was me who proposed the breakup, and I shouldn't have agreed to start it in the first place, so this responsibility is indeed half of me, and I must be responsible.

Autumn is autumn in autumn: Besides, I sneezed all night last night, she must be thinking about me. [Smile]

This time Fu Ruien replied.

Dad is godfather's dad: no

Autumn is the autumn of autumn: what isn't it

Dad is godfather's dad: You don't sneeze because she misses you

Autumn is the autumn of autumn: [curious] Who misses me then

Dad is godfather's dad: that's why you have a cold

Qiu Qiu was so angry, he blocked his godfather, so that godfather would no longer be able to give likes to his circle of friends.

Fu Ruien is also very angry, the fool has 50,000 yuan, but he thinks of paying back to Xiaoli first instead of going to the villa to redeem the guitar, it is really disrespectful to the elders.

It was already the next day when Sugar Daddy found out that Sugar Son blocked him.