Sugar Baby

Chapter 64


Hua Xiang didn't know that while he was trying his best to fight in the music arena, there was also a fight without gunpowder happening in the hospital tens of kilometers away from the TV station.

Li Weixi's acute perforated appendix needs to be observed in the hospital for three days after surgical treatment, and today is the day he is discharged from the hospital. These three days can be said to be the most relaxing days since he returned to China. He doesn't need to worry about business affairs, and he can refuse to answer his mother's marriage urging calls under the pretext of recovering from illness.

But the good times always come to an end.

Li Weixi stood in front of the changing mirror, holding the tie with both hands and flexibly tied it around his neck. Although the man in the mirror was not ruddy enough, it was much better than the paleness of the previous few days.

The nurse hired by the high salary accompanied him and carefully asked: "Boss... where do you keep these clothes for you?"

Li Weixi glanced at the clothes he was wearing on the day of the car accident. He didn't suffer any trauma that day, but because of abdominal cramps, his clothes were completely soaked in cold sweat. During the emergency rescue, the nurses took off his clothes and threw them aside. Wrinkled and neither folded nor washed. Three days have passed, and now the collar of the high-end shirt is yellow, and the back of the suit is also covered with white sweat.

Although the clothes were taken off from his body, Li Weixi felt uncomfortable just looking at them. "Throw it away, it's too dirty."

"I think the clothes are quite new. In fact, boss, you can have someone take them home to wash and iron them..."


Li Weixi said firmly.

Wen Sen next to him tried his best to wink at the nurse, telling her not to talk so much. Given Li Weixi's obsession with cleanliness, it is estimated that all the rags in his house must be pure white, not even beige!

Li Weixi gave Wen Sen his wallet, asked Wen Sen to run errands for him, and went to the hospital window to pay the hospitalization fee, while he was comfortably blowing on the air conditioner, thinking about how to get along with his mother in the quiet ward. protracted war.

Who would have thought that before he had been quiet for a few minutes, Vincent ran back in a panic, sweating profusely.

"Boss, boss..." Vincent's jaw was shaking anxiously, "You can't use these cards anymore!"

"..." Li Weixi immediately understood that his mother was going to fight him in a surprise battle.

Before his mother got married, she was Miss Jiao, and after she got married, she was a noble lady. Apart from beauty shopping and socializing, she loves to watch those rich and powerful dramas. The methods used to beat him are really outdated.

Li Weixi is 36 years old, not 16 years old, his card has been suspended, but he has other properties under his name.

"It's okay, you can tie it up for me first, and I will replenish it for you when I go back." Li Weixi said calmly.

When Wen Sen saw that the boss was so calm, the organ in his heart that was bouncing around calmed down. The sky is falling and there is a tall and thin man holding it up, so Vincent should enjoy the shade under the big tree.

The two went through the discharge procedures smoothly and took a taxi back to the hotel.

As a result, when the hotel receptionist saw them, he immediately stopped them with a tangled expression.

Li Weixi knew that it was probably another fucking trick, so he calmly asked what was wrong.

The lady at the front desk of the hotel stumbled and said, "Mr. Li, it's like this... Your suite is prepaid by credit card, but the bank informed us three days ago that your card has expired."

"Then change to another card." Li Weixi signaled Wen Sen to pay with his card first.

The lady at the front desk took the card with both hands, and swiped it on the POS machine—"I'm sorry, Mr. Li, this gentleman's card balance is insufficient."

Li Weixi: "..."

Wen Sen was very embarrassed: "...Yeah, it should have been maxed out when I paid the hospital's VIP ward just now..."

"Max explosion? What is max explosion?"

"Uh... just exceeded the limit of the credit card..." Vincent explained feebly, "Boss, don't be so surprised. The credit cards of our poor people all have a limit."

When Vincent took the wallet for Li Weixi before, he discovered that all the cards in the young master's wallet were unlimited black cards.

It's nice to have money.

In the end, Wen Sen managed to get enough money for several cards, and then helped Li Weixi settle the rent that was in arrears for the past few days.

Li Weixi has never been trapped by money, and now that he is in such a situation, he still looks so calm and indifferent.

He was wearing a dazzling white suit, and sat on the sofa in the hotel lobby with two long legs crossed, with two large suitcases on the left and one on the right guarding him, looking extremely dignified. But only he himself knows that the total amount of cash on his body is less than 800 RMB.

Vincent of Roudon sat on the bench opposite him with his skinny wallet, and asked faithfully, "Boss, what shall we do next...?"

"Next, find a place to live." Li Weixi said, "The house should be clean, spacious and bright."

"That money..."

"I changed some renminbi when I landed, and now I have 800 yuan left."

Vincent gritted his teeth: "If you live for a day..."

"Let's stay for a month first."


Li Weixi explained patiently: "All the cards I brought to China this time were suspended by my mother. But don't worry, I have my own investment in the United States, so I just need to withdraw it. It will be very troublesome to remit it to me safely from overseas, and it may take a lot of time. But if it takes longer, one month will be enough."

Eight... one hundred... yuan... money... housing... one... one... month... is it enough...

Seeing Wen Sen's constipated distress, Li Weixi took another step back thoughtfully, and decided to wrong himself: "I know that 800 yuan can't live in a hotel, and I can rent a clean residential house."

That can't be done! !

Vincent really doesn't know what to say, whoever makes the rich have the right to be ignorant of worldly affairs.

It is too difficult to find a house that meets Li Weixi's requirements. Wen Sen actually thought about taking the boss back to his home, but he really didn't want to see the boss's face every time he went to and from get off work. Finally, after much deliberation, Vincent could only ask for help from the enthusiastic audience outside the arena—

— Vincent called Hua Xiang's parents cheekily, saying that their boss had encountered some troubles recently and wanted to find a house to live in for a month.

Huaxiang's father is a small real estate developer. Although he is a small shrimp in the real estate industry, his net worth is still out of reach for ordinary people.

The Hua family bought their own land and built their own buildings. The most important thing in their hands was a house.

Hua's mother liked Wen Sen very much, and she was very sympathetic to Mr. Li's experience in the hospital. She was worried that she had no place to express her apology. When she heard that Mr. Li was in trouble, she agreed without thinking.

"There is one apartment left in the central city, more than 200 square meters, the location is good, and it is convenient for food, clothing, housing and transportation. It's just that Xiangxiang lives there now. If Mr. Li doesn't mind it, he can move in tonight!" Mama Hua tried her best to sell, "That house is the most popular 'double master bedroom' design in foreign countries. Both master bedrooms have their own bathrooms and balconies. Mr. Li loves cleanliness, so he will definitely like it."

Vincent said again: "The rent..."

Hua's mother hurriedly said: "Why is money not money? Talking about money is too vulgar. If Mr. Li can help discipline my lawless son, I will be happy to give money!"

Wen Sen successfully completed the task, and happily reported the result to Li Weixi.

Li Weixi was a little bit dissatisfied with having to live with someone else, but considering that the room has its own bathroom and only lived for one month, now is an extraordinary period, so just bear with it.

"By the way, you just said... who do I live with?"

Vincent bit the bullet and said, "Hua Xiang. You, you still remember Hua Xiang, the one who knelt and ate melon seeds that day..."

"...Of course I remember." Li Weixi exhaled heavily, the expression on his face was half a smile, not angry, but definitely not happy. "Oh, so it's my child's father."


When Hua Xiang found out that he had a "roommate" out of nowhere, he was instantly furious. Originally, he planned to pull Qiuqiu somewhere to celebrate his promotion to the quarter-finals after the game, but now he has no thoughts at all, he just wants to go home as soon as possible and drive away the guys who occupy the magpie's nest.

Along the way, he increased the speed of the car to the extreme - anyway, it was already late at night, when would he be racing if he wasn't racing now

It took more than half an hour to get from the TV station to his house, but he got there in 20 minutes. When he entered the underground garage, a carp swung its tail, and the rear of the car was firmly tucked into the parking line.

He threw down the car, didn't care to lock it, and ran to the elevator with his head buried. The security guard in the garage chased after him, shouting out of breath: "Mr. Hua... Mr. Hua... Bicycles cannot be parked in the garage!"

Hua Xiang didn't even look back, he grabbed the parking space with his ability, and parked whatever car he liked!

Ever since his mother cut off his living expenses, he never dared to trot on the road with his BMW again. It costs more than ten yuan to kick the accelerator, and he can't afford it now. Now he goes out with two wheels, and when he meets acquaintances, he says that he supports green travel.

He trotted all the way into the elevator and pressed the button for the sixth floor. Their community is a low-density high-end community, one apartment per elevator, well-decorated, elegant environment, and low floors. Now this house is Huaxiang's father's reward after he succeeded in the college entrance examination. Originally, he wanted to have another car, but a house of his own is more attractive to him. Who would have thought that the feeling of living alone has not yet come to him. If you have tasted enough, move in another person!

No, he has to defend his territory no matter what.

The elevator door opened, facing the room door. There were two sets of shoe racks outside the door, and Hua Xiang caught a glimpse of two pairs of high-end leather shoes that did not belong to him. The leather shoes have extremely delicate lines, narrow and long, and the toes are slightly raised. They are neatly displayed on the top shelf of the shoe rack, surrounded by Hua Xiang's fluorescent yellow and fluorescent orange sneakers.

Hua Xiang just looked at the pair of spotless leather shoes, as if he could see the indifferent Li Weixi breaking into his life.

He opened the door and rushed into the house. What came into view was a long corridor. The living room was on the right side of the corridor, the kitchen and dining room were on the left side, and the master bedroom and the second bedroom were at the end of the corridor.

After moving here for more than two months, Hua Xiang has been living in the master bedroom on the left, but he has never entered the master bedroom on the right. From a distance, there is a light in the door of the master bedroom on the right. It seems that his new owner has already moved in.

Hua Xiang didn't even bother to change his shoes, he slammed into the bedroom door like a husky fighting for territory—

—In the bright bedroom lights, a man with a slender waist and long legs was standing beside the bed with his back to him, bending over to lift up the bathrobe on the bed. There were drops of water hanging on his body, and he was completely naked, only a small and small towel around his waist, which could barely cover the spring light.

The man's skin is extremely fair, and it looks even more white and jade-like under the lighting. But on this white jade, it is covered with traces of dirt...

...Starting from the man's back, clusters of gray-black birthmarks gathered and spread, and became denser as they went down. They were black and black and connected into one piece, and finally disappeared under the towel around his waist.

It's like a piece of fine rice paper, but it is stained black by an overturned inkstone, and stained with stains that can't be washed away for a lifetime.

Black and white, dirty and pure, this extreme contrast made Hua Xiang's heartbeat stop for a beat.

His sudden intrusion made Li Weixi angry and flustered. Li Weixi shook off the bathrobe to cover his body, covering the indelible stains on his back.

Li Weixi turned around and saw that Hua Xiang was still standing there stupidly. He pointed at the door and shouted angrily: "Get out of here!!"