Sugar Baby

Chapter 65


It's like a white lady who is a housewife in the world, facing the strict and rigid Fa Hai, Hua Xiang fled as soon as the word "roll" came out. He quickly rolled out of the master bedroom on the right, and Gululu rolled directly back into his own bedroom.

He fell headfirst on the bed, face down, trying to suffocate himself.

The room didn't turn on the light, it was pitch black, but it was bright in front of his eyes, and in this brightness, the black and white contrasting carcass appeared in it, lingering like a shadow.

Li Weixi felt that the birthmark on his body was dirty, but in Hua Xiang's eyes, it was like a good ink painting, swaying freely on the white paper.

Hua Xiang thought about the startling glimpse just now, and thought to himself: Could it be that Mr. Li has become a panda, why is he so beautiful...

Because of this accident, Hua Xiang, who had only been able to work in a single thread since he was a child, was directly confused. He couldn't remember his grand plan and ambition to blow people away before he entered the door. In addition, he had recorded several hours of programs today, and he had been racing late at night just now, so he was really tired and couldn't lift his spirits. He was lying on the bed, thinking vaguely while falling asleep in a daze.

In the bedroom on the other side, Li Weixi stood with his arms crossed, his face as frozen as winter water.

Accompanied by his birthmark from birth, it is the most difficult hurdle in his heart to face. Since childhood, no one has seen that black mark except the family doctor and his parents... But today, it was seen by a 20-year-old boy.

Li Weixi's self-esteem is higher than the sky, but he has made a fool of himself in front of Hua Xiang three times in a row. He has a hunch that the cohabitation life in the next month will definitely not be easy.

Hua Xiang slept so chaoticly last night that he didn't even draw the curtains, and was woken up by the sun after eight o'clock.

He went to bed without taking off his clothes last night, resulting in crumpled clothes, and his feet were covered in sneakers all night. The smell was so sour that he even hated it.

He frowned and kicked off his shoes, took off his body, and left the bedroom wearing only a pair of briefs all over his body.

Hua Xiang was thirsty, his brain was not clear, and he walked across the corridor to the kitchen to find water in a daze. Unexpectedly, before he took two steps, a cold voice sounded behind him.

"Put on your clothes."

Hua Xiang was so scared that he jumped three feet high, thinking that the house was haunted, but when he looked back, he found an unexpected guest in the living room.

The uninvited guest was wearing light blue home clothes, sitting upright on the single sofa, holding a coffee cup and a laptop on his lap. Hua Xiang likes to show off his wealth. The overall decoration style of this house is extremely luxurious, even the toilet and sink are golden. It was really out of place for a man in an elegant suit to appear in the resplendent and resplendent living room.

"... Li, Mr. Li?" Hua Xiang was dumbfounded, and it took him a lot of effort to remember what happened last night.

"Well, good morning." Li Weixi didn't raise his head, he lowered his head and wondered what ghost report he was looking at.

Don't look at Li Weixi's clothes are tightly covered, but Hua Xiang's eyes seem to have a one-key unloading function. Looking at Li Weixi, he thinks of the black ink stain on his naked back.

Feeling Hua Xiang's gaze on his head, Li Weixi stopped what he was doing and raised his head to look at him: "Do you not understand? Go back to the house, put on your clothes, wash your face and brush your teeth."

Hua Xiang was almost led away by the nose, but fortunately Hua Xiang's rationality came back in time to remind himself who is the master of this family.

Hua Xiang said stiffly: "Why do you listen to me? This is my home, I can wear whatever I want!"

"Ling Tang lent me another bedroom for a month, and entrusted you to my discipline, so you must obey me. In addition, you did not knock on the door before entering my room yesterday, which violated my privacy. I am still waiting Your apology." Li Weixi looked at him coldly, as if looking at a disobedient husky.

It's okay not to mention this matter, but Hua Xiang was embarrassed when he mentioned last night. He muttered: "... who told you not to lock the door yourself."

Hua Xiang's momentum suddenly weakened. He was young at first, and he was obeyed by his parents since he was a child. Except for his senior brother and master, he had never been taught such a severe lesson. He was persuaded after being scolded by Li Weixi. He reluctantly said sorry, his apology sounded like a mosquito screaming, if Li Weixi hadn't seen his mouth move twice, he wouldn't have known he had spoken.

Li Weixi asked him again: "Where is your study, I requisitioned it."

Hua Xiang pointed to several doors in the corridor: "Study room? You can use it as you like."

Seeing that he agreed so happily, Li Weixi believed in his heart that there was something wrong with him, but Li Weixi didn't waste his time talking, got up and walked towards the end of the corridor.

This house has four bedrooms and one living room. In addition to the two master bedrooms, there are two smaller rooms.

Li Weixi pushed open the first door—inside the door was Hua Xiang's professional karaoke room, with sound-absorbing partitions laid on the surrounding walls, and some recording and tuning equipment that Li Weixi had never seen before were piled up in the corners. One of the walls was made into a sky-high cabinet, and the door was closed, so I don't know what was inside.

Li Weixi knew that Hua Xiang was a singer, and he was still participating in a little-known talent show recently. It was within his expectation to have a practice room at home.

He turned to another door, and it turned out that this door was not a study, or even a gym that young people liked—

The spacious room is covered with thick carpets, a few cushions and lazy sofas are randomly thrown on the floor, an LCD TV that is bigger than the living room is hung on the wall, and the bookshelves are full of various game controllers and game consoles. and CD. There is a computer desk in the corner, three monitors are connected together, and a professional game keyboard and mouse set is placed on the desk, and several commonly used buttons are polished to a bright shine.

No matter how you look at it, this can't be a study room, but a game and entertainment room!

Li Weixi frowned: "...don't you usually read?"

"Aren't there books on the shelf over there!"

Li Weixi went to the bookshelf and took one down, only to find that it was a luxury brand's new product catalog for the season, with game guides, "Story Collection", and Japanese comics in a mess beside it...

It seems that the one with the most words is actually a travel diary called "Fifty Best Places in the World for Honeymoon", with a sticker on it that says a special price of 328.

The price tag is a self-adhesive, and the edge has been warped. Li Weixi tore off the price tag and found that the original price was only 12.5 yuan.

... It is estimated that it is this kind of fool who is not short of money that people cheated.

Li Wei mocked the magazine in Yang's hand: "You call this a book?"

"Of course it's called a book!" Hua Xiang said, poking his neck, "I'm not as old-fashioned as you, a thirty-six-year-old who reads boring things so much. If you love reading so much, you might as well change your name to Li The book is ready!"

"Yeah." Li Weixi looked at him with a half-smile, "Good nephew."

Hua Xiang's cohabitation life is in dire straits, but Qiu Qiu's cohabitation life is a smooth one.

Qiu Qiu successfully advanced to the quarterfinals, and Fu Ruien was already waiting for him at home when he got home.

I have experienced too many things today, Qiu Qiu lazily threw herself on her godfather as soon as she entered the door. Fu Ruien embraced him, not disliking the smell of cosmetics on his body, and placed a soft kiss on his forehead: "Are you tired? There is freshly squeezed juice in the restaurant, and the bathtub is filled with water, hurry up and eat something to soak Take a hot bath and get a good night's sleep."

However, Qiu Qiu held Fu Ruien tightly and said with his head up, "Godfather will wash with me, okay?"

"Are you sure?" Fu Ruien laughed, "Then Qiuqiu will get more and more tired after washing."

Qiu Qiu thought of some unspeakable things that would happen when the two of them took a bath together, so he quickly pushed away his godfather, and went into the bathroom with a blushing face.

Fu Ruien went in three times on the way, the first time he gave Qiu Qiu cold and refreshing juice, the second time he gave Qiu Qiu dried bath towels, and the third time... Fu Ruien went in and never came out again.

In the steaming bathroom, the turbulent water waves swayed and rolled, poured out of the bathtub, and splashed traces on the ground.

Faintly, the young man's hoarse begging voice came out: "... godfather, I'm so tired, you should go out quickly."

"My dear Qiuqiu, hold on tighter, the godfather will come out soon."

It was three poles high in the sun, and Qiu Qiucai, who had been in a mess all night, got out of the tent with his waist supported.

Last night, Fu Ruien lost his sense of propriety in a moment of emotion, so Qiu Qiu could only measure his godfather's size with his body, and as a result, Qiu Qiu slept until noon today.

Originally, after every competition, he had to report to Teacher Gong and ask her to give him advice, but today he really couldn't get up, and Fu Ruien even asked for leave.

But Mr. Gong has a strict personality. Even if President Fu asked for leave in person, he didn't get good looks from her.

After Qiu Qiu woke up, he quickly called Teacher Gong to apologize in person.

"Old Gong, I'm sorry, I didn't feel well this morning and couldn't go to your place..."

Teacher Gong said sharply: "I don't think it's uncomfortable in the morning, but it's too comfortable at night?"

Fortunately, they are now separated by a telephone line, otherwise Qiu Qiu's red face would be seen by Teacher Gong.

Teacher Gong said in a tone of hating iron and steel: "I watched your video recording yesterday. You have enough breath and solid voice. But why did you relapse so quickly? Young people, don't be so obsessed with sex. Going to record a game..."

Usually, he would listen to what Teacher Gong said with an open mind, but today he was unhappy when he said that Qiu Qiu was obsessed with beauty. Godfather is that beautiful? He is beautiful! And if a couple sleeps on the same bed, they can't discuss the core values of socialism, right

Besides, after the quarter-finals, everyone rested for two weeks, broadcast the two recorded episodes, and then changed to a real-time live broadcast. The energy he lost last night, he can definitely make up for it after a few days of cultivation!

It was rare for him to speak with a little emotion: "Mr. Gong, we will not compete next week."

"Oh, your show is getting dirty so quickly?"


After hanging up Teacher Gong's phone, Qiu Qiu realized that more than an hour had passed. Although Mr. Gong has a sharp mouth and a sharp heart, but the starting point is to make Qiu Qiu more progress, every sentence penetrating into the heart, pointing to the core, Qiu Qiu discussed with her singing skills and methods for a long time, and made an appointment to take out singing songs during the two-week rest day. Go to her class for a few days.

Of course, tuition fees still have to be paid.

Qiu Qiu had nothing to do in the afternoon, so after much deliberation, he decided to take the guitar to the piano store for maintenance. He bought his guitar at a well-known musical instrument store in the city center. When he bought it, he saw that the store was doing an event, and he could send it three times for maintenance. He did not use guitar accompaniment in the first two games of the national competition, but he practiced guitar every day. Recently, he felt that the bass strings were a little loose, and he planned to go to the piano store to change one.

Because the business district where the piano store is located has a direct subway, Qiu Qiu didn't ask the driver to drop him off, but stepped into the subway station with his guitar on his back.

After more than half an hour of traveling underground, Qiu Qiu arrived at the piano shop smoothly. After checking his identity information, he handed over the piano to the staff.

"The master in charge of maintenance is resting now. You can come back to pick it up after two hours. There is a shopping mall nearby, you can go shopping."

Qiu Qiu nodded. He knew that there was a very large library building nearby. He used to take time to visit it every month. But recently, in order to prepare for the draft competition, he hasn't bought a new book for more than a month, and his heart is very itchy, wishing to plunge into the ocean of knowledge and not get out.

After he left the piano store, he quickly came to the Book Building and went straight to the foreign literature area on the third floor, like a sunflower looking for the sunshine in life.

His eyes searched on the bookshelf, his fingers lightly ran across the spine, he took out the book he was interested in, and flipped through it. If he thought it was not bad, he put it in the trolley. After a while, his shopping trolley was piled up. Five or six books are delicious delicacies that have been freshly released in the past month.

Although online shopping for books is very popular now, Qiu Qiu still likes the atmosphere of the bookstore, the room is filled with the smell of knowledge, reading while buying, quiet and comfortable.

The young man is full of scholarly fragrance, the corners of his mouth are turned up enough to hang a small lamp, the flame is contained in the dimples, and others will burn into their hearts just by looking at it.

Before he knew it, there were more and more customers around him. If you looked carefully, you would find that they were all reading books pretendingly, and their eyes were all on him.

But how did the little bookworm Qiu Qiu know what they were thinking? He was like a little hedgehog with red berries on its spines, happily carrying the results to the cashier.

At this moment, a fashionable mixed-race beauty rushed out from the side. She had curly hair and shawls, and her clothes were sexy. She was a real stunner.

"Little brother, please wait a moment." She stepped on her high-heeled shoes and blocked his only way.

Qiu Qiu stopped and looked at her suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

The mixed-race beauty looked him up and down with a smile, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she was: "Do you want to shoot commercials?"

Qiu Qiu suddenly realized: "Oh, oh, I've heard of this kind of scam!"

"...I'm not a liar, your temperament is outstanding, and you look good too. Our company has a new product to be launched, and your image fits very well."

Seeing that what she said was very similar, Qiu Qiu asked her hesitantly, "What kind of commercial are you going to shoot?"

"Lipstick ad."

"..." Qiu Qiu looked at her, "Tell me yourself, you don't look like a liar."

The mixed-race beauty also realized that what she said was ridiculous. Seeing that a good seedling was about to slip away from her face, she didn't dare to delay any longer, and hurriedly took out her business card from her bag and handed it to Qiu Qiu.

"Little brother, I'm really not a liar. Our company decided to launch a new makeup brand 'real' in the third quarter of this year, which is aimed at young girls aged 15 to 20. The product positioning is pure, clear, and Girls in this age group are so cautious and slightly sexy. Our brand has not been launched yet, so you must have never heard of it, but you must know the name of our group—"

While talking, she turned over the business card and showed Qiu Qiu the company logo on the back.

Qiu Qiu stared at the familiar pattern, and murmured: "If it's this group... I've really heard of it."

Enrui Group - Cosmetics and Skin Care Business Group.

Of course he had.

The author has something to say: Fu Ruien: Woman, you have successfully caught the attention of the proprietress!