Sugar Baby

Chapter 70


Although the script is only a few pages on paper, it takes a long time to actually shoot it.

The advertising shots are very trivial, and the daily life on campus is composed of small scenes. In order to save the time of changing scenes, the script shooting is not carried out in a chronological and logical order, but to shoot together what happened in one scene.

The first shooting location was in the classroom, where Qiu Qiu had several scenes. The assistant director in charge of group performances called all the students into the classroom, and took shots of reading, self-study, listening to lectures, breaks between classes, etc. Qiu Qiu was always in the most conspicuous corner of the screen, even if the surrounding people were blurred by the camera, he It's also the clearest one.

Many students were on camera for the first time, and they were extremely nervous. As soon as the camera swept over them, they couldn't help making small movements. The director took several shots in a row before barely passing.

In fact, Qiu Qiu didn't have much filming experience. Fortunately, there were no lines in the advertisement, so he avoided the NG caused by slips of the tongue. He only needed to be handsome and beautiful in front of the camera.

In fact, Qiu Qiu felt that some scenes in the advertisement were particularly inexplicable...

For example, there is a scene where Qiu Qiu leans against the classroom window with a textbook in his hand to read. Sunlight (fill light) shines in from the outside and sprinkles on the boy's body, while the breeze (fan generator) blows in from the window, blowing up the white gauze curtain. The boy's figure loomed in the gauze curtain, with a calm and indifferent expression on his face.

This simple scene was filmed for an hour. The camera took the left and the right to take the near and far photos. Qiu Qiu really didn’t understand. The wind is so strong and the sunshine is so strong, can’t the hero just sit on the seat and read a book?

Hua Xiang said that he didn't understand the style, this scene is quite comical, didn't you see the girls on the sidelines blushing

Qiu Qiu sneaked a look around, and when those girls met his eyes, they quickly scattered like little sparrows. After flying a few meters, the group of little sparrows gathered together again, chattering and discussing "Which girl do you think he was looking at just now?"

Qiu Qiu said, "Hua Xiang, you really understand girls."

"That's right, I'm playing Xiaohuadan. Of course, I have to study the girl's psychological state in depth."

"Have you studied them?"

Hua Xiang fiddled with his shoulder-length hair flauntingly: "When I was in junior high school, I was sent to a girls' school for a month!"


"Why are you so surprised? I develop late and my hair is long. No one can tell that I am a boy when I wear a small skirt."

It's amazing, Qiu Qiu thought in admiration.

It turned out that there was a big guy in women's clothes beside me.

The last scene shot in the classroom was the highlight of the commercial. Qiu Qiu walked into the empty classroom with his schoolbag on his back. He sat down on his seat and accidentally found a love letter with lip prints on it from the desk.

This scene will also be split into seven or eight shots to be shot from different angles. Hua Xiang sits on the sidelines, watching his good brother step into the classroom over and over again, digging out the love letter over and over again, repeating the love letter over and over again. Show surprise.

Hua Xiang originally thought it would be so interesting to shoot commercials, so he made a fuss to visit, but he didn't expect it to be so boring and time-consuming.

Having nothing to say, he asked Wang Yao who was standing next to him: "Sister Yaoyao...? Can I call you that? If this set of cosmetics is for high school students, will the parents of the girls think that this advertisement is to promote Puppy love?"

Wang Yao is extremely innocent: "Why are we promoting puppy love? - The last scene is clearly written. The male protagonist picked up the lipstick in the corridor, and instead of chasing after him, he continued to go in his own direction, indicating that the male protagonist finally I chose to study hard, but I didn't choose to engage in dating!"

"..." Hua Xiang felt that this sister was really cunning.

After a short break at noon, the filming continued in the afternoon, but the location was changed to the corridor to shoot the last scene of the whole advertisement: the protagonist and a girl passed by, and the girl’s lipstick fell on the ground. When looking for someone, the girl had already disappeared into the crowd.

It took a lot of time to shoot this scene, because the other students around didn't always follow the instructions of the assistant director. It was obvious that they just needed to act as the background to fight and walk quickly, but many of them laughed stiffly and walked along the sidelines.

After finally filming this scene, Wang Yao had a new inspiration. She discussed with the director for a while, and then called Qiu Qiu to her face: "Qiu Qiu, I will shoot another scene later. After you pick up the lipstick, unscrew it and smell it , and then make a happy expression. Our lip balm has a fruity fragrance, which is very natural, not that inferior flavor."

Qiu Qiu naturally had no objection.

As a result, when the filming started, something went wrong.

——Qiu Qiu didn't grasp the distance when he lowered his head to smell the lipstick, and the lipstick hit his nose directly.

Everyone: "..."

Qiu Qiu looked up at the director in a daze and shame. In the close-up shot, the tip of his nose clearly left the shape of a heart carved on the top of the lipstick. Fenfen's peach heart was pressed against the tip of her round nose, Qiu Qiu had no idea how silly and cute she was at this moment.

Everyone: "Hahahahahahahahaha!"

The one who laughed the most was Hua Xiang, laughing directly from the chair to the ground, knelt there and couldn't straighten up.

Qiu Qiu is so desperate, is it too late to get into the cracks in the ground now

Wang Yao was overjoyed and was smiling when Mr. Zheng's WeChat message came.

Mr. Zheng wanted to cover up and asked her, Xiao Wang, how is your filming progress.

Wang Yao quickly said that it was very good, very good, very good, the male lead was very spiritual, the cooperation was very high, the picture effect was very good, the atmosphere on the scene was very enthusiastic, and everyone's enthusiasm for work was unprecedentedly high.

In order to prove what she said was true, Wang Yao specially recorded a small video, which captured the hard-working staff, the youthful group performers, the conscientious Qiu Qiu, and Hua Xiang, who had a particularly low smile.

Mr. Zheng clicked on the video and watched it again and again. He saw Hua Xiang's exaggerated appearance of beating the ground, and felt sorry for him: This president's wife is really pure and unpretentious, different from the coquettish sluts outside...

In the afternoon, the sky gets cloudier, summer thunderstorms are coming, I don't know when it will rain. Wang Yao hurriedly urged the film crew to hurry into the city, they only rented this place for one day, if they couldn't finish the filming today, they would have to spend an extra sum tomorrow.

Fortunately, there were not many things to shoot in the afternoon, so everyone cheered up and hurried to catch up, and finally finished work smoothly at 4:00 in the afternoon. At that time, there was already a patter of raindrops, the staff were busy collecting the equipment, and those young students who came to be extra performers also scattered and went home, but there were a few courageous girls surrounding Qiu Qiu, red Face asked him to sign a group photo.

This was the first time Qiu Qiu met "fans", and he was a little at a loss when dealing with it. Fortunately, he gradually figured out the way to get along with "fans" after a while, and he responded to every request for autographs and group photos.

A girl asked him, "Can I give you a hug?" She opened her arms as she spoke.

Qiu Qiu became embarrassed, he is a married man now, so casually hugging girls won't affect him well.

He said matter-of-factly, "I'm sorry, my partner will be jealous."

The girls put on pitiful expressions when they heard this. "Just give me a hug..." "We won't eat your tofu!" "Your partner is so small~"

Qiu Qiu corrected them with a straight face: "It's not that he is small-minded, but that I occupy too much space."

He couldn't listen to others saying bad things about his godfather, not even a word... no, not even half a word!

What he said was so righteous, the girls are young after all, and they don't know what to do when they see their idols get angry. The girls looked at me and I looked at you, apologized tremblingly, and hurried away holding their autographs.

Hua Xiang, who watched the whole process from the sidelines, resented iron and steel and educated him: "Why are you so cruel to girls!"

"Where am I being fierce? I'm just being reasonable." Qiu Qiu returned to his original soft tone.

Hua Xiang finally understood, as long as Fu Ruien is not involved, Qiu Qiu is very easy to talk, if it is involved, the little rabbit will also protect food!

Because of this episode, the two of them lost a lot of time in the teaching building. Suddenly a flash of lightning flashed in the sky, thunder exploded, and heavy rain fell as soon as it was said.

Neither of them had an umbrella, and they crowded at the entrance of the school teaching building, looking up at the pouring rain.

"Why don't you take a taxi?" Hua Xiang suggested.

Qiu Qiu thought for a while: "I think if we wait a little longer, the thunderstorm should end in a while."

So the two little cabbages sat side by side at the door of the teaching building, holding their legs in a daze, hoping that God would watch over them and fill up the missing sky quickly.

It's boring to just sit still, and the two little cabbages started to find topics to chat.

Qiu Qiu asked him: "By the way, why did Brother Li suddenly live at your house? You left in a hurry that day without explaining clearly."

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Hua Xiang became annoyed, picked and recounted the matter, and complained: "Do you think my mother has watched too much "Metamorphosis"? A good son who has been raised for 20 years, said to give it away Just give it away!"

Qiu Qiu didn't know how to persuade him. The two of them are friends, and it's not good for him to speak ill of anyone: "... Anyway, it's only a month, bear with it."

"One month? I can't even stand it for a week now! I'm annoyed at the thought of seeing Mr. Li when I go home. Damn, if you force me again, I will run away from home!" Out is one out.

"Huh? You, don't be impulsive..."

Hua Xiang turned his head to look at his little friend, and asked him in a deep tone: "Autumn thief, a good boy like you, has he never thought of running away from home?"

Qiu Qiu shook his head honestly: "My books are too many and heavy. If I run away from home, I have to hire a tricycle..."

"How about I hire a tricycle too?" Hua Xiang's eyes lit up, "Bring my PS2, my VR, my three computers, and the clothes I bought this season!" He raised his arms Phew, "I'm going to wander in Tibet!"

"... I don't think you are a vagabond, you are a wave."

"Bah, bah, bah, you're a prodigal."

Qiu Qiu blushed and said nothing, because Hua Xiang subtly hit the mark.

The two were chatting, when suddenly Hua Xiang stopped talking, stood up quickly, stood on tiptoe and kept looking into the depths of the rain curtain. He pointed to a small white spot in the distance in shock, and shouted: "Autumn thief, look at that!"

Qiu Qiu looked in the direction of his finger, and saw a thin animal covered in mud walking towards them amidst the dense rain.

That animal has a large skeleton, it should be a dog, but it looks extremely thin. It drooped its head, its tail was tightly clamped between its two hind legs, only the tip of the tail was raised a little, as if it didn't want to touch the rain on the ground.

As it walked, half of its body was under the eaves of the teaching building, and half of its body was exposed to the rain. The rain under the eaves was slightly less than outside—only "slightly". The poor stray dog was completely soaked, exhausted. Even though it saw two humans standing at the door of the teaching building, it didn't pay attention, but slowly stepped up the stairs, found a corner, and lay down wearily.

Hua Xiang likes dogs very much, so he rushed to see it immediately.

This dog has very thick long hair, the original color cannot be seen, and it has been completely covered with mud and knotted into strands. It has two small upturned ears and a pointed mouth. It must have been clean. Very alert and cute. It lay there lying there, and when it saw someone coming, it wagged its tail weakly, but didn't stand up, but lazily rested its chin on its front legs, looking out of the rain curtain with sad eyes.

"It should have been lost... so pitiful." Qiu Qiu found a collar around its neck with sharp eyes, but there was no dog tag on the collar, and it was bare. There were a few small biscuits in his pocket, which were given to him by the girls just now. He unpacked a pack and put it in front of the dog. The dog smelled the real thing, and it would eat even the nutritious biscuits. Without raising his head, as if he was afraid of being snatched away, he ate it all in a few seconds.

After eating, the dog gained strength, Hua Xiang stretched out his hand to touch its head, it first licked his hand, then got up on its own initiative, rubbing back and forth in Hua Xiang's arms. It was big, and Hua Xiang was squatted firmly, and fell down when he was rubbed by it. The dog was very annoying. It stepped on his chest with its two front paws, and lowered its head to lick his face.

Hua Xiang's expensive clothes were quickly worn out, dirty and covered with mud marks, but Hua Xiang didn't dislike it at all. Instead, he hugged the dog's neck and rubbed its head and neck affectionately.

Looking at the big dirty long-haired dog in his arms, Hua Xiang's heart moved, and he raised his voice and said, "I want to raise it!"

He wanted to keep a dog since he was a child, but Hua's mother was allergic to dog hair, which was really unacceptable. Now that I finally live alone, of course I have to raise a dog to spend the long night!

—As for the clean freak Mr. Li at home, who the hell cares!

At the same time, Mr. Zheng looked at the video shot by Wang Yao sent to his mobile phone, and planned to share it with other vice presidents with a spirit of sharing.

In the end, I don't know whether it was because of his old eyesight or his own providence. When he forwarded it, he chose the wrong group. He didn't choose a group of four where all four vice presidents were present, but a group of five.

—And the extra person is naturally the biggest boss of Enrui Group.

Speaking of normal working hours, Fu Ruien seldom looks at his mobile phone, but it happened so coincidentally that he picked up his mobile phone at this very second to see if Qiu Qiu had sent him a message, and he happened to see Mr. Zheng in the group speech.

Zheng is looking at you: Brothers, what a coincidence, the spokesperson of real lipstick is a friend of the president's wife! When filming the commercial today, the president's wife even visited the set!

Zheng is looking at you: [Share video]

Zheng is looking at you: Mr. Fu's children are so pure and unaffected, otherwise Mr. Fu likes him so much.

Ryan: …

Zheng is looking at you: ...

Ryan: …

Zheng is looking at you: ...

Zheng is watching you retracted three messages

Ryan: No need to retract, I've finished watching.

Zheng is looking at you: ...

This matter was so embarrassing, the other three vice presidents who usually called Lao Zheng brothers and sisters didn't say a word in the group, they were as quiet as chickens.

Sure enough, the friendship between men is like a plastic cactus, false and evergreen.

In fact, strictly speaking, Lao Zheng didn't say a word wrong, but he was caught gossiping about the president behind his back, which really left him with no place to put his old face.

As soon as Lao Zheng became anxious, he withdrew from the group...

The remaining three vice presidents looked at it and discussed it in the small group of the three of them, but they also quit the group one by one...

Fu Ruien, the leader of the naked group: "..."

But Fu Ruien didn't have time to take care of them at this time, he looked at the pouring rain outside the window, and immediately dialed Qiu Qiu's phone.

After the call was connected, Qiu Qiugang softly called "Godfather", and Fu Ruien interrupted him.

Fu Ruien said in a cold voice, pretending to be disappointed: "Qiuqiu, godfather is very sad."

"... Huh? What, what's wrong?"

With just this "huh", Fu Ruien saw Qiu Qiu's eyes wide open in surprise and bewilderment.

"Godfather will give you ten seconds to think about whether you want to admit your mistakes."

Qiu Qiu didn't understand when he heard it, so he timidly walked aside with his mobile phone in his arms, and whispered, " know everything?"

Hearing his guilty tone, Fu Ruien couldn't get angry: "You lied to me to go to the class reunion when I went out in the morning. So your class reunion is to go to the commercial set?"

"I'm sorry... I just wanted to surprise you." Qiu Qiu softly admitted his mistake.

In fact, Fu Ruien wasn't really angry, but he didn't understand why Qiu Qiu would lie about such things. Huaxiang endorsed real lipstick, and Qiu Qiu, as his friend, went to the scene to visit the set.

Thinking of Qiu Qiu wearing the exact same high school uniform as the extras in the short video just now, Fu Ruien felt that he had found the truth.

His little Tangqiu is sweet and well-behaved. The only time he lied was to give him a little surprise in life. Fu Ruien really didn't know what good deeds he had done in his previous life to let this sugar ball jump into his arms.

Thinking of this, Fu Ruien wished he could see Qiu Qiu now.

"Have you finished filming yet?"

"The filming is over." Qiu Qiu nodded while holding the phone.

"It's raining heavily now, I'll ask the driver to pick you up."

Qiu Qiu looked hesitantly at Hua Xiang next to him. Hua Xiang had a big dirty dog in his arms, and both of them looked like mud monkeys. He originally wanted to take the dog to the pet hospital with Hua Xiang.

Just when Qiu Qiu was wavering, Fu Ruien spoke again: "Qiuqiu lied to godfather today, and godfather will punish you well."

When Qiu Qiu heard this, he felt even more guilty. He decided to be a villain who forgot his friends and went home obediently.

"What punishment?"

"I'll punish you... just wait for me at home in your high school uniform."