Sugar Baby

Chapter 75


At eight o'clock in the evening, Zhu Linlin, the queen of variety shows, made her debut in everyone's anticipation.

There is actually another reason why the contestants of "Super New Voices" are on this show—Zhu Linlin was also a draft singer more than ten years ago. It's just a tepid one, except for a few slobbering songs, no one remembers her name at all, she has made guest appearances in several dramas across borders, so fast that even the investor's father didn't even see her. A few years ago, she suddenly switched to variety shows, because she was able to play hard and play hard in the show, and unexpectedly soared into the sky.

Qiu Qiu specially made up for some of her ace variety shows. She is obviously a woman, but she cares less about her image than the male guests. She doesn't dare to go into mud pits, climb trees over walls, or bungee jump from high altitudes, and she is very righteous , is very popular, and many little girl fans are devoted to her.

Before the filming of the show officially started, Zhu Linlin shook hands with all the contestants and said hello in turn, with a friendly attitude. Hua Xiang cheekily asked for a group photo, saying it was for his mother.

I don't know if it was Qiu Qiu's illusion, but he noticed that Zhu Linlin stayed in front of him for a longer time, and her pair of phoenix eyes kept looking at him.

He squeezed out a smile in confusion: "... Sister Linlin?"

Zhu Linlin patted him on the shoulder and said heartily, "Qiu Qiu? I like you very much."


Zhu Linlin was wearing a well-wrapped sportswear today. Seeing that some of the contestants were wearing shorts and short sleeves, she kindly reminded them: "Do you have any spare clothes? Put another one on. For summer, here There are many weeds, be careful not to be bitten by insects."

Several male contestants went down and changed into other clothes without much hesitation. Only Xin Tian was wearing shorts with his bare thighs, and he looked embarrassed: "Sister Linlin... I only have this pair of sweatpants. I was wearing a skirt when I came here today."

Qiu Qiu thought in a daze: So Xin Tian can also use the word "I".

Zhu Linlin didn't bring spare pants either. She asked her assistant to look for them for a long time, but only found a pair of sunscreen ice silk sleeves, with elastic and dark gray. Xin Tian is thin, and his chopstick legs are not as thick as the male contestant's arms, so he can put ice silk sleeves on his legs directly.

But how ugly this thing is on your legs.

Xin Tian was unwilling.

However, this set of ice silk sleeves was brought out by the variety show queen herself. Wouldn't it be too embarrassing for her to refuse directly? The little girl hesitated and refused to speak. Zhu Linlin saw it and gave the assistant a wink. The assistant put the things away, and took out a mosquito repellent spray and handed it to her in a blink of an eye.

"Thank you sis~!" Xin Tian yelled sis~ in a thousand turns, her pair of specially outlined big eyes were as bright as two small lamps, and her eyelashes flickered. She smiled and said, "Sister, why don't you have so many 'wife fans', can I kiss you on behalf of all your little wives?"

Zhu Linlin took a step back and said with a smile: "Okay, if your fans see it, they will be jealous of me."

Xin Tian said sweetly, "Sister Linlin, don't you see that I'm bribing you? We're not in the same group, so please be merciful for a while."

They talked enthusiastically there, Hua Xiang rolled his eyes ten times in a row, and his skill was enough to compete for the Olympic champion in the eye-rolling competition.

Taking advantage of people not paying attention, Hua Xiang poked Qiu Qiu's little butt, and said in a low voice, "Autumn thief, have you heard of Zhu Linlin's gossip?"

"What gossip?"

"Zhu Linlin has a 'same-sex close friend' who has lived together for many years. They have been photographed by the media countless times traveling together, and holding hands in the street generously, eating a cold drink together. It is so obvious, Zhu Linlin Still claiming to be a boudoir friend relationship.”

Qiu Qiu listened carefully, and said enviously: "... girls are so nice, even if they hug each other on the street, they can be called girlfriends. When will I be able to hold hands with my godfather on the street openly."

In this way, he can take an oath of sovereignty, and save others from coveting the old wife of the young minister's family.

Hua Xiang said angrily: "Is this the point?! The point is that Xin Tian is flirting with Zhu Linlin openly!! If she really got her, he would go shopping with some girlfriends, stir up a few gossips, and wait for his fame to rise. As long as she innocently expresses that she doesn't understand anything, it will be fine if she pushes it to the girl's friendship!"

Qiu Qiu was taken aback: "Don't talk nonsense... Maybe she just wants to hug her thigh just because Zhu Linlin is famous..." And Xin Tian just scratched his palm, and now she turns to flirting with the same sex, her sexual orientation is unavoidable It's too mysterious.

"Don't underestimate her. Showing favor is also learned. She has a good sense of proportion and is not explicit at all. If others really want to pursue it, it will become a big deal."

At nine o'clock, the show started shooting on time.

It is very difficult to chase in the dark, the only light source is the bright moon in the sky. This amusement park occupies a small area, and there are less than twenty amusement items in total. Most of them have been in disrepair for many years. The moonlight stretches their shadows, and they look like hideous monsters in the dark night. Don't say that Qi Qiqi will be afraid, adults are a little timid.

The first item on the game show was a fight over the phone. The mobile phone can be used to communicate with teammates, and it can also be used for lighting.

The program group asked two groups of contestants to send two representatives to play the word guessing game. The winning group of four could carry mobile phones, and the losing group could only resign themselves to fate.

Qiu Qiu and Hua Xiang thought they had a perfect understanding, and stood up to meet the challenge without hesitation.

Xin Tian stood beside him, bouncing and cheering for them: "Come on, come on, come on! You are the best! Tiantian looks after you!"

- It's only been a few minutes, and she can't say "I" anymore.

Xin Tian's mouthful of tainted milk seriously affected Qiu Qiu and Hua Xiang's performance, and they stumbled when guessing the words.

For example, there is a word "bastard".

Hua Xiang made a gesture on his back, and thumped his limbs together: "A kind of animal, in the water, with a shell! Green!"

Qiu Qiu: "Turtle? Sea turtle? Turtle?"

"No, no, the first character is the one on the tiger's head!"

"Wang... bastard!!"

"That's right, Wang Ba's son!"

Qiu Qiu immediately rushed to answer: "Wang Baer!"


"Wang Sixteen!"


... In the end, they didn't get a point in this group.

Zhu Linlin and her team took the mobile phone issued by the program team, turned around and ran into the darkness. But Qiu Qiu and his group had to wait in place, with bare hands, and could only enter the arena after ten minutes.

Little Princess Xintian was angry, she pouted her lips, shedding tears, extremely disappointed.

Brother Guo was normal-hearted. Seeing them depressed, he comforted them: "Yo, yo, yo. Little sister, don't-cry, friends, don't-worry, everyone worked hard today, and we'll work harder next round. Things can't go as you want, but I want to be ashamed of my heart. They have a mobile phone, it's a fart, and we will work together to win the championship."

Hua Xiang: "..."

Qiu Qiu: "..."

Xin Tian: "..."

Wow, after drinking this bowl of pig soup for the soul, the grief like the subjugation of the country has been diluted.

Three hours flew by.

Qiu Qiu hid in the small box at the bottom of the Ferris wheel. He sat on the ground with his hands on his knees, keeping his head below the glass window to avoid being discovered.

Qiu Qiu is actually not very good at this kind of running and jumping variety show. He failed in sports, so he came here to give away his head. Fortunately, the program does not require contestants to ambush others, they can also find a place to hide themselves, and make sure that no one gets their color card before the time is up. Anyway, the total score of the group's cards will determine the winner or loser.

Although he is a peaceful person, it does not mean that other people are also peaceful people.

As soon as Hua Xiang entered the arena, he turned into a husky with a prolapsed anus, and rushed out to sweep around. Hua Xiang complained to Qiu Qiu before, saying that the hairless Samoyed he picked up was not a smiling angel at all, but a demolition angel. Qiu Qiu felt that the two of them could just form a demolition team.

In order to get on the scene, Xin Tian also put away his charming appearance, found a direction and ran away, looking like he was going to fight hard.

Brother Guo, like Qiu Qiu, made up his mind to find a place to cat, but Qiu Qiu just heard Brother Guo's voice from the swing in the air, as if he was discovered by the enemy.

Thinking of this, Qiu Qiu shrank even smaller. He tightly grasped the color card in his pocket, and hugged his thin self nervously.

But the more I was afraid of something, the more I was getting more - outside the Ferris wheel, there was a sudden sound of footsteps. Listen carefully, one group of footsteps is light, and the other is heavy. It should be two people coming together.

Qiu Qiu was very familiar with the sound of Hua Xiang's footsteps. As long as Hua Xiang was not on stage, he would not be able to lift his feet when he walked, and would drag on the ground. The person who came was definitely not Hua Xiang.

So... Could it be Xin Tian and Guo Ge

Qiu Qiu's heart was beating up and down, he really wanted to push open the box door of the Ferris wheel and look out through the crack of the door. I was also afraid that in the silent night, the sound of the metal door being pushed open was too loud, which would expose myself instead.

He is not as courageous as a little chicken. The small box of the Ferris wheel is the eggshell that protects him in the dark. He dare not even stretch out a little chicken claw.

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped.

They... are they gone

Qiu Qiu listened intently. Outside the box, there was no movement except for the rustling of the leaves being blown by the wind.

How about... go out and have a look

After a long period of psychological construction, Xiaojizai finally mustered up the courage to open the door of the box—

— But when he raised his head, he saw Zhu Linlin standing outside the box, looking down at him through the glass window! ! !

It turned out that she had already discovered him! !

The little chick gave a "chirp", almost showing its original shape in fright.

The frightened Qiu Qiu looked particularly endearing, his eyes were wide open, with tears in his eye sockets, his nose was red, and his attractive dimples were deformed by fright.

Zhu Linlin stood behind the glass window and looked down at him with a smile.

Although she likes sweet and soft girls, soft and fragrant boys are also the wealth of the world. Looking at this pale little face, it feels so happy to bully my little brother...

Qiu Qiu was caught by the vicious female devil, and felt that he had lost eight of his nine lives.

If he meets other players, he will definitely fight hard and strive for a counterattack... But this is Zhu Linlin! Zhu Linlin, who practiced triathlons when she was young, could climb mountains in high heels, and throw male guests on her back casually!

Qiu Qiu still wants to save his life and his godfather until he grows old. He doesn't want to die young just because of a variety show! !

He completely lost the will to resist, and took out the color card from his pocket without crying, held the card in both hands, and raised it above his head as if surrendering.

At this moment, another male contestant's voice sounded a few meters away: "Sister Linlin, did you find anything?"


Zhu Linlin glanced at Qiu Qiu who was shrunk in the box. Other girls wink like silk, but she winks like a knife.

She smiled at him and turned around.

Zhu Linlin said to the male contestant in the usual tone: "There is nothing here, let's go to the roller coaster to have a look."

Huh… …

The sound of their footsteps gradually faded away, Qiu Qiu clutched his beating heart and couldn't understand it: It's so strange, why did Zhu Linlin let him go