Sugar Baby

Chapter 79


What He Yu reported just now left only a light impression in Fu Ruien's heart. When he walked out of the office, the name Xin Tian was left behind by him.

In the rest room, the five vice presidents of the company had already taken their seats. Beside Mr. Zheng, Wang Yao was fiddling with a laptop with a slightly nervous expression, and was adjusting the projection equipment.

The assistant opened the door with his knees, and he held two large takeaway bags in his left and right hands, with the logo of Lingxi Restaurant printed on them, and the fresh and tangy spicy smell burst into the noses of everyone present.

"Hehe, Lao Zheng, you're bleeding a lot today, please let us eat something so good." Before the assistant could do anything, the boss of the maternal and child business group neatly tore open the takeaway bag, and put the packed crayfish and spicy crab on the table pile up.

"That is, we have revised this advertisement so many times, and this time it finally passed, can I not be happy." While talking, Lao Zheng greeted his right-hand man, "Xiao Wang, don't mess with it. It's being screened, hurry up and eat something, the demo won't be broadcast for a while, the crayfish will be finished first."

"I'll eat later, and I'll watch the demo again." It was the first time Wang Yao participated in the lunch meeting of the bosses. A small department leader like her usually only sees her immediate boss, but today she was able to sit Meeting with VPs here! Besides, Boss Fu will be here soon, so how can she still think about what to eat? Hurry up and recite the introduction in her heart as soon as possible, for fear that she will not be able to speak well or answer well, and she will become a real person. The real "little deaf and blind".

For today's lunch, she specially painted a capable and simple makeup. If Qiu Qiu appeared in front of her at this time, she probably would not be able to recognize her again.

"Don't watch it, and have confidence in your own vision." Lao Zheng has watched the commercials of real lipsticks in advance. The teenagers in the film are as warm as sunshine and as clear as streams. The director of the commercials invited is very He is good at shooting such ambiguous scenes, and the language of the camera is tender, as if he really returned to high school, and returned to a heart-pounding afternoon.

Old Zheng picked up a crayfish and waved it around: "You forgot that at the preview meeting in the department, those little girls under your team were so loud that they almost knocked the roof off, and they all clamored to talk to the little brother. in love."

Wang Yao smiled wryly: "Mr. Fu is not a little girl, how could he want to fall in love with the male protagonist when he sees him."

They were talking when Fu Ruien opened the door and stepped into the room.

"What are we talking about? Who do I want to date?" Facing his old subordinates, Fu Ruien occasionally joked.

"Our Xiao Wang is too nervous, I am afraid that you will not approve of the image of the hero."

"I believe in your vision, although I am also surprised how you chose him."

Fu Ruien felt very strange after learning that Hua Xiang had accepted the filming of a real lipstick commercial. He had read the advertisement proposal, the male lead must have a "clear youthful look", but Hua Xiang is so dirty in his opinion...

Fu Ruien sat in the last vacant seat, pulled a box of crayfish steaks in front of him, and said to Wang Yao without raising his head, "Let's put it."

Hmm... This crayfish is really good. Qiuqiu must like it. Go back and buy him a few boxes.

Wang Yao gathered herself together, thinking that the ugly daughter-in-law would always see her in-laws, she raised her hand and landed on the keyboard, and summoned up the courage to press the play button.

The screen lit up.

Under the blue sky, rows of branches are staggered, and the leaves are shaking and rustling in the breeze. The camera moves down from the sky and lands on the campus boulevard where people come and go. Countless teenagers and girls in uniforms and carrying schoolbags are talking and laughing as they walk towards the teaching building.

In the middle of the picture, a tall and straight figure like a small pine tree is walking forward without any haste.

As the boy walked through the crowd, many girls cast shy eyes and turned their heads hastily.

It was just an opening scene, just a back view, and Fu Ruien at the table recognized who was on the screen with just one glance.

Fu Tang's father was too familiar with Tang's son, so many mornings, Qiu Qiu woke up with his back in Fu Rui'en's arms, and Fu Rui'en could see the back of the boy's hairy head when he lowered his head. Fu Ruien kissed the top of his head countless times, making him shrink his neck in fear of itching.

Fu Ruien had known for a long time that Qiuqiu came to play a "guest role" in the advertisement. He thought it was a cameo role of classmate A, B, and C, but he didn't expect to appear in the opening scene. Qiuqiu is still pleasing to the eye, after Hua Xiang's silly thing comes out, the camera should be drawn to it...

… No.

After entering the classroom, the camera pulls forward from the subject's back and draws a semi-circular arc along the side of the body, finally making Qiu Qiu's delicate face appear in the center of the picture.

Qiu Qiu listened carefully.

Qiu Qiu was reading a book by the window sill.

Qiu Qiu was surrounded by girls.

Qiu Qiu found a love letter with lip prints in the desk.

Qiu Qiu looked for the owner of the love letter.

Qiu Qiu passed a group of girls in the corridor.

Qiu Qiu picked up the lipstick on the ground and turned around to look for it.

Qiu Qiu smiled relievedly at the camera, put the lipstick in his pocket, and continued walking.

With his back going against the flow of people and drifting away, the slogan of real lipstick quietly emerged - "real, be the youngest self".

The 120-second long ad demo display is over, followed by 45 seconds, 30 seconds, 15 seconds, and a series of print ads. In the picture, without exception, Qiu Qiu looked back at the camera with lipstick in his hand, his eyes full of hope.

After that, Wang Yao also showed the edited footage of the shooting, preparing to spread it as a viral video after the advertisement goes online. In the monitor camera, Qiu Qiu rotates the lipstick cover, lowers his head to sniff, and accidentally gets the lipstick on the tip of his nose. When he raises his head, there is a clear mark of a heart on his nose. His face is full of innocence, and the staff outside the screen laugh loudly .

A set of videos was finally played, and Wang Yao's back was sweating layer after layer. She kept staring at the screen, not daring to look at the expressions of the other bosses.

Fortunately, her dedication has finally been affirmed.

"Okay, Old Zheng, you did a great job shooting this ad!" said a vice president.

Another vice president followed: "Is the leading actor too spiritual? My girl has seen it, and she must become his fan."

Several vice presidents chattered about it, and they seemed to be very satisfied with this advertisement, and they were very optimistic about its communication effect.

However, Mr. Fu, who was sitting at the top, kept his head down and did not speak.

Wang Yao was terrified, for fear that if the big boss was dissatisfied, her hard work during this period would be wasted: "Boss Fu... what do you think of this advertisement?"

Fu Ruien raised his head with a complicated expression.

"Where's Hua Xiang?"

"Ah...?" Wang Yao said blankly, "Student Hua Xiang didn't show up?"

"Then why did he go to the shooting scene that day?" Fu Ruien emphasized his tone.

When Mr. Zheng heard this, he thought to himself that the boss and the proprietress are really a couple, and he still doesn't forget Hua Xiang at this time. He quickly explained: "The proprietress just went to visit the set that day, and she didn't have a guest performance... If you want him to appear in the scene, we can make up, we can make up."

Fu Ruien's head exploded: "Why didn't I know that Hua Xiang was the boss's wife?"


Fu Ruien felt very headache, and asked him angrily: "What do you think about Hua Xiang that I like?"

"... pee standing up?"

"... except for the fact that he's a man."

Mr. Zheng couldn't speak.

Fu Ruien reminded him helplessly: "I have nothing to do with Hua Xiang. Qiu Qiu, the hero, is my lover."

Mr. Zheng: "...???"

Wang Yao: "...???" What kind of luck is she, that she went to the street to pull people and got the proprietress

The other three bosses present all laughed. Mr. Zheng came to his senses, looked at the three good brothers, and scolded angrily: "You all know that it is Qiu Qiu and not Hua Xiang? Why didn't you tell me in the group?"

The three of them said one after another: "Of course I know. Just ask the people in the investment department." gone."

Men's friendship is really face-to-face, not behind the scenes.

What can Mr. Zheng say? He can only blame himself for being blind and blind.

Fu Ruien looked at the big screen, and Qiu Qiu looked back at the smiling face, feeling sad in his heart: After this advertisement is launched, it will definitely attract a large number of mother fans, sister fans, and younger sister fans. From then on, his little husband will become the favorite of thousands of girls little husband...

... Fortunately, they can see it but not lick it.

Fu Ruien said in a deep voice: "There has been such a big oolong, Lao Zheng, I will give you a chance to redeem yourself."

"Boss Fu, tell me, tell me."

"The student uniforms in the ad, prepare five sets for me."

"so much?"

"Well, if it's not enough, don't care what you want."

When Fu Ruien came in, he was carrying a pocket with a student uniform in his hand, thinking about how to punish Qiu Qiu.

Today, Qiu Qiu fell into his palm with two little tails attached. He wanted to settle the scandal between Qiu Qiu and that Xin Tian first, and then settle the issue of his lipstick commercial.

He doesn't want much, the former needs five times, and the latter needs three times. If Qiu Qiu really can't afford it, he can simply pay in installments, but he can't say how much the rolling interest will roll over.

When he walked into the living room, Qiu Qiu didn't even lift his head, he was immersed in his own world. Concentrate on studying. He was sitting on the carpet in front of the sofa, leaning over the coffee table to read a book, a thick Webster's dictionary was spread out on the table in front of him, and a notebook was in his hand, and he was reading words silently while copying in the notebook.

Seeing that Tangzi was studying hard, Fu Ruien put away all his bad thoughts. He walked gently behind Qiu Qiu and sat down, watching for a long time. He didn't make a sound until Qiu Qiu tiredly put down his pen.

"Qiuqiu, why did you suddenly start memorizing English words?"

Qiu Qiu stretched halfway, but found that he was alone behind him. He fell backwards on Fu Ruien, his head just resting on his godfather's lap.

"Godfather, when did you come back?" He said affectionately, "I practiced singing all afternoon. I'm so tired. Let me recite the words and relax."

It is really Xueba's unique relaxation technique.

Fu Ruien picked up Qiu Qiu's notebook where he had just copied the words, and found that the same word - "finance" was scrawled on the notebook.

Fu Ruien asked him: "What does this English word mean?"

Qiu Qiu glanced at the vocabulary book: "This word has two meanings. As a noun, it means 'fund', and as a verb, it means 'funding'."

Fu Ruien answered: "So godfather gave you a scholarship to 'subsidize' you to learn singing, so you can use the word finance?"

Qiu Qiu blushed, and whispered "Yes".

He remembered the series of jokes he made when he accepted Fu Ruien's scholarship, and felt his face burn.

Fu Ruien lowered his head and bit Qiu Qiu's red cheek, but the result was too much force, and he bit out two symmetrical tooth marks, one on the left and one on the right.

Qiu Qiu covered his face and shouted, "Don't bite it, don't bite it and you'll be on camera in a few days", and ran to the kitchen barefoot without even putting on his slippers.

Fortunately, the biting godfather didn't chase him into the kitchen. He stayed in the living room for a few minutes before returning to the bedroom. Qiu Qiu waited for the danger to leave before slipping vigilantly from the kitchen back to the living room.

Qiu Qiu came to the coffee table, intending to quickly put away the books, but his eyes accidentally fell on the notebook, but he couldn't move it away.

— Copied the first "n" of "finance" on the whole page, all of which were erased by Fu Ruien.

Oops, Qiu Qiu's heart is beating so fast.

The author has something to say: finance=funding


Xueba has a unique way of relaxing, as well as a unique skill of showing affection!