Sugar Baby

Chapter 82


Qiu Qiu was distracted by the matter of pushing open the cupboard door, and Hua Xiang also had his own troubles here.

Since "Beef Noodles" became a member of Hua Xiang's family, his family has never stopped.

Beef Noodles is particularly afraid of loneliness because of his previous wandering experience. He would walk around anxiously if he didn't see Hua Xiang for five minutes. It is smart and big, and it has learned to open the door without a teacher—it can stand up like a human on its two hind legs, and then use its front paws to grab the door handle, and the door will open.

All the doors in Hua Xiang's house cannot be locked, which means that Hua Xiang has to follow a big tail wherever he goes.

— "That's why you don't close the toilet door?"

Li Weixi sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, pinching his nose with one hand, his face was extremely ugly.

Hua Xiang twitched his nose like a dog and sniffed around: "Does it stink? Where does it stink?!... Even if it smells a little bit."

He reasoned hard: "Besides, who doesn't smell bad, but you like to be clean. After using the toilet, you spray half a bottle of air freshener inside and out, and the dog sneezes."

The stench wafting in the air was about to suffocate Li Weixi. He had been working in the study just now, and he came out to pour water in the middle, but when he opened the door, he was almost suffocated by the smell of biochemical weapons. But the "shit" culprit didn't realize it, and wandered out of the bathroom unsteadily, and Hua Xiang had just washed his hands, and there were still drops of water on them, he didn't bother to wipe them, and directly threw them on the floor.

Li Weixi has never seen such an "informal" person in his life.

Don't look at Hua Xiang's stubborn mouth, in fact, he knew he was wrong, and while Li Weixi was not paying attention, he quickly put a dog leash on "Beef Noodles" and wanted to take it out.

Li Weixi said, stop, where are you going.

Hua Xiang straightened his back and stammered, "Take, take the dog for a review."

"I am coming too."

"...what are you going to do?"

"Smell the smell of disinfectant water, purify the body and mind."

Serious Pet Hospital is far away from Hua Xiang's home, the weather is hot, Hua Xiang gritted his teeth, and trotted his BMW out of the garage.

The fuel in this car was added before the accident. A tank of gasoline costs 500 yuan. A sports car consumes a lot of fuel, and it consumes dozens of dollars just for a trip. If it wasn't for the beef noodles in the car, he wouldn't even be willing to turn on the air conditioner.

Li Weixi was sitting in the passenger seat, the dog was lying in the back row, and both the person and the dog were leaning on the back of the seat with their eyes closed.

Hua Xiang was unhappy: "Don't sleep, don't sleep, I'm not your driver, there is no reason for you to sleep when you get in the car."

Li Weixi: "Then what do you want me to do?"

"You chat with me."

"What do you want to talk about?" Li Weixi cheered up and asked him, "Family? Career? Or your study?"

"... Otherwise, Mr. Li, you should go to bed."

It's just that it's not so easy to fall asleep once the sleepy person runs away. Li Weixi looked out of the window in boredom, staring at the pedestrians passing by on the sidewalk. The two really had no common language. For a while, the car fell into silence, except for the sound of air-conditioning gushing out of the air vent, there was only the snoring of the beef noodles in the back seat.

"Do you have music here? Come and listen to it." Li Weixi asked.

"Music... It seems that there is only one Beijing opera CD, can you listen to it?"

Li Weixi had never heard of opera. He thought that a young man with "personality" like Hua Xiang should have some kind of music CD such as rock and pop music in his car, but he didn't expect to listen to opera. Although he wasn't interested in this, but he thought it would make the car more lively, so he agreed.

The CD is placed in the small drawer in front of the passenger seat. On the cover is a gorgeous woman with heavy Peking Opera makeup, tall willow eyebrows, and sly eyes. Added a bit of heroism to her.

Li Weixi pushed the CD into the CD player, and within a few seconds, there was a loud sound of gongs and drums from the stereo, accompanied by a warm and lively tune, a clear and clear voice resounded in the small compartment.

Before that, Li Weixi had never fully appreciated a play. All he knew about opera was just classic clips on youtube, but he really couldn't enjoy it. turned off.

However, this time, when he calmed down and enjoyed a Beijing opera, he unexpectedly tasted something. He couldn't understand what she was singing, but he could hear the innocence in her tone. Sometimes she chirped like a sparrow, and sometimes she whispered in a low voice, as if there was really a young girl walking in the garden, holding the embroidery in her hands. Pa, and Peony, Cherry confide in girls' minds.

When the song ended, Li Weixi was still immersed in it, unable to extricate himself.

Hua Xiang held the steering wheel, and his fingers were tapping along with the beat.

Li Weixi asked unsatisfactorily: "What song is this, it's very nice."

"It sounds good! This is an excerpt from "The Wrong Flower Field"."

Li Weixi raised his eyebrows: "I didn't expect you to be quite good at studying opera, and you can tell the source of any piece of music."

Hua Xiang gave him a weird look: "Of course I can tell, I sang all of this CD."


"Aren't you wearing glasses? My photo is printed on the CD!"


Li Weixi quickly pushed out the CD, and carefully looked at the Huadan girl printed on the cover—although the thick ink and heavy colors covered the original appearance of "her", Hua Xiang's facial features could still be seen upon closer inspection !

Hua Xiang yelled strangely: "As for being so surprised? You know that I am a singer, but you don't know what song I sing?"

Li Weixi glanced at the T-shirt with Givenchy's dog's head and the tattered jeans on Huaxiang's body, and couldn't believe that he was a male actress. I also blame Li Weixi for being preconceived, thinking that the talent show can only sing pop songs, but I didn't expect to be able to sing operas.

He was stunned, and couldn't help changing his view of Hua Xiang: They say that one minute on stage and ten years off stage, learning opera is a hard work, hard work and tiring. Judging by Hua Xiang's age, he should be very young. I started to practice Boy Kungfu, I never thought that the slovenly boy would have such a tough and steady side.

Noticing Li Weixi's eyes, Hua Xiang's peacock tail spread out: "How about it, after listening to my song, are you fascinated by the ever-changing me?"

Li Weixi: "..."

Sure enough, what is calm and what is able to endure loneliness are all illusions...

After a few words, the serious pet hospital arrived.

Many dogs are afraid of veterinary hospitals. The disinfectant in the air makes them restless. They are afraid that a white coat will come out and a needle will be stuck in their waist.

But "Beef Noodles" is not afraid, it seems to know that this is the place to see a doctor for it and let it recover as soon as possible. It actually jumped out of the car window!

Only its owner was left lying on the steering wheel with a feces-colored face and clutching his crotch, howling in pain.

Li Weixi couldn't hold back, and raised the corner of his mouth.

Fearing that "Beef Noodles" would run away, the two quickly got out of the car and chased into the hospital. "Beef Noodles" was very smart, and was obediently sitting at the front desk waiting for the owner to come. When he saw Hua Xiang limping in, he quickly barked and urged him to register for himself.

When he first picked up "Beef Noodles", his back was full of skin diseases, coupled with insect bites and allergies, there was no good place on the whole back, the biggest injury was on the hind legs, half a slap It was a big piece, and the flesh inside was festered and turned yellow. At that time, it was very difficult to clean up, and the rotten meat had to be cut off, disinfected and bandaged, and it was struggling in pain. At first, Hua Xiang was worried that it would need skin grafting, but he didn't expect the resilience of animals to be so amazing, but after ten days, the wound shrunk and became smaller, no stitches were needed and no scab formed, it actually grew back on its own!

Of course, this is also inseparable from Hua Xiang feeding it nutritious meals and taking it to the hospital every three days for medicine.

Dean Ren Zhen was the reviewer for "Beef Noodles" today. Today, the devil squirrel on his shoulder has changed its color. This is just a black "big king", livelier than the "opponent", with clever eyes, and has been catching Ren. With real hair, he looked curiously at the big dog lying on the ground.

After checking the recovery of the wound of "Beef Noodles", Dr. Ren nodded with satisfaction: "You took good care of it, and it is in the prime of life, and its recovery ability is very strong. It should be fine in a few days. Do it again today." Medicinal bath, medicinal bath is to promote wound healing, it may feel a little itchy, you should watch it more, don't let it scratch the wound, let alone lick it."

"Don't worry!" Hua Xiang patted his chest, "I sleep with it every night and guard it 24 hours a day!"

"... how to sleep?"

"Just lie down and sleep? ... My bed is a double bed. It lies next to me. I hug it and don't let it move." Hua Xiang suddenly slapped his forehead, "Oh doctor, the dog's skin disease is not contagious. People?!"

Ren Zhen was extremely helpless: "Don't you think it's a bit late to ask this?... It doesn't have the kind of skin disease that can be transmitted to humans, but you still have to pay attention to hygiene and change bedding frequently."

"Don't tell me!" Hua Xiang hurriedly pulled Li Weixi aside, "Tell him! He is in charge of cleaning in my house!"

It's not that Li Weixi is a "good wife and mother", but that he really can't stand Huaxiang's bad hygiene habits, and they don't have money to hire a nanny now, so Li Weixi took the hygiene work into his own hands inside.

He has to sweep the floor three times a day, and specially prepares "slippers for the bathroom" and "slippers for the kitchen", and asks Huaxiang not to mix them with "indoor floor slippers".

When Hua Xiang pulled Li Weixi over, he didn't pay attention and directly pulled the opponent's hand. Although Li Weixi quickly threw him away, Ren Zhen still saw the eyes of the two.

Oh, it turned out to be another dog-boy-boy family...

Ren Zhen doesn't talk too much about customers' housework, and the thought of gossip flashed by. He quickly returned to his work mentality and carefully reiterated the importance of family hygiene several times.

"Also, don't feed the dog too much." Ren Zhen pointed to the beef noodles wagging his tail, "A grown-up Samoyed dog should weigh around fifty catties, but it was only thirty pounds when you picked it up." Jin, look at how much it has gained weight in just a few days. If it continues to eat, it will be ready for slaughter within three months."

Hua Xiang was at a loss.

Li Weixi sighed: "Didn't understand? The doctor criticized you, saying that you fed dogs like pigs."

Only then did Hua Xiang understand. "Beef Noodles" seemed to understand the doctor's words, so he cried out, pleading for mercy.

Hua Xiang touched its head distressedly, and said in a low voice: "Doctor Ren, you haven't seen it eating. It must be hungry, and it can't get enough every time it eats. Holding the food bowl with two front paws, sticking his head in to eat it... It didn't even chew, and it ate it up in a few seconds, then looked at me helplessly, pushed its head against me, and whined... it would Picking up rubbish, when he went out for a walk, he would burrow into the rubbish heap. He boiled eggs at home, and he would not let go of the eggshells that fell on the ground. I saw it like this... really, really I couldn’t bear it, so I wanted to Feed it well, let it know that it has a home now, no longer hungry, no longer wandering."

After talking about it, Hua Xiang's eye circles turned red.

Li Weixi knew that he liked dogs, but he didn't expect Hua Xiang to like dogs so much.

He treats it as family, and he becomes its reliance.

Li Weixi recalled that day when Hua Xiang went out to record a show, the dog kept running around the house and scratching the door. For "Beef Noodles", Hua Xiang was really a cluster of fire in its life.

Li Weixi took out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Hua Xiang, Hua Xiang said in disgust, "Good mother."

"My mother will pay me back."

"No." Hua Xiang blew his nose hard in the handkerchief.

Li Weixi: "... I gave you to wipe your tears."

"My tears are streaming from my nostrils, can't I?"

"I think your tears are pouring into your head!"

Seeing that the young couple were about to quarrel over such a trivial matter, Dr. Ren Zhen felt very headache, so he hurried to mediate them.

Suddenly, "Beef Noodles" who was honestly lying under the feet of the three stood up, his nose twitched twice, and his eyes were fixed on the office door.

Outside the house, the front desk lady knocked on the door of Ren Zhen's consulting room. After receiving the reply "Please come in", she walked in with a stack of A4 papers in her hand.

"What's the matter, Xiao Yang?"

"Dean, a pet parent came outside and said that his Samoyed was lost. He wanted to ask if he could leave a few notices for dogs in our hospital..."

Before she finished speaking, "Beef Noodles" suddenly passed under the feet of the four of them, and flew out like flying!