Sugar Baby

Chapter 83


"beef noodles!!"

Hua Xiang was in such a hurry, he didn't know why he made such a move because his beef noodles were always sticking to him. He wondered if there was a bitch in heat in the hospital, and the beef noodles would lose their minds when they smelled it. He chased after him without thinking, and the other three people in the office quickly followed.

Beef Noodles ran fast, barking as it ran. The voices of male dogs are usually very deep and powerful, but now, the voice of the beef noodles hangs high, whining and neighing from the throat. Hua Xiang had never heard it cry like this before, it seemed like a human cry.

Beef Noodles didn't look at the other animals and parents in the corridor at all, and ran straight to the front desk outside.

Standing at the front desk is a slim young girl with long hair and a shawl, wearing a light pink dress, holding a stack of A4 paper in her hand, with a few lines printed on it, which reads "Looking for a dog with a lot of money", and there is a picture below Photo of a white long-haired dog.

Howling, Beef Noodles ran towards her with strides, rubbing against her with all his might, flicking his bare tail desperately.

Suddenly seeing a big, unfamiliar, hairless dog with skin diseases, barking strangely and jumping on him, the lady backed away in fright, and asked with a pale face: "This... who is this?" your dog? Could the master take it away, please?"

Sensing her resistance, Beef Noodles shook his head and tail to show his affection even harder, and barking louder.

She stared at this strange strange dog, suddenly felt blessed, and stopped backing, her eyes widened in disbelief, her voice trembling: "...Niu Niu?... You are Niu Niu, right! Niu Niu!!!"

Beef Noodles: "Aww—"

There is a tacit understanding between the pet and the owner, a question, the answer is at ease. Tears welled up in the girl's eyes, and she knelt down on the ground regardless of her image, crying loudly while hugging her lost and recovered pet dog.

When Li Weixi arrived, the front desk of the hospital was already crowded with pet parents watching.

Among the crowd, a well-dressed young girl hugged the beef noodle and cried so hard that she couldn't lift her head. The beef noodle squatted on the ground with only her hind legs, her two front paws resting on the girl's shoulders, sticking out her long tongue licking her cheek.

Everyone was talking about it. "I heard that the dog has been lost for several months. She searched all over Nancheng and came to Beicheng to try her luck." Cried… "

Several dog-seeking revelations were scattered on the tiled floor. Hua Xiang was standing behind the crowd, clutching a dog-seeking revelation tightly in his hand. His head was bowed, and the expression on his face was obscure.

Li Weixi couldn't bear it, walked up to Hua Xiang, and asked him in a low voice: "... are you okay?"

As if his acupoints had been unlocked, Hua Xiang suddenly raised his head and shouted at the girl: "You said this is your dog, what proof do you have?!"

"I... I..." The young girl wiped away her tears indiscriminately, and picked up a picture of a dog from the ground, "This is a picture of Niu Niu..."

"What kind of evidence is this photo! I can't see any difference between my dog and your dog." Hua Xiang ignored it.

Li Weixi looked at him disapprovingly, and warned in a low voice: "Hua Xiang!"

The surrounding pet owners were silent at first, and then buzzed with discussions. Anyone can tell that the beef noodle has been shaved and now has skin disease, so it must be different from the photo. Just seeing how close it is to its owner, no one would doubt that it is the dog she lost.

Hua Xiang, however, was still arguing as if his head had been lowered: "When I picked up the dog, it had been wandering for at least half a year, and the rolling felt on its body was so thick! The skinny one was only 30 catties! Now I have managed to feed it. Get a little fatter, and healed the disease, you come here and say this is your dog! Where can such a good thing be!"

The girl hurriedly said: "Thank you, thank you for saving Niu Niu. But it is really my dog... How much money you spent on treating it, I will double it... No, I will give you ten times!"

The girl was in a hurry. During the days when Niu Niu was lost, she kept looking for him near her home, and she couldn't sleep well at night. When I saw it today, I found that it was thinner, and the skin disease on its body looked terrible. After shaving, it didn’t look as radiant as before, but its eyes and body language all declared that it was hers. Awesome!

"Do you think I care about your money? The most important thing I need is money!" Hua Xiang said violently, "This is my dog, I brought it out of the garbage dump, and I cut its hair clean with my own hands , I gave it the medicine myself!" Hua Xiang called out, "Beef noodles, go home!"

Hearing the call of the new owner, Beef Noodles moved subconsciously. But the original owner held it tightly, and it could feel the trembling of her body... It hesitated to look left and right, and let out a confused "owwow", not knowing who to go with.

The pet owners who were watching around said good things to the girl one after another. "Young man, it's true that you saved this dog... But it's not easy for the little girl. After searching for so long, you two sit down and have a good talk. You are both young people, so don't be impulsive." Sincerity, it's not that I won't give you money... Even if you like this dog, it belongs to him." "They all raise dogs, you are considerate and considerate of others."

But the more they talked, the more rebellious Hua Xiang felt, the more he was unwilling to back down.

Here's his "beef noodle"... the dog he's dreamed of growing up!

Although they only got along for a short time, Hua Xiang treated him like his own son. Even if Hua Xiang has no money left, he still does his best to treat him well. He prepares the best prescription food for it, and buys countless snacks and toys. When he opened the Taobao shopping cart, it was full of dog things.

A small raincoat in summer and a big padded jacket in winter, Hua Xiang prepared everything for it, but he was not ready to let it leave him.

Standing beside him, Li Weixi clearly saw Hua Xiang's clenched hands.

If this continues, it will only make the situation more tense. Li Weixi took a step forward to stand in front of Hua Xiang, helping him resist the persuasion of others called "goodwill".

"Everyone, we will discuss the dog matter with that lady, please don't surround us."

He grabbed Hua Xiang's fist with one hand, and spread out his fingers one by one, only to see that Hua Xiang's palm had left a few deep nail marks, and if he tried harder, he would tear his palm.

He sighed in his heart, feeling that the young man was really impulsive.

Li Weixi borrowed the office from Ren Zhen, dragged Hua Xiang in, and gently closed the door. There was a smell of disinfectant in the dean's office, and in the small cage in the corner, the devil squirrel was defecating with its butt up. The mixture of the two smells gave Li Weixi a headache.

It's just that he doesn't care about so much now, he only thinks about how to make Hua Xiang calm down and solve the problem rationally.

Hua Xiang shook his arms wildly and walked around anxiously. In fact... In fact, he secretly believed that the beef noodles were indeed the girl's dog, but he didn't want to admit it.

He said to himself in a panic: "...what to do, I remember to get a dog certificate for the beef noodles before I came, if she had a dog certificate, even if she called the police, the police would not be able to take the beef noodles away."

Li Weixi didn't speak, but looked at him silently beside him.

He also said: "The beef noodles must be facing me. You see, it will follow me even to shit, and it will definitely not go back!..."

He turned to Li Weixi, eager to ask for his support, as if this would prove his justice: "Mr. Li, the beef noodles must be mine, right? She is from Nancheng, but this is Beicheng. How can a dog?" Could it be possible to run so far?! It must be a mistake!!"

Li Weixi still didn't speak, clasped his hands, with a touch of regret in his eyes, as if looking at an ignorant child.

It was this rational and cold look that hurt Hua Xiang's heart.

"... What do you mean?! You are not facing me? You also think that beef noodles should go with her?!"

"..." Li Weixi sighed helplessly, "Stop playing your temper. Be sensible like an adult. Beef Noodles is his dog, and its reaction speaks for itself."

"No! The beef noodle is mine! It's my dog!"

"Hua Xiang! Can you be more mature!!"

"What is maturity? A cold look like you is maturity?! Is maturity like you who ignore everything?!" Hua Xiang said faster and faster, "Mr. Li, you haven't shoveled it once Shit, what qualifications do you have to judge my feelings for it?!"

He laughed nervously: "I'm so fucking stupid, you have no feelings for people at all, and I expect you to understand my feelings?"

"So you have a cold war with Brother Li?" Qiu Qiu rested his chin on one hand, held a straw of lemon tea in his mouth, and sucked the empty cup into a "swoosh".

"Cold war shit, the two of us haven't warmed up." A large bowl of beef noodles was placed in front of Hua Xiang, with a few pieces of minced meat scattered on it.

The two of them were sitting in the chain store of "Mr. Li-California Beef Noodle King", Hua Xiang buried himself in the bowl of tasteless beef noodles, biting the noodles as if biting Li Weixi's flesh.

"It's a shame that I named the dog 'Beef Noodles', but the person surnamed Li didn't help me to speak, and asked me to send the dog back!" He was so forceful that he didn't notice that there was no logical connection between what he said.

Qiu Qiu had vocal music class this morning. After class, he found that Hua Xiang had called him more than a dozen times in a row. He thought something serious happened, but he didn't expect it to be about beef noodles.

Qiu Qiu has never raised a dog, but he can understand Hua Xiang's mood. He was also there when picking up the dog. The dog was in a mess, its hair was covered in black mud, and it was walking exhausted in the rain, like a walking dead. Hua Xiang likes dogs very much. He usually goes up to tease other people's puppies when he walks on the road. This time he finally got his own pet dog, so naturally it hurts like an eyeball.

"But..." Qiu Qiu whispered, "...that's his dog."

Hua Xiang froze when picking up noodles, and lowered his head to stare at the noodle bowl.

After a few seconds, there were circles of ripples on the noodle soup—Hua Xiang's tears fell into the bowl drop by drop.

"That's my dog!" Hua Xiang said sullenly, "Mine!"

"Isn't it okay to raise another one..."

"Another one is no longer 'beef noodle'!"

"That can be called 'snail noodles'."

...Hua Xiang couldn't eat any more of Qiu Qiuqi's noodles.

It's not that Hua Xiang is ignorant, he's just too emotional. He is easy to get angry, so he can run to participate in the draft on his own initiative, and abstain from the division game, so he will put all his laughter and curses on his face, and he doesn't care what others think of him.

He has no worries about food and clothing since he was a child, and he has everything, and "dog" is the only thing he has dreamed of since he was a child, but he can't get it.

He cherishes it, values it, and when he finally has the dog of his dreams, he doesn't want to let it go.

In fact, he knew that Li Weixi was right, and he knew that the dog should be returned...but he just got into a dead end and refused to face the reality.

Hua Xiang couldn't explain why, sometimes he just wanted to mess with Li Weixi. Even if Li Weixi was right, he would go in another direction.

Seeing that Hua Xiang's attitude had softened, Qiu Qiu continued to persuade him: "And the owner of 'Beef Noodles' lives in Nancheng, you can visit it from time to time."


Qiu Qiu put down the cup, took his hand, and persuaded him softly: "Look, the dog is still at your house now, and you come out to eat, and Brother Li is helping to take care of it at home. If you say that about him, he will definitely not like it." Nice."

Hua Xiang didn't say a word, his eyes didn't know where to look, but the edges and corners of his body softened inch by inch.

He smiled wryly: "I was always worried and afraid that before Mr. Li moved out, the hair of 'Beef Noodles' would grow out ahead of time... I didn't expect that 'Beef Noodles' would leave me before Mr. Li left."

Qiu Qiu had never seen Hua Xiang in such a uncomfortable state, and his nose was sore: "It's okay, you will have 'snail powder' in the future."

"Fucking, it's a shame that you are still a talented student in A University. The level of naming is not the same as that of Lao Tzu. It made Lao Tzu finally brew some sad emotions, which were all disturbed by you."

Qiu Qiu stretched out his arms and asked him actively: "If you feel uncomfortable, do you want to hug me?"

"No, I have to be strong." Hua Xiang rubbed his nose, "I've shed all my tears for 20 years in the past two days, so I can't cry any more! The competition is going to be in two days, if I cry my throat dry, If I can’t make it to the top four, I’m going to lose my life.”

The semi-finals will be broadcast live, and there are only five people who have the strength to go further, Qiu Qiu, Hua Xiang, Qi Qiqi, Xin Tian, and Ai Guo.

Qiu Qiu whispered, "Don't worry... you must be the top four! My godfather told me that he has already greeted the program team, and Xin Tian will definitely not be able to advance this round."

Sure enough, the only thing that could make Hua Xiang happy was Xiao Tiantian: "That's great, I can't fucking stand that showman!... But there will be a round of resurgence after that, and another contestant will be selected. If Xin Tian leaves What if we made it to the top five in the resurrection match?"

"Uh..." Qiu Qiu was also worried, "I'll go back and ask my godfather. I heard that Xin Tian embraced a golden thigh. I wonder if it will cause trouble for my godfather..."

While eating, the two chatted a lot about the game. Hua Xiang was distracted and felt much better.

Naturally, Qiu Qiu paid the bill for the meal, Hua Xiang had a big fight with Li Weixi before going out, and left the house... Ah no, he ran away from home with no money in his pocket.

"Okay, if you figure it out, go back quickly." Qiu Qiu patted him on the shoulder, "Brother Li is actually not as unreasonable as you imagined. Do you remember when we recorded "Linlin's Night Talk" That night? Li Gotte brought 'Beef Noodles' to pick you up, if he really doesn't like you or 'Beef Noodles', he can completely ignore you."

Hua Xiang recalled that night, he and he and it walked in the night wind, the street lamps stretched their shadows long, the road home was long, but also warm. They quarreled, reconciled, and ate skewers on that road... This is the most precious memory between the two of them and a dog, and I'm afraid...the only memory.

Hua Xiang suddenly stretched out his arms.

Qiu Qiu tilted his head: "What's wrong?"

Hua Xiang cried loudly: "Fuck you, be strong, I want to hug you!!"


Hua Xiang plunged into Qiu Qiu's arms, and Qiu Qiu retreated several steps, almost falling to the ground.

Hua Xiang was much taller than Qiu Qiu, so he simply sat on a chair, pulled Qiu Qiu in front of him, put his arms around Qiu Qiu's waist, and happily used his good brother's T-shirt as a face cloth.

In the fast food restaurant with people coming and going, all the passing customers secretly looked at these two handsome young men. Their postures were very ambiguous, but they didn't notice it.

Some people quietly commented: "...these two are so handsome! How do you think they met somewhere..." "I know, I know, this is a contestant in a talent show, and they have also appeared on Zhu Linlin's variety show!" "Did they What kind of relationship is it? Oh my god, big gossip!" "Take it, take it!" "Tsk tsk... Sure enough, handsome guys are with handsome guys these days..."

The two people at the center of the incident didn't hear other people's thoughts.

When Hua Xiang had had enough of crying and felt better, he finally wiped away his tears and stood up, letting go of Qiu Qiu's T-shirt.

Qiu Qiu looked down and saw a huge "=_=" tear stain on his T-shirt.

Qiu Qiu sighed sincerely: "...Hua Xiang, you have so much water."

Hua Xiang: ... =_=